An Iranian Story Ch. 03


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"Abraham, if I do not love it, can I beat the SHIT out of you afterwards?"

"You can even use my tie."

"Now I know you are getting serious."

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, you may spank me, but not until these rebels are back in Turkmenistan. Move your ass general, and get this job taken care of."

"God, Hafsa, you are a pain in my ass."

"If I do not get my orgasm, that is the least of your worries. I am going to use genital clips on your balls."

"Chelem, 'GENERAL' call in two hours, with aids."

"Sir, yes sir."

"Hafsa, bend over my desk, now."

"I am dressed."

"Hafsa, now."

She did not like the tone in his voice, so she moved quickly. She bent over his desk between the center and his chair, which she realized quickly, was a mistake. He drew up beside her and circled her waist with his arm. She was nothing compared to him.

Suddenly, she felt his hand inside her robes. How did he get in there? His thumb played with her anus, as two fingers plunged into her vagina.

"I am still very tender, you idiot."

"Gee, I did not realize that would happen. I will have to be more careful next time."

"Abraham, when you tell a lie, you should get someone else to tell it for you, because you are awful when you do it."

"How is this, Hafsa? I am going to shove my fist up your ass."

"That is your choice, Abraham. If you do, you better count the knives in every country on this planet. If I get my hands on one, your carotid artery and it are going to be the best of friends."

"Hafsa, you complain that I always have something better to say at the end than you do. What would you say about your last statement about the knife, and my carotid artery?"

"I thought it was very good, Abraham. It was fitting punishment, for someone who was going to put a woman in a great deal of pain."

"I can tell, due to your limited years, that you have not seen a great deal of pornography."

"No, I have not. It is not something that is on my things to do list. However, Fi seems to enjoy it."

"I am going to have to talk to your sister, before she gets too far advanced for her years. Anal intercourse is not only had between men and women, but also between men. It is not only done using a penis, but digitally, as well. It is known, medically, that the anus can stretch to seven or eight inches in diameter. With that ability, men and women have been able to accept, not only hands, but forearms into their colons. It may sound impossible; however, it is not. If you wish, I can show you some pornography that displays it later today."

"I guess I am going to have to say, I must see it, to believe it. The orifice is so small, believing it could stretch to that circumference is unbelievable to me."

"After I have everything under control here, and we go back to the hotel, I will show you what you need to see. Then I will go find Fi, and give her a spanking."

"Abraham, you just want to get your hands on a piece of ass. My sisters,' or mine, it does not matter to you, you are just a dirty old man."

"Hafsa, I am guilty as charged. I not only love breasts, but I also love bottoms. I love to watch them as they go by, knowing that they are unencumbered, and want to get my hands on it, or penis in it. I guess you could say I am going through a midlife crisis."

"Abraham, you have me for the rest of your life. If you are smart, I can give you more sex than you can handle. All you must do is grow up. You are in the body of an adult god, but when it comes to women, you are a pubescent boy. You may have had sex with enough women to keep 100 score-books, but you did not learn anything. All you did was exercise, and you did that every day, anyway. Now, you must learn how to make love to your wife, the woman you will be with until the day you die; or until 'She Kills You'."

Abraham laughed. "I am not sure if I liked the last line in your soliloquy. It may be true that a woman's lot in life is to serve a man, but there is no law demanding that she be subservient to him. A woman is a free being, she may demand a divorce at any time, and get half of what the man has, plus the children, if she wants them. If she leaves the children with the husband, she will never be allowed to see them again. If she takes them, the husband will never be allowed to see them again. All this is laid out in our laws, and our laws are enforced rigidly."

"Do you want to talk to your generals now?"

"Yes, it is time. You, stay here."

"Like hell I am. I want to hear what you are saying, and then Ava and I are going to correct you."

"Allah, is there any dispensation for killing a woman that is driving you crazy? If there is, please let me know, immediately, because I love her, and would like to keep her with me, but she is a handful, and I do not know if I can do it."

