Amie's Charm Ch. 02

Story Info
Amie, Kara, and Jessa encounter a priestess.
11.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/26/2020
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II. The Priestess

The invitation had arrived on a large sheet of parchment, hand-written in an elaborate script:

Trainee Lena--

Your presence is requested at dawn's first light.

--High Priestess Sofia

It was a rare honor to visit the High Priestess' private chambers at the Order of Priestesses, and any woman in Sweetwater's capital city would surely thrill for the opportunity. On this particular morning, however, Lena was feeling anything but thrilled.

She found herself pacing, lost in thought, down the familiar hallways of the Order. Her halting footsteps carried her near her destination: an archway just outside the High Priestess' chambers. She paused, frowning at the thick yellow curtain that obscured the interior.

A great pressure was on her shoulders this morning, but she knew it wasn't her priestess battle armor weighing her down. If anything, her armor felt lighter than ever, as it had recently suffered great damage and large parts of it were missing entirely.

She stared down at its tattered remains on her torso. It was once a traditional Sweetwater battle plate, forged by the smiths of the Order, and her sacred trust as a priestess trainee. Long strips of hardened leather on her muscular arms and back were reinforced with articulating metal plates, remaining flexible to allow a wide range of movement in battle, although the metal was now bent and misshapen. Her armor was in a sorry state indeed, and she knew she may be risking disciplinary action from the Order.

She had yet to earn the title of Priestess despite having trained for nearly a year, even though all the other girls in her class had already sworn their oaths as members of the sisterhood. She knew she was just as capable a warrior as any of them; in fact, her proficiency with the quarterstaff was almost unmatched among her priestess-sisters.

But the Order was not satisfied with her skill in battle alone, and she also did her best to embody the courageous spirit and honorable character of an armored priestess. Why, only last week she had negotiated an elusive truce between a hamlet and its adjoining Druid's Grove, and just yesterday she had successfully banished a plane-walking djinn, sneaking into its tent and stealing its lamp while it was distracted elsewhere.

These accomplishments had failed to impress the priestesses, to her great dismay. Often it seemed as if nothing she could do was ever enough for them.

No, she was fairly certain she knew why she'd been overlooked by the sisterhood. In fact, she had two big reasons.

Her fellow priestesses all wielded some degree of aroused breast growth in combat, and Lena knew her own to be especially pronounced. She knew that her natural ability was enhanced further by the enormous size of her breasts, which would extend forward beyond her elbows even when she was at rest. She had been training with their burden for years, though, and she had gained a subtly muscular tone that allowed her to carry even their sizable mass with ease.

Like most warriors, she had always faced battle wearing a Sweetwater breast charm, usually clasping it around her left nipple. It helped control and direct her arousal, keeping her huge chest from growing rampantly out of control, although lately she'd been learning to use this ability to her advantage.

The previous evening, she and several other trainees had happened upon a dispute between a pair of female merchants. It was a tense situation that she feared may come to blows. She pushed to the front of the gathering crowd, centering herself on her targets, and reached for the magical charm clamped around her left nipple. Detaching it, she tucked it inside a small pouch tied around her belt. Her huge breasts quivered, shimmying lazily around her waist, her abilities now fully unconstrained.

She felt a pleasurable shuddering within herself, then a growing warmth that signaled the onset of her arousal. Her breasts started to swell larger and she heard an almighty creak from her reticulating armor as it strained against her growing flesh. Her bosom grew ever larger, its already huge size now becoming truly immense as it bounced heavily around her hips.

She leapt to action, grasping both merchants with her powerful arms and pinning them beneath her mighty bosom. Her breasts swelled even larger in these next critical moments as she focused her arousal. Their great weight proved to be an effective deterrent, and she held the merchants tightly until their anger gave way to their own reluctant arousal. She released them only after she felt their chests starting to grow and press against her own.

Since then, her fellow trainees were treating her with newfound respect. Lena Thunderteats, they called her, and she couldn't help but revel in their envy and begrudging approval. She had caught more than a few of them eyeing her, too, and she was certain they'd call upon her skilled tongue after they returned to their barracks at the Order. They had indeed, but future adventures like this one, she feared, might now be beyond her grasp.

