Amour Fou


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"So, um..." Nicole starts and then her hand drifts up and starts rubbing the back of her neck. "It's that time of the month for me. I know I promised you a good time this week, I'm sorry."

Hayley lets out a loud sigh of relief, she's not getting broken up with tonight. Now her mind starts racing to make up a new plan. When she hears Nicole's stomach rumble she grins.

"How does pizza and TV sound?" Hayley asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"From Dino's?" Nicole voice cracks in relief.

"Dino's it is. Make yourself comfortable. I'm thinking pepperoni and breadsticks, that sound good to you?"


Nicole plops herself down on the couch as Hayley calls in their order. While they wait for the pizza to come the two women curl up on the couch. Nicole lies down and puts her head in Hayley's lap. Hayley feels a crack in her heart, this is more, more than what Nicole's husband agreed to. They feel more like girlfriends, hanging out on the couch and about to have dinner together, than the special guest star that Dave wanted her to be. Hayley lets her hand rest on Nicole's head and soon starts stroking her hair. Nicole feels so content, so happy, that she's struck with a thought of almost crushing sadness: she wants this to be her everyday life. It clarifies how miserable she's been at home lately and that Hayley is her single glimmer of hope and this thought brings tears to her eyes. When there's a knock on the door she sits up so Hayley can get their food. Nicole quietly wipes away the tears and stands up.

The bad feelings melt away when she see's Hayley's face and the smile on it. She makes her way into the kitchen and helps herself to two plates, turning to face her lover. They sit down and eat, making small talk and just enjoying each other's company. After dinner they return to the couch and spend the evening just talking and watching television. Deep down Hayley has to admit that she enjoyed this night almost as much as she had any of the nights that they had sex. When she went over there Nicole had only planned to stay for a few hours, to be home by eight thirty but she didn't leave until well after ten. She and Hayley hug tightly and then kiss before she leaves. On the drive home she feels terrible, not because she stayed way longer at Hayley's than Dave would have wanted her to but because she had to leave. More tears stream down her face while she drives home and pulls into the driveway at ten forty-five. Opening the door she finds Dave standing there, hands at his hips and anger on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?" He angrily demands.

"Where do you think?" She retorts.

"Hayley's," his dismissive tone makes her twice as angry.

"Yeah, Hayley's, what's the problem with that?"

"This is going too far, much too far for my liking, wife of mine." Dave's face turns beet red. "The agreement was for you to find a Domme to see occasionally and for me to be a part of this, for us to do this together, as a couple, as married people. Instead you've run out and gotten a fucking girlfriend, cutting me off!"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Nicole lies, mind racing to change the subject. "A part? That was never your fucking intention, Dave! It's always been about you and only you. And remember, this was all your idea, I wanted nothing to do with this and you forced it on me. It was you, and not me, that drug me to that swingers party when I flat out told you I didn't want to go. And after that first encounter, just a get together, you didn't even let me get in the door before you were beating off and badgering me for details."

"I...I'm doing this for us. This is a way for us to stay together. I'm sorry if I'm not perfect enough for you."

"Not for us! For you!" Part of Nicole wants to say that they shouldn't stay together but she cannot bring herself to do it. "And it's not about being perfect, it's about you being considerate. About you letting me have a moment or two to enjoy it before it becomes about you masturbating."

"I won't do that anymore, I promise. But I think we need to take a step back or re work our agreement. I didn't agree to a poly relationship."

"No," Nicole states flatly. "You don't get to set this in motion and then pull it back when it isn't 100% what you wanted. There are other people involved here. Hayley and I are not sex robots for you to maneuver around at your own whim. I'm NOT ending what I have with her and you cannot make me do so."

"If you don't I'll call your mother and sister and tell them how devastated I am, that you're cheating on me with some woman. Tell her that you're sneaking around on me and seeing this woman at least three times a week and how close I think we are to divorce. I bet your mother will just LOVE that, she still holds out hope for grandkids, and your sister and her husband love me. You know I'll do it."

"Fuck you!" Nicole shouts bitterly. No matter how much she wants to get out of this relationship the thought of her mother and sister learning that she is not only A) bisexual and B) kinky is terrifying. It will blow up her relationships with both of them. Her mother is fairly religious and her sister was cheated on earlier in her life by a man who turned out to be gay and will blow up on the regular when she hears about other people cheating on their spouses. Tears come back to Nicole's eyes. She feels utterly defeated and hates Dave for making her feel that way.

