Adultery on the High Seas


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'Screw me faster now, Lionel!' she pleaded throatily, her head turned to the side on the mattress. 'I need to come again, so play with my tits as well.'

He slid both hands around her and found her breasts, the twin cones now even more prominent as they hung downwards. Lionel milked the nipples as he kissed the back of her neck, burying his nose in the sweet-smelling bush of gold-red hair shining in the dim lamplight. He continued to fuck her passionately for a long while until their movements began more and more urgent, as they both felt another orgasm on the way.

'I'm going to come again soon, lovely!' he panted.

'So am I, but I want it on my face this time,' she hissed.

As soon as he sensed the familiar contractions starting deep in his pelvis, he pulled out of her and squeezed his shaft to delay the spurting, until Jane had scrambled around to lie on her back. He knelt above her and aimed at her scarlet lips, which opened just in time to receive a jet of creamy spunk, which leaked over her face and chin. With a gurgle of satisfaction, she took his glans into her mouth and sucked out the residual semen that continued to ooze from it.

'Not a great load this time, sweet, you had most of it earlier!' he panted, as he continued to fuck her mouth with a couple of inches of his penis.

Then they collapsed into a clinch, until their heart rates and breathing had subsided to normal. The equatorial heat drove them apart after a while and they both agreed that it was time to sleep.

'If you want to rape me again in the middle of the night, feel free!' she murmured.

'It's already the middle of the night, ' he muttered. 'But I'll shag you again before breakfast!'


By early afternoon the next day, the Empire Avon was steaming away from the African coast, north-eastwards to Sri Lanka, five days away.

Strangely depleted by the absence of the Rutland Regiment, the First Class promenade deck was thinly populated, especially as the Indian Ocean was not too kind to those who suffered from seasickness. Luckily, both Jan and Heidi seemed immune and were in their usual chairs after lunch.

'It was a nice break, good to feel solid ground and have a swim,' observed Heidi. 'Even better than our night in Gibraltar.'

Jane smiled, she felt like purring at the memory.

'Lionel was fantastic, yet there was also something romantic about that first night, thanks to Brian -- and to you for persuading me," she added.

Her friend laid a consoling hand on her arm.

'I know your soldier-boy was special to you, love. But come on, tell me how you got on last night. I heard you scream once, even though our huts were twenty yards apart!'

Jane still managed to blush, it seemed different discussing sex in broad daylight, compared to pillow talk. 'You were right, Heidi! Lionel certainly has something to be proud of!'

The German woman giggled. 'You mean between his legs? And he sure knows how to use it, eh? Are you sore today?'

Jane shook her head. 'He was quite gentle, except when I told him not to be,' she said boldly. 'We had three long sessions, the last one just before breakfast!'

'You must have a very strong pussy, Jane! He nearly split me down the middle, just after Cyprus'

'Didn't Roger mind him having you?' asked Jane, still rather piqued that her friend had enjoyed Lionel before herself.

'Mind? Heavens, no, he was there! We had a three-some that night!'

Jane sat up in her deckchair and looked in astonishment at Heidi. She suddenly discovered that she had not become so sexually sophisticated as she had thought.

'A three-some? You mean you all did it together?'

Her friend gave her one of her roguish smiles. 'Why are you so surprised? It's great fun - if you like something, then I say share it with others.'

'But making love is so, well, personal!' said Jane, weakly.

'Why do you think orgies have been so popular down through the ages, pet?' countered Heidi. 'Seeing and being seen is great fun, you should try it.'

'Oh, I couldn't! Doing it with the lights on has been daring enough for me!'

Yet as she spoke, a frisson of excitement ran through Jane, a mixture of curiosity and heightened sexual desire.

'Well, you think about it, dear. See how Lionel feels about you joining in, though I've got pretty shrewd idea that he'll be all for it.'

Jane shook her head in wonderment. 'You're turning my life upside down, Heidi Masters!' she said firmly. 'First you get me into bed with a total stranger, now you're inviting me to become a total pervert!'

'Nonsense, my sweet," replied Heidi calmly. 'Given the way you've taken to sex so enthusiastically, you'd love it. It's so exciting, even just to watch another couple making love -- and letting them watch you is just as great a turn-on, I can assure you.'

She picked up her book again and lay back unperturbed. 'So just give it some thought, Janie dear. I'm sure you'd enjoy it!'

