Amy's Merciless Panty Tease Pt. 04


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"I just remembered... I wanted to say sorry for Georgia making fun the other weekend."

I thought back to her voluptuous colleague pushing her boot firmly down on my back.

"She shouldn't have made you feel bad about wanting a special little peek every now and then."

I felt redness rush over my face as I brushed more diligently.

"Did that make you feel a bit embarrassed Pauly? When Georgia made fun of you for wanting a peek between my legs sometimes?"

I wasn't going to look up at her. Exhaling slowly, I felt the redness dissolve from my cheeks as I nodded subtly. If she was learning how to mix heaven and hell at once, I was going to learn how to handle it.

"That's ok buddy. I thought I might be able to make up for it... Especially since you're doing such a good job helping me out this evening."

I glanced at the loving expression above me.

"Paul, I want you to tell me if you can smell my perfume..."

I hadn't noticed anything... Should I have? She always smelled perfect.

I inhaled gently.

"I... think you always smell nice Amy."

She removed her foot from my hand and shifted forward on her seat.

"That's not what I meant," she responded flippantly. "I sprayed a touch of perfume on our purchase from this morning... I was wondering if you might be able to tell which fragrance I used... I want to know if it was worth it."

Unable to fully grasp what I was hearing, I nodded again, less subtly this time.

Amy raised her right foot and slowly parted her knees. My mouth dropped as I saw the hint of color between. She was wearing her tiny new panties.

I felt the weight of her leg fall downward, the underside of her knee resting on my shoulder.

I gazed forward, transfixed on the intricate purple flower petals at my eye level. The thin triangle pointing downward, disappearing between her crack. I peeled my eyes away, not wanting to gawk too blatantly.

"Don't be shy bud, you've earned your special little peek... And you get to see the G-string you picked out in action!"

Unable to hide the hypnotic state I was in, I peered forward. I couldn't believe what I was finally seeing up close. Having imagined this forever, I felt almost starstruck.

My focus intensified, making out outlines of the shape beneath. Two perfect lips almost visible between opaque petals embroidered over the sheer material.

"What a lucky guy hey? They're almost see-through... I think someone chose well."

I sat frozen at the view before me, analizing the shape within. Was she completely hairless down there? The tightness of the material. Had she purposely pulled them higher than normal?

"Come on then... What fragrance have you noticed?" Amy questioned playfully.

Plucking up the courage not to fight such a tempting offer, I drew in the air around me, inhaling Amy's scent. A mixture of the sweat of her skin, detergent from the dress and a sweet floral aroma.

"I... think I smell flowers?" I questioned.

"Try and be more specific for me Paul. You can get a little closer if you like..."

Still feeling the weight of her right leg on my shoulder, I began to lean forward before feeling something on my stomach. Amy's left foot raised, the stem of her heel making sharp contact with my lower torso.

"Remember bud, you're allowed a whiff... It would be very inappropriate to touch a lady in any way that she hasn't permitted."

I felt the pressure on my front subside, her heel lowering back to the floor. Did she think I had no control whatsoever?

Slowly I leant forward again until I was an inch away from the pristine shape between her legs, the soft silky skin of her thighs touching each of my ears. I inhaled again...

"I can smell... something like... the hedges next door?"

A gentle smile emerged on Amy's face.

"I think you're on to something there mister... It's lavender silly!"

Amy gazed off into the distance with an air of self-satisfaction.

"I'm so glad you're able to notice, I love it when my things match... Don't you think it's perfect that my lavender panties have a lavender scent to pair with?"

I could feel her thigh comfortingly supporting my leaning head. Lifting myself up again, I nodded agreeably. She might've had me wrapped around her finger but I didn't want it to end. Reluctantly I began to lean out again.

"It's ok bud, you can stay there a little longer if you like..."

My mind raced as hers offered calm encouragement. I felt a rough tugging above, Amy was scruffing my hair light-heartedly.

"Don't look so worried," she giggled. "Here let me give you a better view."

Lifting her left leg while supporting herself with her hand on my head she placed it on my shoulder. I felt out of body, staring down at the incredible position I was in, between both of Amy's silky legs, now with each knee at either side of my head.

"There we are, a special view for my special guy."

My left hand instinctively lifted to support her leg while my right travelled down to grasp the throbbing sensation in my lap.

"Pauly... Are you going to think about this later when you stroke?"

Feeling even redder than before, I stayed silent.

"I'm just curious!," she exclaimed playfully. "I don't know how it works for guys. Does this sort of thing just make you excited or are you actually going to picture me in my new G-string later when you stroke?"

