Alien AutoDoc Arm Appliance


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Her bringing up my after-college plans put a sticking point in my brain about which girl I was going to be serious about, if it was going to be one, because what would that look like with so many girls around?

Who was I kidding? Nobody. These girls would follow me to the ends of the earth, I was pretty sure. At least, at this point. Everything could come crashing down, spiraling out of control, I had no idea. For the moment, though, there was zero doubt on their interest.

Lara, turning into the person who was taking charge of everything, called out, "Okay, so we're going to have a painting party, but first, some ground rules. First room is the laundry area. We'll need hats, paint is hell to get out of hair. Second, rule is, wash your hands and arms every 20 minutes, just cold water, even if you don't think you need it. That'll stop you from being paint-covered tomorrow."

They got that.

"I have someone coming with the paint, but we need to get moving in this room and get it all cleaned out and prepped with tape and covered up. Kitchen is staying the same for today, we'll do that another time. All the furniture? Stack and move...."

She went on, telling who should get dressed and who shouldn't, etc., though I went in and put on ratty clothes because I figured I might need to go outside for something.

Not a few minutes later, down the stairs comes Anna Blower, a mousy girl in that she was quite a bit shorter than the other girls, but she had a take-charge attitude (as I saw) that rivaled Lara's. She was carrying bags from a home-center store.

The girls dressed in the painter's pants and white shirts she'd brought, and immediately started in with moving and applying painter's tape and wiping off dust, etc.

Every surface in the place started getting taped over just so.

Several more girls showed up, bringing our group up to fifteen souls. I couldn't keep track, and saw people in passing that appeared and then disappeared, there to drop of materials or be movers to shift things from downstairs to the front room or garage.

My bed even got carried up the stairs, four girls cooperating and making it float evenly up and around corners I didn't know it could go around.

The basement looked empty, and without the admittedly super-ugly rug on the floor (rolled up and carted out).

It echoed, too.

I was asked to clear out for at least a half hour, so I took a walk with Belinda and Terri. Belinda had always reminded me of Penny from Big Bang Theory, a blonde with a sizable chest but I wasn't ever sure if she was intellectually keeping up. I didn't ever hear her say anything stupid, she just kind of seeeeeeeemed that way.

Belinda's voice, though, was memorable. She got some solos when we did big pieces, her soprano cutting through with a clear forward-leading tone. Her voice was agile, too, and almost no tremolo (which I hated) so I was glad she didn't suffer from that.

Terri Nicholson was asian-looking, pretty but normal-range pretty, not like fashion-model level or anything. I'd known her my whole life and had no idea what kind of Asian she was, if that even ever mattered. She had jet-black hair that she always had in a pony tail, but her most noticeable feature was her black thick-rimmed glasses - which she was not wearing anymore.

I asked about that first. We were going around the block and down a bit to the park near the elementary school (which I hadn't gone to because the district boundaries were stupid).

Terri said she was like the other girls, she'd gotten sick the last monday, but when she'd woken up long enough to sit up and do anything on Thursday, her glasses were wrong. They made things worse, not better, so she started not wearing them then. By yesterday, she said, she could see really well, and that morning, she could pick out birds on tree branches.

She was super-happy about it, too.

Belinda said she'd worn glasses, too, for reading, but she didn't have to anymore, same deal, but she'd only noticed that morning reading something on her phone.

I asked if they were going to med school or for a graduate degree or if they had job plans, but they kind of demurred and asked what I was going to do.

Like I thought, this thing was throwing a wrench into their life plans.

Belinda thought it would be fun to swing on the swings, so we did that for a while. I got them to talk about their families, then their majors. Belinda as doing biochemistry, to be a research chemist, she said. I had no idea she was doing that.

She said she'd taken AP chem in high school and aced it, then started taking classes at Midvale early even before graduating high school. She was at least a junior already in hours-credit so she thought she might get a masters pretty quick.

This conflicted with my image of her as a numbskull.

Terri liked chem, too, she said, but she had a hard time memorizing things. I suspected that would change for her since (at least for myself), the 'enhance' had included much better memory abilities. I didn't say anything about that, though, it would imply I knew things.

I told them I wanted to meditate for a while on the bench, so I went over to sit down and they stayed on the swings, talking. I was pretty sure it was the first extended time they'd ever really spoken to each other.