That evening, there was a record-player session in the Smoking Room, though without the Rutland officers, it was thinly attended compared to previous weeks.

However, the regulars were there, one table holding Jane, Heidi, Roger, Lionel and a couple of nurses and a young RAMC doctor, all bound for Singapore.The gin flowed as usual, sometimes slopping up to the brim of the glasses, as the bow of the ship ploughed through a big wave.

'The old girl is lively tonight,' commented Roger. 'This bit of ocean is often choppy at this time of year.'

'Will we get ashore at Colombo?' asked Heidi, hopeful that they might get another night in a hotel.

'No chance -- the bloody dock workers are all on strike again,' answered the assistant purser, with a wink at Heidi. 'We'll have to make do with a night on board. At least it will be calm inside the harbour.'

Lionel sat across the table from Jane and she looked at him with new eyes, thinking of him and Roger, together with Heidi. The image of the three of them together in the empty cabin had tantalised her since her friend had brought the subject up that afternoon. Jane's sexual horizons were certainly expanding with a rapidity that confused her, making her uncertain how she was going to cope with a staid life with Peter in twelve days' time.

Lionel got up and came around to her, holding out his hand.

'It's a slow waltz, so d'you fancy a stumble around the floor?' he said. He was in uniform, having not long come off watch in the engine room and once again, her pulse speeded up as she realised how damned handsome he was.

They gyrated steadily around the cleared area between the tables, he pulling her tightly against him to feel her breasts pressing into his chest.

'That was one hell of a night we had, sweetheart!' he murmured. 'I'll have to be bloody careful that I don't fall in love with you.'

'You'd better include Heidi in that resolution then,' she replied, rather waspishly.

He grinned at her. 'No chance, Janie! She's one hell of a woman, but she doesn't thrill me like you do.'

Coming from a dour Scot, she took this as a glowing compliment and gave his shoulder a squeeze as they danced.

'In that case, perhaps I will try you out again,' she said with mock condescension. 'I think I'm free tonight, if you are.'

He pulled her to him even more tightly. 'I think I can manage that, madam,' he growled into her ear, as the record scratched to an end but as they went back to their table, a steward came up to Lionel to give him a message.

'Sod it, I've got to nip back to the engine room,' he exclaimed. 'Shouldn't be long, but I'm the only one who understands those circuit breakers -- the other guys couldn't run a toy train set.'

He strode off, muttering that this old tub was overdue for the breaker's yard.

Before Jane could sit down, Roger came up to her as a new record was put on the player.. 'Come one, this is a rumba!' he pleaded, 'Heidi says she doesn't do those, so let's show them how!'

Heidi gave her a smile and wave of dismissal, so she gladly went into Roger's arms. Like Brian, he was an expert dancer and it was a pleasure for her to partner him. She loved dancing, so she genuinely enjoyed going around the floor with him. They stayed for the next one, which was a tango for which they received some approving claps from some of those seated around the room, in spite of the occasional stumble as the ship pitched into a wave..

Back at the table, the young doctor had congratulations and a new gin-and-tonic for her.

'If I get to stay in Singapore, you must try to teach me the tango,' he said wistfully, obviously already half in love with her. Jane noticed Heidi whispering to Roger and from the glances they gave across the table at her, she suspected that her friend was cooking up some new scheme. Later, when she danced a more sedate waltz with Roger, she found that her guess was correct.

'Jane, you are the most attractive woman I've ever danced with,' he murmured in her ear, as they rotated around the room.' I'd give anything to make love to you!'

'You're not another man who wants to marry me, are you, Roger?' she joked.

'No, I think I'm too far back in the queue for that,' he grinned. 'I just want to go to bed with you, I don't see why that scoundrel Galbraith should get all the fun!.'

Jane raised her eyebrows. 'Well thanks for being so frank, Roger. But I can't sleep with every man on the ship, can I!'

She suddenly thought that perhaps she could do that, to satisfy this kink she had about wanting multiple lovers, but then she chided herself for having such lewd fantasies. 'And what would my good friend Heidi think about that?' she demanded, though she suspected that she already knew the answer,

'She's all for it! In fact, I think she wants to lend you to me for a couple of nights.' Jane opened her mouth to demand to know what he meant, but the music stopped at that very moment.

