An Unexpected Friendship


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"Wait a minute. Garcia. . . Garcia. . . Oh my God, your mother's that commie cunt who keeps trying to get me to say that Black lives matter and to treat poor people as if they have the same rights as the rest of us. I think I'm lecturing the wrong person here."

"Please, Mrs. Wright. I promise we don't talk politics or religion when we hang out. We shop together and do homework together. I give her guitar lessons, and she teaches me how to dress and do my makeup. That's it."

"Well, she must not be doing a good job because all I see when I look at you is an ugly dyke!"

"MOTHER!!! Maria is a wonderful, beautiful person. She is not an ugly dyke and I won't let anyone call her that, not even you! Come on, Maria." She took my hand and led me upstairs. "I've had enough of this bullshit. We're going to my room and locking the door!"

We went to her room, and it was . . . pink. Very pink. Pink walls, pink carpet, A queen-sized canopy bed with pink gauze drapes, pink sheets under a pink comforter and pink stuffed animals lying against pink pillows.

She slammed the door shut, gestured to all the pink and said, "My mom did this. She won't let me decorate my own room. Please don't judge."

"I won't. I think it's cute, though."

She rolled her eyes and fired up her laptop. And for the next two hours, we watched "The Shining" in silence. It was only when Jack Nicholson said nothing would give him greater pleasure than killing his family that Christi seemed relaxed enough to talk. "Christi, can I ask you something?"

"Hm . . .?"

"So . . ., I don't get how you got to be so sweet and nice when both your parents are. . ."


"Well, I was gonna be nicer, but yeah."

"The truth is I was mostly raised by a live-in nanny until I was twelve. Mom and Dad never really had time for me except to give me stuff for Christmas and my birthday. So she's the one who taught me right from wrong, how to treat people with respect and gave me piano lessons. She had to leave when she and my mom had a falling out, but I still call Angela almost every day for advice and parental love. She lives in the city now with her wife."

The wheels started turning in my head. "Wait. Angela Martinez? My aunt?"

"Yeah. I didn't know it until I talked with Angela about you, but that's why I felt such an instant connection with you, because you remind me of her. Your mom, too of course. You probably don't remember because we were so young, but a couple of times, Angela took me to visit you and your mom and we played together."

I searched back in my memory to my pre-school years and suddenly had a clear vision of an affectionate little tow-haired girl who liked to make up songs while I banged on a toy xylophone. "Kissy?"

"Oh, my God! Nobody's called me that since my first day in kindergarten! Yeah, that was me. Anyway, let's not talk about my fucked-up family anymore. Let's talk about something fun!"

"Like what?"

"Like prom! Who are you going with?"

"I'm not going."

"Oh, come on! You never want to do anything social, ever since that party in the fall. I keep telling you it's not your fault what Brian said to you."

"But he's still your boyfriend. I don't want to come into contact with him more than I have to, and he clearly feels the same way about me."

"Please? I promise I'll put him on a leash. You have to go, and you have to bring a date. Now who will it be? Maybe your friend from band Calvin?"


"Oh! Brian's friend Jason on the football team just broke up with his girlfriend. You could go with him!"


"I know, how about Jim? He's . . ."

"For God's sake, Christi, I don't want to go with a boy! I'm gay!"

As soon as I heard myself, I panicked and covered my mouth with both hands. I had never said that out loud before. I don't know exactly how I expected Christi to react, but I expected her to react badly. Instead, she looked at me the same way she always had, with that warm smile that made me feel so happy that she was my friend.

"Hey, Maria, why are you so embarrassed? Lots of people are gay. You know that me and Brian are friends with Anthony, right? And I already told you that your Aunt Angela was more of a parent to me than my mom or dad."

"But . . . It's just . . . You've always gotten so upset when people call me an ugly dyke. But I'm not pretty. I know it. My face is average-looking at best, and I have bad hair, dorky glasses, a potbelly and a big ass. And now you know that I'm gay. I really am an ugly dyke!" I couldn't help myself and started crying.

She got upset again. "Stop it! I won't let Charlotte call you that, I won't let Brian call you that, I won't even let my mother call you that. And I sure as hell won't let you call yourself that!"

She grabbed me by the shoulders and marched me to her closet which had mirrored sliding doors. "Look at that reflection. Do you see an ugly dyke? Because I don't. I see a beautiful woman, who I am proud to call my best friend. I want you to repeat after me: You are a beautiful gay woman, not an ugly dyke."

"I (sob) am a beautiful gay woman, not an ugly dyke (sniff)." I didn't really believe it, but knowing Christi believed it made me feel better. "So, um . . ., anyway. Now that you know, does this affect our friendship? I mean, like, are you comfortable being in a room alone with me? Do you still want to be roomies when we're in college?"