"We can fix this, I know it," Dave pleads. He's not hearing no again. He should see that his wife is done with him and this threat he just made is going to destroy all the remaining positive feelings she has for him. He can only see one thing: win at all costs, which means keeping his wife and getting the orgasms he wants.

"No, Dave, we really can't."

"What if you made me a part, at least a few times?" He pleads.

"Like a three way?"

"Yeah, a three way," Dave see's an opening, a way to thread this needle. "Like I just get to suck your toes while the two of you do something else."

"Ok," Nicole's voice is full of defeat. "I'll talk to her about it. Just don't tell my mother. And we will only do what she is comfortable with, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do!" Dave's voice cracks with excitement. He goes to hug his wife but she uses her arm to keep him from touching her.

"Don't fucking touch me."

She stomps back to her room and slams the door shut. The first thing she does is pull out her phone and texts Hayley. They talk about the fight and Hayley works to calm Nicole down. The two women hash out a plan for the three of them to have sex and keep their relationship going. Hayley suggests that Nicole come out as bi, take Dave's threat off the table, but Nicole resists that. She argues that coming out as bi will only inflame Dave. Hayley wants to tell Nicole to get out, to leave her husband but they've only been together for four months and doesn't feel that it is right to try and blow up that marriage. It makes open relationships look bad and feels that it's not her place to say: leave your husband and be with me! Go from being married to a man to living with a woman. So she agrees to have a three way with Nicole and Dave under the condition that she will not be touching him in any way shape or form. His dick will not come anywhere near her. Nicole readily agrees as she's desperate to if not save her marriage than postpone its collapse.

Disastrous Encounters and the End of the New Arrangement

Winter has fully hit and snow is falling heavily when Hayley slowly makes her way to Nicole's house. She stands in front of the door shivering, in part from the cold and in part out of nerves. She's been to this house dozens of times and shouldn't be nervous anymore but she is. It has been years since she's been in bed with a man and it makes her queasy. She swallows those feelings for Nicole, for the woman she's falling in love with. If doing this once or twice means that she can keep seeing this man's wife then she will do it. Her gloved hand is shaking as she presses the ringer. It seems to her that it takes an hour before Nicole answers the door and her heart breaks when she does see her. Nicole looks miserable, beat down and depressed. Hayley tries to smile and when she see's that doing so brightens up her love it makes her smile harder. She hustles into the house and gives Nicole a hug.

"I've got a plan, I'll make this work for all three of us. Do you trust me?" She whispers into Nicole's ear.

Nicole gives the slightest of shakes to her head before Dave walks up. The slightly pudgy man with black hair and a black mustache gives Hayley a piercing look, his dark eyes narrowing at his competition. After holding that uncomfortable look for a moment Dave sticks out his hand and Hayley takes it. Nicole opens her mouth to ask Hayley if she needs a drink but Dave stomps all over that.

"Let's get to it," he grunts. Excitement brings out the brusqueness of his character and he just wants to get to the fucking. Nicole gives Hayley a look that says: I'm sorry.

"Very well. Let's head back to the bedroom." Hayley keeps her voice cold. She can already tell that this is going to be a lost night for her but she decides to power through it, for Nicole.

The three walk back to the bedroom, Dave in front and then Nicole and Hayley. Just when they get to door Hayley reaches out and gives to quickest of squeezes to Nicole's hand. Nicole turns her head back, blonde hair now covering half her face, and smiles. She loves those little touches, the tiny moments when Hayley makes her feel special and loved. Hayley wishes that she could take a photo of Nicole just how she is now: hand in hers, tussled blonde hair in her face and the smile that lights up her face shining bright. In the room she can hear Dave shedding his clothes and throwing them onto the floor. He doesn't waste any time, does he? Hayley thinks to herself. Hayley knows a few things and hopes to use that knowledge to ensure that all three of them have a good time. The first is that she needs to be as far from Dave during the encounter as she can. The second is that Nicole loves to be gagged and tied up and the third is that Dave's biggest turn on might be his wife's feet. She sets her bag on the ground, just inside the door and takes a few things out of it.

