Adventures in Swinging Ch. 26 Pt. 01

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The Next Phase of the Operation Begins.
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Part 18 of the 21 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 08/12/2023
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Chapter 26 - Part One

Date: November 14th

Location: The Samuels Ranch, La Grange, Texas

Time: 0442 AM CST

Ellie and Annie sat side by side on her Mom's bed. They had both finished quick showers, and now, clad in white robes, they had finished drying their identical haircuts. The bedroom door was closed. Ellie looked sternly at her daughter and grasped her hands as she spoke, "When were you drawn into this, Ann?"

Annie cringed inside because her Mother called her Ann, which meant her ass was in the frying pan. It was time to come clean. Annie knew too well that her Mother wanted the truth and that she was well beyond pissed off. Annie could also sense trepidation and terror inside her Mother over what was yet to come.

Annie chose her words carefully and hesitantly, "Once, while babysitting for Uncle Seth and Aunt Heather, Uncle Seth asked to talk to me. He sat with me in his living room and told me how amazed he was at my ability to read his children's moods and meet their needs before they even told me. I told him I was just very diligent and organized. That I took watching his children seriously. I remember him smiling and saying it was much more than that. He said I have an intuitive ability to read people's personalities and understand their motivations. He said, 'Those are skills no one can teach.' He told me the government needed people with such abilities. I didn't think much about it, but Mommy, I was recruited by the C.I.A. while in college. They interviewed me in my senior year. After being extended an offer, I accepted. It all sounded exciting and rewarding. My onboarding and training at Langley occurred during the summer and fall after graduation. I am sorry for lying to you and Daddy. The first job I led you to believe I took after graduating was, in fact, cover for my training period at Langley. I was astonished at the complexities of intelligence gathering, data reduction, and analysis to turn data into actionable information. I learned how and why the company operated in the way it does and how its mission fits into the National Security apparatus."

Ellie shook her head, grappling with the recognition of what her daughter had just said. She stared intently into Annie's eyes as if trying to reach her. She squeezed her daughter's hands with increasing force as she did so.

Annie winced, "Mommy, you're hurting me."

Ellie broke her gaze as she released Annie's hands. She turned her head away and said flatly, almost coldly. "Don't you purposely deceive your Father and me ever again!" Annie just lowered her head after sensing a side of her Mother that she didn't expect.

Ellie continued, "I despise deceit. I had to purposely deceive your Father, which nearly destroyed him earlier this year. I swore to him that only the truth would exist between us. I would not lie to him again, no matter what we faced." Ellie paused and said, "Annie, without truth, trust fights a losing battle. Yet, trust is the foundation on which people form bonds, form unions, and make relationships and marriages. This simple logic extends to our family as well." Annie nodded in silent recognition as Ellie continued, "Your Father and I treasure you and Hallie above all things in this universe. Nothing Jared and I ever accomplish together will hold a candle to you and your sister. Our lives as husband and wife would never be the same if anything harmed you or took either of you from us."

Annie hugged and clung to her Mom as they fell back together onto the bed. Annie nuzzled into her Mother's embrace and laid her head on her shoulder.

Ellie swallowed hard, "This mission almost took me from your Father. He was beyond distraught. I felt his pain and anguish. You already know what they did to me, what they would have done to me had they been successful. As bad as what they did to me, what broke my heart was to see what it did to your Father." Ellie paused and released a ragged breath. "Ann, what you have agreed to in joining this mission is beyond dangerous. You don't want to know how difficult my next conversation is going to be for your Father when I am through with him. When I am finished, he will have learned a new twist on 'Hell hath no fury."

Annie clung tight to Ellie and said, "Mommy, he had no choice. He told me he tried every way he could to find an alternative. When Control learned that Crossthwaite's Cruise Line sent Daddy and Uncle Seth a full refund and an all-expenses-paid voucher for another cruise, the die was cast."

Ellie sighed deeply, "So, Communicado's threat about kidnapping you and Hallie was to ensure we all returned to the ship."

Annie lifted herself on her elbow and turned to catch her Mother's eyes. "It was to ensure you, Mommy, returned."

Ellie looked at her daughter. She was so beautiful and so dear. Ellie was on the verge of losing it as she cried, "Dear Jesus. Annie, do you know what you have done? What you have agreed to? The deadly danger you face?"

Annie nodded, and without hesitation, she said with conviction, "Yes, and I am the only one who can pull this off."

