All for a Cup of Coffee


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I shuddered and looked away at her words. A twist of fear churned my guts and I shook my head, "No, that's nonsense. Saffron didn't... She... She wants to be my slave!"

Cherry squeezed my hands as she said, "Harrold. Do something for me."

"What?" I asked.

"Tell me you love me." Cherry said calmly.

"What?!" I looked up at her and then down at my feet, "Cherry! That's... That's a really big... It's not like..."

"Harrold!" Cherry was much sharper as she barked at me. My body jolted and my muscles clenched as though I were going to flee. I winced and looked back up at her. Her eyes were blazing with passion as they bore into mine. She spoke without an ounce of fear or room for doubt. "Anyone with a brain can see how much you love us. You just won't admit it to yourself. You have built us this wonderful home. You have sex with each of us in all the ways we adore." She leaned herself against me and said, "When Lizzy joined us here only a little while ago, I was jealous. I still kind of am because it means I get that little bit less of you. But I don't think you were hiding anything when you told me that I couldn't ask you to choose between us. The truth is you fall in love so easily and you love us all, but you're scared to show it."

"Cherry..." I sighed as my stomach sank.

She shook her head and touched my face, "I don't know how it is where you came from, but in our world love is a treasure. It doesn't just happen without anyone realizing. To know someone loves you and to love them in return is precious beyond words. I may not hold the others as dear in my heart as I do you, Harrold, but in time I will love each of them as a wife of my own. But you... I see it in your eyes when you look at each of us. There is so much love."

My skin was tingling and I felt a sweat crawling up my face. I tried to process what process what she was saying and I took my hands from hers. Was she right? The thought that I just... all the sex and endless streams of women. The self-proclaimed 'Moral Womanizing'. Was all of it really my own issues keeping me from something? I just always kind of thought I'd settle down if the right woman came along.

My eyes went back to Cherry's. Her face was sweet and kind, her cute wolf ears twitching softly as I looked at her. The right woman. Could it really be that? Am I really... scared?

Berry's bombastic smile. Ro'Lin's sensual way of wrapping herself around me. The way Ava can somehow smile and be happy with every part of her body. Lizzy's ditzy cuteness when she's unfocused. Maybe even Saffron, I couldn't yet know.

The right women.

"Cherry." I slid my arms around her and held her close. My heart was beating hard now. I buried my face in her neck as my eyes started to fill. I clung to her, not out of some sexual desire, but out of honest emotion. My breathing was heavy and she wrapped her arms around me as well.

Standing there in the kitchen together, she just held me. She didn't berate me or try to push me or say anything at all. She was just warm and close and soft. She was exactly what I needed in that moment. That was what truly made it sink in. I was what each of them needed and I needed each of them.

When I finally loosened the embrace, my throat was tight and my eyes burned from trying to hold back the tears. She smiled up at me and said, "Now Harrold... say it."

It took me a couple breaths to get my throat to work and I was hoarse as I spoke, "I love you."

Her face brightened and she hugged me again, "I love you too, Harrold. Gods know I love you so much. You are the most amazing man in the world and you are so good to all of us. You're just a little silly sometimes."

I let out a sob and the tears spilled from my eyes. I embraced her tightly again and repeated myself, "I love you, Cherry. I'm sorry I'm so dense, but I love you."

She laughed at that and pushed back on me, separating us. Her face was glimmering with joy and she said, "Now, how do you feel?"

"Like some sappy wuss." I laughed and wiped at my eyes. I smiled, "Thank you, Cherry. I trust you and all my girls. I haven't been fair to any of you. I am going to do better."

"Good thing I like sappy! Now, have you come to any thoughts about Saffron?" Cherry said, her energy bleeding off into a somber tone again.

"That one. Uhh. That one is going to take more time." I said as I scratched my head. I looked at the door to the bar and said, "Umm... What do you think?"

"Well I think you're kinda stuck at this point so I'd just go for it. It's not like she wouldn't be devoted and sexy as hell. I know you're uncomfortable but you don't have to actually treat her like a slave. Not to mention you should've seen her out there over dinner. Just about talking with everyone, the entire place was enchanted by her. She's not just going to make a great waitress, she's going to be the capstone that finally makes this place the legend you want it to be." Cherry said enthusiastically.

I nod and sigh, "I guess that makes it pretty easy." I snake a hand down and slap her butt softly, "And I bet you're not eager at all to sleep with her."

