All You Need is Love

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All your troubles are from lack of love.
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Aliens arrive on Earth and believe that a moral catastrophe is occurring on our planet due to the discrepancy between the desires of most people and reality. They perform some manipulations to help earthlings.


An elderly mathematics teacher, Valentina Dmitrievna, was languidly drawing formulas on the blackboard, her chalk creaking. Birds were singing outside the window, the sun was shining brightly, and I didn't feel like studying at all. I furtively turned my eyes to the right, where the busty excellent student Lizochka Konfetkina was sitting at the first desk. Although her wonderful bust was hidden by a school blouse, her sharp nipples were so clearly visible through the fabric that if Lisa had not been kind and allowed everyone to cheat, she would have already been teased. Polya Cherepashkina, my neighbor at the desk, followed the direction of my gaze and burst out laughing, poking me with her elbow.

- Don't even dream about it, Zhenya! Lisa is not a bird of your liking! I'm sure that even if aliens arrived and destroyed all of humanity except you two, Lizonchik wouldn't have given it to you even then!

"What a mischief!" - I thought. Why is it that in the graduating class, when everyone is already eighteen years old, we are still seated according to a pattern and we cannot choose our neighbor?! I couldn't stand the corrosive and sarcastic blonde Polya. Although her figure is very good - her tits are hardly inferior to Liza's, and her legs - mmm, when she's wearing short shorts at the gym, they're just a bomb! Only a terrible character spoils everything.

But we must admit that she is right - I obviously don't get along with girls. However, I didn't even try to get to know them - my quiet character and low self-esteem did not allow me to do this. Or maybe it's a classmate's business - there's no problem with making acquaintances, I follow all the girls from the class on their social networks, of course, from anonymous profiles. But with invitations to go somewhere for a walk or something like that, everything is just as bad as with strangers on the street. I took a deep breath and tried to delve into the formulas that Valentina Dmitrievna's trembling, wrinkled hand was writing on the board. Nothing came of it, my head was still occupied by Lisa's tits, only now Polina's legs were added to them. I glanced furtively at her bare knees and immediately looked away.

The bell rang. This lesson was the last, so I put the notebook in my backpack and wandered to the bus stop, lazily scrolling through the profile of a classmate who had gone to sea on my phone. She posted a bunch of photos in a swimsuit, I diligently liked each one, and in addition wrote comments on the best ones. It's unlikely that she will react in any way to comments from an unfamiliar profile, but I wanted to do at least something nice for her.

At this time, an incomprehensible shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and the phone vibrated strangely. The picture glowed violet, with some very deep light, as if drawing into the depths. I was surprised to find that the phones of all the passersby around were vibrating in exactly the same way - as if we had all received a call at the same time. Moreover, the billboard at the bus stop also changed its image to a purple field, which really attracted the eye. The shadow in the sky gradually turned into a certain object, similar to a spaceship from science fiction films - huge, probably hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

And then, in the center of the purple spot on the screen, something began to materialize. It had several tentacles and eyes, but no mouth, which did not prevent the creature from talking to us:

- Earthlings! - such treatment gave me goosebumps. - We flew to this planet to save your civilization from the unfair and absurd rules that you invented for yourself. Earthly society is one step away from the final catastrophe due to the discrepancy between the desires of the majority and reality. On your planet there are mass murders that you call "warfare", environmental problems have long crossed all conceivable boundaries, hypocrisy and shamelessness rule humanity, forcing everyone to dangle in a web of false imperatives. It should not be.

- Who are you to tell us how to live? - one of the passers-by suddenly shouted, looking at his glowing purple phone. Suddenly the creature reacted to his words.

"Good question," somehow I realized that the creature was smiling, although it still did not show us either its mouth or teeth. - We do not tell you HOW to live. But we tell you to live. To live in principle, to live, not to exist. Now your lifestyle is not much different from bacteria or viruses crawling under a microscope. But bacteria do not look for excuses for themselves, do not try to fill their crawling with meaning. And you are trying. And, by the way, at least one goal that you set for yourself is quite fair. But the selectivity of its understanding and achievement destroys all meaning.

-What goal are you talking about? - a pink-cheeked girl asked a question at a distance and the creature immediately looked in her direction.

- We are talking about love. Love is the brightest and most beautiful feeling. Just for its mere existence on your planet, you are worthy of salvation. But, since you often replace love with feelings of possessiveness, power and pride, these points need some adjustment. In short, all your troubles are due to lack of love - this requires correction.

- So what will you do? Will you force people to love their neighbor? - A young guy a few steps away from me grinned skeptically.

