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Her gurgling went to a high pitch but still quiet, and her hips started going into fast motion on mine, back and forth, and I got the idea I was supposed to move my finger, too, so I did.

That was that.

She orgasmed, all right, and I could feel her clenching inside both on my cock, and with her anus on my finger. I loved it! This was cool. She was some kind of machine, set on autopilot, do this, and that, and boom, there she was, a giant orgasm.

On and on she writhed and moved, and I built, until my sensations couldn't handle more and I came, too, awkward from having a hand bent around behind her, but it was still an orgasm, and I loved those, for Damn Sure.

We slowed and she stayed there, and I pulled my finger out, trying to force myself to remember I'd need to wash my hands before I went to class.

She relaxed into me and settled her head on my shoulder, and said, "Check that box."

"What box?"

"First-Sex. Virginty-gone. Definitely past time."

"I thought you were talking about the finger."

She smiled, "I do that to myself when I'm masturbating, jilling-off, whatever, and I love it. Feels Totally different when you do it - it's like I don't have control, and you're in All Sides of Me. I'm filled up better, I guess."

"Oh." I processed that, then reached over and got a tissue and wiped off my finger. I didn't want to accidentally leave a big smear anywhere, though there wasn't much on it.

Her glance at me may have caught my expression. "You ... didn't enjoy that?"

"Not my thing, really. I think, maybe, if I was going to be with you awhile, I could learn to do it better, but... it's not something I'd choose to do, necessarily."

She laughed, "Okay, fair enough."

"What are you going to report about... what we did?"

"Exactly what happened, and what you just said about the butt thing. I think it's ... just about perfect scores. You put me first in the situation, you did something mildly distasteful but very helpful to me. You were attentive and caring. You stroked me with ... caresses, kind of. I really liked that. Good sex. I want more."

I laughed, as did she. We both knew there was a one-cum-per-girl rule until everyone got what they wanted, which would be who-knows-when.

She shifted off of me and used some tissues to dab herself, stuffing them temporarily as she got her panties on and added a panty-liner.

Life was more complicated for girls, for sure.

I got dressed, simply and efficiently, because all my clothes were folded. I stopped twice in the process of dressing and bent over to kiss her. I figured, more reassurance because she'd been so certain she wasn't beautiful.

"Gotta say, Lilly. Those are great boobs. Not too big, not too small, just fit in my mouth, just right. Rockin' body!" I smiled and flared my eyes. I wasn't even kidding, it was. I could imagine soon the ENHANCE would bring her to some kind of athletic ideal, but even without that, she was shapely and very nicely feminine.

She pulled out a clean t-shirt from her pack, assembled herself, fixed the vid camera, and we unlocked the door.

No one was in the hall, it was halfway through class.

I headed out, and we kissed one last time before going opposite directions.

My first stop was a bathroom to wash my hands. Happily, mind you - I'd just had Great Sex - but definitely necessary despite any hassle.

== Chapter: Thursday Lunch ==

Lunchtime brought some new challenges. The hallway outside the lunchrooms had a big glass pane, which gave more light as well as making the place seem bigger.

All along that hallway were chairs, set opposite directions but offset, their front corners touching. At first when I got there, relatively few people were sitting there, but they were looking intently at each other, some with smiles, some with frowns, some in intense concentration.

As I passed (quickly), I heard a question, "How often do you masturbate?" asked of a girl, by another girl. I didn't know that was a thing. I didn't know them too well, I recognized them, but it wasn't my business so I ignored them and went in to get a tray and some food.

This had to be Truth Spritz, and it had gone to a point that was beyond what I was used to seeing. What the hell were all these people doing, telling each other their deepest secrets?

Maybe that meant they would be less uptight. I had no way of knowing. Some part of REALITY had made everyone accept some things as facts, and I didn't exactly know what those things were. I had some ideas - that the purpose of people is to make more people, and to love and protect each other.

I wondered, standing in line, what REALITY did to people who had started out as assholes.

Missy's case came to mind, though she was more of just an entitled, somewhat conceited, stuck-up irritating person, versus asshole.

In my terms, 'asshole' refers to someone who's deliberately mean or hurtful, or callously indifferent to safety or things of significant importance to the people around them. Missy wasn't spiteful or tremendously deliberately hurtful, but she definitely was callously indifferent. Mostly she'd been oblivious and lacked compassion.