Unfortunately, her quick thinking had come at a cost: the immense size of her rapidly growing breasts had overextended her armor, stretching and distorting the leather. The craftsmanship of Sweetwater's finest smiths was clearly no match for the might of her surging breasts, and numerous metal plates had detached and fallen from her armor, the metal bent and twisted into unrecognizable shapes.

Lena and the other trainees had endured many lectures stressing that the armor of a priestess is sacred: it lends her an air of dignity at rest and an aegis of protection in battle. Lena knew that the state of her armor would invite scrutiny from the High Priestess, and this morning she feared that she might even be risking expulsion from the Order.

The gentle caress of a cool morning breeze tickled across the front of her huge breasts, her nipples fully exposed as they thrust through her misshapen armor. She shuddered involuntarily. Her breast charm, as ever dutifully clamped around her thick left nipple, was quietly sparking. Its enchantment was fighting a losing battle against the delicious sensations emanating from her bosom.

She reached forward, palms open, bending her arms around the front of her ponderous chest. She could feel the heat from her exposed nipples as they throbbed urgently in the cool air, as if blissfully unaware of the great shame she felt on her shoulders. She curled her fingers in anticipation, reaching ever closer to her throbbing nubs...

"First time?"

Lena whirled around, nearly losing her balance as her great bosom swung heavily.

A tall, muscular woman, clad in thick gold-plated armor nearly from head to toe, was standing just outside the archway. This, Lena realized, could only be a member of the High Priestess' elite guard. The armored warrior waited expectantly, regarding her with a bemused expression.

"I, ah, the High Priestess..." Lena started, trailing off. She had hoped for a brief moment of calm to herself, but she was now stammering and flushing red with embarrassment. So preoccupied had she been relieving herself, that she had failed to notice this imposing presence nearby.

The gold-plated warrior's expression softened.

"You poor thing," she frowned for a brief moment, then beamed widely.

"Liquid courage?"

Lena nodded, feeling grateful. It was an honor to be offered such a gift by an elite warrior, and she wouldn't dare miss this opportunity. Plus, she thought, it might help calm her nerves.

The golden warrior loosened her articulating plate, unbuckling its leather straps, and slung it off her shoulders. She carefully leaned it against the archway then stood upright again, nude from the waist up, her beautiful tan skin bathed in the dim candlelight. She grinned and grasped a small charm around her right nipple. Unclasping it with a practiced movement, she stored it in a small pouch tied around her belt.

She stood at attention before an astonished Lena. She winked at Lena, then focused, closing her eyes and clenching her hands into tight fists. Her bosom seemed to shudder, her natural abilities now fully unconstrained.

Lena was lost in admiration, her troubles put aside as she cast her eyes over this stunning amazon. She gasped in surprise to see the warrior's modest bosom suddenly surge outwards with a great wave of growth, then another, and another still until her glorious tanned breasts were far larger than Lena's own huge pair.

Lena's gaze was drawn to the guard's thick nipples, thrusting gloriously erect outwards from her newly enlarged bosom. After a tense moment, a few droplets of opaque white liquid appeared at their tips, which then gave way to a powerful milky spray from both thick nipples. Lena felt her mouth falling open, stunned at the incredible breasty prowess of the elite warriors in the High Priestess' inner circle.

The guard beckoned and Lena stumbled forward. She suddenly felt utterly parched, her urgent need almost palpable. She approached from the side, her own ponderous bosom thrusting forward until she felt it rubbing against the taller woman. She took another half step forward and fell to her knees, enveloping the amazon's firm abdomen entirely within her huge cleavage.

This had the fortunate effect of raising the guard's huge spurting breasts atop her own, a great fleshy shelf projecting forward far beyond either of their arm-spans, but fortunately positioning her spurting nipples just inches away. Without further ceremony, Lena happily slurped a milky nipple into her mouth.

The taste was simply divine, she thought, as fresh and invigorating as she'd imagined it would be. She suckled noisily for long leisurely minutes, drinking and swallowing great mouthfuls of delectable milk from one spurting nipple, then the other, and finally both at once as she stuffed them together into her hungry mouth. She felt a calm resolve returning and settling within her, as if emanating from the milky essence that she felt warming her from within.

