Agent in Distress Ch. 11


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"What did you put on me?" she asked suddenly, hoping he hadn't noticed how swollen her little nipples had become from his touches.

The magistrate smiled at her. "It's a Veruvian spice, commonly used in cooking. Do not worry dear, it will not hurt. We use it on new slaves to . . . distract them. To keep them restless and fervid on their first few nights."

It was probably going to itch, thought Lana. They wouldn't even let her sleep in peace. If she had her abilities back, she could probably have meditated herself to sleep. "W-wait, what are you doing?" she blurted suddenly. The magistrate had taken another pinch of powder and was reaching between her widespread thighs.

"Oh, don't worry dear, you're quite wet down there already, no need to use my mouth." Then he deposited the powder in a neat little row between her nether lips, and before she could protest, he used his finger to spread it around. Lana gasped, squirming to escape the finger, rough with the powder, but the magistrate only grinned as he continued mixing the red powder into liquid, using her own copious juices. She cried out softly when he delved inside a short distance to spread it around, but he didn't go very deep, and then he removed his finger. Lana gasped in shock as he raised his finger to his mouth, sucking it clean. He then patted her on the cheek again and stood. "Get some sleep, my new slave . . . if you can."

"Will you be needing us tonight, Master?" said Cade suddenly, eagerness in her voice.

"No, my dear," said the magistrate, taking Cade's prominent chin in his hand in a warm gesture that made Lana feel oddly annoyed. "These visitors are not worthy of your charms. I'll send some regular girls from the brothel for them. But thank you for your kind offer."

Cade gave him her most enticing smile. "Of course, Master. And we'd be happy to serve you . . . perhaps after a long day you are in need of release?"

The magistrate chuckled, shaking his head. "A nearly irresistible offer, little one, but I'm afraid I'll be up late tonight making tedious conversation. Get some beauty rest, girls, your services will not be needed tonight."

Then he turned to leave, walking away without looking back, before closing the door behind him. They all heard the key turning and locking the door.

"Cade, you're such a slut!" said Dawn, scowling at the blond girl. "You'll spread your legs for anyone on a guest list!"

Cade giggled. "If they're on the magistrate's guest list, they're probably rich and handsome!"

"Oh, and they're going to have one taste of you and want to marry you, is that how it works?" said Dawn, her dainty features bunched up with skepticism.

Cade nodded, making a motion with her fist in front of her mouth. "Oh yes, a little lip service and the proposals come pouring in!"

"That's not all that comes pouring in, you little tramp," said Gwen, teasing the blond, who made a face and stuck her tongue out at the redhead. "It's a pity you're a slave, so marriage isn't in the cards," she added with a jab of her finger into the soft side of the blond girl, who squealed in protest.

Lana found the banter fascinating, if rather shocking. "But . . . could these rich men really . . . want to marry her? Could they buy her or something?"

Gwen nodded seriously. "Oh yes, you've had offers, haven't you, Cade?" The blond nodded eagerly, grinning. "And when the magistrate tires of her, he'll probably take the next offer."

Lana sighed. "Well, that doesn't seem too bad . . . to get out of here and marry a rich man."

Dawn giggled suddenly. "Oh, Lana dear, they don't want to marry her! They have their rich, fancy wives, they want Cade as their little pleasure slave. She'll have to serve two masters, a kind but perverted man, and a cruel, jealous wife."

"Oh," said Lana. That didn't sound so good after all. She noticed that Cade was glaring at the brunette.

"The last offer was from an unmarried general, I'll have you know!" she exclaimed, her little fists on her hips.

"Oh, what a lovely imagination you have, sister," said Dawn, patting Cade on the head before the blond slapped her hand away.

"I can't imagine any general being able to resist you, Cade," said Lana, softly. "Your time will come."

Cade's anger was replaced with pride, and she leaned over to hug Lana's leg. "Aww, thank you, Miss Lana!" she exclaimed. Then she smiled. "Maybe you can take my place, and the magistrate will release me? He sure is taken with you!"

"Y-you think so?" said Lana, nervously. She really couldn't tell, not having known the man before that day.

"Oh yes," said Gwen, nodding. "He's got it bad for you, dear. But don't get too excited. He saves his most devious torments for his favorite girls." She grinned at Cade. "Isn't that right, honey?"

Lana sucked in a sharp breath when she saw the girls nodding, and Cade was chewing on her finger, her eyes lost in thought.

"Poor Cade," said Gwen. "He took her from innocent virgin to screaming pleasure slave in just a few days. She never stood a chance."

"I was a good girl! I still am!" protested Cade, stilling chewing and thinking.

