Anatomy of an Affair


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My pussy was leaking.

I took a quick shower, and was lying naked on an extra sheet that I put on top of the bed when Rob entered the room. There was no reason to be subtle -- we both knew what was going to happen.

Rob locked the door, shed his clothes in record time, and then proceeded to attack my crotch with his lips, tongue, and fingers. I was glad that I had showered.

After my first rip-roaring orgasm I insisted that he rotate 180 degrees and get his cock by my face. His cock was beautiful; no blemishes, just the right aspect ratio, and sized so that it looked like a perfect fit for my cooch. His testicles were large and low-hanging.

Although his cock was already rock hard I think that it got even harder as I sucked it, and he sure seemed to like my manipulation of his testicles. Once I had a second orgasm and had to stop sucking his cock he obviously needed to blow. He quickly put me on my hands and knees and in one thrust buried his cock in my accommodating pussy.

I don't think that anyone ever fucked me as energetically as Rob did that day. He came quickly he was so excited, and also probably because I was frantically squeezing and releasing my pc muscles; but unbelievably he stayed hard and kept fucking until I came again. Only then did he start to go limp and pull out.

As aftershocks occasionally hit we lay face-to-face, him playing with my nipples, me playing with his balls. At first little was said -- we just stared into each other's souls. Finally he spoke.

"I've wanted to fuck you since I laid eyes on you. Only my love for Melissa kept me under control; I don't know why I lost it today...I do really love Melissa, you know."

"I know that you do," I responded. "I love Warren too, with all my heart. However, ever since I've met you I've had wet panty syndrome. The reason I lost it today was because you kissed me."

"Is wet panty syndrome a real condition?" he chuckled.

"It's real to me when I'm around you," I chuckled back.

After a few more minutes of pleasant and enlightening pillow talk he got a diabolical grin on his face. "You know, I have to fuck you again, don't you?"

"Today, or in the future," was my flippant reply.

"Both," he snickered.

"Then I guess that I better get to work," I chuckled as I grabbed his slick cock and shoved it into my mouth.

The missionary fuck that followed was just as awesome as the doggy fuck that had preceded it.

We had been at it for about ninety minutes when we both realized that we had better get back to real world work, rather than the fantasy-turned-reality last ninety minutes of "work." We didn't shower together for fear of a long delay in getting out; he showered first, and after another passionate kiss left me naked and ready to shower myself.

Needless to say I was almost spaced out the rest of the day, but got my act together before I went home. Despite my romp earlier that day, I led Warren to believe that he was initiating sex with me and then fucked his brains out. I wanted to know immediately if he suspected anything. Given his groans of pleasure I was sure that he didn't.

The Continuation

Rob and I fucked each other senseless around lunch time each of the next three days, Wednesday through Friday, before we introduced rational thought into our relationship. I wanted to fuck Warren each night too, but thought that he might get suspicious, especially with how energetic I was, so I only fucked him Thursday night (but all weekend).

Rob and I had only one fuck on Friday when our pillow banter turned into a serious talk. "It seems like neither of us wants to stop despite the love that we have for our spouses," I started the conversation, "however, we can't keep this pace up."

"You're right," Rob replied. "Plus, neither of us has even thought about STDs. Don't you think we'd be wise to get tested."

"Yes we should; I'm going to get tested Monday," I replied.

"I'll probably go tomorrow," Rob responded.

"What do you think a normal schedule should be, and how would it work?" he asked.

"I've actually thought about this a lot the last two days," I responded. "We'll get burner phones, develop a code for dates and times, and we'll always use this room. You'll park next to the alarmed entrance/exit on the west side of the hotel, I'll turn off the camera at that area and the alarm five minutes before you arrive, and turn them back on five minutes after you leave. I suggest once every two weeks, with a changing day of the week."

Rob grinned. "Sounds like a plan; but how about once a week? Now that I know what a sweet pussy you have, and what a tiger you are, I might need it more often than once every two weeks."

"We'll see," I laughed. "I'm sure that I'll have the test results back by Thursday of next week and assuming that we're both clear why don't we plan on 11:30 a. m. next Thursday. You buy two burner phones at an out-of-the-way place, preferably one with no cameras, and I'll develop a code by Thursday."

