Alien AutoDoc Arm Appliance


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What the heck, I let my mouth move.

Roughly, in Alien, I said, "Want HUD [I used the English word] summary, display over her head, health info, thinking info, endocrine, stimulation, she-wants, important info."

My alien-skillz weren't so good.

Still, it had an effect.

A summary appeared in my vision above her head, with stats. Body size in general as standard deviation from mean female population? I had to laugh at that. Aerobic capacity and efficiency, pain tolerance, blood clotting speed, sum of contraction forces of all major muscle groups in absolute and standard deviation, percent lifespan used (4), reproductive capacity (149?)...

That last one was funny. I didn't know she could have 149 kids. I didn't know anyone could.

My mind started on that. Was it realistic?

If this was prehistory and the time period between starting, and menopause, was like 30 years? Then, at 10 months per pregnancy, that's 35 pregnancies, of twins, so that'd be like 70 kids. There's ZERO chance any human could actually do that, but it said 149? That would mean about a hundred if there were triplets each time, but I didn't think the human body could do that, time after time.

Some part of the AutoDoc regeneration of her systems must have amped up that max number.

Still, it was funny to contemplate, what was the max number of kids a woman ever had over her lifetime. With 8+ billion humans on Earth, that number had to be something extreme.

I couldn't imagine being pregnant once, let alone that many times with that many babies.

My enjoyment factors of watching her ride me took over and I got distracted with the having sex part. Given, I'd just come when she mounted me, but for some reason I was still hard. It was at least five minutes in by that point, and I was having, while not quite as much fun as with Terri, at least a different kind of fun.

Terri and I had been more face-to-face intimate.

I wondered if I could do that with Belinda.

Pulling her down onto me, she accepted that and panted her way, building toward an orgasm undoubtedly triggered by my turning up the dial on her sensitivity.

I asked, whispering softly into her ear and panting, "Do you love me?"

She panted back to me, but in a voice the others could hear, "Every part of me, deep inside and out, I love you, Kevin. You are, oh, God, everything, ohmygod, ohmygod...ahhhhh!!!."

Her climax on me put her muscles pulling me tighter and tighter, constricting to hug me to her close, her head down on my shoulder and moaning so loudly, her legs gripping mine, and yet, my hips still rose and fell, pushing up and into her, gliding out slightly, and pushing back to get my cock riding and sliding through that tight-holding fist of a pussy.

I felt this, too, her coming on me, her excitement, and it got me going, making my hips go faster, my need more and more urgent, until well into her climax and with no signs of letting down, I came, too, Clench, "Yrrrrnnnngggg!!! Ofuuuuuuuckck yaahahhhhhhhfuuuuuuckkkkk... HHHHHrrnnrrrrrgggg, HHHHHrrnnrrrrrgggg, ...HHHHHrrnnrrrrrgggg..."

My balls and abdomen were tight, and I knew I had to be giving her some sperm, but I wondered if anything was coming out given that I'd just sprayed inside Terri.

That blip of a thought went away fast due to my over-arching need to just CUM, yes, and fill her up.

This was one beautiful woman! She wasn't a girl. She was... grown. She had big boobs, but that didn't mean 'woman'. She had strong shoulders - strength wasn't it either... She had a take-charge matter-of-fact sort of vibe? I had to figure, that's it. Her vibe was the thing. She was a full-fledged woman. And, she was on me, still quaking and shaking.

My vision went wonky and I tried to get my breath.

We relaxed onto each other, each having some after-quakes but liking them and giggling a little in the process.

I looked over and Dawn had come back in.

She was sitting on the end of her bed, leaning calmly on one straight arm, her angle obviously letting her see right up between our legs. She glanced up to look at my face and then moved her head so we could see each other more clearly.

"Hey, Bro." She'd only started calling me 'bro' in the last few years. Before that, it had been less polite terms.

"Getting a good view, sis?" I was teasing a little. I didn't know if I was sensitive about having someone look up my butt, which was kind of her angle, or not. I guessed it was okay, but it was a little odd.

"Cute legs, there, Kev, and your butt, a little, your legs were spread enough I could see you lifting yourself off the bed with it, kinda fun, over and over, pumping Belinda full of your man-meat... man-juices, really."

I turned back to look at Belinda, who pulled up her head from my shoulder to meet my eyes, looking bleary like she just woke up. I kissed her nose and smiled, and she put her head back down on my chest.

