Amorous Alfie, Serial Seducer


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Mandy Roberts came to her and said, "Your office is ready for you Miss Granger."

"Mandy even at recent as this morning you called me Delta. I want everyone to call me Delta."

"I'll pass the word Delta. I'm here to help you shift. Peggy is taking over your work here so you'll need to return to brief hereafter you have met the team."

"Oh god, I need to pee."

Mandy laughed as Delta fled and the office manager began clearing out drawers into plastic carry containers.

Delta drove home just after 6:00, calling ahead to ask her mom to run a bath for her.

"You sound happy."

"I am mom; really happy."

"A good day at the office and your man is coming to dinner."

"Yes mom. Remember something like that happening to you?"

"God you are so sensitive compared with your sisters. As a matter of fact I do and the last time it happened it was your father. Thank you for asking darling."

Delta decided not to mention her elevation to account director to her family but she'd tell Alfie because Alfie seemed to be aware of everything. He'd know without her having to tell him that she'd have other accounts to run as well and that she'd be given as many people to work for as she could justify.

Fancy Peggy calling her Miss Granger" Peggy had been with the company twenty-eight years and was a past president of the industry's office manager's federation. Delta was an unknown whereas Peggy was the doyen of her section of the industry. How was it possible for people of Peggy's ability to genuinely act with humility?

It was accepted of course that Peggy knew in their office structure Delta was now ranked higher than Peggy in pecking order. Well she knew the answer because her mom's mom had told her many times: 'People earn respect by being respectful' and another favorite homily was, 'Those worthy of power are those who don't abuse it', oh and perhaps Gran's favorite one used in the social sense, 'Cream rises to the top'. God how simple sayings could be laced so profoundly was difficult to comprehend.

Mia smelling freshly washed and without makeup and perfume kissed Delta as she entered the house and Delta's heart almost melted.

"You are so good and kind to me mom."

Mia's grip on her hug tightened. "My vibes about you and your new man are ringing my ears darling."

"That's blood pressure mom. Have your physician check it out."

They laughed and Mia stared at her youngest, ever so pleased to see her looking so happy. Gosh what a quick bounce-back after finding herself with that dud Richard Kinsley. Delta appeared to have even stronger talents emerging.

Delta was sitting with the family when Susan asked, "Where's the hombre sweetheart?"

Looking at her watch Delta almost gasped, finding it was 7:20.

Then she heard the distinctive roar of a Mercedes coming up the steep driveway under acceleration. She pushed her hair into shaped and pulled down her neckline a little and looked up to see her sisters grinning at her. Oh god, it was easier dealing with difficult clients than this lot.

She glanced at her father who was wincing at the sound of scattering gravel under hard braking.

"Go to lover boy darling," Ro said. "Is it okay if I invite him to pat baby?"

Delta swallowed, knowing her face had turned pink. "M-mom. The door please. You are the hostess. You won't need to introduce yourself; he'd the type of guy who just knows."

"Thank you dear," said her mom, patting her hair down.

Delta looked at her sisters and looked away; they were staring at her as if wondering just who was this guy. Perhaps she should say just a guy out to fuck her. Oh no, her color was running rampant over her face.

* * *

Alfie entered his apartment, made coffee and took a call from the sexy university student Janelle.

"Hi, it's Janelle. I'm on a break. Is it okay that I call you?"

"Yeah sure. We should set out to always be friends. And if you ever want help with summer break work or..."

"No this is fine. This bar is owned by my uncle and he pays me top rates and he remembers being a struggling student. I was just calling to know if your hopes to land this babe came unstuck or whatever."

"I'm at her parent's home for dinner tonight. So far I haven't had time with her to do what you and I did."

"Oh poor boy. What's her name?"

"Delta Granger."


"What is she your cousin?"

"In actual fact yes, a cousin," Janelle said. "But I was meaning she was runner-up state beauty queen when she was eighteen."

"I didn't know that but it shows. It shows you are related because you are also good looking."

"Well I'm very happy for you. I'll never tell her I had sex with you."

"Thanks because it might help and we might see you when we are together."

"So your mother is Roger Grange's sister."

"Yes. God I'm impressed that you, a guy, managed to work that out."

"It wasn't difficult."

