Agency of Bondage Ch. 02

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Trixie has some explaining to do.
3.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 03/04/2024
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Trixie stepped through the portal she had conjured into the small cul-de-sac of houses. It was raining, the grey skies only serving to make the tired looking houses even more drab than they already were, and she hurried along the pavement to the cordon that had been set up around Barnabus' house. A tall wizard in a blue and white police uniform stopped her to check her badge before directing her to the small forensic tent that had been set up in the front garden of the three bedroom house, which, aside from the tent and the police car parked in the drive, looked perfectly normal.

She pushed aside the plastic sheet over the entrance of the tent and stepped inside. Given that Barnabus' body had already been collected and removed, all of the forensic equipment had already been dismantled and taken away. All that was left was a round table in the middle of the room and a few plastic chairs. A woman with dark hair and a sour expression sat at the table, flicking through a file whilst a pen scribbled away by itself at a separate stack of paperwork. Trixie breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she had arrived before Jason had.

She cleared her throat to announce her arrival. "Detective?" she said.

The older woman looked up from her paperwork through a pair of thick glasses. "I thought there were two of you?" she said bluntly.

"Ah. My partner should be here any minute."

The woman tutted and gestured at the seat opposite her. "D.I. Chalk," she said without offering her hand.

"Agent Blackthorn," Trixie replied, smiling politely. She could already tell how this was going to go.

"Let me tell you this, Agent," Chalk said, putting just enough emphasis on Trixie's title to hammer home her annoyance. "I've worked plenty of murder cases before. I don't need the Agency looking over my shoulder every step of the way."

"Of course not," Trixie replied calmly. She had dealt with situations like this before. Local police were rarely thrilled when they found out the Agency had taken an interest in one of their cases. Many saw it as a challenge to their authority and without the proper handling the police could become as big a hurdle in the investigation as the solving of the case itself.

"I assure you, D.I. Chalk," Trixie continued, "I am not here to tell you how to do your job. The Agency simply believes that given the uncertain nature of the case that a second pair of eyes would be helpful."

Chalk grunted but her answer was cut off as Jason blundered into the tent, rain dripping from his nose.

"Sorry I'm late," he said cheerfully, striding towards the disgruntled looking D.I. Chalk to shake her hand. "Had to make a stop at the office!"

Trixie stared at her partner, her mouth dry and her stomach making knots of itself. It was the first time she had seen him since the day before when she had accidentally spiked his drink with a homemade love potion. Only, something had been wrong with her potion. Instead of falling madly in love with her he had become like an animal, binding her arms and legs with magic and fucking her brains out. Her wrists still ached from the ropes that had dug into her flesh and even her legs were a little wobbly still. She had no idea what had happened to him after he had left her in their office and despite calling him a dozen times he hadn't spoken to her since.

"I don't know what you two are hoping to get out of this," Chalk said. "My people have swept this place top to bottom and the only credible piece of evidence that we had has already been confiscated by the Agency."

"You're referring to the writing desk?" Jason asked.

"Yes, the bloody desk!" Chalk snapped. "You'll see. Everything else in that place is spotless otherwise!"

The desk had indeed proved useful to their investigation so far. It had been destroyed in whatever commotion had led to Barnabus' death but when they had magically reconstructed it, they had found a piece missing. It was their first and only clue to the old wizard's death and one that the local law enforcement had missed. She didn't think bringing that up with Chalk at this moment was the best idea. She glanced at Jason, hoping to get a read on his reaction to the situation and their eyes met briefly. She clenched her fists, colour rising in her cheeks but to her surprise he just winked at her, the same mischievous grin that he always wore plastered over his face.

"Let's get this over with," Chalk grunted, waving her wand at the stack of papers which promptly slid themselves off the table into her open briefcase. "I assume you have suits?"

Trixie nodded as she stood and withdrew her wand from the holster on her belt. She tapped the tip against her stomach and a protective paper suit including a mask and gloves formed over her clothes. She looked up to see the others doing the same before Chalk jerked her chin to the exit of the tent and led them across the garden and into the house.

The front door opened directly onto the staircase. A door to the left led through to a dining room and presumably a kitchen beyond whilst the living room was through to the right. They stepped into the living room which, as Chalk had said, was spotless. A leather sofa sat to left of the door whilst a pair of tartan armchairs were positioned in front of patio doors that led out to a back garden that was all grass. Paintings of old ships hung from the slightly faded magnolia walls and the remains of a fire were visible in the hearth. The only thing that seemed out of place was a patch on the wall to the left of the fireplace where the paint hadn't faded quite so much. Trixie guessed that had been where the desk had been.

"The victim was found here," Chalk said, indicating a spot on the floor in front of one of the chairs. "As I said, there's nothing else out of the ordinary."

"What's your theory, Detective?" Jason asked.

"He was old," Chalk said. "My guess is he had something stored in the desk that went off and his heart gave out from shock."

"You really think it's that simple?" Trixie asked.

"Yes," she snapped. "I've been doing this a long time, Agents. Sometimes you don't find anything because there is nothing else to find! Now, what else do you want to see? I have another case to be getting on with."

