Alex - 10 Days of Torment Ch. 17


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"Fuck! I knew I wasn't crazy. What are you proposing?"

"I'm inviting you into our world, Maggie."

"What does that mean, exactly?"

"It means that you already know so much that it's silly to pretend you aren't already a part of this. But up until now, you've only been on the periphery. I'm formally inviting you to be an actual participant."

"Uh... does that mean what I think it means?"

"Yes... eventually. I'd need you to follow my lead. Not like I'm leading Alex in our marriage now. It's more like I want your help leading him."

"Hmm... This. Just. Got. Interesting!"

"It hasn't yet, but it will eventually if you're interested. I have a plan, and it would involve you and Alex... that is if you find what he and I are doing exciting enough to want to be immersed into our lifestyle more deeply."

"You're being a little vague, which I understand. But I need to be clear what you're asking... this involves a sexual relationship between me and my boss, right?"

"It's an invitation... between you and me, and yes, you and my husband. Boss and executive secretary don't factor into this whatsoever. It's not a requirement of your job. He knows nothing about me asking you to be a part of this. And he won't. If this works, it will happen naturally over the next couple of weeks. I'm still working out the details of how, but I do have a plan. And to answer your question more directly, yes... everything about this is sexual. If you decide not to be involved, this conversation never happened... but I'd still be trusting you to keep us safe. We do have a family."

"I would never do anything to hurt Tommy and Sarah, Chris. You have my word on that."

"I believe you, Mag. But that doesn't answer the ultimate question. He just knocked on the door. I need to know now. Are you in or out?"

"I'm in," she giggled.

"You don't know how happy that makes me. Have a seat and stay on the phone. I'm going to let you listen to the opening act," she said as she put her phone on a table. Waving again, she turned her back to the street, pressing her body against the glass

"The door is open. Come in," Christina called out. Alex opened the door. Maggie could just see him in the background, the light from the hallway illuminating him. Christina held up a hand and said, "Take off all of your clothes right there, Alexander."

"In the doorway?"

"This isn't a debate. I gave you clear instructions. I expect you to follow them."

"Yes ma'am."

When he was naked, she let him close the door. "Crawl to your queen, cuck," she ordered.

Maggie gasped again, and realized she needed to control her reactions. She didn't want him to hear her through the phone. She saw him approach on his hands and knees as he neared the window. He was hidden enough that he wouldn't be recognized, but it was still electric to watch.

"Eat mommy's pussy and make her cum like you did this morning."

"Yes ma'am," he said as he dove in.

She held him by his hair. It wasn't like she had to. He was sucking her pussy willingly, and with a wild abandon. She did it more out of habit. But it also put him in the right head space. He was serving his queen like she'd demanded.

Maggie nearly came herself when Christina launched into her orgasm. She'd had to fight the urge to finger herself. She knew if she did she'd surely be heard. It was one of the hottest things she'd ever seen, even if it was from a great distance.

When he finished, Christina ordered Alex to crawl to the corner by the door. He did, and she turned and looked out the window, staring once again at Maggie, who heard the knock at the door.

"Alexander, what kind of queen is your hotwife?" she asked out loud.

"A queen of spades," he answered.

"My bull is here. Crawl to the door and let him in please."

Seconds later, Maggie saw a magnificent man, already shirtless. He stood behind Christina, his hands grabbing her breasts. His palms were so large they almost completely covered them, and she swooned as he sucked on her neck.

"Hello, lover," she cooed.

"Hello babygirl. You ready to fuck?"

"Mmm... yes. You can have me any way you want me for the next three hours."

"I'm going to... starting with that sweet white pussy of mine."

He lifted her effortlessly into his arms, and she giggled. Scooping her phone off the table, she quickly brought it to her face.

"Shows over Mag," she whispered. "I'll call you tonight."

The line went dead, but Maggie kept holding the receiver to her ear. Finally she scrambled up, making sure the door to Alex's office was locked. Seconds later she was on the floor, her hands in her panties as she frigged herself to a thunderous climax. Licking her fingers afterwards, she turned her head to look out the window again.

"I wonder what I just got myself into," she sighed dreamily.

