AI Era:The Grlzfrnd


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Except, except she wasn't stimulating herself. By itself, the toy was changing modes. Previously when she had used it, she was in control. She would determine what mode to use, how hard to vibrate, how fast to wave and how deep to thrust. But here, with her phone sitting idle by her side and with her one arm resting at her side and the other hand stroking her nipple, the Grizfrnd was changing modes, increasing and decreasing power, causing the waves to be more powerful and then less and making the swirling action and the thrusting start and stop. It was all beyond her control.

And she enjoyed it. No, that wasn't quite right. She didn't merely enjoy it, she loved it. No need to fiddle with the app, no need to turn her phone back on if it had been idle for too long; all she needed to do was lie back and enjoy. But niggling in the back of what little rational mind she still had was the question: how is this happening? Does Travis somehow know I have this in me?

After the vibrations ping-ponged between the clit arm and the vaginal arm, the waves action slowly picked up. Softly at first, then with more vigor, then less, as it too seemed to bring her higher and higher only to let her ease back off. And it was exactly what she wanted. It was exactly what she had found to be so nice in the past.

Next, the swirling action started. Slow rotations of the vaginal arm rolled across her G-spot interspersed with the waves. This teasing brought her closer and closer to orgasm but never pushed her over the edge.

It was maddening.

It was lovely.

It was frustrating.

It was exciting.

'Oh my God,' she thought, 'Now the thruster!'

The Grlzfrnd was vibrating, waving, swirling and thrusting in a complex dance which brought her higher and higher, nearer than before, but never allowing her to completely climax. Her body thrummed with tension, her lips let sighs and soft moans of pleasure escape, her brain was flooded with sensory overload and her pelvis was overflowing with lubrication.

She lost all track of time but what little rational brain she still had functioning told her she had to have been experiencing well over thirty minutes of nonstop sensual torture, torture she wanted to stop yet torture she hoped would last forever.

She found herself moaning out loud. "Ooh, feels soo goood!" But after what seemed like hours, her body craved release so she started talking to her Grlzfrnd. "Look, you little shit, you need to make me come!" The vibrator continued to move around between functions, teasing her, bringing her closer and then dropping back, frustrating her even more.

Eventually, it seemed to pay attention to her pleas, or at least it let her climb up on that ledge from which she would fall off into a wonderful orgasm.

And then...then she detonated. Exploded. From deep in her pelvis the signals spread throughout her body, signals of extreme pleasure ripped to her brain, flooding it with dopamine and other love hormones. As her body arched on the couch, she heard strange sounds and cries in the room and saw a kaleidoscope of colors race across her vision. All of these had happened to her in the past, sometimes one or the other but rarely all at once and never so powerfully and never so totally encompassing her entire being.

After what seemed to be the most amazing orgasm of her entire life, the Grlzfrnd appeared to ease off a bit, allowing her to catch her breath slightly. Then it was off to the races again. The vibrating, waving, swirling and thrusting actions were yet again strengthening and fading, teasing and easing, promising and denying. One tiny rational thought trickled around in her brain: could she even tolerate this much longer?

But it felt so good, so wonderful and so amazing she did nothing to stop it. She allowed herself to be carried by the sensations to the edge of yet another powerful orgasm and almost by mental will, she got across the finish line. This orgasm was almost an exact duplicate of the first, perhaps less powerful, but certainly no less enjoyable. "Enough," she pleaded to no one in particular.

As she began to recover, a worrisome thought crossed her mind. Was this going to happen again? The Grlzfrnd was still vibrating at a very low intensity but the rest of the functions were off. Her heart rate slowed, her vision seemed to clear and her hearing, yes, her hearing seemed to recover. And her mind began to function clearly. Wanting to completely recover, she reached down and pulled out the toy, whereupon it shut off.

'That's odd,' she thought, 'Did the battery just die?' After several minutes of enjoying her post-orgasmic bliss, she sat up and looked around. Her towel below her was a bit moist; no surprise there. And her phone was off to one side, still well out of her reach. 'How had that thing turned on, how did it change functions spontaneously and how did it turn off?'

Then it hit her. Travis must have been involved. But wait! How did he know she had even pulled it out of her drawer? How did he know to turn it on exactly at the right moment? No, too many weird things had happened, things which needed to be explained. She even thought for a few seconds he might have installed a micro-camera to spy on her. But that couldn't be it! No, he was too much of an honest guy and she couldn't imagine him violating her privacy like that.