She reluctantly detached from both leaky nipples, swallowing one final milky mouthful and pausing to savor the taste. She disentangled herself from the taller woman, whose bemused expression had returned, and stood, embracing her to demonstrate her grateful appreciation. She grinned as her milky tongue was slurped into the guard's mouth, who sucked hard and smiled back as they shared and swallowed between them the last remnants of her milky bounty.

Lena reciprocated, thinking it only polite to express her gratitude by gently sucking on the amazon's tongue. They embraced for several quiet minutes, rubbing their lips together and kissing languidly.

At long last, having felt the swirling storm of her arousal and embracing it, Lena found the courage she was looking for.

She turned towards the archway with renewed resolve, but kept the amazon's milky teats in her grasp. She was still idly squeezing them, feeling them spurting great sheets of milk across the Order's stone floors.

She knew she couldn't delay any longer; the time for hesitation had passed. She released the amazon's milky nipples and rose to her feet. The calm further settled in her mind, building now into a powerful confidence: it was time to face the High Priestess.

She held her breath and, brushing the thick curtain aside, stepped through the archway.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows through the windows of the Great Library of the Scholar's Guild. Amie had long enjoyed wandering leisurely between the shelves, gazing at the leather-bound tomes and their elaborate titles.

Sometimes one of her thirstier Guild sisters would follow, opening Amie's robes and gorging herself with a long drink from Amie's spurting nipples, all while they tried to avoid running into any of the mistress scholars. Amie was happy to indulge the younger girls and herself at the same time, for there was little she enjoyed more than sharing her milk.

Today, though, her vision seemed strangely dark and blurry, and her mind felt hazy. She also sensed her chest burning with unexpressed need, as if she hadn't been milked even once since the previous evening. Her breasts had grown huge, sloshing heavily in her scholar's robes around her waist.

She raised her eyes to see a robed figure, its back turned, standing next to her by a large bookshelf. An unruly mass of fiery red curls emerged from the robe's hood. She seemed strangely familiar...

The blurriness in her vision faded, and she looked down to see herself holding hands with the robed girl. Suddenly her arm was yanked forward, and the figure turned to reveal the laughing face of Sister Katryn, a fellow scholar and one of her dearest friends at the Guild.

She desperately hoped that Kat would milk her soon, although for the moment she was grateful for being led through the stacks. She smiled and settled in close when Kat paused at the end of a long shelf. She pressed her swollen breasts into Kat's, feeling the substantial warmth of her friend's large chest against her own even through the combined fabric of their scholar's robes.

A minute later they were sneaking down the stairs. Amie grinned, knowing that the reading room in the library's basement was likely to be vacant around now.

Kat released Amie's hand and ran ahead, then around a corner and out of sight. With her friend gone, Amie felt the weight of her bosom more acutely than ever, and struggled to remain standing as she staggered ahead.

She stepped through a doorway to find Kat reclining nude, resting atop her discarded robe on one of the reading room's couches. She smirked at the younger girl and shed her own robe, tossing it aside. She stalked sultrily towards her lover, her milky need forgotten for the moment.

Kat's nipples suddenly started leaking their own milk. Amie gasped -- how was this possible? She recalled that Kat had once touched her magical charm; maybe her lover had absorbed some of its power?

She stepped closer. Kat was beaming, and slowly spread her legs wide with anticipation.

Amie paused, pressing upwards underneath both of her breasts, thrusting her nipples up towards her own mouth. With little effort they gave way to her milk, and she reveled in her own delicious essence cascading across her face.

She sighed; she had always enjoyed the taste. She raised her arms above her head, smiling.

Amie blinked. Suddenly she was sitting next to Kat in the Guild's dining hall during a busy dinnertime. She felt the pressure in her bosom still building, growing more urgent with each passing moment, and she hoped they'd finish eating before she started leaking milk through her robes.