When she had first gotten REALITY, she'd probably had some reluctance to embrace the ideas in it. But, she did come in and get with the program. Of course, I had started with ENHANCE on her, not REALITY, so that might have had something to do with it.

Standing in the cafeteria line, I noticed that some of the ladies behind the counter were older, and some were very much on the younger side, maybe not past college, my sisters' ages. They looked at me with open eyes and smiles, and I knew that I could tap them if I wanted - but wondered if that was fair.

Some part of this deal, this new presumption everyone seemed to have, was that all the girls around me were mostly interested in having me father their child. It seemed to them, to hear them tell it, that it was both Absolutely Natural, and Definitely Best idea.

A leftover thought from previous contemplation of this phenomenon was that it had to be seriously hard to raise a kid alone.

It can't be easy, when you're the only parent. I was just giving them my genetics, and even at that, I had no idea if it was actually better, or if it was just mine, and I had the power to decide that it was good for their purposes.

Jill Henson, a cheerleader and shining face with a perfect complexion and perhaps-even-ironed clothes, was waiting at the checkout-payment station and walked with me as we went to sit down with the group.

This seemed normal, expected, and the kind of thing I shouldn't question.

I stopped, halfway across the cafeteria. "Jill, can you go get me a couple of extra napkins? I might need them if you and I are going to... make love, later."

She just nodded. The oddball nature of that blatant question was just ignored, and there she went back to get some napkins.

I thought about walking onwards, but counted that as a dick move, and I didn't want to be perceived as a dick about almost anything, or my good luck having sex with the female student population of Midvale.

I went and sat down. Turning in a circle, I asked the interface to show me a map, people's positions, with green for REALITY people and red for those without.

The map overwhelmed me and I had to stop and look down. It wasn't just the cafeteria, like I was expecting. It was the entire block the school sat on, the ball fields, and some of the surrounding neighborhood.

We went back to sit down at the table. Jessi and Jason weren't there, nor were Todd and Jennifer, so our group was smaller.

We talked about random shit for a while, even Kyle - a normally pretty-quiet type. We'd known each other forever, so I could understand it, but still, it was odd.

Kyle was 6'4" or a little more, a broad shouldered blonde guy with crap for beard hair and he never shaved it, a ragged haircut also, and zero sense about what to wear. Someone had shopped for him, but he wore corduroy pants, for gosh sakes, and I had no clue why. It was like he was trying to drive the girls off.

I'd mentioned it before, and he was clueless.

Anyway, Kyle asked, all of us quiet so the whole table heard, "So, Kev. You and Jill here gonna go have sex after you eat? If you leave early, I want your brownie."

This was exactly Kyle, a 100% Kyle statement wrapped in a Kyle Wrapper and delivered via Kyle's Carrier Pigeon Service.

No one laughed. It was a serious question. Just to see what she'd do, I looked over to Jill and asked, "Jill, you want to, or maybe when I have a free period, 8th?"

She kept eating, stopping before taking a bite of the chili-mac we'd been served, "Either way. If you aren't up for that, I'd love a chance to sleep next to you tonight. I've only had that much skin once and it was _Amaaaaaaayzing_."

NO reaction from the group. NO reaction from the other girls. Kyle seemed to take it in stride.

Looking over at Jill, I asked, "Jill, who is the tallest girl in cheerleading, or in gymnastics?" I figured she'd be in both.

"Oh, I'm swimming-diving, not gymnastics, but... probably the tallest is Petra, she's Ukrainian. Doesn't speak very good English yet, but she's super-nice. I think she's at least as tall as you."

Can you call her? Is she here?"

Jill got out her phone and typed in something, and someone stood up on the other side of the cafeteria and walked over to us, a very tall, medium-thickness dark-haired girl with a bright smile.

Looking at her, I stood and shook her hand. She said, "Kevin, I'm soooo surprised. I'm not in rotation for a while, I mean, I'm ready and everything, but there's a sign-up sheet and..."

I waved my hand, "Noooo, no no. Walk with me a second - Kyle, can you come here a minute?" I looked at the rest of the table and shook my finger at them, mock-scolding, "Nobody steal his brownie!"