She got up, did a quick cleaning downstairs, got dressed and set about fixing dinner. She'd ask him later after he'd had a chance to recover from his busy day and finished his first drink of the evening.

After dinner while Travis was reading in the living room, Kaitlyn sat down next to him.

"Hey, Hon, how was your day?"

"Busy. God-awful busy."

"This afternoon, uh, did you take any time off, you know, coffee break or something?"

"Uh, no. Chapman sat in my office for nearly three hours grilling me about the Oregon project. He seems to think it's a disaster waiting to happen but everyone else loves it. But, he's the boss and I had to answer every silly-assed question in detail at least three times."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Uh, so you didn't, uh, didn't think about me around two-thirty or so?"

"Honestly, no. My mind was going in overdrive to appease him. Uh, why do you ask?"

"Well, I had a weird thing happen. It concerns my Grlzfrnd."

"Ah, I see," he chuckled, "Playing with your toy again, eh?"

"Yeah, I was. I deserved it after my busy day up to that point. I had finished a presentation online to my boss, she liked it and told me to take the rest of the day off."

"I hope you made sure your computer video/audio feed was turned off..."

"Oh, it was, believe me. But anyway, I started to play with my Grlzfrnd around two-thirty. And it seemed to, well, it seemed to be running on its own."

"Running on its own? What do you mean?"

"Well, I got ready, slipped off my shorts and spread my legs..."

"Honey, the mental image is killing me," he groaned.

"Well, anyway, my phone was over to the side, beyond my reach. I put a little lube on and when I slipped the Grlzfrnd in, it turned itself on!"

"What? No way. You must have bumped it."

"I didn't. The phone was off to one side and the hard-start button is way down at the tip. No way I accidentally punched it hard enough to turn it on. And then, get this: It started to change modes all by itself."

"You mean it went from vibrate to wave to swirl by itself?"

"Exactly! And it would take me closer and closer, then back off and then take me close again. It seemed to be in control. Are you sure you weren't screwing with me today?"

"Honey, I swear. I was suffering with Chapman the entire time."

"Then what was it? How did the damn thing operate? How did it know what I like?"

"Honey, I have no idea. We can always send it back and..."

"Hold on! It was weird, even spooky, but there's no need to get radical here. I'm not returning it at all," she laughed.

"OK. But I promise, I was not futzing around with the app or pulling a fast one on you at all."

"Good," she said as she gave him a big kiss, "But I wonder what was going on."


Four and a half hours earlier and far, far away....

"Hey, Bob, what are you working on?"

"Oh, Hi, Jim. I'm just puttering around with the Grlzfrnd program."

"Program? You've got a program for it?"

"Uh, yeah. It's kinda hush-hush so don't go blabbing about it everywhere."

"So, uh, what's this program do, anyway?"

"Well, we've introduced artificial intelligence into the sex toy business."

"AI? You're shittin' me!"

"Nope, I kid you not."

"OK, you've got me intrigued. What've you got going?"

"Alright, it's kinda complex but I think even though you're an accountant, you'll follow along fairly easily. You see, the Grlzfrnd can be controlled from afar, usually by the woman's partner, by using their smart phones and our app."

"Yeah, I know that. But how does that involve us?"

"Simple. Whenever the app is turned on or whenever the device is turned on and the app is on a nearby phone, data from the woman's use of the device can get sent to us."

"Wait! She uses the Grlzfrnd to polish her pearl and we know about it? We get some data?"


"Does she know about it?"

"I don't know, probably not, but the terms and conditions on the initial app sign-up clearly state all user data, with permission, may be uploaded to our central office."

"No one, and I mean no one, ever reads those statements. They are super long, super detailed and all legalese. Most people just want to go ahead and start using the program or app or whatever."

"You're right. Even I don't read them but our lawyers specifically put it in there so we couldn't get burned if it ever came out we were using customer data."

"You said with permission..."

"Yeah. After the first session the user is asked if she wants to save the session and people, not knowing what it means, automatically say 'yes' to it and 'yes' to saving all future sessions."

"OK, so you get data. Then what?"

"Well, you know data storage is dirt cheap and we can easily collect data on dozens of uses from each and every woman."

"That's tens of thousands of women! What do you do with the data?"

"After she has used the Grlzfrnd a total of fifteen times, the data gets fed automatically to our AI program. We throw out the first three episodes thinking she is still learning about it and we analyze the next twelve episodes. Then the AI has the ability to take over."

"How long does it take to get those twelve sets?"