I had no response to Dawn, so I just said, "Someone had to! Too gorgeous to let go to waste."

My head was still wonky from coming, and by some miracle I didn't mind that my own sister, my SISTER, had just watched me have sex, from a relatively close-up angle.

Dawn sounded interested and somewhat clinical. "Gotta say, Kev, when you ejaculate? Your balls get tight to your body in pulses? And, then, I can see your penis pulsing, too. Waaaaay cool stuff. Never seen that."

Belinda was kind of out of it. She made a yummy sound, moaning it, and got a self-satisfied half-smirk that looked almost sleepy, "Yeah... gonna make some pretty babies."

I thought, but did not say, 'Whut?', and looked over at Dawn.

Dawn was nodding and said, "The entire purpose of life, Belinda. The entire purpose. Make me an aunt." Her face was kindly, looking up at what had to be a great view of Belindia's butt, with my cock going into her pussy.

I couldn't say anything. Girls were definitely in the 'silly beasts' category according to the admittedly juvenile viewpoint I continued to sometimes carry around, but at the same time, I felt the connection that I had with Belinda right then. Her heart was next to mine. Her body was completely touching mine, plus the more-touching of me prodding her innermost bits.

We were two halves of a sexual species and this was Exactly What We Should Be Doing. It felt absolutely right, being there, the Undoubtedly Correct Place for me was right there, and her, right there, and my cock right in her pussy, and her pussy, wrapped around my cock tightly holding in the juices I just shot into her.

The skin sensations got to me, too.

I stroked her back lazily and she seemed to like that, so I did it some more and she said, "Scratch?"

With light fingernails, I scratched like I'd scratch my leg, on the light side of normal, and she shuddered in delight and said, "Oh God I'm Keeping You, just Keep Doing That!"

Since Belinda was kind of leaning off to my left, I couldn't see Terri too well, but I heard her tittle a giggle along with Dawn's.

I kept going and said, "Fun for me, too. The only thing that could make this better? Boobs. A boob in my mouth, that'd make it better. And only maybe. This is just fabulous."

Turning to kiss Belinda on the cheek, I didn't see Dawn get up, but there she was, bending over me and lowering her breast right onto my mouth.

I wasn't sure what to do about that but just accept the gift. I toyed with her nipple with my lips, sucked in some amount of breast into my mouth, and loved how completed I was.

On my left hand, which had been holding Belinda, I felt fingers and movement, and then the softness of holding Terri's breast.

There's a lot to be said about holding boobs, and I think everything that I'd say would be complementary!

I did need some air, though, and tapped Dawn on the flank, letting my hand ride down her side to her hip-bone and soft butt, right in easy reach. She pulled back as I tap-slapped her twice as 'let me up', and laughed, "Got your fill, mister?"

This version of my sister, the laid back, open and trusting, happy-go-lucky version? I liked it a lot better. I'd had the uptight, prissy version back in the day, though a lot less so in the last year or so.

Squeezing and letting go of Terri, lying next to me, I said, "I gotta get up soon."

Belinda shifted, pulling up and letting my cock slide out of her. I was definitely staying at half-mast. Dawn said, "Remember...?"

Before Belinda could get there, though, Terri bent in and sucked up my cock, slurping. Dawn's eyes got puzzled and she leaned into me, too.

Wondering what I could get away with, I said, "Dawn, Kiss Terri. Deep."

Terri looked up from sucking on me and Dawn leaned in and held her close, pulling her into a hug and then a complete and loving make-out open-mouthed tongue kiss. They both moaned a little, and it went on for about 30 seconds.

Belinda was grabbing tissues off Dawn's desk and putting them between her legs, crossing them. She looked at me and whispered with soft eyes, "Thank you."

I just open-mouth exaggeratedly smiled back at her, flaring my eyebrows and eyelids. We understood each other. That had been pretty epic.

As Dawn and Terri broke the kiss, I could get up and stretch, tall, hands over my head and loving it, even throwing in a yawn for good measure.

Standing up, we walked down the stairs together... and into my mom and dad, sitting in the front room on furniture from downstairs, chatting over tea, I was pretty sure.

They looked up at us.

I'm pretty sure my dad's eyes went right to the breasts, and then down, and then over to the others, but his face didn't change and he seemed like normal. Mom did the same thing, but I saw her eyes dart down and I realized I was still sporting a thick one, maybe not up, but definitely not down.

Her blink and glances at the other girls' faces made it plain she wasn't concerned. She asked, "So, another round finished. Did you have lunch?"

