Alpha Bear on Campus Ch. 06


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"Gentlemen and Sirs, tonight a new sub enters our fold. A new boy earns his collar." There were a few hoops and hollers. Master Martin turned to President May. "Tom, introduce your sub."

President May stepped forward. "My friends, this is John. He's a newbie to our little world but in the short time I've known him, he's already proven to be a dutiful young man. He's a good boy. And tonight, he becomes MY good boy." The cheers were louder from the crowd this time.

"Brian," Master Martin addressed the plump middle aged man, "bring, Tom, a chair." Brian grabbed a chair from the wall and set it in the middle of the room. He wiped the seat and gestured for President May to take a seat. President May took me by the arm and stepped forward. He sat down and brought me to stand directly in front of him between his spread legs, my back facing the other men.

"Kick off your shoes." he said. I put my hands on his shoulders and used only my feet to take off my shoes. Brian hurried over, picked them up, and put them neatly to the side.

His hands grabbed for my belt, and he looked up at me. He gave me one last reassuring smile and a wink. Then he undid my belt, then my pants, and pulled them to the floor. Another round of cheers came from the older men and a few explicit comments. President May helped me step out of my jeans, and there I stood in only my neon yellow boxer briefs. I dared not look around at the throng of lip licking men behind me.

Luckily, I didn't have to. President May stood up (Brain moved the chair out of the way) and took me back to the padded table. He told me to bend over and put my chest against the padding.

"Brian," Master Martin called out, "the paddle." I saw Brian rush to the far wall and pull down a black paddle about three inches wide and a foot in length. He handed it to Master Martin, who in turn, handed it to President May.

"Tom, you have the honors of the first spank." Silence flooded the room. I felt President May's gentle hand on my back, pressing me down into the table. He touched the paddle to my butt measuring for a perfect target.

"You ready, my boy?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Remember the lights. Green. Yellow. Red."

Then, I felt the paddle leave my ass and heard the sound of it swishing as it barrelled back towards me. THWACK! My hips bucked into the side of the table from its impact. It stung, but not as bad as I thought it would. I felt President May quickly rub and massage each cheek.

"Alright Tom, who has the next honors? This is your show." said Master Martin.

"Steve." President May called out. "It's best to get yours out of the way early."

I looked behind me. A big bulky man stepped up. He looked like he could have been a professional wrestler. He had a big barrel chest, big arms, big stomach, big everything. President May walked to the side of the room and stood next to Master Martin. I stared at the wall in front of me and gripped the other end of the table. I felt a large hand, much larger than President May's, rest on my lower back.

TWACK! Steve was quicker about it then President May. No warning, nothing! Straight to business. My face twisted in a big grimace. My weight shifted from foot to foot. 'That one really hurt!' I told myself. I took a couple deep breaths. It's okay, though. I can take this.

One by one, President May called the names of the men out. Each was large and in charge, and each smack hurt worse than the last as my butt began to grow more tender. Then, David stepped to the plate.

"This one is going to hurt, little man." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. I fidgeted in anticipation. I could even feel my ass pulling. David pressed the paddle against my rear. He let it rest there for several seconds. Then, I felt the paddle leave my ass and be coiled back. I braced for impact. But nothing came. The paddle returned and rested gently against my rear. He was teasing me. He did it again. Great. How long is he going to keep this game up. Let's just get―


"AHHH!!" I screamed out. I hadn't been ready for it. He had fooled me into relaxing and brought the paddle down on me without warning allowing it to cause the most damage. I squirmed on the table. David leaned down and whispered again in my ear.

"That's not going to be the only time you get it from me, little man. I guarantee it."

I turned my head and found President May standing off to the side. He had a look of annoyance at David's antics, but he tolerated them. David walked over and handed President May the paddle, so it could be presented to the next Sir. President May wrenched it out David's hand. David laughed and patted President May on the ass as he walked away.