Bringing up my AutoDoc, I got info on them and found it had already completed, having been started last week. They'd been cured of the same things that we all had - the start of arteriosclerosis, gingivitis, various scars, bad eyesight, minor damage to the sclera (white part of the eye) from wearing contact lenses, freckles and birthmarks, some circulatory problems all over their bodies, etc.

Diving into the words that made up these diagnoses and enhancements, I let the language flow through me and kept working at it. Almost all of the words stuck with me after I looked at them once, but it took a while of just reading things in context to get a basic understanding at all.

Looking through the language query functions, I learned the interface had a space to 'type' by mentally pronouncing the alien word I was searching for. Just pronouncing one of them in front of me, the pictogram for throat, it appeared in the search, and then a whole cascade of pictograms appeared beyond it that I could swoop through and look at.

Going back, I did the throat search again, but this time combined it with the word for 'sing', which brought in a huge bunch of other results.

All this was fun, but I needed to absorb the user manual first, and I had no idea how to do that. Just looking through the menus more, and trying to get the words for 'help, language, writing, reading, thinking, and a button appeared on the main display at the bottom that read, 'Language help'.

I clicked that.

Some indeterminate time later, I found myself being shaken awake. I was sitting cross-legged, which I never do, on the park bench, and Terri and Belinda were checking to make sure I was okay.


"You've been meditating for a long, long time. We're getting cold, and we thought you'd like to go back to the house now. If you want, we'll stay here, but... it's kinda near lunchtime?"

I looked at my running watch - I'd been sitting there almost 3 hours. Egads.

"Sure, let's go. Kinda stiff though..."

I had trouble standing up, but the kinks worked out fast and we walked home.

The home crew had been very busy.

The basement floor was covered with red paper taped down and splattered with colors of paint. They were mostly done but needed time, so I came upstairs and saw there was ample delivery pizza scattered across the countertops, along with some salads and side dishes that looked yummy, too.

Before I ate, though, I needed to get out and go running, so I got a big glass of water, found my dresser was in the front room with all my gear in it, and got ready.

I was out of there!

Running has always been my respite, my 'get my mind straight' thing, a calm I could let flow through me. After having the race the previous day I was a little stiff, but it worked out fast, and I kicked up my workout pace until my heart rate showed I was at 80% max, but it wasn't quite right because I was at the previous day's race-pace and it didn't feel that bad.

Maybe the AutoDoc had improved my muscles or fitness level?

I kept it to a 40 minute run and instead of 5 miles my watch said I'd gone over 8, counting those fast laps around the ball-field on 3rd. Averaging 5-minute-miles was REALLY fast, like amazingly fast. I wasn't sure how I could do that, but apparently the AutoDoc's fixups did some serious good.

Stretching afterwards in the front yard, I watched the girls stop outside for a breather, sometimes take off the painting stuff as they were leaving and hand it to a girl that was just showing up, etc.

I had a feeling a lot of things were happening that I didn't know about, and yes, Indeed, that was true, since four girls in gardening gear with wet knees on their jeans walked around the corner from the back of the house.

They waved, but then went inside like they were getting something done so I didn't interfere.

Terri and Belinda came outside, obviously having waited for me to return from running. Terri asked, "I have to go soon, and I was wondering, can I have some time with you, just you and me?"

I said, "Uh, I guess, but downstairs is..."

Belinda piped in and said, "Dawn's room is open, Lara texted me."

We shrugged and I went in, then upstairs to Dawn's room.

She was at her computer, looking over some notes, obviously working on writing something. "Hey, Kev." She had on sweats, which made sense given the house was cold from having so many windows open and fans going (for paint smell removal).

"Hey, Sis. Sorry to bother you, I need to take a quick shower, and my room - the whole downstairs is kinda..."

"Oh, yeah, go ahead. I'm working on my essay for tomorrow, due by midnight, gotta finish."

"Ah. Okay." I hesitated, then turned around and pulled off my shirt and underwear, shoes and socks.

Belinda asked, standing next to Terri, "Uh.. should we... wait? Do you want company in there? Help getting ready?"

