An Interview with an Alien


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'Fascinating. Come, let's go downstairs and have another cup of tea.'

'I really should be going; I've taken up enough of your time.'

'Nonsense, I'm nearly sixty years old I have nothing but time. Besides, she said looking at the clock, there's someone else coming in a few minutes that I'd like you to meet.'

"We left her bedroom and I followed her down the stairs. Just as we reached the landing the front door opened and there stood the Captain. I nearly fainted, it wasn't the Captain of course, it was her son; but he was the spitting image of the Captain. A quick calculation of his age meant that he was almost exactly the same age as his father was when I first met him. I didn't know whether to jump into his arms or to punch him in the nose. I did neither; instead I extended my hand and introduced myself. "

'My name is Eve; you must be James.'

We returned to the sitting room.

'You're the woman in the painting!'

'No dear, that's her grandmother. Her mother, your half-sister, lives in New York and is a merchant just like you. Eve is here on business.'

"We had a second cup of tea while I filled in the some of the missing details of my fictitious life. After finishing my tea, during a lull in the conversation, I stood and announced that I had to get back to the hotel. James volunteered to drive me back in his carriage. I tried to protest, saying that I didn't want to be a bother; but to no avail. James said that he had to get home anyway, that his wife was expecting him for dinner. After saying my good byes to Imelda and thanking her for a truly enlightening afternoon, I boarded James's carriage and he drove me to the hotel. I couldn't help but think that if I had traveled with him to San Francisco all those years ago, that this is how the Captain and I would have looked. I was no longer upset with him, only melancholy.

"Two days later a large crate was delivered to the hotel. The note attached to the crate read,"


Please accept this as a token of my sincere apology to your grandmother. It is rightfully yours. I no longer have a need for it.



"I stayed in San Francisco for several more weeks getting my financial affairs in order. I opened several accounts with the money that I had had transferred to San Francisco. As a major depositor I was able to invest in the stock of Wells Fargo Bank. And finally, I rented a large Safe Deposit box. I had several thousand $20 double eagle gold coins which I had accumulated from the years 1850 to 1869. These were beautiful coins which I wanted to keep as a keepsake of my years during the gold rush.

"With my financial affairs in order, I bought a ticket to New York City on the Pacific Railroad as it was now called. I felt that I had to leave San Francisco. I had explained myself to Imelda and James once, but if I stayed there for too long a time, chances were that I would meet them again and at that time maybe my story would begin to unravel. Besides I missed my first home town and wanted to see all the changes that progress had brought in the twenty years that I had been gone.

"On Monday morning I checked out of the hotel, had my trunk and my crate loaded onto the train and settle into my sleeping compartment for the trip east. It had taken me nearly nine months to travel here in 1849, now if we kept on schedule I'd be standing in New York City in less than two weeks. The country had gotten a whole lot smaller in twenty years.

Chapter Eight:

"The trip to New York was completed in two parts. The first leg of the journey from San Francisco to Omaha, Nebraska took a week. Then we had to get off the train, get on a ferry, along with our baggage and freight, and cross the Missouri River to the town of Council Bluffs, Iowa. They loaded our baggage and freight back onto a new train while we got ourselves situated. The second leg of the trip took six days, and even though we all felt exhausted after it was over, we all agreed that the $135 fare was well worth the money."

"So what was the City like when you returned? Was it everything you thought it would be?"

"It was that and so much more. The buildings were taller and more numerous. The areas that had been empty lots or small farms before I left were filled with two and three story residential structures. There were a lot more people as well. The after effects of the Civil War were clearly evident. There were a lot more colored people living in the city. There were also many veterans walking the streets on crutches, pant legs pinned up where legs had once been; or missing arms, some begging for money, but most seemingly headed back and forth from home or work.

"My house was still there, although it took me about a week to get it cleaned up and livable again. I could still feel Mary's presence in the house, but surprisingly, it was more comforting than saddening. As a result I decided to hire a man servant and his wife to cook, clean and run errands for me. I was in the city about a month before I decided to make contact with my former client and financial manager. My biggest problem was how to do it. Junius was thirty eight years old the last time I had seen him, now he was nearly sixty. I couldn't go to his office looking like a twenty six year old.