It occurred to me that I hadn't, and said so, so she pointed at some pizza boxes on the upside-down couch near her. I grabbed a piece, but was a little worried about the color scheme in the basement, since I didn't know anything about that and figured my mother would have opinions later despite what she'd said. I asked, "You... saw what they were doing down there? You okay with it?"

She rolled her eyes, "Kev, it's fine. That basement needed stuff done for ages. We just put it off and put it off. I thought you might change it since you were living there, but I guess it's taken quite a few years." She laughed and my dad laughed, too.

Terri said, "Thank you so much for your hospitality, Mrs. Kooper."

"Oh, no trouble at all dear. Oh - we had some delivery people come to the house a little while ago, you all might want to get covered up, and..."

She was interrupted by a knock at the door, and I could see someone looking in, a male face.

Dad said, "Speak of the devil," and got up to go over.

I wasn't sure where my clothes were, but I recognized my dresser in the front room and grabbed a t-shirt and some underwear while the girls went upstairs to get out of sight.

Dad answered the door but held it just barely open, "Can we help you?"

"Yeah! I wanna see Kevin Kooper, right fucking now!"

Whoever it was, obviously was pissed.

My dad kept his cool, and I could hear a slightly bemused tone in his voice, "He's coming, we're painting in the house, he had to change clothes. Hold on."

The painting thing was a stretch, but I thought, good job.

I was pretty quick - some things that you learn in sports are how to change and dress quickly - and had just ignored the socks since my ratty mow-the-lawn shoes (leftover, it was past mowing season) were right by the door.

The guy looked vaguely familiar. I grabbed a coat, too, and thanked my dad, "I got this, pop."

He backed up and told the guy, "He's coming out, back..."

Going past him, I came out on the front walk and looked at him, then started walking farther away from the house. "Over here, I don't need my dad hearing everything I'm up to. What's going on? Problem?"

The guy seemed a little deferential and backed up, then walked with me to the middle of the front yard.

I had an ace up my sleeve. I figured, worst case, I could do 'enhance' on him and he'd collapse in the next half hour or so of exhaustion, wherever he was. Or, I could try something else.

"You stole my girlfriend!!!"

"Uh... who are you? Who is she?"

"Like you don't know her!"

"Who are you?"

"Eric. Eric Garcia."

I knew a lot of townies like myself, and I'd seen him before. "Who's your girlfriend?"

"Melanie Lamar."

I thought for a moment... "Red hair, kind of short? Band?"

"Flute, yeah."

I was just confused. "What happened?"

He didn't know why I didn't know, and I was pretty sure he'd come over to have a fight.

"She got sick this week, and when she gets better, she tells me she's not interested in me anymore, and we're done. More than that, when I ask what's up, she says, 'I'm with Kevin Kooper now, idiot, get used to it. Leave me alone,' and then she hangs up! I'm like, what the fuck?"

"Can we call her?"

"She's blocked me."

I didn't have a phone with me. I looked over. There was a girl by the garage, so I motioned over and asked if I could borrow her phone.

She let me dial Melanie (Eric knew her number, I was clueless). Eric and I walked back to the middle of the lawn to be out of earshot.

Ring... Ring... "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Melanie? This is Kevin Kooper."

"Ohmygod! Lara said you'd be calling me sometime soon."

"Uh... news to me?... Okay, uh, can you come over to my house, like, right now?"

I had no way of fixing this yet, but maybe AutoDoc could help, and we'd be okay.

"Sure! I'm like 3 blocks away! I'll bike over, it'll be faster."

"You know where I live?"

"Duh. On the shared spreadsheet, I looked it up first thing."

Again, news to me. "See you in a few minutes, then." We hung up.

Eric looked at me like I was running some kind of scam. I said, "We'll have to wait. I think, once she gets here, we can figure out what's going on. I'm pretty clueless."

He looked around at all the cars and the activity going on in the garage. He was more relaxed than when he'd arrived, but still had an edge of strong anger to him. "What's the deal with the girls working?"

"Oh, right. One of my friends, Lara, she kind-of organized something to help spruce up our basement - where my bedroom is. They're painting, a 'painting party' she said. You know - girl does something nice for you, you don't interfere, you just step back and say, 'okay?!'"

I was kind of laughing, and I almost got him to smile.