"We're quite happy looking around on our own, Detective," Jason said. He was still smiling but the humour had gone from his eyes. Trixie could imagine what he was thinking, mostly because it was probably the same as what she was thinking. Chalk had already made up her mind. She would be no further use to them.

Chalk raised her chin. "That's not protocol," she said.

"No, but no one has to know," Trixie said. "We'll check out with the cordon officer when we're done. As you say, you have more important things to be doing."

The detective chewed her lip as she glanced between the two agents before nodding tersely. "Fine. Just make sure you let them know when you're leaving."

"Of course," Trixie said, smiling sweetly as Chalk stormed out of the house.

They waited until they saw the light of her portal before looking at each other, Jason letting out a low whistle that turned into a grin.

"Well she was pleasant," he laughed.

"Yeah... A delight," Trixie replied. She looked her partner, shifting her feet uncertainly. Why was he acting so casual? Wasn't he feeling as confused as she was?

"Do you want to take upstairs?"

"Huh?" she said, her cheeks reddening again.

"The search?" he said, frowning at her. "Do you want upstairs or downstairs?"

"Oh! Er, upstairs is fine."

"Great. Shout if you find anything."

She nodded and hurried out of the room, her mind racing as she climbed the stairs and picked a room at random. She didn't understand what was happening. Jason was acting as though nothing had happened between them, as if nothing had changed. Ignoring the situation hardly seemed like the best way to handle it and the thought that it hadn't meant something to him sent a pang of sadness through her that she couldn't quite understand.

They spent most of the morning scouring Barnabas' house, the search at least giving Trixie something to occupy her mind with. As Chalk had said, though, the house was spotless. The beds were clean and freshly made and aside from a few sings of daily life, nothing was out of place. Trixie was just about to give up on hoping they might find something when she spied a patch of carpet in the far corner of the master bedroom that appeared to have lifted. She crossed the room and dropped to her knees, feeling between the caret and skirting boards to find the gripper had been stripped away, allowing the carpet to be peeled back in the corner.

"Trix?" Jason called from downstairs.


"Have you got any Cranius? All this searching has given me a headache!"

She smirked as she pulled the carpet back. "There's a few vials in my bag," she called back. Its on the sofa. Help yourself."


The carpet rolled back by about a foot, revealing the old floorboards beneath. A fine layer of dust covered the boards but one was marked and had obviously been handled recently. She pulled out her wand, waving it at the board which began to rise out of the floor, revealing a small metal lockbox beneath it. She pulled the box out of the floor, setting it in front of her and lifting the lid. There was a small stash of cash inside the box and a trio of letters. She unfolded one at random and scanned its contents, her eyes widening as she recognised the signature.


I've found it! It was where we always thought it would be. Sending it to you my Mag-Mail for safekeeping until we can figure out what to do next. The counter charm is Denatus.


She stared at the name of the sender. Hoxley was the dark wizard they had captured the night before. He had been on the Agency's radar for years after he killed two young boys during a robbery gone wrong. What the hell was Barnabus doing getting mixed up with a guy like that?

"Jason!" she called. "I've found something!"

She heard him coming up the stairs as she flicked through the other letters. They had clearly been sent after the first one she had read. In them, Hoxley's communications became increasingly irate, the final letter even accusing Barnabus of attempting to hide whatever it was that he had sent the old wizard. It certainly painted a picture. Perhaps Hoxley had come to collect and Barnabus had tried to stop him. They had brawled and somehow Barnabus had ended up dead.

She heard Jason enter the room behind her. "You're never going to believe this," she began.


Her blood turned to ice in her veins. She recognised Jason's tone though it was nothing like his usual voice. She turned to see him standing behind her, his wand pointed at her chest, a vial containing the residual drops of a pink liquid held in his other hand.

"Fuck," she hissed as she scrambled to her feet. The potion he had taken wasn't Cranius, it was more of the love potion she had made. She had brought it with her to show Jason, to explain to him what had happened the night before and to prove to him that he hadn't been in control. She had been so engrossed in her discovery that she hadn't even thought he'd mistake it for the headache potion.

"I knew you wanted more," he growled through a cold smile.

"Jason, please listen to me..." Trixie began, her fingers tight on the handle of her own wand. "This is a mistake. This isn't you!"

"Oh but it is," he laughed. "And I think you like it."

She blushed, the tip of her wand shaking in her trembling hands. "I don't want to fight you," she said.

"Good, because you won't have to," he growled.

She gasped as he flicked his wand, his curse striking her before she could raise her own defences. She felt an invisible force press down on her back, forcing her back onto her knees as her wand was sent skittering away beneath the bed. She tried to resist, to struggle in someway but her arms were pinned to her sides by Jason's magic and the pressure on her back was so great that she couldn't even draw a breath to scream.

"Let's make you more comfortable," Jason muttered, flicking his wand again.

She whimpered as the protective suit she wore vanished as he undid her spell. She felt something move on her hips and watched in shock as her handcuffs extracted themselves from her belt and closed about her wrists, pulling her arms behind her back as Jason walked towards her.