"I'm in with the plan," Rob snickered, "and my friend wants in someplace else."

"God, you're an animal," I fake complained. "Let's do it in the shower."

"That undersized thing?" Rob moaned.

"It will be a challenge," I chuckled and then hopped out of bed before he could grab me.

It was a challenge -- but we succeeded because our will was strong.

Over the next year we had thirty six fuck sessions almost always at lunch, between one and three fucks a session, usually two. Yes I actually counted. Thirty five of those times I fucked Warren that night. My libido was so high after a session with Rob that I needed more.

The sex with Rob included virtually all positions that were humanly possible, and utilized all three of my available holes and many times included a butt plug or vibrator up my ass while Rob was fucking my pussy. Interestingly, the sex also ranged from me being submissive to me absolutely taking charge.

The second year we had eighty four sex sessions. The only reason for that was that Melissa was pregnant and the last three months on bed rest so that sex with her wasn't an option for Rob. That year -- especially since the frequency and intensity of sex with Warren never diminished -- I had more sex than at any other time in my life.

The third through fifth years of my sexual relationship with Rob we had an average of thirty two sessions a year.

We "slept" together overnight only one time during our five year sexual relationship. In actuality "slept" was the misnomer of the year. Fortunately our overnight was in a city away from home where I stayed two nights on business, and Rob only the first night. With the help of a couple of little blue pills and three toys Rob kept me in virtually a constant state of arousal or orgasm almost the entire night. I could barely walk the next day and needed the next day and night to recover enough so that I wasn't still bowlegged when I got home.

The last six months of our sexual relationship the sex was just as superb as ever but Rob often seemed a little "wistful" if I could read his mood correctly.

The End Game

During our five year relationship Rob and I were among the 85% of cheaters who never get caught. That was due, in my opinion, to three things.

First, we really did love our spouses and with virtually no exceptions the time that Rob and I spent together did not detract from time that we would have been with our spouses.

Second, because of my unique situation as manager of a hotel close to my house and his office, with a room readily available for discrete use, we didn't have the normal problem of finding a secret place for our extracurricular activities.

Third, we were always careful. We never left marks on each other (except for twice, but in circumstances that they could be easily explained), never ever talked with anyone else about our situation, didn't exchange emails or texts, and when we interacted in the presence of others (which usually occurred about ten to twelve times a year) exchanged no furtive glances, and exhibited no body language indicating any fondness for each other.

I don't know how long our sexual relationship would have continued if there wasn't a sad cataclysmic event. At least on my part there was no inclination to stop. My relationship with Rob was like putting whipped cream and a cherry on top of an already great ice cream sundae of life.

The sad cataclysmic event was that Melissa was killed in a car crash a few days before the fifth anniversary of the sexual relationship that Rob and I had. It was absolutely devastating to Rob. He now had two young children to take care of without the love of his life. Without either of us explicitly saying anything about it sex between Rob and I stopped immediately upon that awful occurrence. I and Rob's other friends did the best that we could to cheer him up and help him cope, but after two months he was still having a really hard time. It was then that he called me on my burner phone, which hadn't been used in two months.

"Alicia, first of all thank you for all of your help during my dark days the last two months. I don't know what I would have done without you and my other friends."

"You know that I was only too happy to help, Rob; I still feel so bad for you and the children. If there is anything else that I can do, let me know."

"Uh...actually there is one more thing. I'm moving back to the city Melissa and I are originally from, and where both of our families still live. I would like to meet you one more time in our little piece of heaven on the 2nd floor of the hotel before I leave, however. Can you do that?"

"Of course, Rob; when?"

"I'm leaving Saturday morning so I'd like to come around eleven in the morning on Thursday and stay until one. Is that OK?"

I knew that I'd have to do a little re-arranging of my schedule but this was more important so I said "Sure. See you then."

Our last time together was bittersweet. He cried in my arms for the first five minutes. When he snapped out of it he sincerely said "One of the reasons that I'm leaving is because I've fallen in love with you. There is no way I will make any attempt to destroy your happy life with Warren and the kids, but I simply can't have a simply sexual relationship with you anymore now that I've admitted to myself that I love you."