I continued, "It's kind of fun, I think - they seem to be laughing a lot down there. I think the girls are just having fun doing it more than anything. Decorating. Paint colors. Girl stuff. Like a project, but low risk because it's somebody else's house, doesn't matter if they mess up. I'm happy, I get a nicely painted - or badly painted! - basement/room."

"Ahhh." He could see the logic.

We waited in silence since I was very, very busy trying to figure out how to use the AutoDoc to come up with some ideas.

I brought up his info, but once I pressed it, it would take a while.. No! It was almost instant.

It occurred to me (confirmed by some text I realized it had explained earlier) that the first time the AutoDoc took forever to analyze me because I was the first human it got info about. The second one was a girl, so that took a while, too, but not as long, maybe.

Looking at Eric's stats, he was basically healthy, though he had... knee problems, it looked like, torn cartilage, and in his ankle, too. His left lung had a blood clot in it, a kind of big one, and I didn't know what that was about.

What I needed the AutoDoc to do was to make him truthful, with me at least. That would let us get to the bottom of things, and I could help, then?

Going to the search area I'd recently discovered, I knew the word 'truth', but if the guy could no longer lie, he'd have a hard life. I wanted him to be... subservient, maybe?

Looking up the word I thought that meant, I tried to go into it further, but it kept referencing the 'reality' symbol on the 'reality button on the main menu.

I thought, well, heck, that's what I pressed for my parents, maybe?

Pointing my forearm at him, though discreetly like I was scratching it, I pressed REALITY.

The change only took about a minute, and he was quiet during that time, a whole slew of emotions flowing over his face, like he was thinking of a lot of things.

Roundabouts this time, a girl rode up on a bicycle, and I knew it had to be Melanie.

She came over, but was suspicious when she saw Eric standing next to me. "What's he doing here?"

"From now on, Melaine, tell me the absolute truth, even if it hurts someone."

She nodded and considered, then said, "Okay. I will, from now on. I wouldn't have lied to you anyway, but, okay, sure."

"Why did you break up with Eric, here?"

Eric was still quiet, I think the 'reality' thing was still hitting him.

"He's ... my ex-boyfriend now. You are ... everything to me. I'm with you now. I can't have two boyfriends, he's... not right, you are."

"Ah." Targeting her, I pressed the reality button again.

It didn't seem to do anything.


"Yeah?" He looked up, innocent and almost hopeful, but a little worried.

"Eric and Melanie. Here is your new reality: You were in love, you are still in love, you will be in love for the rest of your long lives. You will get married..." I was winging it, and I wondered if anything I was saying would stick. "...And you'll have at least 4 kids together, if you can. Twelve, maybe. Whatever, as many as you can. If that doesn't work, adopt. Do you understand me?"

Melie looked at me like I was saying something hard to figure out, but she nodded slowly, "I get it. You don't want me."

"No, I didn't say that. I want you, but I want you - to be Married To Eric. For the rest of your lives. If you want good things, you have to earn them, and both of you will be loving, and compassionate, and patient, and kind, and caring, and... great parents to your kids. That is what I want. I want you two to be together. Respect and trust each other, completely. Eric, you understand?"

He was nodding, looking at Melanie. "I understand."

"As far as anyone else is concerned, you met and fell in love and that's that. Do not mention me in any story you tell about your life together, got it?"

They were both looking at each other calmly, and Melanie stepped in and took Eric's hands, both of them, fully facing each other.

This was too good, I had to do it, it was SOOOO tempting!!

"Melanie Lamar, do you take Eric Garcia to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?"

She looked at him and said, crying a little, "I do."

"Eric Garcia..." I repeated it for him, and he said 'I do' also.

"Very good. As of now, consider yourself married. You may kiss the bride."

They kissed, hugging passionately for a long minute.

Breaking apart, they looked at me again, still holding hands, like I was supposed to say something.

"So now we need to make sure this is legal. How old are you? Both?"

Melanie said jauntily, tears running down her face, "Twenty. We're both 20, he just had his birthday last week."

"Good," Thinking a bit, I said, "I suggest, do a civil ceremony at the county clerk's in Freedale first? Once you have that - a marriage license, signed, then go over to St. Albans' on Highland. Father Darren can do a small ceremony for you on the spot."

They nodded, making plans in their heads, I could tell.

"Take off tomorrow from classes, you can get all this taken care of. If you want to have another ceremony, great, I can't come, but your parents will want to be there. Father Darren won't cost much, he might want a small fee, you have a hundred bucks, Eric?"