"Depends. Some gals are pretty frisky and we can get all twelve sessions easy within a week or two. Others, a bit longer. We do see quite a lot of initial enthusiasm followed by a slight slowing down."

"And what does the AI program do?"

"Simple. It analyzes the use, particularly right before and at the time of orgasm, and can shoot instructions back to the device. Next we...."

"Wait! Hold on! You mean to tell me you let the computer run the show?"


"And she doesn't mind?"

"We haven't had a complaint yet," he chuckled, "And I'd like to think it's because they love it so much they don't want to give it up."

"Now, I know about all the usual functions but how does our computer do its job?"

"OK, simple. There are three microsensors built in. One is for moisture. If she is wet and inserts it, the sensor below the tip will automatically turn the device on and establish a connection with us. Also, near the hard turn on button is a tiny microphone. We can hear her verbal response and plug it into the computer. The last sensor is for pressure. If there is consistent, circumferential pressure around the vaginal arm, it will let us know she just orgasmed. Of course, her verbal response can give us a clue as well."


"Our AI program keeps track of which functions are used, for how long and which are used immediately before orgasm. Once it has worked out the best combination to get her to orgasm, it will start to lead her there. We've also programmed the platform to tease and retreat several times particularly when she's had the vibrator on for more than ten minutes."

"Wait! Let me get my head around this. It uploads data to us about frequency, her verbal response and what seems to make her come and then, using AI voodoo, it turns on the vibrator when it gets wet and takes her for a ride."

"Yeah, basically you've got it."

"And no one has complained?"

"No! And that's the beauty of it. We don't mention any of this in our advertising but once the woman has experienced what the Grlzfrnd has to really offer, she's delighted. Why should she stop?"


"Oh, and, uh, there's another thing to tell you about."


"Yeah. Every once in a while it will take the woman to the edge and purposefully hold off, you know, keep teasing her but not let her come."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Edging. Ever heard about edging?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"The edging can last for a long time and some of the women seem to really enjoy it. Others, well, not so much and they apparently take things into their own hands to push themselves over the top. But we've not received any complaints at all."

"Phew. That's amazing. What other sick features does it have?"

"Er, there is one little aspect I've programmed for and that's simultaneous orgasms."

"What? You mean, multiple women coming at the same time?"

"Yup. Well, within a minute or so."

"And why do that?"

"I guess I'm a little bit of a frustrated voyeur. Although I can't see any of the action, knowing thousands of women are orgasming at practically the same time, all controlled by Come For Me which was programmed by me, is a huge rush."

"And Come For Me is...?"

"Oh, the name I gave to my AI program. Abbreviated CFM, kinda like 'Come fuck me' shoes."

"So, let me get this straight. The women use the Grlzfrnd, agree to data coming back to us, CFM collects and analyzes the data and can later take over and show her a really good time, even with edging."


"And, if you want, you can synchronize many women who are using theirs to climax simultaneously."

"Basically, yeah. Sweet, huh?"

"You, my friend, are a sick and twisted person, but you're also brilliant. Uh, how about now? Wanna show me a live run?"

"Sure. Let me pick a random woman. Uh, here's someone who just started. See there, see the message Tip moist. Initiating Grlzfrnd? This woman, whoever she is and I have no way of knowing, either put on some lube or slipped it in her and the moisture triggered the device to turn on with a ten second delay."


"Now, watch this."

Retrieving prior sessions data


Initiating new session

"Now that means it has started to put her through her session, all by itself. Now wait a second...uh, here. You can listen in."

Initially all they heard were the buzzing of the vibrator and the soft hums and moans of a woman enjoying herself. The two men looked at each other grinning.

"This is fuckin' awesome, Bob. I can't believe it."

"Yeah, pretty cool, huh?"

They continued to watch the monitor. The CFM program listed what functions were in use and the intensity of each.

"She seems to be getting pretty close," said Jim.

"Yeah, I agree, but CFM is programmed to tease her, you know, bring her close and then ease off. It might even become one of the edging sessions. Who knows?"

"You're fuckin' cruel."

"Uh-uh, they love it. If anything, I'm not cruel, I'm providing them, or rather CFM is providing them with the ride of their lives."

They listened some more before a slightly garbled voice was heard. Ooh, feels soo goood!

"Jesus, it's like we're right there!"

"Yeah. Cool, huh?"

"Are you going to let her come?"

"Not my decision, it's CFM's. Wanna have her come with all the rest?"