"Maria, you're still my best friend. You're the only person I know who loves old horror movies as much as I do, and I wouldn't trade your guitar lessons for anything. I don't have anyone else that I can share these things with. You're the best part of my life. I love you and I would never stop being your friend for any reason."

I was still crying, but this time with joy. "So this doesn't change anything between us?"

Christi took my face in her hands and wiped away my tears. "Actually, it changes everything." And with that she kissed me softly and deeply. I had been fantasizing about this for months. I thought if it ever happened, I would be over the moon with happiness. Instead, I was too shocked to do anything. Christi misread my reaction and asked, "What? Do you not like me like that? I mean, it's okay if you just want to be friends, but. . ."

"No, that's not it! It's that the whole time I've known you, I thought you were straight. I figured I'd have just as good of a chance with Selena Gomez as I would with you. I mean you *do* have a boyfriend."

She gave an exasperated sigh and said, "Brian's not my boyfriend, he's Anthony's. They've been together since middle school. We've been each other's beard since we found out about each other. I didn't think I could come out because of who my parents are. And he feels he can't come out because he's so serious about football, and the NFL still hasn't let an openly gay player start a regular season game."

"But that time at the party, your clothes and hair were messed up after seven minutes in Heaven. Didn't you guys . . .?"

"No. We've never had sex with each other. We just messed up each other's hair and adjusted our clothes, so it looked like we had. And we talked. About you. I told him that I was falling hard for you and if you ever gave me a signal that you were interested, I was ready to come out so we could be together. He didn't take it well because it would be hard for him to find someone else to pretend to be his girlfriend who wouldn't want to date him for real. That's why he lashed out at you that evening."

"Well, then, the next time I see Anthony, I'll tell him to tell Brian I'm sorry." This time it was my turn to initiate the kiss. She kissed me back so sweetly, that I thought I would drown in the moment. Then reality intruded into my thoughts again and I broke off the kiss. "But what about your parents? I heard what your dad said at church and your mom also seems hostile to gays."

"Did you see my dad when you came in?"

"Your mom said he was away on church business."

"That means he's checked into a hotel room in the city under a fake name and surrounded himself with hookers and blow. The only time I ever see him is during church services. And the only thing he seriously believes in is conning gullible people out of their money."

"Okay, but what about your mom? She already doesn't like that you're hanging out with a Latina. What happens when she finds out we're more than friends?"

"Mom doesn't have any kind of standing to lecture us about that. Look at this,"

She pulled out her phone and started playing a video. "I took this when I got home early a few months back and Mom didn't know I was home."

The video showed a hallway that bounced up and down with Christi's footsteps. There were sounds of smacking and a woman moaning. The image turned to a closed door that the noises seemed to be coming from, and Christi's arm cracked open the door and the image focused on what was in the room inside.

Christi's mom was lying on a bed naked, with her hands and feet tied to the bedposts. Next to the bed was a heavily made-up woman holding a riding crop and wearing nothing but a black leather girdle that exposed her breasts and everything below her belly button. It took me a while to recognize her as Veronica, the woman who had let me in earlier today.

Veronica spoke: "Do you love your husband, Karen?"


"Good girl! Do you want a big strong man to make love to you?"


"Do you want a beautiful young blond or red-headed gringa to make love to you?"


"Good. Do you want my hot 50-year-old Latina tongue on your cunt, Karen? Is that what you want?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

Veronica smacked Karen hard across the stomach with her riding crop. "¡En español, puta!"

"¡Si, Amante!"

"Good girl. I'll lick your pussy now." Veronica lowered her mouth to Karen's vagina and the video ended.

I was shocked at what I just saw. "So, wait! Does this mean your mom and my aunt were . . .?"

"Uh-huh. They were together from the time I was a baby up until my mom decided to go into politics. Why else would a twelve-year-old with no younger siblings still have a live-in nanny? Mom couldn't risk voters finding out she had a lesbian lover, so she kicked Angela out. Of course, Mom would never admit it. Angela's the one who told me."

"So what do we do now?"

"Well, I was thinking that I'll come out to my mom and you come out to your mom, and then we come out to the school."

"I know my mom will be okay with it, but what about you? Karen won't let you come out. Not with the election. I mean if she broke up with my aunt so she could run. . ."

"If my mom gives me any kind of trouble, I'll show her the video. If she still gives me grief, I'll send a copy to every media outlet I can think of. And if she still gives me problems, your mom says I can move in with you."

"Wait, you told my mom how you feel before you told me?"

