And Then There Were None


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Rhonda heard Frank trying to maintain his breathing. The drug had by now completely taken hold of his body. She remembered exactly what Dave had told her to do in such a moment... make him work harder.

Rhonda took out his grossly extended phallus and rasped out, "Take my ass, Frankie baby, take me now."

Frank pushed away Laura as Rhonda rolled a condom on his now grotesque looking phallus. She quickly adjusted her position so that her glory hole was in the perfect position for Frank to make his move.

Frank lubed Rhoda's ass and started penetrating her. Rhonda gasped and tears rolled out of her eyes as she felt the grotesque, drug-enhanced organ pushing her opening, trying to push forcefully into what was her exit hole. Frank breathed hard, then pushed again. He seemed to be making little progress.

"Harder, harder Frankie, ram it inside me, "Rhonda begged as more tears rolled down her cheek.

"Yeah, I am gonna put my full six inches inside you. It will be days before your shit hole becomes normal again," Frank rasped.

He opened his mouth and tried taking in some air, but his lungs were impaired by the overdose of the narcotic substance that had laced his drinks. He gulped in some air and pushed again. His drug induced sex drive was making him crazy, but his grotesque membrane hardly budged. Frank could feel his pulse rate going higher. Another push, another push, he said to himself, but by now his lungs had given up and were moving in slow imitation of their former self, just like in case of Jill when he had been ramming his cock inside her glory hole and she had been screaming in sexual euphoria, then passed out.

Suddenly, Frank clutched his heart. The oxygen supply to his weak heart had reduced considerably. He felt himself sliding sideways and out of Rhonda's sphincter. He tried to hold on to Laura for support. Laura violently shoved his hand away while she continued filming his fall.

Rhonda grabbed her phone and called Dave.

"He's down and going out. Do what you want to do."

Dave smiled a grim smile, his eyes narrow and hard. He took out one of the untraceable cell phones Harry had given him, punched Frank's number and waited.

Rhonda was putting her panties on when Frank's phone rang. It was Dave. She grabbed it and pushed it in Frank's hand, He was on his back and half out the car, with his condom-covered dick sticking in the air.

"Call for you, asshole, take it," she screamed in to his ear.

"Yeah," Frank mumbled with his eyes closed. He was trying to breath with his open mouth, the nerves in his cock were giving an excruciating pain that was taking hold of his groin.

"You know what Bendan means in Chinese? It means "idiot".

"Wha... What..." gasped out Frank like a dying man in his death throes.

"Bendan Ltd, or shall we say Idiot Ltd... now who would want to invest in a company with such a name? You would."

"And your two million? Guess who has it? I do."

"Who... who are..." Frank tried to speak out coherently, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus.

"Your prick, is it not standing upright all this time you have been speaking to me? Ever thought how was that possible? I will tell you. The veins around your shit prick, they are so thick and tight. In fact, they have been like that for some time now. That pain around your pelvic area, your cock, your balls, you feel like fucking and fucking... to somehow make that sensation go. Don't you Frank? "

"TELL ME, FRANK!" screamed Dave as images of his Jill in the ICU room flashed in his mind. Even in her coma, she would raise up her hips high, then go down, only to thrust out her hips again, in search of a rod that could go deep inside her, separating her vaginal walls from each other where the friction caused by the rubbing of the engorged blood supplying veins was so intense. The drug was making more and more blood rush in, making the friction of the swollen veins all the more intense. The medics gave her injections. Some in her pelvic region to reduce the inflammation. He saw her writhing in pain. He had then been angry, very angry, at first. He believed what Detective Pete told him: that Jill was into drug and sex parties, only this time doing an overdose. The meeting with Francisco and her mumbling his name again and again in her almost comatose position, as though calling out for help, turned his anger into revenge. As the man of the family, he had failed to protect his woman, failed the vows exchanged.

"Who... who are you? Why?" Frank croaked.

"I'm the devil's own incarnation, you bastard," Dave hissed. "Your money is mine; you have nothing left. Your business, your house and everything in it will soon belong to the Russian Bratva. And that includes that lovely socialite wife of yours. The Russian Caucasian monster with whom you made a deal will enjoy drilling her and then sharing her with his Bratva masters, unless you go and grovel for help at your father-in-law's feet. Either way, it will make for some good gossip in the society gossip columns. I don't think your lovely Gabriella will be thinking much about you after her prestige has been torn to shreds in her high-society circles."

"No, no... help me," gasped Frank. The phone fell out of his hands and he slithered further down, his head almost touching the ground, slowly going into a drug-induced coma, just like Jill had, and after which he and Larry had simply zipped up their trousers and made their way back to their respective homes and waiting wives.



For a few moments, Dave kept staring at the phone clenched in his hand. He was still not finished. He took out another phone Harry had given him and dialed the number of a journalist who covered the happenings in the high-society circles.

"Is this Mike?" Dave asked.

"Yes, speaking."

"I heard you are one of the top journalists covering the movers and shakers in the high society?"

"Yes, that's correct," Mike said with a hint of interest. "Who's this?"

"Never mind, do you know Gabriella DuPont?"

"Know her, hey man, I am right now covering this party she's throwing at the Hilton for a charity. What's up?"

"Listen carefully, Mike, because I won't repeat it. Even as the wonderful Gabriella DuPont is throwing this gala event, her husband Frank is participating in a drug and fuck party in the Jefferson Park area."

"Wow man, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Dave gave the directions to get to Frank's car, then disconnected. He saw Evelynn and Laura running towards his car. They were running barefoot, their fuck me sandals in their hands and skirts hitched up. The moment they got into the car, Frank started the engine and quickly drove away. On the way, all the mobiles were thrown away at different locations, their sim cards crushed and unusable. Laura got off at the parking lot of a mall where she had parked her car. She would be in a flight out of town in the next few hours.