I looked at both of them. "That's actually a good plan. Get undressed, get into sixty-nine, and give each other an orgasm, if you can." This was pretty out-there for me, I was presuming all kinds of things and I didn't really know them that well.

Still, they seemed totally willing, so I just went ahead.

Continuing, I added, "Let it happen and flow over you. Try to be quiet so Dawn can still work. School is important."

Coming back into the conversation, Dawn realized what I'd said and looked at me with confused eyebrows, shook her head like, 'dude what are you thinking' but went back to her essay.

Belinda and Terri started stripping, and I walked across the hall bathroom to get my shower.

I took my time, then shaved after, and brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush still in its wrapper I found under the sink. I didn't usually use that bathroom, so it had some surprise-newness to it again.

Getting back to Dawn's room, Dawn was still working at her computer, but Terri and Belinda were still in their 69. She said, "They haven't come yet, and I'm gonna be a while with this. Can I leave, or do you need moral support?"

I laughed, "I'm good. They're good. Is it really okay we're borrowing your bed?"

Dawn was distracted still, getting her papers together to step out of the room. "If you're gonna do more, pull down the comforter, and maybe put down a towel so I won't have to change the sheets?"

I had a towel and it wasn't that damp, so I thanked her as she left with her stuff, pulling the door behind her as she left.

I looked down. "Belinda, after I do Terri, I'll do you. Maybe you can lick Terri out. If you want. If you don't, that's fine, too."

Belinda crawled off and Terri and I crawled up and looked at each other. Terri quietly said, "I'm a virgin. I already told them."

"So... I'll go slow."

"Go as fast as you want, Kevin. I'm yours, my body and mind are open, I want this. More than anything, I Want This, Now."

We kissed as I lay atop her, and let my hips push slowly and firmly inwards.

Break. Scream. Wait. Breathe. Wait. Wait. Go.

I resumed moving, and delighted in her body beneath mine, hugging her to me and smiling my butt off. When she asked, I said I always thought she was pretty, but now that she didn't have the glasses on, I could realize exactly how right I was.

We moved against each other, thrust and grunt, thrust and grunt, all of this just breathtakingly beautiful, made more so by the ecstasy on her face, the intense concentration combined with open-mouthed joy.

Her arms pulled me closer still, gracing across my back with a kind of abandon that comes from just checking that the person you're next to is real, maybe. I had no such doubts, staring up at me was the pretty face of a girl in the throes, all of herself thrown into the act of feeling me on and inside her, at least I was guessing.

I can't know what someone else is feeling.

That said, I saw her face and her movements, and that's what that said to me.

Opening the AutoDoc in my vision, I chose DIVE to what was happening inside of her as I moved, which is kind of freaky since it's a simultaneous through-my-eyes of her face and of a transparent see-through of her body's systems.

'Dive' mode is cool. I can see what's going on, as it's happening!

My cock made an angle as it entered and was pushing her vagina forward into where her uterus was bent, which was triggering a whole set of nerve excitations as the walls stretched from my prodding. Then, as I got to my maximum depth, the cervix was just barely out of the way, lifted up by the way the citoral body and normal wall muscles expanded with blood flow.

If I pushed really hard and shifted...slightly... there! I got the tip of my cock to bump into her cervix and press it in slightly!

The reaction on her face was unmistakeable as open-eyed-wow and then shudder.

The third time I did that, she started climaxing, her whole nervous system cascading into a pattern of clenching wanton extremes.

I had to flex my arm to turn off the AutoDoc display and just feel the Feelz, the softness of her skin, the tight pulsing hard-grip of her constricting walls, the slip-sliding beyond-best sensations flowing in not just from the head of my cock as it rose and fell through her tunnel, but all along my shaft, too.

Terri's cries of joy weren't loud but they were heartfelt, and I increasingly echoed them as I pumped away... and pumped... and pumped, and... Came! Ohhhhmygod FUUck yrrrrrzzzz fuUUUUCK yeah, YEAH rrrrrryah I grunted into it and then just opened my mouth and let my sensations fly out as whatever sound they wanted to make.

Crunching my abs to push my cock just that much slightly more into her, my AutoDoc vision (accidentally re-opened from my random orgasmic clenching) showed cum spurting from my urethra just... oh, wow - just as my cock reached depth. As it happened, my urethra and her os were aligned, then, half by my previous positioning maybe, and her os was open enough to let a full spurt of cum flow right on in there.