' No doubt she'll explain it to you,' he said hurriedly. 'But it would be fun!''


At eleven o'clock, they left for their cabins. Lionel came back just at that moment and in a low voice told her that he would be in the spare cabin in half an hour. Jane quivered with anticipation as she walked with Heidi back to their own cabin, where she began changing her outfit ready for an amorous couple of hours. Heidi changed into her pyjamas and before Jane could interrogate her about Roger's preposterous idea, she broached the subject herself.

' Like you were after Cyprus, I'll be out of action from the day after tomorrow, due to my monthly curse,' she began. 'Mine only last three days, but poor Roger will be sex-starved for that time, so I suggested that you could stand in for me for a night, dear? '

She beamed up at Jane with an innocent smile. 'I'm sure you'll enjoy him, he's smaller, but beautifully formed, as they say.!'

In spite of her attempts at being scandalised, Jane could not prevent laughing at her friend. 'You're terrible, Heidi! Leading me further and further astray! There's no doubt that I'll go to hell for all this.'

'So will you do it? I know that Lionel will be on watch that night, so you'll be sex-starved yourself. Roger is madly in love with you, so he'll give you first-class service!'

Jane gave an elaborate sigh. 'Alright, I'll think about it -- I may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, as the saying goes. I'm beyond redemption now, but I'll see how Lionel feels about it before I decide.'

The matter rested there, as she began putting on her 'seduction outfit', as Heidi called it. As Lionel had admitted to the same sort of turn-on as Brian, she made-up more heavily and wore her white satin and black velvet over the garter-belt and open-tip bra.

'He'll have a stroke when he sees you in that lot!' chided Heidi from the bed. 'I hope the other engineers can get this ship to Colombo without him!'

Lionel avoided the threatened apoplexy when he saw Jane, but the bulge in his underpants doubled in size in seconds. They were all he was wearing when she slipped into the cabin and he leapt from the bed to enfold her in his arms and kiss her passionately.

'You look bloody amazing, Jane! You get more beautiful every time I see you.'

She gently pushed him away as they stood between the beds.

'You haven't see the half of it yet, my lad. Lift up my skirt,' she ordered.

When he lifted the velvet and saw her lack of panties and her pussy framed by the suspender belt, he fell to his knees and began kissing her between her legs, until she undid the buttons on her blouse and revealed the nipples jutting from the holes in her brassiere. With a growl he fastened his lips on them as he grabbed at his pants and tore them down to the floor. Then still standing, he turned her around and bent her over the edge of the bed, with her heels on the floor and her bottom in the air.

'I have to fuck you right now!' he grated. 'What else can you expect, looking so sexy?'

Thrilled and delighted to be the cause of such instant passion, Jane willingly spread her legs apart, then passing one hand between them, grasped his thick penis and guided it between her labia, wriggling her bum against him to make sure it slid into her cunt. With a muted roar, he thrust the whole length of it up her vagina, then bent over her like a bull and began fucking her with long powerful strokes, while his hands found her breasts to play with the teats.

'That's it, fuck me! Fuck me hard!' she pleaded and within a minute she gave a shuddering howl as an orgasm racked her.

Lionel eased off rutting her and soon pulled his rampant cock out of her vagina.

'I'm keeping my first 'come' until later. We've got a lot more playing about to do yet,' he promised. 'You'd better take off that lovely skirt and blouse before it's ruined, but leave that fantastic bra on -- and those stockings and garter-belt.'

For a feisty woman with her strong character, she rather enjoyed being dominated by this very strong man and soon was stripped down to her very revealing outfit.

'We don't always have to make love lying down, Jane,' he said.

'They say that variety is the spice of life, so come and sit on my lap!'

He sank to the edge of the bed and pulled her on to him, her knees on either side of him. Face to face, they kissed and tongued as he slid his penis back into her pussy, while she began riding him, lifting almost right off his cock-head as she rose, then forcing it deep into her belly as she dropped to grind her pussy against his balls. As she did so, his hands alternated between cupping her tits and playing with the nipples, together with much kissing and tonguing at the same time.

'Can you feel me inside you, darling?' he demanded.

'Oh, God, yes!' she hissed. 'it's like having my insides stirred up with a hot rod!'

She began wriggling her bottom from side to side as he penetrated her and experimentally contracted her pelvic muscles to grip his penis as it travelled within her vagina, as Heidi had described.