"Abraham, the answer to your question is NO! Suck it up, and learn to deal with her. She is nothing compared to you. She is one third your body, and less than that your intelligence. She confuses you because of her beauty, but beauty is only skin deep. Make her dig deep into her mind to answer questions of importance, and see what comes out. You do not want water, you want wine! Make her give you the best, and until she does, keep her dancing on her toes."

The next time Hafsa looked at him, he had an evil smile upon his face. "What happened, husband, did the devil tell you how to defeat me?"

"I am not sure what deity it was, but it gave me good advice. I cannot use it now, because we must go to a meeting."

In a large meeting room, there were 14 generals, 28 aids, and assorted recording personnel. As soon as Abraham entered the room, everyone stood at attention, silence occurred, and no one could understand why his wife was there."

"Thank you everyone, please be seated. This will be an informal meeting, say what you wish, yell, and scream at me if you think I am making a mistake, and in the end, what I want to do will prevail. Is that understood by everyone?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, you want to know why my wife, and the president's wife is here. It turns out that they are historians. I made certain suggestions in front of the president, and they were ridiculed by these two women. I wanted to charge in and defeat these rebels, and my wife reminded me that the king of Persia charged into Greece and saw only 300 men in his way. He laughed and sent in his best soldiers against them. He sent in the Immortals, expecting a quick victory, instead, getting them all killed. The king finally realized he was up against something stronger than just numbers.

My wife suggested that we send a slow flying aircraft from over Afghanistan to Russia, over flying the cities of Mahad, Quchan and Sabzevar to Restov Von Don. It is supposed to be flying at 16,000 feet. We are adjusting the altimeter, the GPS, and the guidance system to show it flying at 16,000 feet but it will be flying at 10,000 feet, so the pictures it will be taking will be crystal clear. Some of these pictures will be forwarded directly to command, others will be delivered back to us at the airport to be processed and we will see exactly what the enemy is doing, and where. Any questions?"

"How are we going to attack, sir?"

"Depending on what we see in the pictures, especially their armaments, we are going to form up in a 2-4-2 configuration. I want them to believe that we are going after the center first, and then the edges. One way or the other, that is incorrect. We will either go after the West End, or the East End, ignoring the middle completely. Six divisions will go after the main target, two divisions will go after the alternate. Their center will be in a conundrum. Which end will they support? They cannot support both, because they will leave the middle open. If they support either side, the center will be very weak and will be subject to attack by air and ground."

General Jayad yelled, "Which one of you women came up with this plan?"

Ava and Hafsa raised their hands.

Abraham yelled, "Put your hands down, this is my plan."

Hafsa yelled, "It was not, it was mine."

"When I get you back to the hotel, your bottom is going to be so red, you are not going to be able to distinguish the difference between it and an apple."

"Abraham, you are no fun."

The room broke up into laughter.

"Are there any questions, or comments?"

"Seeing none, this meeting is adjourned. The aircraft will be in the air, no, it is already in the air. It should be leaving Afghanistan territory shortly, and entering ours."

"Tehran Central Control this is Mongoose 82653 out of Bangalore via airway 243 North to Restov Von Don at 16000."

"Mongoose 82653 Tehran Central Control, squawk 115034, ident."

"115034, Ident."

"Mongoose 82653, radar contact, 16000."

Anyone who was listening on the air traffic control frequency, now knew that the aircraft entering Iran's airspace was a charter flight, from Bangalore, India, to Restov Von Dom, Russia. It was not going to make any intermediate stops, and as far as anyone from Turkmenistan was concerned, was a nothing. They would track it, just in case it did something unusual, and if it did, they would shoot it down, but from the singsong voice of the pilot, which sounded very Indian, no one expected any trouble.

The generals in charge of the invasion force, had done their homework. They studied every network of roads, all the mountain passes, the weather fronts, where to station their ground forces, their missile defenses, their antitank forces, and they even had a rudimentary artificial intelligence network up and running. Whatever the Iranians were going to throw at them, they were going to throw it back in their faces.