Cherry's cheeks went pink and she said, "That's beside the point! I should get along with all the women you pick."

"Now who's making excuses?" I smirk at her and she huffs.

"Yes, obviously. I told you as much earlier. I want to hold her down, sprinkle her in sugar, and lick every inch of her gorgeous body." Cherry said with a lusty growl.

That made me laugh loudly and I felt a great weight fall off me. Muscles and emotions that had been tightly wound since this morning were finally releasing me from the tension. My shoulders slumped and the laugh slid into a heavy sigh. I walked out of the kitchen and looked around the bar.

Things were a lot calmer now than they had been over dinner. Apparently Ro'Lin had been rapid about shuffling customers out the door because the place was empty aside from my girls, and Saffron who was sitting daintily on a stool at the other end of the bar. Her swirling eyes latched onto me as soon as I appeared.

"Girls!" I announced and felt Cherry brush past me to take a seat at the bar. I wiped at my eyes again as I felt tears start to well up again. Before I could choke up, I said, "I love you all so much and I'm so sorry I'm a goddamn idiot. You're not my employees. You're so much more important to me than that. It took Cherry kicking me in the teeth to show me how much."

"Awww!" Berry whined happily and rushed me. She swept me up in her arms and hugged me to her with a happy laugh, "I love you too, Harrold! But I hope she didn't really kick you."

"No, but I should have." Cherry laughed.

Berry set me down as the others gathered around me. Ro'Lin leaned forward and kissed me, her hands lingering on my body as she did. She smiled and said, "I know you do and I love you too."

"Yeah, it's never been in question. We all love you!" Ava squeaked and hugged me around the middle.

"Gotta admit, you are pretty great. I can't deny my own love for you too." Lizzy fluttered her wings and then wrapped them around Ava and me.

"Group hug!" Berry exclaimed and lunged in.

Lizzy was too quick and she ducked in a flurry of rainbow feathers before she could get embraced by Berry. The result was the bear woman lifted Ava and I off the ground together in another crushing hug.

"Berry! You brainless meat slab!" Ava squealed, thrashing against my side. She grunted and wheezed, "I can't breathe! Put us down!"

Berry laughed again and set us back on our feet. Cherry was smiling as she watched and she said, "See, Harrold? You might have a problem admitting it, but we all knew you loved us this whole time."

"Yeah, I just needed someone to show me I was being dumb." I said and I turned to look at Saffron, who had gotten to her feet and drifted over towards us. I stepped behind the bar and leaned on it in front of Saffron.

Her eyes swirled a mix of pink and purple, and she was very quiet as she spoke. "Master, you seem in a better state. What does this mean for me?"

I took a slow breath and clench my hands together. My eyes meet hers and the swirling colors go still. Her body follows suit and she seems to grow tense all over.

"Saffron, I do not like the idea of slavery. Do not call me master. I don't want to own you. This bond between us... god that's weird, I can't even see or feel anything." I shook my head and rubbed at my eyes. "I want you to be here and be with me because you want to. I never want to command you to do anything."

Saffron cocked her head in seeming confusion. Her eyes filled with a soft blue and she said, "But what I want is anything you say. If all you need is to see our bond, then watch."

She raised her hand and a sparkling multicolor magic radiated from her fingers. She touched her chest and the glow flowed into her skin. Light emanated from where she touched until it outlined her heart where it beat within her body. From her pulsing heart, the light shimmered down hair-thin strands that strung from her to me. I started and began to step backward as magic slid smoothly through my tight shirt. The same glowing encircled my heart and showed its beating outline. I gawked and reached up to touch the magic strands. They were completely incorporeal and nothing I did affected them.

"These are the strands of our bond. My heart is tied to yours forever." Saffron said, sliding her hand along the glowing strands as though they were as precious as gold.

"Wow, that is beautiful..." Cherry gasped.

Lizzy stared for a moment and then shrugged her wings, "A simple detection magic that illuminates magical enchantment."

"It is beautiful." I agreed, and dropped my hand back to the bar as Saffron's fingers neared mine. I was wary of abruptly touching her again. It took me a minute to gather my thoughts again. Such a visual display of magic was making my mundane, modern brain twist itself into knots. All of this was freaky enough but with how alien and strange Saffron's thoughts seemed to be was making it even harder to understand.

