African Treats Pt. 01


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"Yer I do, it's lovely. You just don't wear skirts." It was true. I could count on one hand the number of times she'd worn a skirt.

"I'm on holiday," and she smiled back again.

"Where's your ...?" and I nodded at her boobs.

"My bra?" she whispered and quickly crossed her arms over her boobs to try and hide them. Looking at me, her smile gone.

I quickly changed tact. "It's ok love. You fit in now," and I smiled at her. Something inside me clicked as I said that. That's what they were doing. They were making her fit in. Become one of them. Whatever that meant. "They making you fit in?" came out of my mouth before I realised it.

I was expecting concern from her but she just nodded and asked me, "Why?"

Fucked if I knew. "Dunno."

"And why not you as well?"

Again I didn't know, good question though. "Dunno."

"What does it mean?" She looked a little worried.

I thought a cheeky answer would work well so I repeated her answer, "We're on holiday. That 'do as the Romans do' thing?"

She managed a smirk at that so I took my moment, "What's going on with Hibo?"

She sighed, "That again, what do you mean?"

Did I have to spell it out, again? "You and he, well you, went off."

"Yer," she quickly answered.

"What did you do?" I almost didn't want to ask. I don't think I wanted the answer and the discussion from last night was still ringing in my ears.

"Nothing." It was so obviously a lie. I couldn't understand why she was lying to me. Why couldn't I just call her out on it. Why couldn't I just keep pushing to get to the truth. She wasn't a liar, she didn't need to lie. Even if she was fucking him, which I couldn't believe, she just needed to tell me. I mean my cock was throbbing again just thinking about it, so my fucked up brain may have simply said, 'Excellent'.

The conversation dwindled after that and we went for a walk down the stream. Not before she quickly popped to our suite to pop another bra on. We walked past the tree that the whatever happened at last night. I still wouldn't work out who the woman was. I certainly had a good look over it to see if there were any clues. Obviously, I didn't find anything, no idea what I expected to see, some clothes that I'd recognise, a used condom on the floor, I dunno. Emily did move us past that spot a little quicker, which I sort of noticed but didn't overly think about.

The walk turned out to be a long one and we were both tired, so we popped back to our suite again and had a nap. I fell asleep easily, dreaming of my wife walking around with that big black man holding her hand like they were in love. What was wrong with me?

Chapter 04.2 - Hibo is bold part 2



Eventually I woke to the sound of someone, not lightly, trying to bash our door down. Our fault for not putting the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Opening it up I was surprised to see Hibo standing there. Still imposing, still smiling and still pretty much undressed.

"Emily needed," was all he bellowed at me. I half expected him to bash past me and march into our suite but was relieved that he didn't. I was about to tell him that she was sleeping when we both heard her, "What's that?" followed by her footsteps.

I turned to face the doorway to our bedroom to watch my wife appear. God she looked hot. Her hair was a bit of a mess but otherwise she looked as before. I liked seeing her dressed like this, as one of the tribe. The mini skirt made her legs look great. I heard Hibo grunt behind me so I turned back to him just as he said, "Come Emily, need."

"I errr, just a moment," and turning back to her we watched her dash toward the lavatory.

He grunts again, so I turn back to him, about to make small talk. But not knowing how good his English is we just look at each other. Slightly embarrassingly we hear my wife peeing in the bathroom, over our eerie silence. He then bellows out another, "Need, now," and smiles at me, it both disarms and alarms me at the same time.

"Do you want me to come too?" He ignores me. "What do you need her for?"

We hear the toilet flush, the sink going and I turn to ask Emily just as she appears, "Needed for what, love? Where are you going?"

She just smiles at me, "Oh don't worry love. More holiday things I guess."

She kisses me on the cheek and pushes past me. To go to him. He smiles down at her and instantly takes her hand and they start to march off again. "Errr, I'll come with you," I quickly call out after them. Emily turns around to see me, again with a sort of worried look on her face.

I quickly dash back inside, grabbing the door card and trying to catch them up. Somehow they're at the end of the complex already, did they run or was I really that long? I slow down trying to catch them up as I notice they've stopped and are discussing something. They're far away enough that I can't hear them, but he's pointing at her boobs. One of the complex' fully dressed staff appears next to the two of them and holds out her hand.

I'm then blown away as I watch my wife wrestle her bra off, from under her shirt and hand it to the other staff member. At this point I have stopped moving completely and just stand watching their sort of silhouette from a distance. It takes my wife a good few minutes to wrestle it off without baring it all. As this is happening, I notice something that I can't take my eyes off.

There's an unmistakable tent forming in his shorts. Well it's not really a tent, more his bulge, it's getting ridiculous. He even appears to mumble something and adjusts it with his hands. From this angle it looks like he has one of those huge coke bottles down his shorts. Utterly ridiculous.