"I believe that. I have to go. Save my number and we'll talk at times. I agree with you; we can developed a friendship without having sex."

"You are a lovely young woman Janelle. Bye."

Alfie was sitting on the John reading the comic strips from that morning's newspaper when he glanced at his watch and yelled, "Oh shit. It was 6:55. Delta would murder him. Thank god he'd bought flowers for all the women and a bottle of top shelf red for Roger.

He showered and shaved quickly, deciding not to phone an apology for lateness. He put on a smart blue suit and then tore it off and dressed in his university gray sweater and black pants and raced down to his car, raced back to the apartment for his keys and was off. As he showered metal in a braking broad slide to park he though if Roger was listening Alfie might be in deep shit. He thought about pulling some of the metal chips out of the flower garden and then decided against it because he was late enough.

A gorgeous ageing bottled blonde opened the door. Alfie thought she must spend a fortune on her face and body. She looked really great.

"Mia I'm Alfie. God you look great."

"Oooh thanks," Mia beamed and reach up and kissed him.

"Take one of these bunches of flowers. Actually I choose orchids for you."

"Oh orchids, my favorites. Please come through darling."

Darling... so soon?"

Everyone was already standing so that made it easier for Alfie.

"Hi Roger," he said. "Please take the wine and cellar it."

"Oh, nice drop buddy."

"Hi Rowena. Take a bunch and kiss me. I'll be back to pat your tummy in a minute."

"God you look sexy Susan. Take a bunch and kiss me. Oh sorry... our teeth hit."

Susan turned bright red but remained smiling.

"And finally Delta. These flowers are for you and I await your big kiss. Have you told your family we haven't yet had sex?"

Red-faced, Delta kissed the jerk heavily to shut him up.

"God you've made almost a big as impact on my family as you have at the office," Roger beamed.

The four women eyed Roger as Mia demanded, "Impact at the office?"

Roger scratched behind his left ear.

"The perception appears to be that Alfie is some sort of guru. He began his day by asking the management board why sales and marketing people, they are his prime responsibility, were lumped in together, almost knocking many of my team off their seats by his audacity."

"Their attitude was of course that it had always been like that. Then later after bringing the manager of his department on-side he had the manager announced there would be a comprehensive review of the standing of everyone in the department prior to a review of what the department did and how it performed its dual roles. The use of the word 'standing' left everyone wonder whether they were in line to be promoted or fired, quite confusing them. So no doubt as the review proceeds during the next couple of weeks or so I can see everyone will be eager to put their best foot forward. Normally reviews scare the crap out of people and they become defensive."

The women looked at Alfie for elaboration but her just smiled and asked, "What is everyone drinking?"

"Oh god, I'm neglecting duty," Roger said.

"Roger you're doing great guns. Here allow me to help as soon as I say hi to your imminent grandchild."

Rowena radiated delight, Susan looked about to vomit in jealously while Delta waited for the bombshell she was expecting. Her mother whispered, "He's got the girls round his finger already."

Delta was about to say certainly not Susan when Don Juan smiled at Susan, taking her glass and whispering loud enough for everyone to hear, "Great tits."

Susan looked as if she'd just been told she was beautifully dressed and perfectly presented.

When the men departed to the bar in the lounge Mia said, "What do you think girls?"

"Isn't he lovely and did you see how tenderly he touched baby," Rowena said, beaming.

"He's a colossal threat to womanhood," Susan said and declared, "For the first time since my marriage I'm thinking adultery."

Mia and Delta looked a little shocked but as Rowena reminded them, "You always were the easiest of the sisters to get laid."

Susan smirked as if just being delivered an accolade.

Mia was clever with the table seating. She placed a man at each end and with Delta and herself facing across from Alfie and Susan next to her, leaving Rowena seated between her father and Delta. That of course kept Susan out of reach of their guest because everyone in the family new what Susan was like after a few drinks.

The family was interested to learn that Alfie was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Kansas and while he was going through college his parents 'turned religious and funny' and sold up and shifted to Missouri and he choose to finish his last year of education in Colorado and then decided to settle in Denver.

"I rather like this city."

The family liked hearing that.

Rowena asked did he see much of his family.

"Only at Christmas. My married sister and her family go there every other year. But four days is enough for all of us and we are out of there. As I said my parents have gone funny on religion."