I could feel my hand working on it's own again, my hips gyrating slightly. Appeasing her, I nodded gently, my eyes focusing on a tiny freckle on her inner thigh, barely a hair away from her equally miniscule panties.

"So cute, I thought so... That's ok, I'm glad I can help my clever guy sometimes. Is it better when you picture the little string... tucked up Amy's tooshie?"

Something about hearing her say her own name had me feeling even more powerless. She softened her voice further, making me wonder if she'd closed the door when she came down.

"Or will you think about the cute little petals covering my pussy?"

I closed my eyes, inhaling once more.

"Sometimes when we watch TV together, I can feel the couch on my bare bum... when I'm wearing a thong... One of the thongs you washed for me... Is that something nice you might think about later?"

The sound of her words, the sight and scent of her panties, each more unbearably torturing than the last.

"It's ok bud, you don't have to answer my questions if you're feeling uncomfortable... I don't mean to make you blush when I talk about these things... but I think you're ready to hear this kind of language. Do you have any questions for me?"

My eyes opened, hips beginning to thrust less subtly. Questions for her? I could hardly string a sentence together like this.

"I just thought you might like to know how things work for girls? You know, since you're down there and all... Maybe you'd like to know how my new panties feel?"

I swallowed nervously, my breathing escalating.

"Well, they're very comfy you'll be pleased to know. I can barely feel the string between my cheeks and I especially love the almost see-through material over my pussy... I can't wait till your father sees them! I'll bet laundry day doesn't seem so bad these days huh?"

Her head tilted slightly, noticing my hand in my lap. Eyes closing again, I jerked through my pants.

"None of that please, that's for later and when you're alone."

I pumped faster, unable to control the state I was in.

"Paul, I said no. That's not appropriate in front of a lady."

I could feel the pressure building, closer and closer to relieving my frustration.

The weight from my shoulder lifted, followed by a sharp stab at my torso. My hand jolted away as my eyes opened to Amy's left stiletto at my lap, pressing downward. Her right now lifting away from beside my head.

"I'm not impressed bud."

A sense of shocked embarrassment hit me harder than Amy's foot as I panted in heated defeat. My head hung forward over the black pointed toes of both her heels now sitting neatly together.

"Now I want you to pay attention to what happens when you don't do as you're told."

I lifted my head to witness Amy's still slightly parted knees separate for glimmer of a moment before her left leg lifted to cross over her right, the heavenly dark purple triangle disappearing between her thighs.

"There. Not having quite as much fun anymore, are we?"

I stared forward at the toes of her left heel, just below my chin.

"It's ok you're still allowed to think about your peek later when you're on your own but not when I haven't said otherwise."

I stayed silent not wanting to trip another wire, my eyes still stuck on her pointed leather.

"Now Paul, I'd like you to thank me."

I could almost make out my reflection in the shine of her left heel, even without a polish like the right.

"Go on. Thank me for keeping you courteous please."

I knew what had to be done and that there wasn't a way around it. The sweet lavender scent now replaced with a musky aroma from the arch of her foot lifting proudly above the leather of her heel.

I placed both hands on her stiletto and pressed my lips against the skin of her foot. Slowly I made my way around every inch of her heel, even planting a kiss on the underside of her sole when it was lifted before me, blackness meeting my lips.

"Well done Pauly, that's very nice to see. Now pick up the brush and finish the other half of the job, it's nearly time for me to go."


I awoke to thunder clapping closer than it had all night. The looming storm was finally in full swing.

Glancing over past Steven's side of the bed I squinted at the alarm clock to make out the time in the dark.


Why did Steven insist on twenty-four-hour time, like he was in one of his dumb military books. Damn, it was going to be another weary Monday tomorrow.

My empty bed wasn't making it easier. Steven had given me a wonderful send-off last night after our outing. I was so worn out I had stayed in a deep sleep this morning when he left for the airport. My alone time with Paul had warmed me up for a passionate farewell. Feeling Steven deep inside, knowing Paul was excluded just down the hall felt cruelly sublime.

A sense of nervous giddiness came over me as I remembered it was now just the two of us. I'll bet he was awake too.

It was such a shame I had to give him a little kick yesterday but it was for the best and I couldn't pretend it wasn't a bit of a thrill. Georgia will be proud when I tell her in the morning.

I rolled over to the dresser at my side of the bed and rattled through the back of the bottom draw. My hand brushed past a silicon toy, a metallic handcuff, I had wondered if these were the sort of things I should be keeping in a more secure spot.