They laughed and we walked over to the wall, out of the way.

"Kyle. I want to be Super-honest. You are an amazing guy, one of my best friends in the world. You've got a big heart, and about Zero clues about how to be social and... have the right personal habits."

He accepted this with the seriousness of someone being told they couldn't play their favorite sport anymore, trying to be upbeat but being torn down by it.

Looking over at Petra, I said, "Petra, can you do me and Kyle a favor? I need you to befriend him. Tell him what to do to be a... socially normal?-guy? Tell him how to be the kind of guy you'd like to be with. Kyle, I want you to listen to every recommendation Petra has for how to dress, shower, shave, Every Personal Habit. Talk it out, find out the reasons she's giving, she's going to have rules, you need to know the WHY of the rule, not just what the rule is, and then: FOLLOW IT, then and for as long as she says to. She will give you good manners, the rules for them. Petra, be kind to my friend, he's clueless but has a big heart. So, help him out?"

She nodded, looking at him and pursing her lips.

I said, "Be very honest with him, Petra. Know, though, you have a LOT of power! Whatever you tell him to do, he has to do that thing, now, and for, like, forever, and like doing it, as a habit. That's a ton of power. Use it very wisely. Make sure, if you tell him a rule, there are exceptions if he's physically ill or something, though."

Kyle looked at me, wondering why he was getting picked on, I think.

"Kyle, after a week or so, you're going to have ideas for how Petra and you can have a better life together - like habits she should have. She may do things that annoy you, or things that appeal to you that aren't common for her. Even, sex-related stuff. You have to remember, too, you have power over HER now. Serious power! Over EACH OTHER. You could tell each other to do sexy things and they'd have to do them, but it goes both ways."

They looked at each other, carefully.

I was going to leave and let them talk, but they kept looking at me, so I said, "So, this ordering stuff goes back, and forth, both ways. You both have to do what the other says, but you can negotiate, and you have to take turns with the ordering-each-other. Be Really Really Careful, what you ask for. No substantive harm! You don't have to obey an order that would result in you, or the other person, being permanently harmed, significantly at least - physically, or socially, or legally. Then, 31 days from today, and 24 hours after either of you have a good chance to give an order but don't, then, your ordering-powers are over. Then, you can live a solid, responsible, loving, caring, equally-sharing, fulfilling life, and make lots of babies together, and be great parents of those kids, because that gives your lives meaning and purpose."

I was pouring it on thick!

Still... I had to give them an out if something was wrong.

"Oh, and one year from today, if you're unhappy with something, you can mutually agree to orders in writing, and if you both sign and agree, then those revisions take effect."

There. That would do it.

"Hold hands."

They did.

"If you want to get married next month, go ahead. If you don't, don't. Not up to me, up to you two. I think it'd be a good match, you're both tall and smart and compassionate, I think you'd make lots of great babies together."

Petra asked, "We have to wait?"

I was careful, and said, "Whenever. Not my call, yours. Still. You can be great together. It's up to you, though."

They looked at me, still waiting. I finished up with, "That's all I got. Maybe let's go back to the table and talk about other things, you can get together and M-game it later, maybe."

They nodded, happier, and I went back to sit down, leaving them standing there and starting to talk with each other.

I think the reason I chose them was for their heights, and Petra wasn't going to find a tall guy easily. Girls don't have an easy time that way, I was thinking.

I sucked down my food fast, I was seriously hungry but I did put my brownie on Kyle's tray.

Nobody at the table asked why we had stepped off. I guessed they just figured I could do what I wanted and if it was important, I'd mention it. They weren't wrong.

Petra and Kyle finished their conversation and they hugged, then they broke and she went back to her table and Kyle came back to ours.

Nobody asked him anything. They all knew from looking at him, he was deep in thought and it'd be a dick move to interrupt that.

I listened to the prevailing table conversation and stayed quiet until the pre-bell rang and we all were about to get up. I wanted to try something. I said, "Jill, I think I'd like to make love with you slowly tonight, and fall asleep in your arms, maybe... wake up to your bright face. Can you bring over some clothes for tomorrow?"

She nodded, "Lara said half a night is normal, but I can stick around, sure."