"You thought you were," corrected Gwen, "just like our new girl, Lana. She thinks she's a good girl too, but the magistrate, he can see the horny slut inside girls like you two."

Cade was blushing and kept silent, but Lana was shaking her head. "No! There's no . . . horny slut inside me! Where do you get this nonsense?"

Gwen was looking at her strangely. "Why are you so resistant, honey? Don't you see? Girls like Cade will get bought by generals, they'll get taken to a good home. You should be happy! You'll get a much better man than Dawn or I will, I'm sure of that."

Lana looked at her in alarm, but she didn't seem distressed by her future prospects. And Lana didn't agree for a moment. "You are beautiful, Gwen!" she protested. "And you too, Dawn. You'll both find men to love you . . ." He voice trailed off, for she wondered if that were true. What was the future for a pleasure slave?

Suddenly Gwen was giggling. "Oh, I know that, silly! You look so worried, it's sweet. But don't worry about us, we'll find our husbands, or masters. I'm happy either way." Dawn was nodding too.

Suddenly there was a banging on the door. "Lights out, girls!" barked the same female voice they'd heard before. Dawn quickly dashed to the lanterns and turned them off one by one. She moved so fast that Lana imagined they must get punished if they dallied. With the lanterns off, she could still see fairly well due to the moonlight passing through the various windows, some of them covered in glass, and some open but barred. She watched in fascination as the three girls all went to their beds, pulling sheets or covers over themselves. It wasn't really cool enough for her to want a sheet for warmth, but she wished she could cover her nakedness. She was getting used to being naked, and that worried her.

"Good night, new girl!" whispered Dawn.

"Good night, little inner slut!" whispered Cade, followed by a chorus of giggling.

In minutes, she heard the soft, heavy breathing of sleeping girls, and Lana tried to close her eyes and sleep. Tomorrow might bring back her abilities, and that thought warmed her heart. If she was going to wait for Warrick to get around to rescuing her, she might be waiting for a long time. Yet as she lay on the bed listening to the sounds of Cade snoring softly to her left, Lana realized she was having trouble relaxing. Her nipples were tingling slightly, and even worse, she felt almost a soft burning between her legs. She tried closing her thighs, but it made no difference. The spice the magistrate had applied wasn't really burning or itching, but it seemed to increase her awareness of her own arousal, which after a long day of torments, didn't seem eager to go away. Nevertheless, Lana's exhaustion eventually overcame her mild discomfort and she drifted off to sleep.

"Lana, honey," said the soft voice near her ear. "Wake up!" The insistent voice was bringing her out of a deep sleep, and Lana immediately became aware of a burning, itching sensation. She moaned, squirming about, but her arms and legs seemed to be restrained. She opened her eyes, to see Cade leaning over her, the moonlight showing her blue eyes filled with concern.

"It itches!" blurted Lana, loudly. Cade shushed her silent. The burning seemed centered on her breasts and between her legs, but the sensation made her whole body burn. It was so uncomfortable that she couldn't lie still. "Please, get it off me!" she said to Cade, trying to keep her voice down.

"I can't, honey!" whispered Cade, looking past Lana to make sure her friends weren't being woken up by the commotion. "You'll just have to bear it. You can take a bath in the morning. Just . . . try not to be so loud ok? You were moaning in your sleep!"

"Cade, I can't . . . I can't sleep like this! It's driving me crazy!" whispered Lana, looking desperately at the exasperated blond. "C-can't you get a wet towel and wipe it off?"

Cade shook her head. "That stuff will get the towel all red, and I'll get in trouble." The blond patted her reassuringly on the shoulder. "Just try to keep quiet ok? If you're too loud they'll come to the room and we'll all get in trouble! None of us slept much the first night."

Lana shook her head. If she didn't get some sleep, her abilities wouldn't return! In desperation, she tried to turn over on the bed, but her leg restraints kept her hips from rotating far enough. She was able to turn her torso enough that her chest faced the bed sheets, and she twisted about, rubbing her breasts on the sheets, trying to rub off the infuriating spice.

"No, honey, don't!" whispered Cade, but too late. The rubbing served to greatly increase the burning sensation in her nipples, and Lana turned back over, whimpering in misery. She needed water to remove it. Then she remembered how the magistrate had applied it. Her desperation overcame her shame.

"Cade?" she said, tentatively. "Could you . . . use your mouth to . . . suck it off my nipples?"

Cade's eyes went wide, first with surprise, then with realization. "That might work!" she exclaimed.