'Bloody hell!' exclaimed Lionel. 'That's marvellous! Have you been reading the Kamasutra again?'

Jane giggled. 'Never seen it! There was a girl in school whose brother had a copy, but he wouldn't let her read it.'

They enjoyed their sensual gymnastics for a time, then Jane turned around, so that she was now sitting on his lap with her back to him. She forced his truncheon back into her moist vagina and continued to grind her bottom against his loins.

'Now, can you see what I can see?' she purred, pointing at the long mirror on the open wardrobe opposite. Looking over her shoulder, he realised that they both had a perfect view of themselves, as his penis slid in and out of her body with every humping movement she made.

Even a hardened seducer like Lionel was entranced by the sight of such a beautiful woman, both in body and face, impaling herself on his rampant prick.

'My God, I'd never noticed that bloody mirror before!' he exclaimed, caressing her teats in an excess of lust. 'We look fabulous, fucking away like Greek gods!'

She twisted her head around to kiss him. 'I love seeing myself, especially with that huge organ of yours driving up into me,' she said throatily, 'And I like seeing you playing with my tits. Do you like them, Lionel?'

'They're gorgeous, pet! Especially peeping out of that randy bra you've got,'

She wriggled against him and made him groan by again contracting her vaginal muscles rhythmically to massage his cock as it slithered inside her.

Still gazing into the mirror, Jane cupped his balls in her hand and with a forefinger of the other hand, stroked the lower part of his cock as it slid partly out of her cunt. As she watched the erotic sight, she had a moment of 'out of body' experience, as she suddenly felt amazed at her own actions, after years of fairly sober behaviour. The moment passed as Lionel began kneading her nipples again, and she felt another orgasm building up within her.

'Fuck me harder, much harder!' she gasped, as she stared in the mirror at the thick organ pumping into her pink vulva. Lionel himself now felt his delayed climax approaching and began grunting with the effort of giving her fast, full-length strokes. A moment later they both had an earth-shattering orgasm at exactly the same moment, Jane squealing softly as she arched her back against him, while he ejaculated deep into her vagina. A few more strokes and the creamy semen appeared around his shaft, as it was squeezed out of her vagina. As they watched in the mirror, they saw it run on to his balls and down his thighs.

'I hope that American gadget in your womb is working,' he murmured, as he withdrew his penis from her. 'Otherwise, we might be expected triplets after me putting that load inside you!'

She giggled and stood to clean up both of them with the long-suffering towel that they kept in the cabin. 'I think that's all I can manage for a bit, lover,' she crooned. 'Let's just have a quiet cuddle for a bit, then maybe you'll get enough strength back to ravish me one more time.'

They laid down side by side on the bed and kissed sensuously, she licking all around his lips, then sucking his protruding tongue. His penis also protruded, but between her legs, the upper one being thrown across his muscular thigh to let him play with her pussy. He stroked her labia as they talked, his fingers wandering occasionally to play with her anus.

'Heidi has this ridiculous idea of having me go to bed with Roger one night!' she murmured. 'She thinks that because she's having her period and you're on watch all night, we'll both feel deprived.'

Jane half-wanted Lionel to object and perhaps challenge Roger to a duel over her, but the other half wanted him to give her his blessing.

'Yes, she told me all about it -- so did Roger,' he replied, pushing the tip of his forefinger into her bottom. 'Damned good idea, no point in wasting this cabin for a night.'

'You mean you don't mind?' she pouted, rubbing her nipples against his chest.

'Why should I, we're good mates?' he replied, aggravatingly. 'And I know he's mad keen on fucking you, he says you're the most beautiful woman he's ever known.'

Though she was secretly very flattered by this, Jane pretended ro be offended.

'Well, if that's how you feel, Mr Galbraith, perhaps I will!' she huffed. 'Though I'm not sure I like being passed around between you men like a rag doll!'

Lionel grinned and kissed her gently. 'Something tells me you're aching to try out our Assistant Purser. He's quite a performer, I can tell you!'

He pushed his finger harder against the tight muscle of her ass as he spoke, making her squirm.

'And if you're think of sodomy, my lad, forget it!' she hissed. 'That great thing of yours would ruin me for life!'

He smacked her buttocks playfully. 'So perhaps you'd better get Roger to break it in for me. He's just as long, but much thinner than me in that department!'