"Oh that's so sad," Mia said. "But mind you when you marry Delta you can have Christmas here."

The silence was huge until Alfie laughed gently and said, "That's a mighty fine offer Mia and is something for Delta and I to put away and think about in due course perhaps. I first saw Delta in Roger's office for all of five or six minutes and had a couple of drinks with her in a bar during no longer than an hour. And that's our total time together."

Susan with four drinks under her belt snorted in disbelief. "My impression was you and my sister were having it off hourly."

"What a stupid statement that is," Delta flared. "I'll have you know..."

"Girls," Alfie said smoothly. "Let's get this straight. Delta is unlikely to have claimed we have fucked because we only met the twice. Some calmness about this would be appreciated. I concede Delta has fallen for me hugely. It began with the moment we eyed one another in Roger's office. It sometimes happens like that. And since then we met once and I urged her to drop the guy she was unhappy about and try me but I warned her I had a problem sticking to a date for any real length of time. And we've had a couple of phone calls and left messages. So that's all there is to our relationship apart from hello and goodbye kisses of no magnitude. But I have to say both of us have kept the pressure up."

"That is a very accurate summary and I confirm circumstances have prevented us from having sex until now. And this talk of marriage mom is absolute rubbish. I expect you were just attempting to be lovely to our visitors, thinking of him being unhappy at Christmas time and your mind raced away on you."

"That was my impression," Roger said helpfully.

"It's no big deal," Rowena said. "Thank god you dropped that Richard guy Delta. Even I could see he was a jerk. But I'm telling you this: if you grab Alfie and marry him I'll be very, very happy for you and I'm sure Uncle Alfie will love my baby."

"Oh god," Delta wailed.

"Take it easy Delta, Alfie said. "Families ought to be free to speak their minds."

"Please may we talk about something else," Delta pleaded.

Everyone groaned when Roger said, "It looks like we'll have another fine day tomorrow."

After dinner when Rowena said she must leave to ensure she got a good sleep, Susan said she'd be off too and Alfie yawned and said he should go.

There were kisses all around although Alfie and Roger shook hands, Roger thanking Alfie again for a top choice wine. Mia kissed Alfie and said she was terribly embarrassed by her unacceptable comment and Alfie kissed her again and said who didn't goof and who knows if it would turn out to be an omen.

The girls left in their cars and the parents said good night and returned inside.

"What a circus," Delta giggled, standing slightly away from Alfie.

"The truth is I really enjoyed myself. Great cooking, great atmosphere and great hospitality I thought."

"I'm sorry mom was so embarrassing shooting her mouth off like that."

Alfie laughed and said, "That was something to remember. No harm done."

They stood awkwardly.

Alfie said do you want an early night or do you wish to come to my apartment?"

Delta said, all too hastily, "An early night."

"What is wrong Delta?"

"Alfie I'm sorry but I'm not sure I wish to have sex with you."

"I see. Is it something I have done?"

"No of course not. You behavior has been very acceptable."

"Then what?"

"I have had some feedback. I've been told you are either a womanizer or a serial seducer."

Alfie said thoughtfully, "They sound one of the same to me."

Delta sniffed. "That may well be so. I wouldn't know."

Alfie said she was shivering and ought to go inside. "Tell you what Delta. You call me once your mind is clear about your problem. Still call if you want nothing more to do with me because I need to know."

"What, so you can get another woman if I call quits."

"Yes Delta. It's what guys do."

"Oh god," she said running off.

"Goodnight Delta."

There was no answer, no reaction.

The front door slammed.

Alfie drove off and down the street saw a parked car with the rear light on. "God, it looks like Susan's car... the bitch probably thought her sister looked in a no-go mood so is waiting to ambush me."

Alfie swung a left and looked in the rear mirror.


A few seconds later he saw a car come round the corner on the wrong side at speed.

"Shit, the bitch is hungry for it."

He flattened the pedal and the Mercedes burnt rubber and leapt ahead. Alfie checked in the mirror and saw the following headlights receding.

Initially Alfie thought Delta needed to be spanked and then fucked hard to accept that's what she wanted.

