After School Delight Pt. 03


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"You are feeling tired and your eyes feel heavy." She spent a good few minutes saying things like this, suggesting that I was sleepy, and soon I really did begin to feel tired. My eyes began to close.

I was about to tell her this, but she added, "You may want to speak but you can't seem to form the words." She was right. I tried to speak, and my mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Now you are completely under my control. You can hear everything around you, but you can't open your eyes. You can't do anything at all without my first telling you to do so, and you have to obey everything I tell you. Do you understand?"

I tried to reply, but again I couldn't speak. "Nod your head if you understand," she told me.

I nodded to affirm that I understood.

"Now Macey... I want you to open your eyes." I did as she directed. "Can you see everything around you?" I tried to answer but I couldn't make any sound, so I nodded.

"Macey," she said. Sit back into the chair, then turn your head and look at me." I did exactly as she said. I wanted to look at Angie but I was compelled to follow Jennifer's instruction.

"Are you comfortable?"

I nodded.

"OK. Now I want you to stretch your arms out in front of you."

I had no choice but to obey. I raised my arms and stretched them out before me.

"Now, your left arm is feeling very heavy. You want to hold it up, but it is so heavy you can barely keep it there any longer."

My arm slowly fell to my lap, and try as I might, I couldn't keep it raised.

"Mu-um!" Angie objected again, taking my hand in hers and holding it to comfort me, but Jenny took no notice.

"Strangely, your right arm now feels very light. It is so very light, it seems to float all on its own."

With no apparent effort on my part, my arm drifted up into the air and I began to feel really odd and concerned. My body was now doing things that I had no control over, all under the influence of Jennifer's suggestion.

I must have looked concerned because she explained, "Don't you worry now. There's no need to be afraid. It's bound to feel a little bit daunting, when you realise that you can't do things as you want. Just remember. Under hypnosis you can't be made to do anything that you wouldn't normally be comfortable with..." I wasn't sure that was completely true, but she went on, "but don't worry. You don't need to do anything at all. Angela and I will do everything for you."

"You trust me completely, don't you," she suggested. I nodded.

She rested her cheek against my bare arm as it hung there above my head.

"You're not worried about anything at all. You feel completely relaxed, don't you."

I nodded as she began to kiss the bare skin of my arm. She put her hand on my knee and began to stroke it gently. "You feel comfortable and happy, don't you." I nodded again.

"Now your left arm feels light too," she told me.

I peered down toward my lap, unable to tilt my head, and saw my arm begin to rise, seemingly on its own, pulling my hand gently from Angie's grip as it drifted upward, floating up to join the other hand, both hands now raised as high in the air as they could reach.

"Mum. Please stop now?" Angie seemed to be begging, but I smiled for her, still unable to move my head. This was such a weird and wonderful experience, and I had an indescribable feeling of euphoria.

Jenny caressed the bare flesh of my shoulder and my raised arm with her lips, studying my face as her hand stroked the inside of my thigh.

"You want to get up, but you can't. You can't move at all. You can only do as I tell you." It was true. I tried to move but I couldn't do anything.

"Angela darling?"

"Yes Mum?"

"Call me Mama baby."

"Yes Mama?" Angie sighed and corrected herself.

"Kiss Macey's arm for me baby."

Angie rested her cheek against my other arm and began to kiss my shoulder gently. "I'm weally sowy," she told me as she let out a defeated sigh. "I did tell you I didn't want there to be any secwets between us. I just didn't want you to find out this way," she said, sounding subdued.

It wasn't until she spoke then, that I realised just how little Angie had been saying all this time. I began to think that with her mam present, Angie was reluctant to speak much at all.

Jennifer slid her arm up behind my back, her other hand gripping me around the waist as her lips caressed my shoulder, kissing the bare skin softly, her hand sliding slowly upward to cup the shape of my petite breast through the thin cotton dress.

"Oh my. You don't have much up here, do you," she smiled, rubbing it gently and giving it a squeeze, "but not to worry," she breathed so very softly. "We think small is beautiful, don't we Angela." Angie gave her a pathetic sigh. "I don't mind telling you," she went on, "I wouldn't mind if you had nothing at all. I still think you're 'quite' delicious." She raised the pitch of her voice at the word 'quite', sounding excited by the idea.