"Ok, you can---ohh!" gasped Lana, for Cade had already leaned over and placed her mouth over her itching burning nipple and was sucking and tonguing away. Her soft lips and warm tongue initially made the burning much worse, but in seconds, that subsided, replaced by intense pleasure as the girl showed her oral skills, using her saliva to thoroughly wet Lana's nipple, before sucking and licking away the spice-laden moisture. Lana moaned at the sheer overwhelming pleasure, and Cade raised her head to shush her quiet. She watched as the girl reached up to squeeze her breast, making the nipple protrude further so she could attack with vigorous sucking. Lana whimpered, the noise escaping past her tightly clenched lips as her thighs clenched reflexively at the pleasure Cade was inadvertently giving her. Finally the girl seemed satisfied that she'd got all the spice, so she sat up, smiling.

"I got it all, honey!" she whispered, pride in her voice. "I can taste it, you know? Once your nipple no longer tastes like spice, I know it's clean," she added, giggling softly.

"Thank you, Cade!" whispered Lana. "C-could you . . . do the other one?" she added, sheepishly. She couldn't believe she was asking another girl to suck her nipple, but she had to admit, Cade's sucking had been extremely effective.

"Allow me," said Dawn, suddenly appearing at Lana's side, making her jump in surprise. Then Lana blushed. "It's alright," said Dawn, amused at Lana's look of shame. "I wish I had someone to suck off the spice on my first night," she added, wistfully, before giggling softly. Then before Lana could speak, she lowered her face to Lana's other breast. Like Cade had done, she took Lana's breast in her small hands, squeezing it to make the spice-covered nipple easier to suck on. Lana felt a jolt of pleasure as Dawn smothered her nipple with her warm, wet mouth, sucking and drawing away the maddening itch from her over-sensitized flesh. Then Lana made a soft yelp when Dawn inexplicably bit her nipple gently but firmly. Both girls shushed her, but Lana shook her head, whispering,

"Dawn, don't bite me!" she whispered, indignant. Then Lana's eyes went wide. "Hey, it's gone! The itching, you did it! Thank you so much!"

Dawn and Cade smiled. "You're welcome," they said in unison. "I kind of enjoyed that, didn't you, Cade?" added Dawn.

"Mm, hmm," murmured Cade, looking down at Lana's still heaving chest. "And I know Lana enjoyed it even more than we did!"

"Stop, I did not!" whispered Lana, blushing. The itching in her chest was gone, but . . .

"Aren't you going to ask us to take care of the rest of the spice?" said Dawn. Her eyes were filled with mischief.

Lana's eyes widened slowly and she started shaking her head. "Oh, no! N-no, that's alright! I . . . I think I can sleep now!"

Cade caught on and also smiled. "You're right, Dawnee, she'll sleep so much better if we can get rid of the rest of the spice!"

Suddenly, Gwen appeared between Lana's legs, surprising all three girls. "Can I help?" said Gwen, mischievously.

"Yes!" said Cade. "We sucked the spice off of Lana's little nipples—well, they're not so little after all that sucking, are they?" she added, making Lana blush profusely.

"I see," said Gwen with a glint in her eye. "And she wants you to suck the spice off her adorable lower lips as well."

"N-no!" exclaimed Lana, still trying to keep her voice down even though Gwen was clearly awake. "I don't want that! I'll be fine, please . . . go back to bed."

"How can we sleep with all that moaning you were doing?" said Dawn with mock annoyance.

Lana was mortified, but she didn't doubt the girl. The itch was maddening, and only her exhaustion had kept her from waking. As good as it felt to have her breasts clean of the spice, the maddening itching and burning between her thighs was even worse. Still, she'd endure that before letting the girls . . . She gasped, seeing Gwen move closer until her head was directly above Lana's itchy furnace. "Don't you dare!" she whispered. "I said no!"

"How charming," said Gwen with a smile. "The slave girl is making demands of her mistresses. Is that any way to speak to your mistresses, slave?"

"W-what?" said Lana in confusion.

"What, Mistress," corrected Gwen. "Did the magistrate not explain to you that we are your masters as well? As the new girl, you are truly at the bottom of the tree."

He had mentioned that, Lana realized. It hadn't seemed to matter before. "Gwen, please, be serious," said Lana, pleading. "I'll be fine, just . . . go back to bed, I'm begging you."

Gwen shook her head slowly, a wicked grin forming on her pretty face. "You'll be begging soon, and not for me to stop. Girls, the slave needs a lesson. I think I see a bit of spice remaining on her breasts, could you take care of that for me?"

"Of course, mistress!" said Cade and Dawn, smiling at Lana. Then they slowly and deliberately lowered their heads to Lana's breasts.