Then just as quickly the other staff member walks away with the bra, my wife and he walk away again, hand in hand towards the village. I notice that her free arm is held across her breasts, either trying to protect her modesty or stop them from moving. I want to get in front of them. I want to see her boobs jiggling, I want to see this new look for her again. But part of me also wants to see the joke bulge that he's producing. I mean it can't be that big can it? And my god how has Emily not noticed it and laughed.

I realise that they're nearly out of range, so I start to walk after them again. I half wonder if the woman with my wife's bra is going to put it back in our suite, if she knows which one we're in. I follow them at some distance wondering where we're going, why we're going there, what Emily is needed for. We again walk through the village, it's as busy as ever. I sort of lag behind a little as they're on a bit of a mission to get somewhere and I don't want to jog behind them like some wimpy loser.

We head to a bit of the village that I've not been too before. It's somehow noisier here and busier. And it happens, I lose sight of them. Did they pop into a hut or one of the houses? I wander around where I lost them. No one's paying me any attention, I try asking someone but get nowhere fast. I then hear something unusual coming from a hut with a cloth over the door off to my right.

It's a woman's grunt. There it is again but this time more of a sigh. Then again in a rhythm, someone is having sex. Loudly at that and with people all around here. Surely not. I go to resume my hunt for Emily but I can't. Something about that sound had my interest and I find myself pulled towards that hut. I'm disgusted at the little boy in me that pervertedly wants to listen to someone else having sex.

Wow they sound like they're having a good time. As I move closer to the hut I can hear him enjoying it also. A clear male grunt with each thrust. I'm still amazed at how clear the sound is, and how even though there are a few sniggers from some of the people around, everyone is pretty much just getting on with their day. I assume this is a regular thing here. From the looks of all the children and all the young pregnant women I guess so.

I'm picturing one of the little 20 something women here on her back. I can picture the exact one, she is very pretty, about Emily's height and build, with a nice pair of boobs on her. I guess a UK 34E or something like that. Her man is lying over her, their bodies glistening in sweat as they grunt with his cock sliding back and forth into her. Will he have a condom on? Do these people know about contraception or are they trying to make a baby? Damn, it's so sexy hearing them doing this and I'm right outside the door. I'd love to see what it looks like, what they look like. But I have to settle with my mind's eye.

Though I can clearly see the woman in my mind, I cannot see the man. I wonder how big his cock is. It must be pretty impressive from the sounds of the woman. She's clearly enjoying it. My mind then makes his cock huge, like the one that Hibo appeared to have earlier. Suddenly it's Hibo fucking this woman and just as suddenly it's Emily under him.

I'm shocked at that revelation in my mind. The vision is clear. Their skin contrast clear. His huge black cock splitting my wife's neat, small white pussy open. Stretching it as never before. She is naked on her back like the other woman but this vision has my wifes huge breasts jiggling and bouncing all over the place. I'm envisaging my wife having sex with a black man right there, in that room right in front of me. It matches every sound that I can hear.

At that I listen carefully, it's surely not Emily. Can I tell from their pleasure, can I hear her voice in the moans? What I do hear is, "Chris!" A man behind me.

My vision clears and I turn to see Hibo. Of course he is smiling at me. I nod a look of acknowledgement to him and return his smile. If he's here on his own, where is Emily? Is she in that hut fucking someone else? I shake my head trying to clear the next vision from my mind, even though the people fucking behind me are getting faster and louder.

He just stands there, irritatingly perfect. "Hi, Hibo." I'm sure I'm blushing having been caught listening to someone having sex. "Where is Emily?" He just waves his hand over his shoulder and says something that I guess as 'Over there.' Yer of course she is. At that moment we hear a clear sound of a man climax. An almost roar and I picture his tight black body rigid as he holds his huge cock deep up inside the woman. His sperm jetting from his massive ball sack unloading spurt, upon spurt, of his hot, white, semen into her waiting womb. I realise that I've closed my eyes as I picture it. The man's muscles are clenching in my vision in time to the roars from behind me. The woman receiving his gift keeps changing from the black woman to my wife. I can't settle on either, the vision confusing me.

Then all is silent. I feel like I'm coming down with them, my breath matching theirs. I picture them both now kissing a slow lovers kiss. My eyes still closed as I hear nothing but I see everything.

Then I'm surprised to hear a groan again. A slow groan of a woman. The same woman? A long slow groan. Then an, "Ohhh goooddddd!" in a woman's voice. Who is that? What is happening now. I know that voice. No, I don't. The groan has stopped. I can hear panting, I can actually hear panting. Is that the same woman? What is going on in there?

I then hear someone talking in their language, quietly. Two male voices in the hut, one I recognise. Then another female groan, slow and long. At last I open my eyes, expecting to see Hibo still in front of me. But he's not there. I look around me and don't see him anywhere. The woman in the hut groans again. I recognise that voice, do I?