That explained his wistful mood the last few months before Melissa died.

After a tender kiss with tears in both of our eyes we made love; that's right, we didn't fuck; we made love; twice. As Rob was leaving we tenderly kissed. His parting words were "I've only loved two women in my life; one is dead, and I can't have the other one. Who knows, maybe number three's the charm."

After Rob left I was inwardly sad for a while, but my busy life and the love of my family prevented my sadness from making any outward appearance, or for lasting long. The last thing I did to put Rob in my rear view mirror was to analyze for a second time which of the themes in the first part of this story were the "reasons" for my cheating.

While my sexual relationship with Rob was certainly very exciting (#5 above) since he was an outstanding lover and attractive man, and while there may have been a small element of power (#6), the overwhelming reason appears to be just because the opportunity presented itself (#8).

Fortunately, my cheating did not turn me into a complete slut. In fact in the six years since Rob left I haven't had even the slightest bit of interest in a relationship with another man aside from Warren, and Warren and I have a very fulfilling sexual relationship.

Before writing this story the last time that I really consciously thought about Rob, or our relationship, was when about five years ago I got a photograph from Rob in the mail. In the photo Rob was in a Tux with his arm around a woman who looked a lot like me in a wedding dress. They were surrounded by three little kids (two of whom were Rob's and the other one likely the woman's since the two younger kids looked to be the same age).

There was no letter with the photo. However, a Post-It note on the photograph simply said "Number 3," followed by a smiley face.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah10 days ago

The only plausible justification in this ‘research’ listed is #3. That one is like trying to keep a beach ball submerged. #3 is the cause of #4, an effect. The rest are happy horse-apples.

The woman reports a happy marriage? Stop the press! I see no reason that this sauce wouldn’t be just as tasty for the gander. How does wifey feel about that? Intellectually superior? Emotionally more mature? Let’s talk about something less obvious.

You conflate could with should.

This kind of logic sold snake oil in olden days, overused cars nowadays.

I’m calling bullshit and accusing you of speaking out your fundeo, because I think your head knows better.

NicealloverNiceallover26 days ago

This was a very interesting and enjoyable story about getting away with cheating. It was refreshing to read and think about this type of affair. While it is true her husband never caught on, it’s not true that their relationships didn’t suffer. In fact, it sufferers a great deal emotionally and damages her rapport with her husband. I am sure Rob’s rapport with his wife suffered as well. Repeating sexual interaction with a man eventually leads to emotional bonding like a second marriage and a loss of respect and some devotion towards a spouse. One example is how she thought of Rob while fucking Warren. This inevitably reduces love making and intimacy because her thoughts are about another man. Another example is Rob’s admission to Alicia that he has fallen in love with her. When you fall in love with someone else can’t love your spouse with the same ferocity as before. It isn’t possible. In addition, there is a secret that needs to be kept secret between a couple who should have no secrets between them of this magnitude. This leads to a smugness and lack of respect towards the true spouse. Even if the emotion is hidden from the spouse, it still festers inside and erodes the bond between them because it needs to be play acted. What was going through Alicia’s mind when she was at family gatherings with Rob? She needed to be guarded and keep up appearances. Therefore, she wasn’t all there 100% for her husband and children. There is also the risk that Alicia took. It only takes one careless slip to be caught. A one time stand is one thing but a five year relationship with another man increased the odds of getting discovered. The sheer length of the affair would be devastating for their families if ever discovered. She put her own selfish interests ahead of the welfare of two families and that is not only reckless but irresponsible. Finally, I wonder how long it will be before she thinks with her pussy again?

mathur_nkmathur_nk3 months ago
DukeofPaducah is right.

DukeofPaducah is right. One, cheaters manual is always using justification as reason or vice versa.

Two, it is completely wrong that it doesn't take away anything from any body. It takes away the care, time, love, closeness with spouse, children, family members and even friends (except some one who is partner co-conspirator or atleast confident of thr cheaters).