There were three more men to go. Fortunately, these last three paddlings didn't hurt as bad. I thought I could hear President May whispering to each man as they stepped up. Maybe that was the explanation for the lighter swats. All in all, that wasn't so bad. I raised up thinking I was done.

"Hold on a second laddie," Master Martin called out. "Brian, you get one swing as well."

Brian, the middle aged man in the black jock, stepped forward and took the paddle from President May. This man was a sub. Why did he get to spank me? I knew I shouldn't protest. Brian stepped to me, and just as the other men had done, gave me a solid pop. But, it was similar in pain to the last three I had received.

I waited on the table wondering if that was it. I looked behind me and saw Master Martin whispering to President May. President May looked at my bent over figure and nodded his head over and over as Martin spoke. Then, it hit me. Master Martin had not taken his turn yet. I was not done!

Master Martin turned and walked toward me. I quickly turned my head away trying to hide my efforts to eavesdrop on his conversation. He did not say a word. There was complete silence in the room. He grabbed me by the arm and forced me to stand up. He walked back towards a chair that had been placed in the middle a few feet behind me. Master Martin did not wait for me to turn around, so I could follow him by walking forward. I had to shuffle my feet sideways and fight to keep my balance. Master Martin took a seat, and without any ceremony, used my imbalance against me and threw me over his lap. I put my arms out just in time to brace my fall. My ass stuck high in the air. My toes barely touched the floor. My groin rested against his right thigh. I felt totally exposed. But that exposure took on a new meaning when I felt fingers reach inside the back of my boxer briefs and yank them downward. My bare ass was now on full display.

His hands were warm on my naked skin. He explored my body, running his fingers up and down the backs of my legs, over my ass, up and down my back, even taking time to run them through my hair and massage my scalp.

President May stood a few feet from me. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He pressed his lips tightly together and gave me a reassuring nod. His lack of fear helped remove mine. He had consented to everything that was taking place. This was all expected―all part of the plan. If President May wasn't worried, then neither was I. I trusted him.

Somehow, I knew President May was waiting for me to tell him I was ready. I gave him a nod, and he, in turn, nodded at Master Martin.


Gosh, that one kinda hurt.


Damn, his hands are big!


It's so much worse on the bare skin!


Fuck, I don't know if I can do this!




I lost count how many I had received at this point. I writhed in his lap. My right hand gripped his ankle as I struggled to stay on his lap.


I tried to wriggle off, but his left arm held me firmly in place. I looked at the onlooking men. I could hear many of them shouting encouragement to Master Brian. A few hurled mocking insults at me. They looked greatly entertained.


The last spank made jolt up and arch my back. I lifted myself up using the legs of the chair as support. Master Martin stopped spanking and pushed me back down.

"Get back down there, boy! Don't make me start over."

I layed back down. Master Martin rubbed my tender bum. That felt a little better. Do more of that. But the momentary relief was just that, momentary.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The spanking continued.

I looked up at President May. Tears filled my eyes, but I blinked them away. He gave me another nod. He mouthed the words "green, yellow, red," and he brought a closed fist to his stomach as he flexed his bicep. Be strong, I thought!

I fought through the pain as hard as I could. I wanted to show I was tough. In some silly way, I knew the more I could take, the better it would make President May look. I knew it would be a feather in his cap, and a dent to the pride of Sir David. I lasted another twenty-five minutes before I could fight back the tears no longer. I looked up at President May and as a tear rolled down my cheek, mouthed the word "Red."

Immediately, President May stepped forward. "That's it, Brian. That's enough."

Master Brian did not disobey his wishes. He stopped right away and began rubbing my ass gently.

"Damn son," Master Brian said wiping his brow, "you sure can take a butt whoopin'. You made Master Brian work for those tears."

The crowd of men started clapping. That was odd. I was getting an ovation for being able to take a good spanking?