Then I'm surprised to see the curtain pulled back and a new black man steps out through it. It falls back into place and I see nothing within. He doesn't acknowledge me and simply walks on by. But I do notice that he's not wearing shorts and he's walking with a definite swagger. He certainly was the man that just emptied his balls inside the woman behind me. I can hear whoever is in the room now starting to clearly engage in sex. The rhythm with the groans. I don't know if there's two women in there or it's just the one having her second dose. Is this their norm? Is this how they're always pregnant?

Then it's there again, "Ohhhh mmmyyyy goooodddddd!" It can't be. In English. No way. My mind instantly is back to my wife lying on her back, her legs spread wide with Hibo laying on top of her. He's not in front of me so he must be in there. It's all too much. She wouldn't cheat on me. She certainly wouldn't cheat on me with these villagers. She really wouldn't have two of them one after the other.

With churning balls, instead of just pulling back the curtain and looking inside the hut I step away towards where Hibo pointed that Emily was. I was going to find her there. I was sure of it.

Chapter 05 - Hibo and Nia

I wonder around for a few minutes where Hibo said my wife was before I head back to the fucking sounds hut. Not surprised that they're still going but I was surprised to find Nia at the door, almost waiting for me. She smiles and loudly says, "Hello Chris," almost shouting it.

I nod to her with another hello. "Hi Nia, have you seen Emily?" As we hear some sort of dual low moan from the hut. I can only describe it as something like a male and a female moaning through a shared orgasm. My god, I'm about to blow my load right there. My cock is aching but I daren't touch it. Nia looks at me smirking and doesn't answer.

At that exact moment an older tribesman pushes past me. He stands in front of Nia blocking my way, towards her. They talk briefly and I step to their side to try to see them both better. He has to be in his 60s or older, impressive that they can live this long for a nomadic tribe. He's a big fellow, quite fat and wrinkly, almost like he doesn't belong here really. However he's dark like them, wearing their gear and talking with them easily. Talking of what he's wearing, he's not in shorts like some of the men, but in a cloth thing that just covers his genitals. However it's almost pointless as his massive erect cock is sticking out, pushing the cover to one side.

Now I'm no cock expert but this was some long, thin, veiny beast of a cock. It had to be at least twice the length of mine and it had some huge balls hanging low under it. God, the whole package looked dangerous. It was like he was some prize bull for breeding women. I could imagine how many kids he'd sired.

Realising that the noise in the hut was stopped, that I still didn't know where Emily was and that I'd been looking at this man's huge cock, snapped me out of it. Nia and the man were still talking and his cock head was now actually starting to drip something but I had to find my wife. "Nia, where is my wife please?"

She looked at me and smiled, "I take you there now." Then she looked back at the old, fat man and said something to him. He then stepped past her and into the hut, his cock leading the way. A microsecond later Hibo stepped out of the same doorway.

He was naked with his shorts in his hand. I just stood there in disbelief. His body was slick with a sweaty sheen, his coal black muscles tight and glistening in the sunlight. His cock was pointing straight out, not up like the old mans but straight out. It had to be a foot long pointing in front of him. It was gradually pulsing, slowly dropping and it was slick. When I say slick I mean literally dripping onto the floor. The entire thing was covered in a creamy slime.

There was no doubt he'd just had intercourse with a woman and that he ejaculated inside her.

He stood there recovering his breath a moment before he started to pull his shorts on. Having a hard time fitting his cock into them. At that moment he smiled at me and said something to Nia. She replied to him and then me, "Hibo surprised you not with Emily." I was too, I wanted to look into that hut now. I was worried.

"We find her," and the two of them almost grabbed an arm each and marched me towards where Hibo had indicated earlier. As we stepped away we heard a low moan of a woman again. God whoever that was, she was really having a good time today. That was her third fucking already that I knew of.

We walked off as a threesum, me in the middle, them both talking around me. My mind still picturing that big old black man laying on top of that woman. Whoever she was.

We ended up walking way past where I thought Hibo was referencing and ended up being gone some 30 minutes. I was starting to wonder where on earth we were going when we magically ended up back in the village near the complex. We must have looped around or back on ourselves or something like that. It was starting to get late in the day and I'd now not seen Emily in a good hour or two.

Within a few minutes we were back in the full of the village when we spotted a collection of women laughing and joking about something. Again huddled together and we appeared to make for them. At that point Hibo just split off and soon Nia and I were at the group. I was surprised, and joyful to see Emily laying on the ground next to two other women. The three of them had their legs up on a tree trunk, a very low bench under their bums that were pushed up tight against the trunk pushing their legs up high. They were in an L shape, almost upside-down, everyone was laughing and having fun. At a guess it was a yoga pose of some sort.