Saffron let the spell vanish and she said, "I can feel your turmoil, Harrold. I can feel the confusion in your mind. Please, understand that I will not and cannot judge you. I will never think badly of you. Your happiness is my happiness and so whatever you wish for me, I will do."

I nodded and said, "I think I get that. Saffron, if you wish to stay here then I think this is what I want. You will work with Ro'Lin to become a waitress for the High-Tail. As you know, we all live here together and I don't ask any restrictions to sex between any of you. I know I'm only one guy and you girls can't all sleep with me at once. So if you find each other enticing, I encourage you to sleep together."

"Yeah! I love fucking this cutie!" Berry exclaimed, sweeping Ava off her feet to hold her in her arms. Instead of squeezing her this time, she cradled her small body in her arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Ava squeaked and sighed heavily, "And for some reason I find her just as fun."

"Whenever he's sleeping with someone other than me, I invite any of them to my bed. You're all more than a little attractive to me." Cherry shrugged and smiled at Saffron, "You will certainly be invited as well."

Saffron beamed and nodded eagerly, "I am very happy to have sex with all of you. You are vibrant and lively women, and your bodies are full of life from Harrold!"

"Good, because I don't think it would be smart for me to sleep with you yet. We'll want to make sure you won't have a seizure or go into a coma or something." I said with a gesture between us.

"I want her firsssst!" Ro'Lin exclaimed eagerly, slithering over to lean against Saffron.

"Mmmm! You are indeed eager." Saffron moaned warmly.

"That was the other thing I wanted to say. We don't exactly have a free bed or bedroom for you. Maybe we can build an expansion or-" I explained until Saffron actually interrupted me.

"No need! Please, I wish to share beds with everyone else. I do not want my own space. Sleeping alone is as unfulfilling for me as drinking a glass of water for a meal is to you." Saffron explained, her eyes shimmering with beautiful gold.

That makes me laugh and I glance at the others, "Anyone mind?" There was a resounding response. Not a single woman would complain if Saffron wanted to stay in their bed. I smiled, "Okay then. Let's get cleaning and wrap things up for the night."

I held my hand out, palm up to Saffron. She looked at it and then up at me. I nodded and she slowly raised her hand to touch mine. The moment her soft skin brushed mine, her body shuddered and she clenched her jaw. Her eyes became a storm of wild color. A lewd groan escaped her and she shook for a moment before I pulled my hand back. She sank forward and held onto the bar, her face glistening with sweat as she panted.

"Th-Thank you... Harrold." Saffron breathed heavily and her eyes shifted to a warm, passionate red. She stared at me with desire and adoration as her body gave a few more spasms from the pleasure.

"You're one of my girls now and I c-" I stopped myself and gulped. It took an effort to shove out that twisting feeling and say, "I love you."

Saffron practically lifted off the seat as her wings fluttered and she hopped up to start helping. Loyal and passionate to a fault. I had to be honest, I don't know if I could've gotten bonded with someone better. It still felt weird to think that I was magically tied to her life now, but I could handle it. It meant I now had six wonderful women in my life now and there wasn't a man alive as lucky as I was.


I sighed as I laid back on the plush bed. I was naked and fully erect, and honestly quite backed up after all the events of today. Standing over me were two gorgeous women. One with fluffy canine ears and a big plump ass, and the other a great mane of fur and a powerful, muscular body.

"Are you alright, Harrold?" Berry asked as she crawled onto my lap. She met my lips and didn't give me a chance to answer before her tongue wrestled mine.

"You do seem kind of tired, hon." Cherry cooed as she cuddled up beside me and kissed up my cheek.

I broke off the kiss with Berry, sliding my arm around her naked body to show my appreciation for her closeness. I looked between them and said, "Yeah. I'm exhausted. Why do you think I wanted you two tonight. The others are excitable and wild. You two can be comforting and you like to cuddle. I want to relax this evening."

"Oh-ho. If that's how it is, then just lay back and let us take care of everything." Cherry cooed and she took my lips for a kiss.

I felt Berry lean back and adjust herself on my lap. Her hot, plump pussy dragged across my dick and she settled herself against it. Her hips rolled and she rubbed herself along my length and she gave a heavy sigh, "I can do gentle. I like gentle."