But as he climbed into bed he thought what a typical male response. He switched off the light and stared at the faintly visible ceiling. He tried to think how she saw it and nodded in agreement. She's come off one unhappy coupling and had decided she had no wish to have a quick bang and that was the end of her association with Alfie. Yeah he could understand that. God if word got out she could be dubbed a loser in romance, er everything-goes-dates and guys looking for longer relationships would live her a miss.

He thought collectively the family was somewhat wacky but what was wrong with that? His family was dysfunctional. The exception was good old Roger, as solid as a rock. Perhaps Roger would dump him now that Alfie was responsible for his daughter's unhappiness? Christ, thought Alfie, he'd be better off having an affair with Mia; her tongue was hanging out for it. Oh yeah. Go to sleep Alfie, you jerk. He said. Was life meant to be this complicated?

* * *

Delta returned inside terribly unhappy, only to find her father fucking her mother over the dining table amid the dishes. Oh god, what animals.

She showered without thinking. She didn't need a shower. She thought about standing with Alfie outside and what she'd said. What a stupid fool. She should have said he could have sex with her but he'd be on probation. If his intensity was too much for her or she heard about Alfie being involved with other woman while he was dating her, it would be over between them, kaput! Yes that's how she should have set out to manage it.

In bed Delta realized in horror she had turned down being fucked when half the woman on the planet were desperate to be fucked. She had no idea where that 50% figure had come from.

She cried herself to sleep.

Delta felt desperately unhappy for the next three days.

On Friday Alfie called her. Wasn't the agreement for her to call if she was that bothered?

"Hi," she said, tingling."

"Great to hear your voice again. I'm going to San Francisco for the weekend and invite you to accompany me. I attend a workshop on leadership training than runs from 8:00 to 3:00 Saturday so you could go shopping during that time. The remainder of that time we mix looking around with non-stop fucking or go without. We leave there on a 6.55 pm Sunday."

"Practically non-top fucking?"

"Oh I thought you would have focused on the shopping?"

She laughed, the first time in three days.

"You are a dangerous man Alfie Dunlop"

Ohmigod, she was jesting. She was going, wasn't she?

He asked, "Is that you with your humor back?"

"Yes Alfie. What time does the flight leave?"

He said 7:30 Friday. "I've booked everything in anticipation but it's up to you. No pressure."

Oh yeah. Did he even know what pressure was"

"Okay I feel like sex; I'll accompany you."

He snorted, "If you are thinking of only going for the sex I'd be disappointed. I'd like to hit 'Frisco with you."


"I've only be there once before but with three other college guys so we mainly visited bars. What about you?"

"I've never been there. Um, it sounds very exciting and is a lovely invitation."

There were both running a little late when Alfie picked up Delta. They kissed briefly and were off chatting like friends but without real intimacy. Delta figured they were both being very careful. Well she was for sure. They were being processed just in time for the last call. Delta was amazed that Alfie had two big bags as she did. They were both in excess of allowable weight.

"I'm afraid I'll have to charge $110 excess," said the ticketing lady.

Delta then realized she was witnessing classic Alfie Dunlop.

He positively leered at the 40ish woman and said, "Darling my understanding is applying the excess fee has a discretionary element to it. Charge us that amount and my friend here will have to go without her foot massage. Are you sure you'd like to be responsible for that denial? Think carefully ma'am."

"Oh off you two go and have a lovely weekend away."

Delta smiled and thanked the woman and thought they both would be weak at the knees from that overwhelming presentation, the look, the body language and the verbal seduction. God what an awful man!

At the hotel where the seminar was being held Alfie went off to find some guys to team up with and returned and suggested Delta go down and look for people with name tags in the bar of the main restaurant, a Carole Winter and Shelley Cummings. Both were wearing greenish cocktail dresses.

"We are dining with them and their husbands. The Cummings come from San Diego and the Winters from Portland, Oregon."

"I'll wait for you."

"They are expecting you to go down now."

"Is the bar crowded?"

"Fairly but don't worry; they'll recognize you. You told me your dinner dress was bright red so I told them to look out for you dressed in bright red and looking very beautiful with hair piled high."

"How did you know I'd be wearing my hair high? You have never seen me like that?"

"I just thought it seemed a high hair night for you because you'd be reluctant for me to see you letting your hair down."