Well, that was something! Kind of like basketball or golf, sinking the shot.

More purposefully I turned the AutoDoc vision off and just lived in the moment some more, thrusting in echoes of the triumphal Cum-moment, still full sensations and wanton need to PUMP flowing from some automatic thing my body found naturally appropriate.

Like sneezing convulses, so too did cumming convulse, a dominance move of This Happening Now without regard to stuff around us.

Well then.

Loving that sensation but worrying (due to some covers bunching up near our heads) that Terri would suffocate, I pulled away and looked down our bodies. Her pretty pointed breasts and flat abdomen were moving with her breaths, still gasps of some kind of relief.

Falling to the side almost worked, but then I almost fell off the bed. Belinda caught me; she was kneeling right there and her arms came under and held my bare butt that had gone past the edge.

She was surprised, I think, by my motion and by having been caught in that situation, but she held it well and lifted me with a welcome assist. I got my butt back onto the bed and thanked her.

Belinda's face moved to be near mine, and she bent over me and pushed an almost-hair out of my face, had I had hair long enough to get near my eyes. It was a gesture of caring, I could tell, her fingers curving down my cheek.

She bent down and kissed my forehead silently.

Terri saw I was off and shifted farther in on the bed to give me more space and I took it, but Belinda looked down my body and made a decision I was unsure about until she did it.

From standing up next to me to throwing a leg over to straddle me, she got herself speared and me inside her in one fast and fluid motion.


I wasn't ready for that, for sure. Her knee came up and she sat down, fully upright in a cowgirl pose, wiggling her butt back and forth to settle in on my cock.

Slowly her eyes closed and her smile beamed. She took a big sigh and flexed her chest, too, and said, "That's right. That's where it GOES."

All I could do was watch her, since my brain was still stuck in an 'I just came' moment.

Looking up at her riding me, I again was reminded of Penny, a blonde bombshell, and wondered where girls that good looking ended up after high school.

My best guess was as dental hygienists.

I'd noticed in 7th grade that all the hygienists at my dentist's office were really seriously thin and pretty and (to my horny oversexed imaginative eyes) SUPER sexy. That quickly turned into a Kevin Theory (™) that ALL hygienists were hot looking.

That theory had held up, even after my dentist retired and we went to a new one, that office was entirely populated with jerk-off fantasy hotness. I had dreams about that place, and I didn't even really like going to the dentist!

Anyway, I'd just come, so when Belinda sat on me, I figured I was doomed.

In the past, when I rubbed one out, I'd always go floppy a few minutes after. I figured this would probably be the same - fun, a ride for a minute or two, and that's it.

She just kept going, looking into my eyes and moving her hips, posting up and down in a steady rhythm.

"I ... don't know if I can come again so fast?"

"Don't... care....Kevin... you... were... covered... in cum..."

She wanted my cum?

I could tell she wanted to be 'with' me, too, just by the adoration in her eyes and bottom lip biting, interspersed with the hopeful raised eyebrows of wanting her own chance to come.

She deserved that, I thought, and brought up AutoDoc and did a Dive into her innards.

The 'sensitivity' knob I'd turned before was defaulted higher for her, but I turned it up higher still, which applied to her whole clitoral body nerve cluster, from the sides of the vulva, up the vagina, and especially the clit head, which was already poking out and getting great friction and bumping against the base of my cock each time she dropped.

I wondered what other items I could view, as summary stats, maybe, but it wasn't displayed like that.

Idly, I thought, if there could be something like a dashboard, like on some FPS games or flight simulator, that might help. Something with basic info... like age, hair color, height... weight?

I didn't want weight displayed. I knew that much from myself. I could be a tub of lard at 170 pounds, or a lean bodybuilder at 170. That'd apply to her - and her boob mass would count against her, despite being... wow. I stared at her boobs moving and reached up to cup them.

Did I even know the alien words for what I wanted?

Trying a little harder, I thought of the ideas, and the words came out of my mouth, though too quiet for Belinda or anyone to hear, I was kind of mouthing them. I had to 'hear' the sounds, but I couldn't do that easily without my mouth moving.