"Wearing my most conservative dress, I took a chance and paid an unannounced visit to his offices. I told his secretary that I was an old friend and client and that I had been out west for the last twenty years and had only recently returned. She disappeared behind his closed door for a few moments; but when she returned she had a pleasant smile."

'Please go right in, he'll be with you momentarily. '

"I entered his large corner office and took a seat in front of his desk. He came through a side door with a stack of papers in his hand."

'Eve is that really you; it must be at least twenty years since the last time I saw you, you look as beautiful as ever. How do you do it?'

"I was projecting an image into his mind of me adding a few extra pounds, a few wrinkles around my eyes and mouth, and a touch of gray in my hair."

'Juni, you're such a liar but thank you for the complements. You are looking well and even more prosperous than before I left; I hope my finances have done as well.'

'Always the shrewd business woman, it's what I loved about you the most.'

'Oh and I thought you only loved me for my other skills.'

'Those, too. But it was your mind for business that I found most attractive. Anyway, I pulled some of the information from your file. You'll be pleased to know that your accounts with us have increased in value tenfold since you've been gone. Where have you been and what have you been doing since then? If my mind serves me well, you were heading to San Francisco.'

'Very good, I'm impressed that you remembered. You could say that I've been applying my trade in the gold mining and rail transportation industries. Business was very good, very good indeed. Now I'm back, I'm looking to get back into business in a more limited manner, but also I'd like to get involved as an investor in some of the new and upcoming technologies of today.'

'I understand and I think I can steer you in the right direction on both fronts. First of all, you remember me talking about my son, JP, don't you? He recently formed a partnership with several other gentlemen. They provide investment bank services, specializing in reorganizations and consolidations. I'm sure with a letter of recommendation from me; he would be more than willing to accept you as a client. But I have to warn you that he's a bigger risk taker than I am. He's also married, twice, his first wife dying after childbirth. Now he has three children. But what I'm getting at is that before he got married he knew next to nothing about sex.'

'Juni, how could that be? I'm sure with your wealth and upbringing he experienced all facets of life.'

'Eve, that's where you're wrong, it's because of our wealth and upbringing that we don't experience some of, how shall I say, the more earthy facets of life. People in my position have to be very careful about the types of people our children socialize with. The young girls are sheltered and pampered. They know nothing about sexual matters. They are expected to be virgins for their husbands. The boys are expected to be the experts in these matters; but how can they become experts if the only women they socialize with are all jealously guarding their virginity. I don't want to offend you, but what the boys need is to have a person, like you, to teach them the facts of life through example and practice with no complications or commitments; someone who knows her place in life.'

"I should have been offended, but I wasn't. We had established our ground rules a long time ago. I had accepted and was perfectly content with who and what I was."

'I'll think about it and get back to you with a proposal. In the meantime, could you write that letter of recommendation for me? '

'Of course, just be aware that my son's investment strategy is more aggressive than my own; but with more risk comes greater rewards.'

"It took me several months to decide what I wanted to do. Over dinner I offered my proposal to Juni."

'Don't you think $ 500 is a little steep for one night?'

"Juni, my dear; don't you think I'm worth it? Besides I'm going to be teaching these young men everything I know. It's going to take all night and more likely than not, we both will be too exhausted and sore to do anything for several days afterwards."

'I can understand that. When you put it that way, maybe I might just need a refresher course.'

"Juni, for you I would book the whole weekend."

"So with that my next career path was settled. I became the sex instructor to the children of New York's elite class. People like the Vanderbilts, the Astors, the Goulds and others soon began to contact me. It started off slowly at first, but after another month or two I was "working" one or two nights a week.

"A typical night would start with dinner and some time to get acquainted. After dinner we would adjourn, arm in arm, to our room. I always let the young men open the door. I could tell how nervous they were by the time it took for them to get the key into the lock. After that..... Oh it's better if I just show you."