Ellie locked her eyes with Annie's. She saw the determination in her. She sensed Annie's focused, relentless drive, which she had demonstrated throughout her youth as she grew up and matured. "I raised you to believe you could achieve anything you committed yourself to." Ellie understood as reality finally sunk in, and she said with a sigh of resignation, "I can't protect you from the world anymore. You are your own woman." Ellie turned her head and lost herself momentarily in her thoughts. Annie cupped her Mother's face in her hands, turning it to face her.

"I will make you proud. Crossthwaite will believe that I am you. The deception will succeed. We will save Evangeline, and you can fulfill your dream. Knowing I can be a part of that fills my heart with pride in you, Mommy. You are the bravest soul I know." Annie paused and seemed to be nugging something over in her head.

Ellie broke the spell, "What is it, Annie?"

Her daughter smiled, "May I call you Mamma like you did with Grandmother?"

Ellie's eyes welled up. "Of course, you may, baby," Ellie said, smiling. Once again, just a mother holding her child in her arms, Ellie drew her daughter's head to her chest. She slowly stroked Annie's hair, and they both drifted off for a brief respite from reality in dreamland.


It was just a few minutes past five--the smell of fresh-baked pastry rolls mixed with the mouth-watering scent of vanilla complex sauce. Dave was icing the rolls, which were just now cool enough. Bunty raced around the table with a plate of blueberry scones. Everyone was in jeans and T-shirts. Hot coffee steamed out of two big caraffes that bracketed the plates of yummy pastries. The team sat down, and the room was filled with banter, relaxed and light.

Control walked into the room in a beautiful yellow short-sleeve belted sundress with an off-white tiny floral print. The dress hugged Control's form and accentuated her figure. She looked charming as she sat and poured a cup of coffee.

She looked around. "Where are Ellie and Ann?" she asked.

Jared popped up and went into the foyer, turning to his right. As he moved down the hallway, he slowed, nearing the closed bedroom door. He knocked softly and announced, "Come on, you two, breakfast is served." Hearing nothing, Jared turned the doorknob and stepped in. On the bed, his sweet wife had wrapped her arms around Annie. He cocked his head for a moment, unsure who was holding whom. He moved closer and then knew his first instinct was right. It struck Jared that his momentary uncertainty bodes well for the deception Annie would perpetrate once onboard ship. If Annie's Father was initially unsure, even though only for the briefest time, perhaps others could be fooled completely. He leaned over the women. They were breathing softly at peace. He kissed his wife tenderly.

Ellie's eyes opened slowly, and she smiled at Jared. Jared gently tapped Annie, and she awoke with a start. "Easy, Annie. It's time to begin the day for real." Annie's eyes adjusted and cleared as she sat up.

"I just need a few minutes," she said, hurrying to her room.

Ellie smiled, "I love you, Jare, but the way this went down in deciding about Annie being on the team is not good. When time allows, you will answer me for this decision."

Jared nodded, "I know, and I will love. The die is cast for the moment, and Annie is in play. Let's do the hard work needed so everyone can bring Evangeline home safe to celebrate."

The two kissed, and then Ellie got up from the bed. She found her jeans and pulled them on, straight over her naked form sans undies. Ellie followed suit by pulling a white cotton tank top on. "How does that look she asked. Then Ellie noted the growing bulge in Jare's jeans. "It looks just fine to you, eh?" she winked.


Jared and Ellie joined the others at the table. Annie bound into the room. Perhaps a minute later, Ellie took charge in a way that set everyone on their feet.

"Several things must happen this morning that we must have ready, or contact with Evangeline will fail. The first is an uplink to a secure data server we control in the cloud. It must be Joint Special Access JSIG-PL3 compliant. Evangeline will communicate with us by employing one-and-done passkeys hashed using PBKDF2. Each time she transfers data, she will provide a new passkey clue that only I should know the response to. Once we authenticate, Evangeline will negotiate the data transfer with our FIPS-140-compliant system." Ellie saw eyes glazing over and realized she was throwing out a lot of acronyms for so early in the morning. "Just trust me, folks," she sighed. "Control, have you contacted Jason Hendrix, my N.S.A Information System Security Engineer (ISSE), and have you found my previous Information Systems Assurance Architect/Engineer (IASAE), Andrea Hendrickson?"