"You're my big cuddle bear. I know you can do gentle." I smiled up at Berry as she slathered my cock in her leaking juices. Her skill with her body had grown undeniably since we moved. She seemed to be taking every orgy as a learning opportunity because she frequently repeated the more pleasurable things the other girls did. For example, one of Ava's favorites was to grind herself on my dick like this and I commented one time about how sweet and soft it was. Now Berry was doing it too and I loved it. She was heavier and had a thicker feel to her lips that made it feel a lot more intense. It also didn't help that Cherry kept pulling my mouth back to hers for more kissing.

Berry giggled and rubbed a finger around the wet tip of my dick, "Harrold, you're so sweet."

I hummed into Cherry's mouth and felt her fingers gliding through my chest hair. I reached up and gently petted her ear before breaking the kiss off again. "Why don't you both do that?"

"What? How?" Cherry asked, looking at Berry's pussy as it dragged along my shining cock again.

"Well let's see here. Berry, turn to the side and Cherry sit opposite her. Now entwine your legs like you're going to rub your pussies together. There you go, just like that. You got it, now just rub yourselves together with my dick between you." I guided them into place on either side of my lap.

Cherry pushed and rubbed up oneside as Berry dragged down the other. They both moaned as they felt the other pushing against the hard shaft between them. Cherry spoke first, "Ohhh! Oh, Harrold... I thought just rubbing coochies with one of the others felt good... Having your dick in there is marvelous!"

"Yeah, this feels really nice." Berry moaned.

I just rolled my head back with a deep moan of my own, "Ohhh fuck, girls, don't stop. That is fucking perfect."

They kept it up, their wet pussies grinding hotly against me. I felt my balls tensing and I bucked against their soft skin. My dick spasmed and semen erupted from me in thick streams. As they pushed back and forth, my seed fell across their nethers, wetting and sticking through their thick pubes. Berry gave a playful laugh and I felt her strong fingers wiping the leftover jizz from my cock.

"That us so much fun! Harrold, are you ready for more?" Berry asked as she and Cherry disentangled themselves.

"Hmm... I guess you can go first." Cherry sighed, reaching down to play with her own bush where my seed was thickly oozing down. She rubbed it around and slid her fingers towards her pussy lips, playing into them gently.

Berry gave a gleeful giggle and straddled me again. She raised my cock, careful of how sensitive I was right now, and slipped me inside her. Her pussy was as plump and lovely as ever, gliding down around me until she came to sit on my lap fully.

"This is the best dick in the world." Berry sighed in bliss.

"Of course it is, but how would you know that?" Cherry laughed warmly, "You've never had any other dick before!"

Berry pouted and leaned forward, balancing herself with her hands on my chest. She wiggled her hips and said, "Yes, okay. But I'm still not wrong. I'm sure any other dick-mmmnnggg-just wouldn't be as good!"

I sighed happily as I felt her wet walls squeezing and rubbing around me. I reached up and ruffled her fluffy collar, "Just as I'm sure no man has ever had a harem as lovely as you lot."

"Aren't you sweet. Darling, would it be too much if I sat on your face for a little while?" Cherry asked as she kissed me again.

"Too much of what?" I scoffed with a lewd grin, "Too much heaven?"

Cherry rolled her eyes and rose up on her knees. She threw her leg over my face and knelt down. Her lusciously thick ass jiggled above me and it quickly obscured my vision complete as she sank down. Her wet pussy squished down on my mouth and I felt the heat of her thighs pressing in on me.

"Is that okay, Harrold?" Cherry asked and I gave a silent thumbs up before plunging my tongue into her oozing quim.

As I ate her out, I reveled in the pleasure of Berry's squirming pussy. For me, this was as relaxing as any spa treatment. Berry didn't bounce too hard or work me in strange ways. Cherry was plush and warm, her scent and taste a lovely indulgence to me. I wasn't having to do anything beyond just enjoy where I was and what was being delivered to me.

"Ohhh Harrold, you make me feel like I'm melting." Cherry moaned, her thighs squeezing in around my face as the pleasure grew. I could see her bend forward, probably holding onto Berry for support. Her ass jiggled as her body shivered from a particularly deep dig of my tongue.

I raised my hands and slid my fingers around Cherry's hips to sink into her ass. I groped her and slurped her pussy again. My fondling hands helped take the weight off my face and gave me more room to work around her slit.

"Ahhh... Cherry, your scent is always so intoxicating." I moaned as I raised her ass off my face for a moment. I inhaled deeply and caught my breath before letting her settle back on my face.