With that, she stood, grabbed my hand and practically dragged me down the hall to our bedroom, where I was treated to a sexual smorgasbord for the rest of the evening. By the time she finished with me I was physically and emotionally drained, literally and figuratively, very sore, and total exhausted. The last thing I remembered was Eve kissing me on my forehead and whispering;

"Sleep my pet; you were better than any of those young studs."

Chapter Nine:

The next morning, after what seemed like a gallon of coffee, I was feeling almost normal again. I still walked a little slower than normal but was able to keep up with Eve as she started her day not appearing to be suffering any ill effects from our previous evening's activities. We assumed our normal positions in the living room and her narrative continued.

"My occupation as sex instructor to New York's elite lasted nearly ten years. I scanned the society pages weekly and much to my delight, many of my former students were getting married and starting families. I felt proud that I, in some small way, was responsible for preserving their family legacies. True to his father's word, JP Morgan was a risk taker but also a savvy business man. I watched my wealth more than triple in value; and although I was not from old money I gained a certain amount of social acceptance from the New York elite. At parties I was introduced to many of the most eligible bachelors of the day. One of the most fascinating men that I met wasn't eligible at all. J.D. Rockefeller was the hard driving owner of Standard Oil of Ohio, which at the time was one of the largest suppliers of kerosene in the country.

"During our conversation he indicated to me that he was in the process of moving his corporate headquarters from Cleveland, Ohio to New York City. I would find out later that he was starting a new company which would be called Standard Oil of New Jersey, and would ultimately evolve into ESSO and later still, Exxon. JD invited me to join him for dinner one night the following week. Over dinner, he made me a business proposition. "

'Eve, I'm not going to deceive you. I've had you checked out by one of my associates. He informed me that you make a living entertaining men. I would like to hire you to entertain a gentleman from Nacogdoches, Texas. This gentleman is the owner of a large oil company which I intend to buy. I'd like you to entertain him while he is here in New York. I will pay you handsomely for this service for as long as it takes for me to close this deal; no questions asked. '

"After agreeing to the terms of our business arrangement, I asked when my services would be needed."

'He'll be here a week from Monday. I'll set up a first meeting for you for dinner at the Grand Central Hotel. By the way his name is Garret Rusk.'

"At the appointed time I entered the lobby of the Grand Central. A gentleman, dressed in dark jeans, a white embroidered shirt with a string tie held together by a silver buckle with a turquoise stone mounted in the center, western boots and carrying the largest hat I had ever seen, strode across the room. "

'Miss Eve, I presume? JD told me I'd recognize you immediately. His description of you as a tall pretty woman doesn't do you justice. It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance.'

"My heart skipped a beat as a looked up into his ice blue eyes and rugged good looks. He was a big man, at least three inches taller than me, with broad shoulders and large callused hands. He was a man who was used to hard work and the great outdoors. He offered me his arm and escorted me into the dining room. I glanced in the mirror as we entered the room, and, if I do say so myself, we made a good looking couple. Apparently other people thought so too, because I could almost feel the eyes of the wait staff and our fellow diners as we were led to our table.

"For the next two hours we talked and laughed like we were old friends. He told me all about himself. He owned a large cattle ranch in eastern Texas, near the town of Nacogdoches. One day while drilling a well on the far side of his grazing land, he hit a gusher, not of water, but oil. At first he sold his raw crude to a fellow who shipped it by rail to a company that refined the oil into kerosene. But he realized that the bulk of the profits were being reaped by others, so he hired an experienced refiner and built his own refinery. Soon he had his own freight company as well. As his wealth grew, he expanded, building refineries in Louisiana as well. One of his most important innovations had to do with a by-product of the refining process. Gasoline was thought to be useless and, at most refineries, was just burned off or dumped into nearby rivers. Garret used the gasoline to run his machinery and foresaw the use of gasoline burning engines as a means of propulsion.