"Brian, bring Tom the jock and the iron." Master Brian said as he kept rubbing my ass. He kept me over his and applied a cool lotion on my rear. I saw President May take the white jock from Brian and place it on the table. He pulled a small piece of cloth out of his pocket. It looked like a tag of sorts. He then took the iron and ironed the cloth inside the waistband of the white jock. Once it was secure, Master Brian told me to stand up.

I put my hand on Master Brian's thigh for support as I shuffled to a standing position. My legs were wobbly. President May stepped forward and embraced me in a hug.

"You did great! I'm proud of you―son!"

"Thanks Daddy."

His hand made a couple circles around my red ass. He took a step back and showed me the white jock. I saw what he had ironed on the inside. It was a tag that said "Sir May." We exchanged smiles, and he then dropped down to one knee. He used his fingers to hold the waistband open, so I could step into holes between the straps.

Master Brian put his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "This is the only time a Sir ever gets on a knee for his boy. Cherish it. But don't forget where you belong."

"Yes Sir!" I said and put each leg into the jock. President May stood up letting the jock travel with him. He adjusted the pouch to my comfort.

"A perfect fit!" He said.

There was another wave of applause. Brian had reentered the picture and handed each of us another shot. Master Brian lifted his in the air and said to the whole room, "To Tom and John."

"To Tom and John!" They all shouted back. And down the shots went.

The men stayed in the room a few minutes longer before shuffling out to resume their evenings. Soon it was just me, President May, Master Martin, and Brian. President May handed his phone to Brian who took a couple pictures of the three of us. Surprisingly, I didn't have a problem with this. He made sure to get a couple pictures of just us two―him fully clothed, me in just a white jock. On the last one, President May spun me around, so the picture captured my red backside.

After pictures, I was told to go back to the table where Brian applied some more lotion to my backside while President May and Master Martin mingled.

"I figured I'd see you in here someday." Brian said as he rubbed my ass. "Didn't think it'd be so soon though."

I looked at him over my shoulder. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Grad students don't spend that much time in President May's office without something else going on." He smiled like he knew something I didn't.

"Do we know each other?" I asked.

"No, Mr. Steiner, we don't." He continued to smile and rub.

How did he know my last name? Who was this guy? Did he look familiar? I was terrible with faces.

"There. You're all set. You'll still feel it in the morning, but trust me, you'll get used to it." He stood up, and we faced each other. He was my height, perhaps a half-inch shorter. His cute pudgy stomach was hairless. In fact, he had very little hair on his body. Did he shave? I took a long hard look at his face. Where had I seen him before? I couldn't place it.

"See you around, kid." He patted me on the shoulder and walked out of the room. I watched his hairless ass jiggle to and fro as he went. Now there's an ass I would like to spank!

"John, here are your jeans." President May handed me the pants he had taken off me a quarter hour earlier.

"Johnny, welcome to the Icarus Club." Master Martin gave me a tight side hug. "Sorry, I had to tan your little fanny, but you know, it's part of the job." His hand roamed downwards and cupped my ass. His middle finger rested on my crack. "Don't you two be strangers. My eyes want to feast on this pretty ass more often." His finger teased like it was going to find its way inside me and dig for gold.

"Thank you, Martin. If you don't mind, I would like some alone time with my boy."

Master Martin tipped his hat to President May and left us alone in the playroom.

"You did outstanding! Come here."

I walked to President May who lifted me off the ground in a big bear hug. He put me down and gave me a couple quick pecks on the lips.

"C'mon. Put your jeans on. Let's go home."


"Yes. We're going home. You'll learn that a boy's freshly spanked ass is a real turn on for me. If we don't head home now, I may have to throw you in that sling over there."

I smiled. I went to put my first leg through the jeans but thought better of it. "You know, Sir, I'm going to be in this bar again, aren't I?" President May nodded his head. "And I'm going to have to wear this jock like all the other subs."

"Yes, John. We've talked about this."