"I only told her I'm gay and that coming out means I might have to leave my mom's house before the school year ends. But I did tell Angela everything, and your mom and Angela are sisters, so they talk. . ."

"Oh, my God!"

"Relax. We're both eighteen and your mom is cool if I bring someone over to spend the night. In fact, she's told me she wishes you'd start dating and maybe bring someone over too. I think she'd be happy knowing we're together. You still need to come out to her, though."

"I know. So now that we know about each other, what do we do about it?"

She gave me a sexy grin and said, "Well, we're alone in a locked bedroom where nobody can disturb us. I have a few ideas. What about you?"

I tried to return her smoldering look the best I could and said, "I think I may have some of those same ideas."

We started kissing again, only more passionately. After a few seconds, the tongues came out and wrestled with each other.

"Mmmmm . . .! You're so good at that. Maybe I should start calling you 'Kissy' again."

"Nah . . ., that's a little girl's name. The things I want to do to you are . . . let's just say, really grown-up."

We started kissing again. I got bold and reached to the back of Christi's dress until I found her zipper. Once I found it, I started pulling it down slowly.

"Oooh!!! Someone's eager! We haven't even been on a real date yet, but okay."

"Hey! The way I see it, all those Saturdays in my bedroom, and now today in your bedroom count as dates. We just didn't know it yet. I mean come on! Do you really think it's normal for a guitar teacher to wrap her arms around her students like I do to you?"

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to stop."

"Do you want me to stop now?"

"Hell, no. Keep going!"

I finished unzipping Christi's dress, then pulled back from her so that it collapsed around her ankles. She looked so pretty with the matching pink bra and panties. I threw off my sandals, undid my shorts and pulled my shirt over my head, making sure my glasses stayed on, so that I was also now stripped down to bra and panties. Mine were boring plain white, though. I caught my reflection in the mirror and suddenly became very self-conscious of my body.

"What's wrong, Maria?"

"It's like I said earlier. I mean, you're so beautiful and perfect and I'm stuck with these stupid glasses, a big ass and a big fat gut."

"First of all, I like the glasses. I've always been a sucker for the sexy nerd look, even before I met you. Second, your butt is so beautiful and womanly. And you don't have a big fat gut, you have a little bit of a potbelly. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You already know I like old movies, right? Well, in 'Pulp Fiction,' Bruce Willis has a French girlfriend who says a potbelly on a woman is sexy, and I agree with her."

To make her point, she started kissing my stomach, paying special attention to my belly button. Then she moved upward and started licking between my breasts while unhooking my bra. My breasts were now exposed, and I was self-conscious again because even though I was fuller figured than Christi, my breasts were smaller than hers. Almost as if she were reading my mind, she started fondling my breasts while whispering "so beautiful."

As she put my left nipple in her mouth, I reached over her back to undo her bra. She switched to my right nipple for a few minutes, then stood up so I could see her perfect round breasts with perfect pink nipples. I decided to repay the favor she had done to me and started licking first her left nipple, then her right.

"You know, Maria, as sexy as I think your glasses are, I think you need to take them off now. We're at a point where they'll just get in the way." As I removed them, she gasped and said, "I never knew how beautiful your eyes are."

"Really? Do you think I should start wearing contacts?"

"No. I want this to just be between us. I don't need anyone else seeing you like this. It just feels so . . . intimate, if you get what I mean."

"No, I get it. I feel naked without my glasses, and I wouldn't want anyone but you to see me naked."

We started kissing again. With our height difference, my naked breasts pressed into her chest underneath her breasts, which pushed against my shoulders. After a while, her hand entered my panties and into my snatch. Her finger started rubbing my clit and it felt so goddamn good. So much better than when I had rubbed it by myself.

"Don't stop, Christi!"


"Oh! . . . Oh my God! . . . I'm cuuuuummiiiiinnnnggg!!!!!!"

"That's it, baby girl! Cum for me!"

And then everything exploded. I had the biggest and best orgasm of my life. Only after I came down did I see that my panties and Christi's hand were drenched.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! I made such a mess! We should clean this up!"

"No, baby. I like that I made you cum so hard. More importantly, I don't want to stop right now. We've got months of pent-up feelings to express."

"But your hand!"

She raised the wet hand to my mouth and said, "If you don't want your cum on my hand, then lick it off."

I tentatively put a fingertip into my mouth, and the taste was so arousing and intoxicating that I started licking and sucking each of her fingers one at a time with gusto.

"Mmmm! Okay. Now that you know what your pussy juice tastes like, try tasting mine." She pulled down her panties and lay back on the bed, begging me with her eyes to come service her.