"He knew JD was building his company by means of driving his competitors out of business or buying their companies at reduced prices. He, too, foresaw the importance of gasoline and the inevitable decline of kerosene as a fuel and, as the result of Edison's electric light bulb, as a source of light."

'In my area of the country my company is a big fish in a small pond. But I won't be able to survive a price war against the likes of JD Rockefeller and his Standard Oil. My best option is to work out a deal now while my company is still strong. I'm pretty sure JD will see the advantage of buying my company now instead of engaging in an all-out price war which will hurt us both. '

"Our evening was most enjoyable. I could tell that he was attracted to me and I knew that I was attracted to him; it was just a question of who was going to make the first move. Me being the professional, I decided that it was going to me; so I leaned over the table and whispered in his ear.

'I'd love to see your room.'

"That's all it took; he signaled for the check, signed it to the room, stood and escorted me out of the dining room and into the elevator for the eight story ride to his penthouse suite. JD had spared no expense to impress this gentleman from Texas. We entered the room and before the door closed behind us Garret had swept me into his arms."

'I've been wanting to do that all evening', he said after we finally broke our embrace.

'I'm glad you did,' I replied while taking him by the hand and practically dragging him into the bedroom. We attacked each other's clothing like a couple of newlyweds. In between kisses Garret exclaimed,

'It's been quite a while since I entertained a lady; I may be a little out of practice.'

'Don't worry, I'll take the lead and I'm no lady.'

"With that said, I sank to my knees before him. His cock was magnificent, at least ten inches long and as thick as my wrist. I grabbed it with both my hands and began kissing and licking its nearly purple head. This was a noble cock and I wanted to give it a royal treatment. Garret began to moan as my hands slid up and down his shaft as I tried to stuff as much as I could into my mouth. "

'Oh God, Eve what are you doing to me? Please stop, I can't hold off much longer.'

"Of course, I had no intention of stopping. His words only encouraged me all the more. My tongue swirled around its head as I worked my mouth around his cock. I wanted his first cum to be unforgettable. I felt his strong hands grab hold of my head and felt Garret try to remove his cock from my mouth but I resisted his efforts, having the benefits of my superior strength and all of the leverage."

'Eve, I'm going to cum! Arrggh!'

"Suddenly my mouth was filled with his essence, which I began to swallow immediately, not wanting to lose a single drop. Five, six, seven, squirts I felt before his orgasm finally subsided. I sat back and gazed up at him lovingly."

'Eve, that was incredible', he whispered as he reached down pulling me into his arms once again.

"I steered him towards the bed, where we fell, ultimately ending up with Garret on his back with me on top. All it took was a quick thrust of my hips and I had myself seated on the fronts of his thighs looking down at him. I took hold of his wrists and forced his hands up over his head. My tits were conveniently rubbing across his lips as I told him I wanted more. His cock was more than ready, having never really lost its rigidity and, as for me; there was no need for any more foreplay. Letting go of one of his hands, I reached down between us and guided him to my entrance. I paused only briefly, and then began to slowly engulf him. More and more of his cock began to disappear into my soaking wet pussy. It seemed that there was no end to that impressive tool of his. Finally our bodies met; I had it all. I felt gloriously stuffed. I hadn't felt this way since Adam and I had made love during our training. I began to slowly rise and fall, moving along his length, never allowing him to completely escape my moist grasp. My hands were resting on his chest, while his were kneading my breasts and tweaking my nipples. My eyes were lightly closed and all I could feel were the sensations of pleasure that were pulsing throughout my body.

"My first orgasm came out of nowhere; I halted my movements and allowed the warmth to consume me. When it subsided, I began once again, this time a little more energetically. Minutes passed; this time I could feel it build and then suddenly explode within me. When it passed I resumed again; this time wanting us to share the moment together. I gazed down at Garret though hooded eyes and spied a playful gleam in his eyes. His hands left my breasts and I felt two powerful arms wrap themselves around my back. Before I knew it, Garret pulled me down to his chest and at the same time turning us over until I felt my back pressed against the mattress."