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mimastermimasterover 2 years agoAuthor

I got another anonymous comment a little bit ago that I had to delete. It was very short. Pretty much the gist of it was, yes, they acknowledge that I'm an author... but I'M NOT Tom Clancy. I took offense to that. Not the criticism itself, if that's even really a critique. It was more of a fact, really. I am, indeed, not Tom Clancy. What I took offense to is the choice of author that I'm obviously not. If you're going to use an author that is most famous for creating an iconic fictional government agent in what would be an espionage/hero setting, everyone that's read my work should know Jack Ryan isn't it. It's James Bond, which would make the author that I'm not the one and only Ian Fleming. I was going to give it a pass because Sean Connery was James Bond, and was also Marko Ramius in The Hunt for Red October, so maybe they just got confused. But since they went anonymous and I can't contact them to find out, I have to assume they just weren't paying attention, so I had to spare them the embarrassment. No choice really.

DenaliFx, Mari55, beagrius, thanks for having the courage to stamp a name on your comments. Much appreciated. And I do get the Covid thing and the worry of when this story will be done. I've got quite a few of the other 2 series in the can, so to speak, and since they're more episodic, I can post them occasionally without much impact to the overall plot. So I'm putting most of my writing energy into this one because it will have a definitive conclusion. I'll post when more when I've cemented a thread or two, but I'm currently on chapter 26, which is Day 6. I'd guess it'll run about 35ish chapters, plus or minus a couple.


Mimaster (not Ian Fleming)

beagriusbeagriusover 2 years ago

Can't say I'm a big fan of the gangsta black dude that look as dumb as a rock mainly because I think it as been over done in the genre. but I'm still interested in learning how their situation will develop and if Alex will still be stag occasionally in the future so I will still read your story I just we will get to the date they are in the first chapter soon (around 1 months left to cover).

But I will never understand the peoples who need to send threat or message like he should beat the wife... I'm like do you hate yourself because those kind of story turn you on?? it's not like anyone is forcing you to read this story when you aleadry know what to expect...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is that your take @mimmaster. I have an username but never login in ages. I don't bother with it. I've post two (that I remember) long-ish posts here in chapter one and two. Mari55 look it up. If you decide to send a message for that username I can reply and confirm. With this said, you probably get plenty of messages of people who get triggered enough. Doesn't that mean that you're doing a good job?

I've bought plenty of erotica, expecting something great. Your story is better than the paid garbage I sunk plenty of money into. Too much promise, too little pay-off with a focus on humiliation that god knows why it's the focus on the genre. I came looking for females enjoying sex in alternative forms and I get long diatribes about husbands getting fucked over left and right with the wife and her sex life used as a prop.

Anyway, what happened to you is awful. The story is still online but I can see you have people looking out for you there.

Regarding the story. I don't really like it but I'm curious about how it develops and above all, ends. I'm kinda of hopeless, looking for a story where the husband isn't screwed over, though I don't expect that any more. Cucks are cucks, lowest of the low. One cannot respect those that don't respect themselves.They deserve what they get. You, as author, just write their fate. Same for the wife. Who wants such a low value woman as their partner in life? I wouldn't trust her with anything. But hey, there are man who think they can never get better and/or too afraid to be alone.

I also don't like in media res storytelling that much which, added with your style, pace and detail you like to add to your stories, means that it will take a while until the timeline reaches the date of chapter one. Add the Covid thing and often fear that this stories never reaches its ending point. I hope that won't be the case.

Please go on. Teach those 'pros' a lesson or two more. Probably get paid too. You're too good for this genre to keep giving things for free.

Mari55 as Anonymous XD

DenaliFXDenaliFXover 2 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised that the story had gotten away from the forced chastity of Cristina and the medieval concept of controlling a woman's genitals which all civilized people accept. Great! Some fun multi-faceted sexual conditions follow. I cheered but then Cristina and Brandi start pulling equally bad or worse stuff on Alexander. This is not S&M and not in the line of this story. Rough stuff, yes but sadistic cruelty for pain and nothing else Forget it. Butt plugs (not a big deal) and paddling, same thing. The cuck --- stag continuum is extremely real and happens millions of times around the world, but here, it is senseless at times. You shouldn't go from 65% stag in Palm Desert to 95% cuck (maimed and misfigured cuck) at home, The tension is overdone (my opinion)