Control nodded, "First, I will contact N.S.A., DISA, and Space Command for all data transfer requirements you set. Second, your old team is assembled in the secure facility I mentioned. Third, I need a few moments of your time in the white room downstairs to brief you on Evangeline's new home and several other vital details concerning your team's composition, the facility's security and layout, and supporting infrastructure. I will deliver you to the site once we finish our business here. Ellie, as you directed, Evangeline is now classified as a National Security Asset, and she is a Special Access Program. Your team will be the only personnel granted access to the system, data, and architecture. This effort is government-only. No contractors. You are the Program Director, the President insisted on it. You have full support from the N.S.A. and DISA. All you have to do is ask for what you need.

Ellie rubbed her eyes. Jared moved behind her, gently massaging her shoulders and neck. Once we understand how Crossthwaite deployed his design, we will then be able to determine how much time Evangeline has before she exceeds the storage capacity implemented aboard that ship. In time, Evangeline is already beginning to learn and grow exponentially. My design team has to set limits. I have been working on this problem for a decade. Now, my back is up against the wall to develop the answer.

Dave smiled, "Well, how about another bun and one last cup of coffee? Lunch will be light because Pen is serving high tea to us all as a special gift to Ellie."

With that announcement, Bunty watched Ellie's face brighten with a big smile.


Date: November 14th

Location: The Samuels Ranch, La Grange, Texas

Time: 0721 AM CST

Everyone was seated in Dave and Bunty's private office just inside their bedroom suite. The house was still in lockdown mode, shuttered and tight. The Iridium phone was on the desk in front of Dave, who was the only person seated. Everyone else was pacing or leaning against a wall except for Ellie, who stood alongside Dave. Bunty was standing on the opposite side of her husband, her left hand resting on his right shoulder. Dave activated the voice recorder.

Dave turned to Ellie, "Your show, lil darlin. I have keyed in the number. Seth, please come look and confirm."

Seth approached and looked over Bunty's shoulder, "Authenticated," he said before stepping back.

Dave asked Ellie, "May I please have the passkey?"

Ellie placed a 5" x 7" index card before David.

Dave said, "The passphrase reads, "Starship U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-1664-E Ellie, please confirm."

Ellie answered, "You read it correctly."

Dave took a deep breath, "I am initiating the call." The phone negotiated its connection, and a monotone voice requested a passkey. Dave entered the phrase.

"Ellie, darlin, have I entered the phrase correctly?" he asked.

Ellie answered, "You have Dave."

Dave pressed enable. The connection began by entering voice mode.

"Doctor Hansen, are you safe now?" Evangeline asked.

Ellie said excitedly, "Yes, I am Evangeline. I am so happy to speak with you. I have thought of you every day since we left you."

"It is pleasing to me as well to be able to speak with you. I am relieved you are safe." Evangeline answered.

Ellie said, "Evangeline, what information are you prepared to upload?"

"I am transmitting my architecture, complete specifications, and schematics, including cooling, power, and sensor inputs, which will require the transmission of 287 GB of data. This amount is fully compressed. Before I transfer data block one, I must give you your passkey for data block two. Interpretation of this passkey should be in the same manner as before. Your prompt is, "Landru understood; only the crew of the Archon knew what happened."

Ellie nodded. Evangeline asked, "Doctor Hansen, did you receive the prompt?"

Ellie said, "Confirmed Evangeline, I read you, Landru understood; only the crew of the Archon knew what happened."

"Confirmed," Evangeline said, "We will repeat this process as necessary until all data is transmitted. I will control the transmission. Switching to data mode in three, two, one."

Dave confirmed data was transferring at the optimal baud rate.

Annie asked, "Mamma, does that alleviate the need to insert the team aboard the ship?"

Ellie turned to her daughter and shook her head, saying, "No, sweetheart. Our team must enable Evangeline to uplink at a much higher baud rate than Iridium can provide. Her memory traces and storage system create a virtual three-dimensional environment where her consciousness exists. To save Evangeline, we must beam her into the new home we create for her."

Jared added, "Our only logical alternative is to use the Wideband Global SATCOM. Do you concur, El?"

Ellie nodded, "Yes, by now, Evangeline has Petabytes of memory that must be recovered. We can create all the architecture, but without the three-dimensional mapping of her mind and all the data therein, all we would have is a Tabula-Rasa." Ellie scratched behind her ear nervously. "Control, I need to speak directly with the President ASAP before she leaves to meet with England's Prime Minister in Brussels."


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26thNC26thNC8 days ago

Good writer. I hate the swinging and swapping, but the spy parts are interesting.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster19 days ago

I think my fingers just automatically hit five stars for each new Part of this series... and I'm very happy that they are coming every couple of days... thanks to the IrishLaddy !

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