"Get undressed and lie down on the bed," she leans in and whispers to Nicole. Nicole goes flush and does as her mistress commands. Then she turns to Dave. "I am allowing you to be present for this. The only thing you are allowed to do is suck your wife's toes, do you understand me?"

"Yes," Dave says after taking a giant gulp. He can feel his cock go hard at being ordered around by his wife's lover.

When naked, Nicole climbs up onto the bed and then Hayley follows, though Hayley keeps her clothes on. She crawls up and over Nicole, putting her back to the headboard and with Nicole's head in her lap, thigh on either side of Nicole's face. Nicole is looking up at her as she uses the gag to take away her voice. Once it's in place Hayley can see the look of lust and love in her pet's eyes. The next thing she does is reach over and grab Nicole's right hand. Bringing it up she takes a restraint and ties that hand to the bedpost. In her lap Nicole lets out one of those whimpers, a sound of joy at the loss of control and utter excitement, that Hayley loves so much. Smiling, she takes away the control of Nicole's other arm.

Dave doesn't wait for orders, his cock is pounding and throbbing and his wife's toes are tantalizing, begging him to play with them and suck on them. So with Nicole's head in Hayley's lap, Hayley's legs draped over Nicole's shoulders and toes tucked under her back, Dave dives in. He picks up the left foot of his wife and takes it into his hands. He starts to caress it and marvel at its smoothness and beauty. Sticking his tongue out he licks the bottom of the foot, starting at the heel. This tickles Nicole and she laughs and turns her head to the sides, wiggling her whole body, but this doesn't stop Dave. For Dave it's impossible to get outside of himself during an encounter. Other people are props in a game that all leads to the end result: his right hand wrapped around his cock. He won't admit it but he's never been into penetrative sex though when he was younger he could do it, with as much testosterone coursing through his young man's body he could get hard at the drop of a hat, but things are different now. Now he has to follow his script and other people's needs became secondary. Though he made sure that they knew they were secondary he also would get hurt and rejected if they did the same to him.

Nicole and Hayley were in their own world. After the giggle fit, not fun with a gag on, Nicole's hair has gotten in her face and covers her eyes. With a finger Hayley reaches down and lovingly brushes it from her face. She leaves it on Nicole's cheek and they stare into each other's eyes. Hayley feels her heart bursting, aching for Nicole's love. Nicole, meanwhile, has a similar feeling though she doesn't want to admit that it is love. She's never seen someone who would make this kind of sacrifice, to indulge in sex with someone they really don't like or even know. All because of the feelings that they have for the third person involved. The pieces are there for Nicole, the puzzle ready to fit together, but she's too close to see it just now.

Down at her feet Dave has the big toe of Nicole's foot in his mouth and he is sucking on it like his life depends on it but he can sense his wife's utter disinterest in the whole encounter. Looking up he finds her staring lovingly at this other woman. They're having a conversation with their eyes and it is like he doesn't even fucking matter. His cock is starting to deflate and he would almost rather just end the whole thing altogether. He loudly clears his throat which causes Hayley to look up at him. He doesn't know it, but it took a Herculean effort for her to break the connection she has with Nicole in that moment and look at him. Nicole was not that strong, she cannot bring her eyes down and instead continues to look up at her mistress.

"I thought this was a three way, you know three people involved?" Dave whines.

"We are indulging you, little boy. Your wife will do as she pleases and you just have to fucking take it. So you hurry up and finish and then you may leave the room. The most she will allow you after you come is to listen as I fuck your wife harder and better than you ever could."

With that his cock goes erect again, he stuffs his wife's foot back in his mouth and wraps his right hand around himself again. Hayley looks back down at Nicole and they get lost in each other's eyes again. That is until Dave starts grunting in a way familiar to Nicole. Her eyes go wide with anger and then her body starts thrashing in a way Hayley has never seen before. Terrified, Hayley rushes to get the gag off her lover. She gets it off and before she can ask a question Nicole shouts at her husband.

"Do not come on my bed!" There's a fury in her voice that shocks even her. Hayley's eyes go wide momentarily before she recovers.

"Cup your hand Dave, you will blow your load into that and then leave." With that he gives one final grunt before blowing his load into his cupped hand. As he's walking away his wife and her lover don't look up at him. Hayley then tossed out an aside. "Don't forget to close the door."