"I know, I know. What I'm saying is, I've got to get used to this feeling anyway. Maybe, I don't need to put on the jeans tonight. Maybe, I can walk out of here with you without the jeans. It will be practice for next time."

A proud smile covered his face. "John, my boy, you are too perfect. You really have earned this." He took the key out his pocket and handed it to me. I took it and held it tightly.

"C'mon boy. Put on your shoes. Grab my belt. Let's go home."

Home! Oh, how wonderful that sounded. I did as I was told. I put on my shoes, grabbed his belt, and walked bare assed through the Icarus Club, down the stairs, and through the main floor of The Phoenix. People did stare this time. After all, I was in a white jock with a red ass, holding an older man's belt. But I didn't care. I had a new key in my hand.

I wore that white jock the rest of the night, even as President May fucked me. It's a very convenient garment for a boy. We laid there in his bed without saying anything. Wrapped in the arms of the owner of my new home, I quickly fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So many words. So little sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I've been enjoying the series thus far, but I didn't care for this chapter. I prefer it when the domination is subtle, and President May's domination of John has been firm but gentle, not overt like in this chapter. He told John he could leave at any time, but then basically said if John did, that was the end of the relationship.

Also, you seem to have forgotten Master Martin's name, because there are long stretches in the spanking scene where he's referred to as "Master Brian."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Stopped reading after the leather daddy jockstrap sub crap in the bar. When the daddy used the sub as footstool I stopped reading. I thought the daddy and son were in a relationship? Why did daddy bring him into such a hostile predatory environment? These prick dom daddies need to be taken down a notch! also think that the leather daddy sub boy lifestyle/trope undermines queer folks who are seeking equality and acceptance in society. Leather daddy stuff was comical way back in the Village People days, and remains so today. Camp is theatre, farce. and very dated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this chapter! I've read it before, but saw the new chapter and decided to go back and visit the whole story again. I really miss the kink and BDSM lifestyle. I've gotten old, I've gotten sick, and I don't like to drive at night anymore. But it was fun while it lasted. I didn't get up the courage to delve into it until I was in my forties, but I had 25 great years in a great community -- Seattle. I see the reactions to this chapter, and that just reinforces the fact that BDSM is not for everyone. For a lot of our community, it's a major turn-off. But I see a lot of fans who are commenting too. Yes, John is being manipulated, but we knew that was coming from the first chapter. Professor May seems like and experienced and thoughtful Dom who cares for John. And John is learning to trust him -- in a Dom/Sub relationship, once that bond of trust and caring is forged and tested, then both participants can be in for a hell of a ride.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hated this chapter and all the public embarrassment. Especially hated how he gave John no warning about it - sure he said it was voluntary and John could leave but it was all under such duress that John was manipulated into things he was not comfortable with. Plus I hated that May let other Sirs coerce him - especially David and Martin. If this continues, I will drop this story immediately - it’s lost its romance and charm of earlier chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I absolutely loved this. I know others are saying they liked the university setting more but I think this is so hot. I love seeing the way that they deepened the dom sub roles. Hopefully we can see more of that in the future. I would love to see how President May takes more control of his sub. Maybe some chastity?

AlphaLyonAlphaLyonabout 3 years ago

great world-building. wasn't expecting it. awesome job.

one minor typo; ""Maybe I'm the one whose wrong then?"; should be "who's"

johngus22johngus22about 3 years agoAuthor

Yeah, I'm not sure I like it as much now that its published (oh no!). Thinking about rescinding the chapter or going back to the old direction with it.

cubscou88cubscou88about 3 years ago

I think I preferred the university setting of the earlier chapters, as I'm not much into the master/sub thing, but this story is still incredibly well-written, and I'll stick around for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is absolutely one of the best stories here, but I can’t help but feel like President May was out of character this chapter.. The kind of emotional manipulation he pulls here is the sign of a bad dom for me. But of course artistic merit and I still think this is one of the best stories here!

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