"Better?" he asked as he took her chin in his hand and lifted her head so that she was looking up at him.

She bared her teeth at him, panting through the pressure that kept her on her knees. "Fuck you, Jason!" she snapped.

His smiled widened slightly and she felt the pressure on her back ease. Had something changed? She had only brought a small drop of the potion to show him so the dose he had taken was much less than what she had accidentally given him the other day. Maybe it was wearing off already? She felt the smallest inkling of disappointment at the thought, though as it turned out, she needn't have worried.

She cried out as Jason grabbed a fistful of her shoulder length coral hair and began to drag her across the room. She whimpered as she struggled to crawl on only her knees, her tights snagging on the coarse carpet as he pulled her around the bed to kneel in front of a floor length mirror in the corner of the room. He fumbled with his own suit, Trixie watching as he managed to extract his rock hard cock from his trousers and press it to her lips.

"Suck it," he ordered, giving her hair a sharp tug for good measure.

She shuddered as his dick brushed against her cheeks, and reluctantly opened her mouth, sliding her lips over his warm cock. She screwed her eyes shut as she heard him grunt in satisfaction and began to suck. Better to get it over with than fight it, she told herself.

"Good girl," Jason growled, allowing her to come up for air. "Do you like sucking dick?"

If it was possible she felt her cheeks turn an even brighter shade of red. In truth she loved giving blowjobs. The feeling of control it gave her as she brought a man to climax with nothing but her lips and tongue was empowering but she was definitely not in control in this situation.

"Jason..." she began. "I..." Mphhh!!"

She gagged as he tightened his grip on her hair and used his other hand to force her down onto his cock, ramming his length down her throat. Her eyes bulged as her chin pressed against his balls and she strained against the cuffs that dug painfully into her wrists. Tears stung her eyes as she chocked on his dick, her head stinging painfully as he twisted his hand in her hair. He began to thrust back and forth, fucking her face with his dick. She gagged as she felt his cock jab the back of her throat repeatedly, spit and cum dribbling down her chin as she fought to breath.

Jason grunted and she gave a muffled cry of surprise as he came inside her mouth, his hot cum filling her throat as he held her firm against his balls before flopping back on the bed with a sigh of satisfaction. She knelt before the bed, her shoulders rising and falling as she caught her breath. She could see her reflection in the mirror beside the bed, black mascara running down her cheeks, her lipstick smeared over her cheeks and chin and her hair a mess. She looked awful but a small part of her liked what had happened and how she had been left.

Fuck. How was she going to get out of here without anyone finding out what had happened?


She looked up suddenly. Jason's voice was different, it was normal. He sat up, rubbing his head and blinking as if he had just come out of a trance. He looked at her, his brow furrowing in confusion before looking down at his cock which was still smeared with her lipstick and his eyes widened in horror.

"What the fuck?" he cried, scrambling to cover himself up.

"Oh fuck," she hissed.

"What the fuck happened?" Jason cried. "Why... Why am I naked? Why is your face..."

"Fuck! Jason, look at me! It's ok!" she said. "Just... Just help me get out of these!"

"Yeah... Yeah ok," he stammered, awkwardly pulling up his pants as he slid off the bed to help her undo the cuffs around her wrists.

She resisted the urge to rub her wrists as the cuffs came away and instead reached for a box of tissues on the bedside table and wiped the cum and spit off her face.

"Trix," Jason whispered behind her. "Did I... Did we..."

She turned and put her arms around him, pulling him to her chest as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry," she said, fighting back sobs. "I'm so sorry."

"Fuck," he hissed. "Why are you sorry?"

"It's all my fault!" she cried, her shoulders shaking. "I didn't mean for it to happen. I brought it to show you... I... I..."

"Slow down," he said firmly, squeezing her tightly. "What happened. Tell me."

"I just wanted Rupert to like me... I never thought you would drink it."

"Drink it? Trixie... What did you do?"

She pulled away from him, unable to look him in the eye as she wiped her face on her sleeve. "I made a love potion. It was meant for Rupert but you drank his tea yesterday and I dont know... I must have fucked up the method because it made you... You became someone else."

"What happened?" Jason demanded, though she knew by the look in his eyes that he already knew.

"You fucked me," she whispered. "You tied me up and fucked me."

"And this?"

"I wanted to explain what had happened... I brought some of the potion to show you but when you showed up I thought you didn't remember what had happened."

"I... I thought it was a dream," he muttered.

"Jason, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen!"

He pulled his arm away from her and stood up slowly. He wasn't looking at her anymore. "I told you Rupert was trouble," he said quietly. She could feel the anger in her voice and it cut her to her core.

"Please, Jason," she whimpered.

He shook his head. "What?" he snapped. "What do you want me to say, Trixie? Look what I've done!"

"It was an accident!" she cried.

"No!" he growled. "No I warned you not to do anything. You never listen though, do you?"

"What are you going to do?" she asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I... I don't know," he said. "I have to go. I'll.... I'll talk to you later."

She watched through her tears as he left the room, the only sound as his footsteps retreated down the stairs that of her sobs as she curled into a ball and cried her heart out.

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