I lowered my mouth to her pussy and started licking. I had expected her pubes to be thick and coarse, like mine. But since she was a natural blonde, her hairs were relatively wispy and soft and tickled my face. The tangy aroma of her cum was different from mine, but I loved it. I paid special attention to her clit and was rewarded when she started moaning.

"Faster! Faster! I'm wanna cum now!"

She didn't need to tell me twice. Instead of just licking her clit, I inhaled it into my mouth. Also knowing what made me cum quickly, I inserted two fingers into her cunt, which was now incredibly slippery, and started thrusting them in and out.

"That's it! That's it! Yes! Yes! I'm gonna cuuuuuuuummmmm!!!!"

As she said this, her entire body went rigid and her pussy clenched around my fingers, and I knew I had done a good job. Not bad for my first time.

"C'mon, baby. Climb on top of me. I want us to cum together."

I lowered my pussy onto Christi's face while I faced her pussy from the opposite angle than before. After a few minutes of both of us licking and fingering, we came within seconds of each other.

Gasping and out of breath, I somehow managed to say "I . . . I'm still horny. I want to do one last thing with you before we're done."

I climbed off her face and sat down on her thigh. I think she got the same idea I had because she shifted herself until our pussies were touching. Then I started grinding myself against her--my rough, dark cunt rubbing up against her light, delicate flower--and she started rubbing back. We started slowly at first, but as we became more aroused, the speed increased. When we came together again, it was fantastic. I squirted all over her again, but this time neither one of us cared. Instead, we embraced and kissed each other as if our lives depended on it.

We lay back on her bed for several minutes in the afterglow of our lovemaking. After Christi had finally caught her breath, she turned around and asked me, "So do you want to go to Prom with me? As my date?"

"Wait! Was this whole thing a set-up for your prom-posal?"

She laughed and said, "I wish! No, I'm just taking advantage of the opportunity. So you'll go with me? Because if you do, you'll officially be my girlfriend."

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I love you so much, nothing could make me happier!"

"OK, but just so you know, I want you to wear a dress."



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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

When you traffic in caricatures, expect to get blasted. You wrote Christians as you wish them to be. Convenient straw men that you can blow down without running out of breath. This story is burdened by so many sad tropes that intellectually honest lesbians should be embarrassed by it.

If someone wrote a story characterizing all lesbians as man-hating, third wave feminists intent on destroying everything built in the western world and threatening the continuation of the human race, how would you react? If this author had an ounce of courage, this story would have written real characters struggling with a changing world that doesn’t end in wish fulfillment but the messiness of a life populated by frail, imperfect people that rarely produces results neatly wrapped up in shiny paper and a bow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story. Hypocrisy is always with us but stories like this will help. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This sounds like some lesbian call to the wild but is more of a teenage boys girl-girl fantasy. Trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As a conservative the only thing that preacher said I agreed with was the roe v wade everything else was just a dick spouting hate.before any future comments bash me for being anti women's rights the scotus decided that abortion was upto the states to decide not the federal government. Meaning if you want abortion legal in your own state then you vote for it but NOWHERE in the constitution is abortion a right.learn before you scream at someone who doesn't agree with you. 99%of pro abortion people are also pro Vax mandate the hyprocosy of my body my choice does not extend to the unvaxed.

CeVin_ChienElleCeVin_ChienElleabout 3 years ago

Welp, Moanaigh pretty much covered it.

About the only thing the [i]story[/i] didn't cover was the extremely pernicious "love the sinner but hate the sin" hypocrisy that less fundimentalist sects pitch--kind of an "all lives matter" blindness that allows a self satisfied, "look how tolerant I am" sanctimoniousness. 5 ⭐.

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94about 3 years ago

Well I know you wrote the fanatic's correctly since I felt physically ill. I also appreciated showing them as true hypocrites, I have always believed something is up when "thou doth protest too much". Don't like Shakespeare but this is often true. Thanks for a great story have liked them all and even loved a couple. My crazy romantic heart sings with joy when I read these.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenabout 3 years ago

Loved it! Thanks for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Loved it!

Hope you'd consider another chapter or two!

MaonaighMaonaighover 3 years ago

...thy name is fundamentalism (and various attached 'isms'). I think this is the first story of yours I've read, bb. I found it a very strong condemnation of all that is wrong with certain branches of so-called 'Christian' denominations. We've got our assorted religious bigots in the UK but I doubt that any would go so far in public as some of the US fundamentalists do (in private, perhaps, but not in public). My sole critical comment is that given the power of the story, I would have preferred a little more exploration of the main theme and a little less sex. Otherwise, five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This was a hamfisted, awkwardly written mess with barely any erotic value, but I kind of love it in a cheesy way, 5 stard

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