Never being the kind for kinkiness, I only recently discovered that every now and then some spice was necessary. Finally feeling the felt material I had been searching for, I grabbed firmly and slowly rolled out of bed.

I pulled my long grey pyjama shirt down past my backside to the top of my legs. I hadn't bothered with shorts tonight, thinking I'd be sleeping alone and instead had lazily continued to wear the navy-blue underwear I had on all day, forgetting to remove them before bed.

Hoping to see a hint of light from Paul's room, I was met with only pitch blackness. Feeling the soft carpet beneath my toes, I started to sneak cautiously, my fingers grazing the wall to keep my balance. Reminding myself I had no noise to hide from anyone, I picked up my pace walking more confidently, the creaking of floorboards beneath each carpeted step.

A handle click echoed into the dark doorway. Paul didn't usually sleep with his door shut, he must've had a busy night, I thought proudly.

Only managing to make out his gangly outline heaving gently under the duvet, I moved closer. His comparatively bulky upper arm stirred under my touch as I gently rocked him awake.

"I'm sorry buddy!" I whispered, putting my hands up to my mouth, his eyes squinting in the dark.

Paul leaned over to his right, flicking on the lamp at his bedside table, the yellow light harshly piercing through our narrowed eyes.

"Amy?" he grumbled. I sat on the bed and leaned closer.

"I'm sorry to wake you, it's just so crazy out there and I was... getting scared in the storm," I said coyly. "I was wondering if... I could sleep in here tonight? With you?"

Rubbing his eyes, he looked taken aback, probably wondering if he had woken up at all.

"I um... Sure Amy? Of course."

The double bed, only just big enough for the both of us meant this was bound to be a close night. I placed my hand on his, the other still gripping the dark felt pouch from my bottom draw.

"Thanks bestie.... There's just something I'd like you to put on for me first..."

Glancing down at my hand, he sat up. I handed him the pouch and waited for his curiosity to get the better of him.

He pulled gently at the draw string holding my package closed and tipped the contents into his palm. His confused gaze studied the contraption as I felt a wave of heat wash over me.

"It's ok, not as scary as it looks... Do you know what it is?" I asked steadily.

Paul lifted the plastic tube curling downwards, complete with ring at the back and small padlock at the top. His head shook apprehensively, eyes widening as he woke.

"This Pauly, is a tool to help with restraint... Sometimes a young man's little fella gets a mind of its own and needs some... boundaries. Do you understand?"

Paul paused as lightening flickered through the window, his fingers fiddling with the padlock before clearing his throat.

"You... you want me to put this on... now?"

"Yes please Paul. After last night I think we both know you can sometimes let your impulses get the better of you, don't we?"

His head slumped, the metal clicking against the clear plastic tube as thunder rolled in the distance.

"It's ok bud just another little secret between us, it's not like anyone will see. Go on take the key inside the pouch to undo it... My clever guy's got plenty experience with locks now hey?"

He began fumbling with the contraption in his palm as I watched on encouragingly.

"I bought this for your father a few months back to spice things up a little but well... things managed to spice up on their own anyway..."

Paul unclasped the lock and set it aside, the plastic falling into two separate pieces.

"Well done, now drop your slacks and let's get you ready for bed again," I instructed.

He hesitated, looking uncertain of what he might be agreeing to.

"Don't worry it's not forever. But I would like you to learn how important it is for a woman to always feel safe... I know I'd feel safer in the same bed as you if that untrained puppy of yours was locked up... in his kennel..."

Waiting for more explanation, a look of acceptance came over Paul as he realised this would be the only way forward.

"Ok Amy... if that's what you want... I'll wear it for tonight."

I watched excitedly as his shaking hands lowered his pants revealing my familiar friend unincumbered by any boxer shorts this time. He was looking chubbier than would likely fit in our contraption but Paul was going to have to try.

"You'll need to do this part yourself," I explained. "If I get involved you might get more excited... Just give it a good push and eventually the discomfort will get your little guy to play nice."

Paul began nervously and frustratingly pushing and fumbling his way inside his new home. I couldn't wait to see how neat he was going to look all tucked away for me.

As the tube shimmied its way up his shaft, I could see the two pieces of plastic nearly meeting at the top. Without wanting to miss my opportunity I snatched the padlock sitting on the pouch, slid it between the plastic holes and clicked it shut.

"There we are, perfect teamwork!" I said cheerfully, scruffing his hair.

Paul looked dazed and in a mild state of shock as he cautiously inspected his new feature.