They knew Iran was going to throw the best they had at them, so they were going to chew it up at the very beginning, and send it home bloodied, beaten, and dead at the very start. The Iranians had no way of knowing their strength. They had just under 100,000 soldiers in arms, divided into the three cities they controlled. 8000 tanks and heavy artillery units, 13,000 support personnel, and enough fuel, food, and water, to last this army six months; in the desert.

They left nothing to chance. This was no ragtag army, made up of castoffs, and forget-me-nots. This was a frontline Army, of which any nation would be proud. Turkmenistan could not afford the shoes these men and women were wearing. So where had these soldiers emanated from? All you must do is ask that tiny, strutting, megalomaniac in Moscow, who had just been reelected to another term as President, against four puppet opponents. who barely opened their mouths during the election process. One he put in prison, in Siberia, so he could visit the resorts and beaches, and finally died. The other 3 did not open their mouths, during this 'Free and Fair' election, which he won, with over 90% of the vote.

As Abraham and his generals lined up their troops, on the display grounds, outside the city, the total of eight divisions came out to be 127,000 men and women, with tanks, armored personnel carriers, heavy artillery, and computer personnel. They were not taking antiaircraft missiles with them, only the shoulder mounted types. These would do, even if their enemy came up with an Air Force. They would also do very well, against heavy weapons, if they came upon them. If they were loaded on the back of a truck, or being towed, they were dead, against a short-range missile shot. The trick was to find them, and that expertise was left up to the wizards who flew the 'Baklava.

Most people know that baklava is a multilayered pastry, that is a joy for the pallet to discern. There are nuts, fruits, and vegetables within, and the mixture is not only a baker's delight, but also the consumer's delight as well.

In this case, however, it had a different meaning. The smallest part of the Iranian Air Force was its 'Drones,' and they called them 'Baklava.' Their pilots did not need an alternate annotation, because they said their birds were "Sweet Enough!" and the pilots never left the ground, enjoying the safety of their rolling command posts."

The flying baklava was a single engine jet powered aircraft, which you could not hear, until it went past you. It could fly for 1 1/2 hours, on one tank of fuel, at an average speed of 60 miles an hour. The pictures it sent back were amazing. They were clear, but most of all they were sharp. The image looked like it was standing still. The technology used in this machine was invaluable, and they were not selling it to anyone else. They did not know it was three generations behind what the Germans and the Japanese were capable of, but they were very happy with what they had. If they knew what the Americans, and Russians were doing in space, they would be crying in their milk.

"Sir, the Russians have just invaded Iran by way of Turkmenistan. They took over three cities in the northeast quadrant and stopped. It looks like they are preparing for a fight."

"That is nice, Seymour. What would you have me do about it this time?"

"I would let the Iranians know they are walking into a trap, and what to do about it."

"I see that you have become a true believer in the idiom: The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Why not, sir, their new president seems to be walking the right path, and the Russians do not like it. They sent eight units of sixth and seventh corps Armies to destroy whatever Iran puts against them."

"What is Iran doing in response to all this?"

"They are leaving two divisions to protect the capital, the remainder of the country is on alert, and eight divisions are going to be heading east to counter attack the enemy. I do not know what their plans are, at this moment, but if they walk straight in, none of them will walk out."

"That will be one heck of a bloodbath, for certain. I will contact my friend in the White House to see if we can intervene."


"I want to carpet bomb the desert. No one is supposed to be there, except a few goats, and it will give our guys some practice."

"Tommy, you are so full of crap, I can smell it from here."

"Listen to me, you hardline plutocrat. We are getting ready to pull out of Afghanistan. I am giving you the opportunity to get rid of a half million pounds of dumb bombs, instead of packing them up securely, and transporting them home. Should I bother telling you how much that will cost?"

"The smell has just gotten worse, you prick. What do you really want to do?"

"I want to give the Russians a bloody nose."

"I give up. What do the Russians have to do with this?"

"They just invaded Iran."


"On my honor, it is true. The Russians went through Turkmenistan, without informing their Governing Counsel, and trampled three Iranian cities, along their northeastern border. Once that was completed, they settled in, and prepared for a lengthy fight.