As we walked out, we paused, and I gave her a languid, relaxed, sensate kiss, as she gave one to me, and we smiled and went our ways. People around us just smiled and mostly ignored us for some reason and I wasn't complaining.

I went to class and found myself reading through more and more of the AutoDoc explanations and settings instead of paying attention in class, but it didn't matter. There was no downside to me not paying attention, the teachers just presumed I was ignoring them for a good reason.

Really, I was looking at the large-view overhead of the whole campus.

Seeing the bird's eye view, I could see who had REALITY or ENHANCE and who didn't. I figured the people who were missing REALITY might cause problems, so I pushed that on them. That only took about a minute to finish.

Next, was ENHANCE. For that, I was careful to select the SLOW mode so they wouldn't miss two days of classes and feel like shit for the 2 days following that. Instead, they'd get four days of feeling tired and another four of less-tired but still not-great. After that, they'd be full of energy just like your average 3 year old, because at a cellular level, that's about how old they'd be.

Expanding out my view, I realized that I'd encompassed the entire neighborhood around the school with the ENHANCE. Ooops!

Some people were going to have a hard next-four-days, I thought, then went back to studying AutoDoc language and features.

== Chapter: Cheerleader Overnight ==

After cross country practice (I ran alone because for some reason I was going faster than race-pace and wasn't winded), I took a long shower in the locker room.

Getting home, I hadn't had sex in at least 4 hours, so I was randy.

Four girls were on-deck for the night:

My lunch cheerleader-Jill assignation;

Wilma, a slight and over-thin chess-math geek;

Pam Davids, the red-headed C-cup beautiful fraternal-twin sister of Hilli Davids; and

Rhonda Patterson, a lesbian tattooed pierced goth girl very into art.

As I got there, Mom came to the kitchen to give me a hug and kiss. She wanted to know how classes went, so I gave the condensed version and had some dinner leftovers.

While I was in the kitchen with her, some of the girls came up from downstairs and went around to the front room to strip off (more floor space).

As we were talking, the girls were getting undressed and stepping around the corner to see us in the kitchen. This led to me getting even more horny and yet somehow repressed because my mother was in the room with us and I really didn't want to Get Busy with her in the room.

They finished getting naked (Oh My God Beautiful Boobs and Butts and athletic bodies and legs and Eyes and Boobs and... All Of Them!!!). I just hung around in the kitchen with them. The six-packs and soft supple sultry skin, it Called To Me. I was still clothed but eating, and Mom's idea of me being uncomfortable with this idea was greatly amusing to her (and I think the girls, too).

I finished and was going to put my dishes in the sink but Mom took my plate and pointed downstairs and said, "Go - have lots of sex. I'll get the dishes."

...Things I didn't anticipate ever hearing from my mother....

The girls laughed and we headed downstairs, settling in around the main TV which was on mute, playing old-fashioned cartoon animation of a light-red mountain-cat that walked upright with a stutter step, played tricks on people (or had tricks played on him), all accompanied by odd 1960's jazz music.

This was entertaining, certainly, but Wilma was anxious to get things moving.

Wilma's slight form and a-cup chest contrasted with a long torso and muscles that showed she actually did something. As she bent down in front of me, seated at the couch, and tentatively picked up my cock in her cool fingers, I asked her if she worked out.

She laughed and said she usually was super into math and chess, but the past few weeks she's been going out running and doing strength-yoga in the park with friends.

I complimented her looks, but when she genuinely dismissed it I added, "Looks are irrelevant, it's earned muscles that count, and you have some very nice earned muscles," sucking my cock head down and almost getting somewhere. Her mouth was kind of small.

Pam Davids, her curly red hair falling by her shoulders and being echoed by a very nice red pubic triangle patch, said, "I wouldn't say they're Entirely irrelevant..."

Motioning for her to come over, I got one of her breasts nuzzled and held it with both hands to squeeze and push it all over my face - what's not to love about a big soft boob! - but said, "Looks are not everything, but they're not irrelevant. I always thought the 'athletic' look is more attractive because it shows you take care of your body, whatever age you are. Plus, you live longer and stay healthier. It's harder to chase and play with your kids if you can't run."

I was only echoing what I was taught. For these girls, we'd all live a longer time because of ENHANCE. Looking at them, I saw them think about and file that idea away.