"Thankyou Pauly, I really appreciate you doing this for me. Here, we'll keep the key on my anklet with the other, so we don't forget."

I swivelled my body slightly and placed my bare foot on his clear cage.

Without hesitation he slid the key around the ring at my anklet, far more expertly than he could've done a few weeks ago. I hadn't planned for this but clearly my little piece of malleable clay had been shaped fabulously.

Anticipating my next request and with even less hesitation, he lifted my foot and placed a single kiss atop my toes.

"Thankyou Amy..." he said coyly.

What had I done to deserve someone as impressionable as Paul, he must be getting excited to show such respect without so much as a prompt.

"You're welcome buddy, thankyou for being so gracious... Can I come to bed now?"

He nodded obediently.

Smiling, I lifted his blankets and placed myself in one leg at a time as he slid his pants back up and his body beneath the covers, flicking off the light by his side. My long pyjama shirt slipped up my legs slightly as I climbed in.

I wrapped my arm around his ribs and placed my head on his chest, my messy bun falling by his cheek as raindrops rolled down the bedroom window as though the sky was letting it's hair down with me.

"This is nice, I feel all cosy and safe... How do you feel? Are you comfortable down there?"

"It's... a bit uncomfortable but I think I can feel it settling down," he whispered hopefully.

"Aw I know it's a bit snug now but it'll get better. It's so nice to know you're all set for the night in your little kennel..."

I moved my hand lower placing it gently between his legs. I was used to soft and small or hard and big but... Hard and small? How wonderfully sublime.

I thought about the two keys dangling at my ankle. I probably wouldn't need the first one anymore now that Paul's temptations could be subdued at my whim. Maybe the first one was nothing more than training wheels, I thought.

If only I had Steven locked up too... I could strut around the house with two little keys dangling about like the flags of conquered armies, kept as trophies. My daydreaming was cut short by the cutting feeling of a wedgie down below.

"Hey bud... do you mind if I take my thong off for the night? I forgot I was still wearing it from this morning..."

"Yeah... that's ok."

"Thought so," I giggled.

Reaching below, I slid my panties down my legs and kicked them to the bottom of his bed.

"I'll leave those to you..."

I snuggled my face up to his and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, my leg lifting to wrap around his waist. I whispered softly in his ear.

"I love thinking about you washing my thong Pauly... I think about it all the time..."

A muffled noise rumbled through his body. A groan of discomfort or purr of happiness, I wasn't sure which.

"It's like our special way of having you so close to my pussy even though you know you're not allowed any closer."

I brushed my hand over his chest to feel it rise and fall. This time it was my hips that were moving in Paul's bed, my wetness meeting the hard plastic through his pants. Heavenly shivers vibrated through my loins. I sighed deeply.

As the rain drew stronger and the pitch blackness of his room shrouded our loving moment, I brought my lips up to his, slipping my tongue forward and kissed passionately. It felt wonderful knowing I was safe to express myself with all of Paul's urges restrained.

Knowing I was about to sleep like a baby, I whispered once more.

"Goodnight bestie."

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shymaleashymalea12 months ago

omg this is one of the best series in femdom,i,m so turned on i ,m fucking my big dildo and edging me close to cum,but i don,t cum out of respect for all the femdom ladies here

chuunichuuniover 1 year ago

Every fucking time I find a half decent femdom story like this they bring in chastity. Chastity, cock cages etc... are like the antithesis of sexy. Was a 5/5 story until this chapter.

trisetristrisetrisalmost 2 years ago

This is a masterpiece!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just make part 5 already

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please continue…don’t make us beg. LOL But seriously, I’m willing to beg.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is amazing. I've been waiting since forever for part 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please tell us you did not stop writing :(

One of the best story lines so far!

ReadingbicuckoldReadingbicuckoldabout 2 years ago

I`m really looking forward ….

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The more the better! Love that foot fetish/ weaponized femdom incest story.

If you start a new series, maybe a real mother/ son foot fetish story? These are so rare, you would have the talent for it.

I have tons of ideas for that. I did help with ideas for the two storylines "Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris" and the side story "Jenny's seduction of the boy next door".

Both are perfectly written and well paced. Give it a try, you must google it because they are not on literotica. Authors name: KG210502

I really look forward to read more from you! :)

TeaseTypeTeaseTypeabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks for reading, think there might be another chapter or two... Just need to find the time to write them!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please continue. Can’t wait for next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Any update of the next chapter? :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Femdom, humiliation….all I can say is more please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolute weaponised tease. Beautiful stuff

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