- You are mistaken - we will not force anyone. We will simply remove the barriers of false morality that your society has erected. Well, we'll make some changes to your bodies, moreover, you can change yourself! Special machines will be installed, and anyone will be able to come up and do whatever they want with their body. Older people will be able to find youthful bodies, those who are not happy with their appearance will change it with one touch of the keys on the screen! Absolute freedom! Making love in public will become as common a pastime as eating ice cream! By the way, about food - we modify your bodies so that you can feed on sunlight, food in this case will only become an additional option for the sense of taste. In addition, we are organizing a program of gradual resurrections of all people who died before our arrival here - it is unfair that only your generation will enjoy the new world...

- Hey, stop! And how will we pay for all this happiness? - a cry was heard again from the crowd.

- No fee, it is our duty to help you. You have already noticed that I can answer your questions. And there are hundreds of millions of people like me, our representatives speak to small groups of people all over the planet - families, work groups, people randomly gathered at bus stops, as in your case, and so on. In an hour the correction will begin. Yes, I almost forgot, all physical labor on the planet will be automated. Only creative professions will remain, and, of course, love. It will be the main occupation of all earthlings who have reached the age of eighteen. We are eliminating all obstacles to this - unwanted pregnancy, illness, various physical obstacles... Oh yes, and one more thing... - here the picture on the screen changed.

They showed the battle formations of the earth's armies - tanks lined up in rows, artillery, planes, helicopters... And in the next frames the tanks are trying to shoot upward, right at the alien ships, but their guns are twisted in a knot. Airplane wings fold into an accordion like paper, desperately grinding metal, helicopter blades create strange geometric shapes, and artillery barrels burst, forming bizarre flowers. Nuclear silos with missiles turn into dust, which evaporates into space. Soldiers from different countries are running in panic, but they are stopped by screens hovering right in the air. And on every screen - the same creatures as on ours, address and explain. The military listens incredulously, and then... throws their weapons to the ground!

The sight was breathtaking. Are aliens really going to make a paradise out of our planet, without violence and malice? But just... will absolutely all the inhabitants of the Earth consider it a paradise?

- We will assign observers to each cell of your society - they will monitor and give advice, in which case you can always ask them for advice! Well... you asked about the fee - the presence of such observers will be your fee. At first they will cause you some inconvenience, but you will get used to it, I guarantee it!

And with these words, the aliens began to descend from the flying saucer directly onto our heads... well, let's call them octopuses. These creatures were much smaller than the alien on the screen, but in general they repeated the structure of his body. The octopuses hovered above us in flickering bubbles, and then some of them jumped straight into the hands of the earthlings - those who extended their hands. There were already boys and girls who affectionately stroked the aliens and even placed them on their shoulders or chests. I extended my hand and my alien plopped right into my palms. It was pleasant to the touch and purred quietly. I stroked his tentacles with my fingers, causing them to lightly squeeze my fingers.

The alien vibrated:

-- Hello, Evgeniy. You can call me... well, let's say... Alexey. Are you going home right now? Your sister and dad are already there. In an hour they will begin... a love session. Would you like to join?

I turned purple from the images that immediately popped into my head.

- Actually, she's not my relative, but my stepfather! This is my mother's daughter from her first marriage. So by blood we are... not brother and sister.

- But you live together. Hurry up," and the alien Alexey persistently stroked me with his tentacle.

And I hurried to the bus. Many passengers already had their own aliens who sat on their arms and communicated. Those who were still without their observer looked around nervously and worried. The general atmosphere was festive, although a little tense.

At the corners of houses, the machine guns that the aliens were talking about began to appear literally out of thin air. They resembled payment terminals, but with more colorful lights and buttons. Some residents had already begun to approach and study the options, although there were still about forty minutes left before the "correction" promised by the aliens.

At the entrance, I barely waited for the elevator and, as soon as its doors opened on the desired floor, without immediately getting the key into the keyhole, I flew home. My stepsister Taisiya and dad were already sitting on the bed. Eighteen-year-old Tasechka was all red because dad put his hands on her chest and lightly squeezed the tender hemispheres. At the same time, the girl was hugged by the neck by an alien exactly the same as mine, except that his pink color was a little more saturated than Alexey's.

- Oh, Zhen, you came, how great it is! - said the father. "Meet, this is our observer Vandochka," the alien waved her tentacle at us in a friendly manner. My alien immediately easily pushed away from his hands and found himself on the bed between Tasya and his father. The aliens immediately intertwined themselves into a ball and began to pulsate rhythmically.

"That's how they charge," Tasya giggled. - We were given the opportunity to eat the sun, and in order to eat, they themselves must do the following exercises. Wanda and Alexey purred contentedly.

I hurriedly went to my room, took off my backpack and uniform, and when I returned, my dad, looking stunned, was already unbuttoning the buttons on his stepdaughter's blouse. One by one. Tasechka closed her eyes and clenched her fists, Wanda and Alesey gently stroked her ears and neck with their tentacles, as if encouraging her. And now the last button has been overcome. Dad pulled apart the skirts of his blouse with his hands and placed his palms directly on his daughter's tummy.