There was some sort of unsaid something among everyone, as suddenly, everyone left apart from Nia, my wife and I. Even the two ladies laying next to her left. Emily went to get up but Nia quickly sat next to her and, placing her hand on my wife's lower belly, said something to her. Emily looked directly at me, with fear in her eyes. I was so confused. Nia noticed her look and laughed, "It ok Emily and Chris, on holiday." And she turned to look at me with that big smile. Something about that made Emily smile also, I relaxed somewhat.

"So love, where've you been?" Just wondering what she's been doing.

"Oh just hanging around here Chris. Enjoying the holiday," and she beamed at me.

I looked her over, she was wearing the same blouse, skirt, necklace as she was wearing earlier. I had nothing to be concerned about. Obviously. However the image of someone laying under those men flashed before me again. I looked at her skirt and legs trying to reassure myself. Was I seeing things or was there, I dunno, something on her thighs? Were they red and maybe a little, shiny near her skirt top? I looked back at her face. Her nipples visible through her top catching my attention. They were very prominent indeed. Was she turned on? They were erect, crinkled and begging for attention.

I shook my head, hearing all that sex earlier had gotten to me. Clearly.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 2 months ago

Damn, I’m infected now with a new fetish…

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What a stupid story

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Too much stupidity. Some good. Too much bad. FWIW

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Is this guy the stupidest person on Earth? I'd be making prison ships at this point,contacting my embassy and stabbing anyone who came close to me until I was airlifted out of there, most assuredly without my skank wife.

funcpl124funcpl1246 months ago

Wonderfully imaginable beginning to a story that hopefully will be continued soon. Looking forward to reading the rest of the story! Thanks

Blackjack666Blackjack6666 months ago

Promising start of a new Emily & Chris adventure. Waiting for the development...

auhound49auhound496 months ago
Please continue...

Nice new story, but please clue in Chris a bit more as you have done in a few other stories.

Please get a real fuck relationship going between Chris and Nia, have BOTH sluts get knocked up for once. So much hotter that way!

I also hope to see continuations soon on Holiday Job as the next installment will make it impossible for Chris to have any pathetic doubts as to what is happening as his beloved wife is deliberately whored out unprotected, andfor sure continue A Wife's Decent, but this time please have Claire get fully converted to slutdom and breeding. Also have that bitch Michelle turned into a breeding slut as well. You need at least one story where the temptress also falls for what she is dishing out.

Actualy you need to convert Claire, poor lil innocent(???) Clair, into a bigger slut than momslut.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

rambling and nonsensical and hubby must be drugged.

UncleBullyUncleBully6 months ago

Not bad. Nevermind the critisism from those who would say, 'I'm a real man, I wouldn't put up with that,' or this ain't reality. They can go somewhere else and read their romantic stuff there. Why leave a negative comment if this story was clearly not meant for them. Do I jump into a lesbian story and complain about the lack of masculinity there? No, So judgemental. Also THERE IS NO RACISM HERE, I've read it, where is it? Cause I don't see it.

To the author, take what they say with a grain of salt. You keep doing you, you may not be stephen king, but you do have the abitlty to take us with you to a different world.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

How could husband suspect and imagine without verifying if his wife was getting fucked or not? Why was he permitting her to disappear with this black stranger just to be lied to about what she did with him? I can't stand all this deception and lying. This is NO Marriage if the wife thinks she is being a good wife, why all the deception. If she is being 'black bred' the truth with come one when she has the baby and faces her husbands rightous indignation. Really, this story makes "No Sense" unless the Husband is a Naive 14 yr old teenager that believes anything.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Get a feeling the story’s not finished. I wanted him to find her in the hut and the villagers taking turns on her. Them sharing her big white breasts as she gets hooked on huge cocks and belonging to them to be used

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Okay, first of all I did enjoy the concept of the story. But, the cluelessness of the husband is so absurd it makes the story less enjoyable. If you continue it, I will read it, but this could have been so much better with a little more realism.

RealthunderforkRealthunderfork6 months ago

Imaginative and uniquely perverted. I like your longer serializations, stretching out corruptions, but I also like this one for moving at a faster pace. Yes it’s less “realistic” I suppose but that’s never the point. This premise could be pushed even further into warping her transformation.

GreyDuckGreyDuck6 months ago

I really have enjoyed some of the other stories the author has written where the husband might be consumed by his kink (i.e. Holiday Job) or clueless up to now about the situation (i.e. Too Boring) but in this one, the husband just seems like a clueless twit. We all see where this story is going so the only question is will the idiot husband ever figure it out by the end of the story.

In general, I would like to see a little more fight out of the male protagonists in the stories instead of passive bystanders. I also noticed you have some other unfinished stories. I haven't written anything on here yet but if you want to get better, I would look to finish a story and build your skills based on the useful feedback (ignore the haters) instead of having several stories in progress at about the same pace. Thx

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