She licked my shoulder and pinched my nipple gently through the thin material as she asked, "You're not afraid are you?" I felt myself shaking my head slowly. "You like this, don't you," she told me, and my head nodded, without my conscious intervention.

"Do you like kissing Macey?"

"Mum!" Angie objected.

"Now, now Angela darling... You know the rules. Don't be a difficult child will you. You know how Mummy likes to help entertain your friends with you." Angie 'huffed' her disapproval.

Jenny looked directly at me, her arms still holding me, her fingers still teasing my nipple and her lips still tasting my shoulder. "Oh, it's been such a long time," she sighed. "I can hardly remember the last time Angela brought a pretty young friend home to visit her mummy... and you're such a 'cute' little thing too." She emphasised the word 'cute', raising her voice excitedly again as she said it.

Even though I couldn't resist, or control any of my normal physical actions, my mind was still fully alert. I now understood why Angie had been objecting to her mother's behaviour. Poor Angie must have been afraid to bring her school friends home with her, lest they might be overpowered in this way. Jennifer clearly had the ability to do with them, anything she wished, and I felt sure I was about to find out just how far those wishes might extend.

I thought back to what Jenny had said about 'the subject not remembering what they had done' and it occurred to me that, had there been unsuspecting predecessors to my predicament, they would certainly have left knowing nothing of whatever they may have experienced, having doubtless been instructed to erase from their minds, everything that had occurred.

By now, Jenny seemed inspired to use every ounce of influence at her disposal. "You like to have fun don't you Macey?" she asked. "I remember you saying this might be fun. I do hope you're enjoying it?" I was nervous but I nodded, unable to respond in any other way.

"Of course you are," she said, soothingly. "We all like to have fun, don't we," she said, moving her lips close to my ear. I could feel her warm breath on my ear and she stroked my neck sensually with the backs of her fingers.

"I wonder. How much fun would you like to have Macey? Hmmm?" she asked. "What shall we start with?"

"Mu-um!" Angie objected again.

"Now don't make Mummy cross Angela," she warned, but in a nice, gentle voice, and with a sweet smile.

"Would you like to try some kissing Macey? Hmmm?" She whispered, her lips touching against my ear now, exciting me. I just sat there, unable to do anything at all, save accept everything that she did.

"I think you like kissing, don't you? Would you like to show me how you kissed with Angela?"

Angie looked at her, in shocked silence, but Jenny turned a knowing smile back to her daughter. "Ha ha. Of course I know you were kissing darling," she went on, "I heard you together," she revealed.

At once I realised. 'Of course! It hadn't been Ges listening outside Angie's room at all - it was her'.

"Mum. Please don't. Macey is my only fwiend at school."

"Angela. Do as Mummy asks, would you please? Mummy wants to watch you enjoy some kissing with your friend. Do that for me please, would you baby?" she seemed to be pleading, but in an over acted, insistent manner.

"Macey. Mama would like to see you kissing with Angela. You know... the way the girls kissed in the movie. Would you do that for me please?" I nodded slowly.

"Mum!" Angie whined, but her mother was adamant.

"Angela darling. Kiss Macey for me baby... Do it now please, and no more nonsense," she said in a mildly scolding tone. "I don't want to have to send you to your room darling." She sounded quite sickly sweet. "You wouldn't want Mummy to have to play with Macey down here all on my own, would you?" she added, in a more reasoning tone. Angie let out another defeated sigh.

Jenny looked me in the eye, her smile wide and expectant as her hand moved up to grip my chin gently with her fingertips, turning my face toward Angie.

She held me around the body, hugging me tight against her and kissing my bare shoulder as her fingertips stroked the skin of my neck, caressing it gently before sliding the hand down to fondle the breast again, kissing my shoulder softly as she watched Angie's tongue begin to lap at my mouth.

"Not like that baby," she rebuked the poor girl. "That's for later," she giggled. "Kiss her the way Mummy showed you darling."

Jenny stroked my bare shoulder excitedly with her cheek as she watched our lips touch gently together. "That's my good girl. You know how Mummy likes to watch you kissing, don't you baby," she whispered. She turned her head and kissed my shoulder, and I could feel her tongue, tasting my bare skin from inside her mouth as she sucked gently at the flesh.

Although I could sense a definite reluctance in Angie's willingness to comply, she always cooperated fully when her mother gave her any specific instruction. It was more than merely a daughter obeying her mother. It was as if Angie too, had little or no will of her own.