Meanwhile, Tasya also did not remain in debt - she suddenly put her fingers into her father's shorts and fished out his penis, which was quite large and plump. Certainly more than mine. Previously, the always shy sister looked with wide eyes at the wealth in her hands, and the aliens happily purred and encouraged her. The girl took a deep breath, and then looked at the aliens, as if trying to get answers to her unspoken questions. Then she slid down onto her knees, and now my stepsister's pink upturned lips were just millimeters away from her stepfather's dick! I looked at these miracles with all my eyes, and Tasya, so as not to block the view, pulled strands of hair behind her ears and pressed her mouth to her father's penis.

The father groaned and trembled slightly, cumming directly into Tasin's little mouth. The girl hummed, trying not to miss a drop; the aliens squeaked noisily and jumped up, stroking the puffy cheeks of their ward. Taisiya carefully put her palms up and showed us daddy's sperm on her tongue. And then she made a powerful swallowing movement and showed a completely pink tongue without a trace of her father's nectar. The aliens were completely delighted with this - they joyfully stroked Tasya's neck and tummy, as if showing where daddy's sperm had now gone.

Dad looked at Tasechka with loving eyes, affectionately stroking her shoulders. And then he suddenly squeezed her breasts with his hands and pressed his mouth to his stepdaughter's lips, to the lips that a minute ago were tightly squeezing his penis! I could no longer restrain myself from this, took out my penis and began to masturbate furiously, which aroused undisguised interest among the aliens.

The octopuses flew over to my sofa and said:

- Evgeniy, you can use your stepsister's pussy for the first time! It seems that on your planet they attach sacred significance to this. And then your dad Alexander will get his stepdaughter's ass! Don't worry, the sizes of all Taisia's holes are now perfectly adjusted to your dicks - they are narrow enough to ensure pleasure for all participants in the process, but not so tight that it hurts!

Tasya jumped to her feet and ran up to me. What a pleasure it is to kiss for the first time, especially if the first kiss is given by a simultaneously sexy and modest stepsister. Well, she was modest before the correction carried out by the aliens. I always liked Tasya, but I couldn't even imagine how much moral barriers crush her and how amazing she is without them!

Tasin's wet tongue wriggled in my mouth while her arms hugged me and her tits carefully pressed against my chest. Then my sister broke the kiss, sat down next to me and in one motion pulled her panties down to her ankles. She stood up again, stepped out of her panties with one leg, so that they remained dangling somewhere down there, and then straddled me, with a gasp and sank onto the penis, hard as a rock. It was incredibly hot and tight inside my sister, goosebumps ran down my spine, and then my legs twisted into a spasm of pleasure. The tasechka began to quietly move up and down, plunging me into real shock. All thoughts were completely swept out of my head, I could only think about the pulling, squelching pleasure that my sister's pussy gave. The girl bit her lip and moaned, but I couldn't stand it and started cumming - there was so much sperm that it immediately flowed down my stepsister's thighs, forcing her to get up and start collecting nectar with her fingers.

And then Tasya, with a charming smile, began to lick her fingers. Dad, seeing that his daughter had freed himself, immediately decided to take advantage of the aliens' recommendations and, asking Tasya to take a knee-elbow position right on the carpet, began to forcefully press his penis directly into Tasin's anal, fortunately, the aliens had foreseen everything and he entered, if not as if oil, then certainly without pain and inconvenience. The girl opened her eyes wide while her dad rammed her in the ass, but judging by her satisfied moans, she really liked this method.

Meanwhile, the doorbell rang. I looked at the aliens in surprise - shouldn't all the inhabitants of the Earth now indulge in love pleasures together? Alexey, continuing to intertwine his octopus body with Vandochka, said:

- Evgeny, open the door, another adventure awaits you there!

I hurried into the hallway and looked through the peephole. On the doormat stood an unfamiliar blonde girl of about eighteen wearing a very revealing short sundress. For some reason, she had a tray of pies in her hands, which is what our neighbor Iraida Nikolaevna, a 79-year-old pensioner, usually came to see us with. She loved baking, cooked it amazingly and treated the entire entrance every time. "Maybe this is her granddaughter?" - her thought flashed. But the reality turned out to be even hotter! Iraida Nikolaevna herself was on the threshold, simply using the services of machines that rejuvenate and change her appearance! I quickly took the crispy pies to the kitchen, and while I was happily dealing with my neighbor's baked goods at the table, she herself, under the table, was dealing with my penis with no less pleasure. Her mouth seemed simply magical to me, and at the same time stuffing pies into myself and a penis into Iraida Nikolaevna's throat was the pinnacle of bliss!

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