"Cade . . . Dawn . . . no, please! Nah!" moaned Lana as two sets of lips attached themselves to her protruding nipples at the same time. Her hips jerked as the pleasure rippled through her struggling body. She yelped in surprise when Dawn gently bit down on her flesh again, and she moaned when Cade did the same to her other nipple.

"Lana, please keep your voice down," instructed Gwen. "Need I remind you that we will all be punished if someone hears us through the door?"

"I'm s-sorry, m-mistress," gasped Lana, struggling to speak amidst the onslaught of sensations the two slave girls were forcing on her. Suddenly Lana felt small, soft hands on her inner thighs, and she looked down past the locks of blond and brunette hair that were draped over her breasts to see Gwen leaning down and moving toward her quivering pussy. "Gwen—mistress! Please . . . don't!" whispered Lana desperately. When Gwen didn't stop, she blurted. "I'll scream! I . . . I won't be able to help myself! They'll hear me for sure!"

Gwen stopped then, sitting up. "You're right," she said finally, pausing. She got up off the bed then and came toward the top of the bed near Lana's head. She leaned down to open a drawer and pulled out a thick length of cloth.

"Gwen, no please don't do tha---mmmph!" Lana's words were cut off by the cloth as Gwen pushed it into her open mouth, lifting Lana's head to tie it behind her. Lana's protests grew more frantic, but they were now muffled enough that no one would hear her outside the door.

"Much better," said Gwen, moving back to her position at the base of the bed, before crawling forward toward Lana's thighs, which she was trying in vain to close. She had some slack in her leg bindings that let her close her legs, but there was still enough space for Gwen to insert her head. And then Lana jerked in her bindings when she felt soft lips on her quivering pussy, the shock almost electric. And when Gwen's warm tongue pushed its way between her nether lips to lick at the spice-flavored folds, Lana threw her head back and mewled helplessly into the gag. She thought she might faint, but that mercy was denied her, and she could only thrash and jerk as a the sensations overwhelmed her. It was so wrong, she thought, to be touched and licked in this manner by girls, yet why did it feel so good? It was yet more evidence of the fruit's diabolical effects that she couldn't resist even her sisters in bondage. Lana told herself it was not her fault, the day's events had left her overheated and vulnerable to the skillful lips and tongues of the experienced slave girls, how could she resist? The two girls on her breasts giggled and continued their sucking, licking, nipping of her tender flesh, while Gwen used her arms to push Lana's knees flat to the bed, spreading her wide so she could carefully and thoroughly lick up every bit of spice. Lana shook her head, mewling protests as her body flamed higher with each lick, each tonguing, each sucking of her enflamed pussy. Soon, she forgot all about right and wrong, shame and denial, and was lost in her own pink haze of need.

Indeed she couldn't hold out very long, for Lana's body suddenly tensed, her every muscle rigid and her toes curling up as a shuddering orgasm rippled through her. The two girls both bit down on her nipples at that moment, and Gwen stroked her clit with her tongue, drawing a muffled scream from Lana, who arched her back as they drew out her climax before mercifully letting her collapse back onto the bed.

As Lana lay on the bed in a daze, panting and trembling, Cade lay down next to her, gently stroking her silky hair and doodling circles on her breast with a finger. "That's it, dear," she cooed in Lana's ear. "you'll sleep much better now." Dawn was also stroking Lana's damp hair and sensitive breast, and finally Lana opened her eyes. Cade smiled at her. "Oh, you're back, honey! Did you enjoy that?" Lana blushed deeply and turned her head, to try to hide her shame.

"Aww, she's shy," said Dawn. "Was it your first time with girls?" Lana nodded, her face still buried in the pillow. Dawn chuckled. "Well, that's wonderful, Lana! You came on your first time!"

Lana turned her head back to look at Dawn in confusion. Seeing her expression, Dawn explained. "Well, a lot of girls are too shocked their first time to really enjoy it. It took me a few sessions to get used to it."

"Not me!" squeaked Cade proudly. "I loved it immediately, just like Lana! We really are little twin sluts, aren't we girl?" she added, patting Lana on the chest.

Lana shook her head in horror. She protested that it was the fruit, that she wasn't a slut, that she'd never have enjoyed this normally. But all that made it past her gag was some pitiful garbled noises. She saw the girls grinning at her, as if enjoying her attempts at denial, and Lana vowed to never let herself cum again from the attentions of females. They'd caught her off-guard, and truth be told, she'd really needed to cum, after all the times she'd been teased and denied that day. But she wouldn't let them get to her the next time.