She held my face gently in her hands and kissed my lips softly, and I felt myself responding, although in truth I would have done that anyway. I was sort of disappointed that Jenny had stopped her from lapping; I quite enjoyed that, but any kiss with Angie was more than welcome. 'If only my arms would work and I could wrap them around her?' I thought.

"Do it properly for Mummy now darling," Jenny prompted. "That's right baby. Use your tongue baby. No baby, don't lap. Just 'ease' your tongue into her mouth. Oh, I do so love to watch you with your tongue in a pretty girl's mouth."

Jenny's words set me thinking. It was clear that I wasn't the first to be brought here like this, and it made me wonder just how many other girls she might have had Angie invite home with her in the past, so that she could watch them together, but perhaps it was better to not even think about it.

The lustful woman resumed kissing my shoulder and reaching around behind my tiny body with one arm, the fingers reaching up to find my nipple and tweaking it gently, while her other hand slipped between my thighs, and I felt my breath become laboured as Angie continued to wipe the flat of her tongue slowly, incessantly across my mouth.

Even Angie was clearly enjoying my seduction now, although it wasn't really a seduction - more their joint use of my body to satisfy their own carnal desires, and even had I wanted to, there was nothing I could do to stop them. I wanted to squeeze my knees together to enhance the sensation as their advances took me ever higher, but I couldn't move my legs, Jenny's index finger now right up between my thighs, rubbing the mound so firmly, teasing the clitoris, reaching right down under my wet slit and stimulating me through my knickers.

Every time Angie used her tongue now, she would drag it across my mouth, slowly and lustfully, until Jenny gave an exasperated sigh. "No baby, do it like this," she said.

She raised her hand to place a moist finger under my chin, and gently turned my face toward her, bringing her lips close to mine and staring into my eyes. I could feel the warmth of her breath on my face as she just looked at me, her lips less than an inch from mine.

I know that predatory creatures like snakes, can mesmerise their prey by staring into its eyes, and I imagined it might feel something like the way I felt just then. I just couldn't look away, but I wasn't petrified, nor scared really. Well, maybe I was a little afraid, but excited too, fascinated by the anticipation of what awaited me, filled with an indescribable dread but also gripped by the temptation of what could be something so thrilling, and I dare not resist it.

Jenny's hand slid gently over the side of my neck, her dampened fingertips stroking the bare flesh, leaving tiny traces of my own juices on my skin as she made Angie watch her kiss me. She caressed low on my neck, sliding her fingers under the narrow shoulder strap of my cotton dress, teasing the bare flesh with her fingertips as her lips gripped and tugged gently at mine. She turned on the seat to face me, kneeling by my side and pressing me back into the sofa, using her mouth to pull gently on my upper lip, sucking it into her mouth, then the lower lip, her tongue wetting them as she tasted my inert mouth.

"Oh..." she breathed, stroking my cheek with her thumb as she gazed lovingly into my eyes, "Such a sweet little thing you are. I bet you taste... so..." She didn't finish.

"Mum! Please?" Angie begged, a pleading whine in her voice now, hoping to avert her mother's objective of taking her girlfriend, but Jenny took no notice.

She stroked my cheek and looked deep into my eyes. It wasn't a crazed, hungry look, nor even one driven by lustful desires. It seemed almost loving, as if she really was genuinely keen to give me pleasure, not merely to satisfy her own wanton lust, although there was a yearning there too.

"Macey can say 'No' if she wants to," she said softly to Angie, while still looking deep into my eyes.

"No she can't," Angie sighed.

Jenny's face was so close to mine as she extended her tongue slightly, tracing the gap between my lips with the very tip.

"Ooohh," she sighed. "Such sweet little lips," she said softly, gazing into my eyes, making me think back to what she had said at the dining table earlier.

"Oh that feels so nice..." she whispered, "just like a fresh... sweet... young..." She stopped again, not finishing the sentence - she just sighed again, but I knew exactly what she meant.

"Wonderful petites lèvres," she moaned, tracing the gap between my lips with her tongue a little more firmly, wriggling the tip of her tongue between my lips.

"I just love the feel of warm, soft skin against my lips and my tongue," she sighed, gazing into my eyes. "The cheek, the lips, the neck, and those beautiful bare shoulders," she breathed softly. "Anywhere that the skin is soft and warm... I love to kiss it," she breathed. I want to feel your lovely warm softness against my lips.