mimastermimasterover 2 years agoAuthor

I just got another comment on this story. It accused me of not being able to handle criticism, even if it may be true. I don't really have an issue with that criticism. The person wrote it is certainly entitled to their opinion. I've stood by that for over 12 years doing this. I'll take those comments, and the insults from others, even though I know that the people that post them couldn't write a proper post it note. It's part of the world we live in now. Those that can't write become experts in how to do it. But here's the thing, which I will say again; I do take issue with those that don't have the temerity to stand behind what they say. It's not like I can post stories anonymously. I do this for fun. I do it for my readers. I don't seek to profit from it and yet this very story has been plagiarized so someone else can. Talk about irony. I take the criticism, they're looking for the money. I know this series is controversial. I accepted that when I started. I've put warnings and disclaimers at the beginning of chapters that it isn't for everyone. I know there will still be those that will ignore them, read anyway, then feel compelled to bitch and insult because they don't like what they just read. Again, you're definitely entitled to your opinion. I'm also entitled to mine. What I won't stand for is the lack of respect that's shown by those that will not post those comments using their username. Because of that, I have and will exercise my right to delete those that post anonymously. It's not like I can block trolls like you can on Twitter. To those that can't find the courage to say what they feel in a way so that others know who you are, I would ask what I've done to personally wrong you. I didn't spend days writing a chapter with you in mind, hopeful I'd anger you. This world is hard right now. Covid is rampant again. I hope those that are here reading are safe and in a good place in their lives. This story is fantasy. It's a diversion. Taking it so seriously you feel the need to lash out, to me, seems like such an odd reaction. I guess I don't get the anger. That said, I'm willing to take it, to a point. When it becomes personal, I object. And I don't and won't accept anonymous shots. Sorry, but fair is fair. You can contact me, but no one can contact you? That's the thing isn't it. Those that hide are too frightened by what might come their way. Lord only knows they couldn't handle the criticism if they had the ability to write, and the courage to post a story. Off my soapbox.

mimastermimasterover 2 years agoAuthor

Candyman, I understand your position. However, the rights of an author need to supersede those of the reader. While it may not be as convenient for you, someone else is profiting from work they didn't create. It's a crime. I read Literotica on my phone. I've been known to write on it too. Doing that very thing with this comment, in my recliner. Your tablet can log into the website too. May I respectfully suggest you try that instead? Just a thought.

MrWilbur, I continue to appreciate your loyal readership. Thanks for your support.

Nasty56, I would never advocate physical violence against a domestic partner, no matter the circumstance that causes the friction between the two. As for your critique, while appreciated and respected, I disagree with your premise. One shouldn't be surprised by how respectable, intelligent people can have their lives begin to unravel because of the decisions and choices they make in the pursuit of what they believe will make them happier. Happens thousands of times every day all over the world. I've known people that have done that very thing, destroying everything they cherished. Two committed suicide as a result. There are seven deadly sins. Lust and greed head the list. Fiction is often founded on factual principles. What might seem implausible to some is a true-life experience for someone else. Being able to accept circumstances we've not lived through ourselves is the reason we read to begin with, isn't it?

Anonymous, thanks for the congratulations. And for living up to my expectations of those that hide behind their keyboard. The email you sent me was a nice touch though. Very classy. So, to use your term in that email about getting 'your head out of your ass' I offer the following clues you somehow ignored. I literally put in a disclaimer at the beginning of the chapter, saying it was dark, and not for everyone. Even mentioned not being a dick and making that move, but hey, you do you. I've mentioned several times earlier in this series that it is based on a blog I followed. It's simply heading down the same path. I'm creating dialogue, but the narrative plot is pretty much already set. There's creative license, but not as much as one might think. I'll also say that most people I've met in real life that mention 'man cards' don't have one of their own. If they did, they'd come off anon, un-deball themselves, then man up and proudly own their words. And by doing that, it would allow others to go to your page and read all the stories you've written. How many is that again? Zero? Hard to believe.

northirishdivernorthirishdiverover 2 years ago

At last, back to how the 1st chapters took shape to be and fantastic read. Hopefully, the following few chapters will flow from your fingers

Nasty56Nasty56over 2 years ago

Well…the husband is supposed to be a partner in a lawyer shop, so should be a little more intelligent than letting his wife whore around. Hot wife vs whore, I believe the story has drifted more toward a whore story. No professional would purposefully expose his life, livelihood and family like that. I think he should beat the shit of his wife into reality or divorce the bitch soon! 2 stars for me.

MrWilburMrWilburover 2 years ago

You bring very disturbing news! I hope amazon takes steps against the plagiarist creep and this site does more to protect a writer's intellectual property. Thank you for your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

MIMASTER - congratulations - you just turned you story into a shit pile by deballing Alex. All 1*'s until he gets his man card back and beats Christines ass with a belt - punching Gerald out would be pretty good also.

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