Kat was grinning, her upper lip coated in a fine sheen of milk. She stared lovingly at Amie, then licked slowly along her milky lip, slurping the liquid into her mouth and swallowing luxuriously. In her hand was a large wooden cup, which she extended towards Amie with a pleading look in her eyes.

Amie smiled back with a conspiratorial wink, knowing that her lover wanted a refill of hot milk directly from the source. Kat's thirst for her milk was especially pronounced around meal times, and most dinners lately would end with Kat's head in her lap under the table, her friend suckling urgently at her dripping nipples. She reached for the cup in Kat's hand, grateful for the chance to ease her milky burden while indulging her lover at the same time.

A bright yellow light shone through the dining hall windows, casting the entire room in a curious golden hue.

The bustle of a busy dinnertime faded, the sound receding as if sucked out of the room. The world went silent for Amie.

She saw Kat's lips moving, but she couldn't make out any words. She leaned closer, her brow furrowed with concentration.

The sound of flowing water came to her ears, first as a small trickle but growing into a stream, a river, and finally a great ocean of sound. She tried to speak, but she realized with a start that she couldn't even hear herself. The roar of rushing liquid grew steadily louder in her ears.

She blinked again and saw Kat's room in the Guild's dormitory. The noise had gone and she could hear only silence once again.

She whirled around to find herself reclining on Kat's bed, alone -- or so she thought, until she felt a gentle tugging at her nipple. Leaning forward over the huge swell of her engorged breast, she saw Kat's fiery red curls. Stretching further, she saw Kat's ruby-colored lips wrapped around her thick teat. It felt wonderful, even through the strange haze in Amie's mind.

Kat was gently suckling and swallowing her milk. Amie was glad for the intimate attention and for Kat's practiced movements, which so efficiently drained her milky burden. She giggled as she felt Kat's hot nipples poking at her inner thighs.

Kat disengaged from a dripping nipple and leaned back, smiling. She was again mouthing words, but the crescendoing sound of rushing water had returned in Amie's ears, and she could hear nothing else. Did Kat hear it as well?

Amie stared at Kat's ruby red lips.

Within you. It was a fragment of an idea, but it was all that Amie could understand.

A trickle of milk emerged from Kat's lips, dripping down her chin and falling to the bedsheets. It impacted with a curious tinny *ping*, as if it had struck metal instead of soft fabric.

Amie felt a rush of adrenaline. It cut through the haze in her mind and displaced the throbbing urgency of her milky burden. That strange yellow light, and the sourceless rushing liquid... it all seemed somehow familiar.

Something wasn't right. What magic was this?

High Priestess Sofia's chambers were shaped as if cut from a single smooth, grey stone. The floor was gently sloped, angling down from all four corners towards a small drain in the center of the room. Lena recognized this to be a common accommodation for the unique abilities of the women of Sweetwater, although she had never seen any floor as finely constructed as this.

The room was mostly empty, dimly lit by the flicker of candlelight, and it was a few moments before her sight adjusted to the darkness. She blinked rapidly, realizing there was something directly in front of her: a generously-sized bed, its four corner posts carved from a dark mahogany wood.

As she stood fidgeting uncertainly, a feminine voice reached her ears from somewhere in the darkness. It was melodious and airy, like a fresh spring breeze, with a calming effect that helped her feel at ease.

"Trainee Lena, welcome," it said, almost singing.

Lena instinctively stood upright at attention, her exposed nipples thrusting through her armor and swaying before her from her sudden movements. She clasped her hands together underneath her chest, then nervously unclasped them again, leaving her arms hanging loosely at her sides.

"Today, Lena, we revel in the compassion of a priestess. Are you prepared?" said the musical voice in her ears.

Lena could feel her heart thumping and the rush of blood in her ears. What kind of test of compassion could the High Priestess have in mind?

"Yes, High Priestess," she said, looking down at her huge chest thrusting through her tattered plate. She was relieved, for the moment, to have avoided any inquiry about her armor.

She felt a pleasurable crackling around her left nipple. Her breast charm was reverberating with energy, helping her stay calm as she tried to focus through her arousal. Her nipples stretched achingly erect in the cool morning air, her growth abilities barely restrained.