Again, she traced the tip of her tongue from side to side across the gap between my lips, this time pushing it into my mouth and up against my teeth and my gums.

"Ohhh... my beautiful 'piccole labbra'," she said softly, taking my head between her hands and holding my face still, as she gazed deep into my eyes.

"Open your mouth for Mama, baby. Just very slightly for me," she asked softly. I felt powerless to resist. "Mama wants to taste her sweet little baby," she breathed.

"That's my good little baby," she said, kissing me again, licking my lips and dragging the flat of her tongue slowly across my mouth, in exactly the same way that she had instructed Angie not to do.

"Such delicious little labia," she breathed. There could be no doubt now, that she imagined my lips to be a completely different part of the female anatomy, and she was pretending - perhaps practicing, for what was in her mind. It left me wondering; I had only been in the house for only a few hours. What might be destined to happen in the two days that they planned to have me stay?

"Open for me baby," Jenny whispered. "Open up for Mama. Mama wants to kiss her pretty baby," she said softly, stroking my face as she gripped my upper lip gently between hers, all the time staring into my eyes. I had to open my mouth. I had no will of my own, and as I did so her tongue reached in, searching around inside my mouth, filling my mouth as her body pressed me back, trapping my head between hers and the sofa.

Her hand left my face, stroking, caressing its way downward, over my shoulder, down over my left breast, lingering there for a short time to play with the stiff little nipple, then down over my tummy - then it was gone. Next, I felt a hand on my knee; it had to be Jenny's, and I was really tingling down there, but I couldn't move. She stroked my leg, still kissing me as her hand eased its way gradually up my thigh, slowly, so very slowly, the fingertips caressing and stroking their way as she began to suck my lip.

I turned my eyes to the side and I could see Angela watching me. I felt sure she would try to stop this, but she didn't. From her position it looked as if she had her hands in her lap and she seemed to be moving slightly. Her eyes were closing and she was smiling in a way that almost certainly meant she was enjoying some delicious private time of her own as she watched her mother kissing me, the parental hand sliding slowly up the inside of my thigh, until she reached the very top.

I could hear myself whimpering, but I couldn't move away. "You like this don't you Macey," Jenny purred, her voice soft and low. I nodded. I didn't want to but I had to. "Do you know what we're going to do baby?" she asked. I shook my head, staring into her eyes innocently.

My head was spinning. I felt scared but I couldn't resist. "I think you do know baby," she smiled. "I'm going to give you such bitter-sweet torment my love." Inside my head my mind was screaming out, but in her hands I was silent and passive.

"See outside my sweet. The light is fading," she whispered. "In a little while my love, it will be time to go to bed," she smiled.

"By that time," she told me, "you'll be begging me to..." she paused, adding, "oh, but you won't will you. You can't tell us what you want. Never mind baby. We both know what young girls like, don't we Angela." I looked toward Angie, who was smiling. It was a calm, pleasured smile, her eyes closed and her head resting to one side as her hand continued to move gently in her lap.

"I can promise, we won't disappoint you," Jenny went on. "I'm going to teach you to kiss the way we do... the way I taught both of my girls, and we can all practice together..." she said softly, "all weekend."

She sat back to the side of me, gripping my upper arms gently as she twisted me around to face her, and she leaned me forward as her lips touched mine again, tracing the gap between my lips with the tip of her tongue once more.

"You love this, don't you baby," she breathed, her lips so close to mine I could now taste her warm breath. "Such a sweet little baby," she sighed. "You feel like a sweet little virgin girl in my hands," she smiled. "Let's see just how sweet our pretty little virgin looks, shall we Angela?" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my pulse was racing. She was still gazing deep into my eyes, but her next words weren't for me.

"Angela," she whispered. "Do the zip for Mummy, would you darling?"

"Open baby," she said to me.

Jenny pressed her lips to mine once more, and her tongue began probing my mouth, a little less deep this time, as I felt Angie's hands on the back of my neck, pushing my hair aside. "Give me your tongue darling," she breathed, and as I obeyed she began to draw my tongue into her mouth. I could feel the dress becoming loose around my body as Angie followed her mother's instruction. There was a sudden cool sensation down my back and the dress began falling open as she slowly slid the zip right down to the small of my back.