If the Iranians are dumb enough to walk right into it, they will be shredded like Swiss cheese. Russian defensive positions are very formidable. Most of them can only be seen by air. Their ground forces are all in covered trenches. Their trucks and support vehicles are all against mountain range walls, and covered with tarps in attempts to blend in. The only thing out in the open are their SA-22 antiaircraft missiles. They are not hiding them. They want the Iranians to know, that when their Air Force shows up, they will be shot down. These are the new heat seeking/radar guided variant, with a 72% shoot down rate. That is better than most of our missiles."

"You are just telling me this to make me feel better, you bastard."

"Mr. President, my aide told me this at 6:30 this morning. I had not even had breakfast, yet. I had to formulate a plan, before I called Scott, and he interrupted your day."

"Is that why he was throwing up this morning."

"There were a lot of people doing that this morning, sir. Sometimes I wonder where your bucket is, knowing how hard your job is."

"There is no bucket large enough for this job. If you started in the morning, you would never get any work done."

"I have something funny for you, attached to this, if you would like?"

"This ought to be hysterical, considering there is a war about to happen."

"Trust me, sir, it brightened my morning."

"Go ahead, I am listening."

"I will not add all the names, of all the players, I will just give you the first names. General Abraham chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, married an 18-year-old beauty named Hafsa, who could make a wall fall-downed, because she is either crazy, or could drive you there. Within three days of getting married, Abraham offered his resignation as Chief of the Armed Forces, because he was suffering from mental defect. President Ali refused to accept it, because they were under attack. That was not the bad part for Abraham. Ali put Hafsa on Abraham's staff. He also put Ava, his wife, on Abraham's staff. Abraham went wild and asked if he had to take orders from the two women.

Ali said, "No, they are only there to advise you. I have put them both on your staff, so I can run the country peacefully, and effectively."

I cannot tell you what Abraham said in response to this, but he did remain as calm as possible, with his president. He only asked him if he could cut two female heads off, instead of one.

Ali replied, "As soon as you prove them wrong, you have my permission."

Abraham shouted, "Mr. President, you have just replaced my wife as the number one person on the list of people I hate most, in this world. She is now number two."

Ali responded, "Abraham, I am honored."

"You must have one hell of a source, inside the Iranian capital, to get such detailed information."

"Yes sir, the bug is very well-placed."

Indeed, she was, however she did not know it. All her gowns and veils were covered with jewels. Ali was rich, so no one thought anything of it. Ava was wearing so many hidden miniature microphones, she was a walking broadcasting system, wherever she went. She could not have a private conversation in a closet. The slightest whisper was picked up. The things that were said in secret, were kept in a closed circle, at the CIA, and at the highest levels of government, to keep her safe. As they said at the agency, "The best agent is the agent that does not know he/she was an agent."

Every US bomber, from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan was put on alert, and loaded with dumb bombs, ranging from 1000 pound to 250 pounds in weight. Every aircraft carried a maximum load in bombs, and in fuel. No flight crew was briefed on where they were going, yet, but they assumed it would happen soon enough. Jet fuel was said to evaporate in hot weather.

When the Iranian forces were two days west of Semnan, Ava and Hafsa approached Abraham and Ava said, "Abraham, a bird just told us we are walking into a trap."

"Ava, a woman of your age, and experience, should know birds cannot talk."

"Abraham, how much do you think the jewels on my robe are worth?"

"I am not an expert, but I would surmise they are worth a lot of money."

"Ali spent half $500,000.00 on it, so you would be correct. I will bet you this robe, against anything you want, that I can get a bird to talk."

"Ava, I have never won money so easily, in all of my days."

"Jamaal, bring in the bird, please."

In his jumpsuit, U.S. Colonel Ralph Wilkerson was brought in to the room.

Ava said to the Colonel, "Speak."

"General, I hate this as much as you do. However, her guards found me, and brought me to her first. I am under orders to follow strict protocols. As much as I would like to receive you properly, I..."

"Stop right there, Colonel. One more word out of you, and all three of you will lose your heads in sequence."

Colonel Wilkerson did not speak another word.

"Ava, what is the meaning of this?"