When the door is closed Nicole can feel Hayley looking at her. Both are shocked at the level of anger in Nicole and can feel it radiating off of her in waves. Hayley cups Nicole's face in her hands and leans over as far as her back will allow her to.

"It's ok," she soothes. "Breathe, there you go."

"Sorry," Nicole apologizes after a few deep breaths. "I...I don't know where that come from. I just hate it when he leaves come for me to clean, it's such a vile habit, ya know?"

"Tis the reason why I don't date men," Hayley jokes.

"Did I fuck this up?"

"Of course not," Hayley smiles. "Let's get that gag back on you and have some fun."

Nicole shakes her head yes and Hayley resets the gag. Nicole can feel herself falling again, slipping into her subspace, ready and willing to go anywhere Hayley wants to take her. She feels that tonight, she has no limits and is pleasantly surprised when Hayley pulls something new out of the bag. It's a harness, like one for a strap on, yet this one you can fit a wand massager in the place of the dildo. Hayley brought the dildo attachment as well but wants to start with this. With the massager fully charged she fits it into the harness and climbs up between Nicole's legs. Turning the button on she can feel the buzzing on her clit, revving up her engines. She eases herself between Nicole's legs and the head of the massager comes into contact with Nicole's waiting sex. Hayley wants to have their first orgasms to be loving before she switches to the dildo. It feels a bit odd to have an audience, she rarely ever plays at Harlan's parties, and she knows Dave is waiting outside the door.

As she starts grinding both herself and Nicole with the massager she is looking down into her eyes. They don't break contact, even when Nicole starts moaning, until a flush of passion forces Hayley's eyes to flutter. Three or four grinds of her hips pushes her over the edge.

"Oh fuck," Hayley cries out, playing for the crowd. She takes a brief pause to let the orgasm settle in before starting up again

Below her Nicole is moaning and whimpering and it's not long before Nicole's body is writhing and shuddering beneath her. The room fills with the muffled sounds of her orgasm. Outside Dave can hear as both his wife and her lover are having orgasms. It is so degrading for him and he loves every second of it. He expects them to come out now, to rejoin him and maybe have a three person cuddle but that's not what happens. Hayley has removed the massager and replaced it with the dildo. It is from this moment on that the encounter spirals out of control. Hayley proceeds like she would have if it was just her and Nicole, they go until they cannot go any longer. Nicole is lost in passion, forgetting all about her husband as she is lost in her subspace and can only focus on what's happening with Hayley. Dave, who never articulated how he wanted this encounter to go as he was solely focused on his orgasm and his orgasm alone, grows angry at how much longer their encounter becomes than his. Hayley does one final thing, something that wasn't meant to be malicious but Dave sure felt it was: she takes the gag off of Nicole. For her, she wants to hear her pet moan and cry, to maybe get her pet to suck in on her thumb in that way she finds so hot. For Dave it would become a step too far.

Nicole is breathing heavy when Hayley takes the gag off, throwing it back towards the bag. Right before she inserts the dildo, Hayley leans in and kisses Nicole. As it slides in and fills Nicole up she moans into Hayley's mouth. Hayley leans up on her arms and starts to really thrust in and out of her pet. On a particularly hard thrust Nicole lets out a loud: oh! Outside Dave is starting to fume. For what had started off as hot is now dragging, driving past that, to something that is not hot for him any longer. It's borne of his inability to see his wife and her lover as actual people and not actors in a play. Feeling left out and ignored Dave stomps off to bed in a huff. Having never given his wife more than one orgasm, she often faked them early in the relationship, he had no idea that she could have many, many orgasms in one encounter and that she and Hayley could carry on for hours if they wanted to and their bodies allowed it. Feeling neglected and ignored Dave stomps off to bed in a huff. Even behind a closed door he can hear his wife's screams of pleasure and hear the knocking of the headboard into the wall. Taking a pillow he covers up his ears and waits. He assumes, more like wishes and desperately wants but will not articulate to his wife, that Nicole will come in to see him before going to sleep. If not to sleep for the night, he could only dream of that anymore, then to at least cuddle for a while or maybe invite him to her bed so that all three could cuddle.