And last buy not least, the first thought of cheating itself is most disrespectful to spouse, children friend and family. At that time, either they are completely oblivion to their existence or if it all they think about them as obstacle in their conquest, weaving lies, rescheduling time with them and many such thing including sometimes enjoying their being in oblivion, stupid and trustful, laughing inside.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah3 months ago

This is an interesting look at infidelity and reasons for being unfaithful. I’m not sure opportunity is a reason. That seems more like an excuse. Justify it however you see fit. Claim that it takes nothing away from your family and since the spouse will never know, there is no harm done. The fact that this woman is willing to risk discovery speaks to her opinion of her husband and family. It shows where her priorities are. Underneath it all, there is one thing she cannot deny: at marriage, she is a failure. Willingly. Let St. Peter sort it.

ChuckyLaFongChuckyLaFong4 months ago

when i look for statistics about cheating on the internet, they seem to be saying that about 50 per cent of female cheaters and 40 per cent of male cheaters get caught. (I think the difference might be that women are more likely to cheat with someone close to home.) I'm curious where the figures in this story come from.

Bham487Bham48711 months ago

Lip stick on a pig!

ker63469ker63469about 1 year ago

Well written story. But likes many other reviewers the MC was entitled and disrespectful to her husband and family. If not for the children she should have been caught and burned

LoejtcLoejtcover 1 year ago

No matter how well written, it's difficult to "like" the story if you are a committed spouse. It is also annoying to think that there are people so self obsessed that they can rationalize continuous betrayal of their spouse, family and marriage risking it all for the self satisfaction of their lust. It's like reading a biography of Benedict Arnold as he is portrayed as some kind of hero as he callously negotiates the betrayal of his country and the potential death of many former compatriots. Writing skill can't make that a "good" story.

KaeyoKaeyoover 1 year ago

Two pages of self serving justifications for carrying on a 5 year affair. As well written as this is I can't go above a 3*

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

What a entitled lil skank.... I'm glad Warren is fictional because he really got a bad deal with that one.

Bargyn1Bargyn1over 1 year ago

Very well written! I liked the statistics. Made the restofthe story more plausable.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 2 years ago

That's a good story. I can't say that I fully enjoyed it because I do hate a cheat, but the truth is that many cheats do get away with it. This story about a poor excuse for a wife was well told.

iammweaseliammweaselabout 2 years ago

You go through ALL that trouble and intentionally throw this little, exaggeration at best, in..."It seems like neither of us wants to stop despite the love that we have for our spouses"

A great many may "love" their spouse or think they do, generally during an affair, regardless of the claims otherwise, that love has usually lessened. Many do not see it as such, but studies have shown that this is the case as is the loss of respect. Many love their spouse but in that old reliable comfortable shoe way.

So this expose' on affairs falls apart rather easily.

Still well written but you tried to hard to avoid certain factors, stretched the truth on some and outright threw whatever you wished into it. So in the end this falls down.

CloydPGidneyCloydPGidneyover 2 years ago

How does Alicia know that her colleagues aren't on to her? Just because they haven't said anything? Hmm....

One of the author's more interesting assertions: women who cheat don't think about cheating as something that would affect their husbands. I have to wonder, then, do they consider their husbands' cheating as something that would not affect them? I suspect they would not. Thus the truth of the matter is that they simply don't care what their cheating might do to their husbands, they're going to do it.

Which brings us to Reason for Cheating Number Zero, at the top of the list, and found in the vast majority of cases: Selfishness. The cheater loves him or herself more than spouse or children, and considers his or her marriage happy because it gives him or her what he or she wants: never mind their partner. Alicia is a perfect illustration, whether she recognizes it or not. Well done! and happy cheating.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 2 years ago

I love this story. It is so well written with a great opening section and a plot which contains the complete history of an affair from beginning to end. Also, it is refreshing that the affair does not end in the usual BTB 'scorched earth' trope which is beloved of so many Literotica LW authors. The only weakness is that an affair lasting 5 years and conducted mostly in the workplace would inevitably be discovered by colleagues. Despite this, it is still a great yarn. 5 stars and added to my favourites.

BigfundrewBigfundrewalmost 3 years ago

Wonder how cool she'd be to find Warren had a similar relationship

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