He fiddled with his computer, hit enter and received the message:Synchronize with current users? Y N

"And that's the command where you can get all the women doing it together?"

"Uh-huh. OK. Here goes," he responded as he clicked on Y.

The screen filled with numerous lines of numbers. "Each line represents a woman who is already using the device and we're in communication with it."

"That many?"

"Yeah. See most are in the afternoon or so at their local time. I think the women like to get off when they are alone and I would gather most of these are telecommuters taking a break or stay-at-home moms wanting to relax before the kids get home."

"And when you clicked 'yes,' CFM slowed down those already nearing the end and sped up those just starting, right?"

"Yeah, essentially. Now, let's sit and watch. I'll click on a number and voila! This lady is really into the thruster and CFM is saying it needs to ease back some. And let's click on another. This one is cruising along using both the swirl and the wave. And now this one here is barely using the clit vibrator. She must have been pretty close and CFM backed off to let her last a little longer."

"Can I try?"

"Sure, click on a number."

Up popped a woman from the Mountain Time Zone. She was in the first two minutes of her use. They watched as CFM took her through the various modes, going faster and faster.

"Amazing! This is really amazing."

"Yeah, it is, isn't it? Let's go back to that first gal."

They heard her moaning before she spoke up. Look, you little shit, you need to make me come!

"I guess she's edging, right?"

"Yeah, appears so. CFM is also trying to get them all synchronized."

Then they heard it. The moans of tension became shrieks of ecstasy as she went over the top and orgasmed. The sensor showed constricting pressure on the Grlzfrnd, confirming orgasm.

And within a minute, nearly all the rest of the numbers on the screen flashed red and the same message flashed by the numbers.

"Does that mean all these women came? Just like the first one?"

"Yup. How wild is that?"

"Way wild, you pervert!" he laughed.

"Hey, and look at that first gal we've been tracking. The Grlzfrnd is still in her. She wants another one."

"Will all these women do it again?"

"Uh, no. The first O is synchronized and after that, most quit though some continue to play for a while. CFM is still running the show with those individual users, though."

They continued to read the data as CFM took the her through the paces once again. After her second orgasm, they heard the softly spoken word Enough and shortly thereafter, CFM noted Device removed, shutdown initiated.

"So, it looks like she's done for the afternoon."

"Yeah, it does. I can ask CFM to let us know if and when she starts up again or we can let nature take its course."

"Bob, you're a sicko. Speaking of nature, there's nothing natural about this!" laughed Jim, "It's too bad you'll never be able to tell the world about this."


"Well, if you publicized research on it, you could be a candidate for the Nobel Piece Prize, that's P-I-E-C-E prize. Get it? Like getting a piece of ass."

"That is the lamest joke," groaned Bob, "And just for that, I'm sending your wife a brand new Grlzfrnd."

"Hey! Don't you dare!"

"Why not? The ladies love 'em!"


Although this story is purely speculation and fantasy, the technology exists for something of this nature to be developed. Data can be collected via smart phones and uploaded to a central computer and AI could be programed to perform the actions portrayed in this story. Anyone who uncritically agrees to terms and conditions of an app is certainly at risk for the unexpected. Be careful, be very, very careful...

----- Trionyx -- August 2023 Votes and comments are appreciated. Thank you.

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DenaliFXDenaliFX5 months ago

I have been woking with models and AI for over 50 years and I have gone away from the main track for years. That means there are many thousands who are more advanced than I am - the possbilities are almost limitlsee. This is si do-able that I am sure somthing very similar is happening or is in beta testing. I wish I were young enough to be a part of it.

LongTimer2LongTimer29 months ago

Would love to see this played out in RL. Great idea and presentation. Keep it up.

UpperNorthLeftUpperNorthLeft9 months ago

Well done! The moral of this story is that a vagina without AI is just vgn.

ramysamy7ramysamy710 months ago

5 stars, if only because you are the first author in years I’ve found on this site that used “discreet” properly, as opposed to “discrete”

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

An excellent idea - would a sequel see the developers deciding to programme the woman, taking control - or synchronising via Bluetooth when two vibes are close to each other??

This was a nicely inventive story/ Thanks for creating.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

Good luck to those who will have to deal with AI in the future!


ender2k2kender2k2k10 months ago

Good story. This really feels like it could happen in the near future. Thanks

prinnaveaprinnavea10 months ago

You got a 5 star. This is definitely original thinking, or is it?? Maybe it is artificial. :) :)

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