Dave drove Evelynn back to his house. He felt as though a weight had been shifted off his chest. For the first time in many days, he was feeling good. He glanced at Evelynn, who was staring ahead. This would be perhaps their last meeting ever. Funnily enough, he no longer felt insecure in her company. She was as good as a woman could be. Her profession was her choice, perhaps out of necessity. He was going to miss her.

They didn't speak much as they entered the house. Evelynn did not have her customary drink, and went to the guest room for her shower. She didn't call out for Dave to join her, either.

He waited for her to come down.

She took her time, but finally he heard the door open and she emerged. She was dressed in the same pair of jeans and white blouse in which he had first seen her when they had met in the restaurant. That evening, he felt very insecure. Now, it was different.

"We did it, Dave. That was some spectacular planning you did. Very innovative. Tomorrow's morning news is sure going to be hot and spicy."

"Yes, Evelynn, all thanks to you. Without your support I couldn't have pulled it off."

For a moment the two stood close, staring at each other. Her blue eyes had seemingly turned a shade darker, as though her soul was trying to tell him something."

"You want to tell me something?" Dave asked.

Evelynn kept looking at him quietly, her blue eyes seemingly continuing to turn darker.

She then touched the cut on his leg. "It's healed," she said quietly, then continued.

"Dave, your real work starts now. You will have to become the healer for your family. They need you, especially your wife. Then there are a few things in the guest room which you need to take care of."

Saying that, she started moving towards the main door.

"Just a minute, Evelynn, I have something here for you."

She turned around and looked at him questioningly.

Dave took out the piece of paper on which he had written all the numbers while diverting the two million Frank had wired.

"What's this?" she asked as she took the paper.

"Evelynn, I am very grateful for your assistance. Without your support I could not have got a shot at reclaiming my wife's honor and dignity, especially after the cops shut the case as a drug and fuck party gone wrong. At first, I was angry. I thought Jill had been cheating on me, like she had been often going for these business dinners. When I got to know the truth, well it was not really cheating in the right sense, though she did participate in some things I am unhappy about and that may continue to hurt me."

"You paid me my fees, remember?" Evelynn said with that funny look about her eyes. By then, Dave had given up trying to understand her. Insecure around her? Definitely no.

"Yes, we had a professional agreement. Then, Evelynn, umm... don't get me wrong about what I am going to say next, okay?" Dave asked hesitantly.

Evelynn crossed her arms and looked at Dave quizzically, raising an eyebrow.

"I am a software engineer by profession. That's the way I earn for my family. You getting me?"

"Yes, Dave, so far, no rocket science involved."

He looked steadily into her eyes, and continued, "It all comes back to this thing called profession. Evelynn, I have no issues with the profession you have chosen. In fact, we wouldn't have met and taken out those two assholes if you had been in another profession. However, I am sure this is not your first profession by choice, but rather a profession of necessity."

Dave saw Evelynn stiffen and her eyes became fixed on him. He held out his arms in a gesture of peace.

"When I first met you, you were in this very same outfit, and one look at you and I knew I was way out of my league. And I felt quite insecure."

"Then what happened, Dave, tell me?" she prompted, continuing to look at him steadily.

He searched for some correct words then continued slowly in a firm tone. "What has happened is that I would like you to consider a change in profession."

"Really, Mr. Dave Morrison?" she said, with a look that Dave couldn't fathom.

"Since you have figured out everything for me, maybe you should also let me know something about the new profession that I'm supposed to be now taking up, as per your carefully thought of plan for me."

"That is for you to decide," Dave said "And those numbers written on that paper are for you to pay the cost of the new chosen profession. Maybe you go to university, whatever. It's the two million we took from that scumbag Frank; minus some payments I undertook for repurchasing some stuff I had put out in the market for meeting our expenses, and then Harry's fees. The names of the different banks, mostly in the Panama and the Cayman Islands are there with their account numbers, internet banking user ID and passwords."

Evelynn's eyes went wide as she carefully read the information on that sheet of paper.

"You're giving all this to me?" she asked in amazement.

He pulled her close and gave her a long, deep kiss. She responded and pressed herself to his hard chest. Their tongues met. Dave moved back.

"Go, baby, start a new life."


He saw her off from his doorway and went up to the guest room to clean it up. He noticed two packets on the bed. One was bulkier than the other. He picked up the bulkier one first and opened it. His eyes opened wide. It contained all the cash that he had given to Evelynn. He opened the second packet. It contained a letter and a smaller packet. He opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Dave,

I will be long gone by the time you read this letter. When Harry told me he had this unusual assignment for me, I was intrigued. I met Harry and asked him for the details. By the time he finished telling me, I was into it. It was not the usual fucking the client assignment.

I decided to meet you in person, as I wanted to understand the man asking for all this. I arrived at the restaurant and that is when my life changed. We spoke, you explained things from your point of view. I listened. A lot can be understood by interacting with a person, and that is what I was doing there. Trying to understand you personally.

Then you rushed out to protect that little boy directly in line with the car backing out. No doubt the car was slow, but still the boy could have been hurt. But no, you put yourself in between the kid and the backing car. The car fender scratched you and stopped, but you didn't flinch.

Did guys like you really exist in this world? I didn't believe it until the moment I saw you protecting that boy. I walked over to you as you finished your superhero stunt. It was then I realized I was wet. My nipples were taut and trying to poke thru the fabric of my top. Dave, in my profession, I have been with many men of different status. Neither ashamed nor sorry for that. But a man like you was the first of a kind for me.

At your home, I helped you clean up, applied some medication to the cut on your leg. I kept getting wetter. This had never happened with a client before. Apply lube, yes, fake an orgasm, yes, but this natural body call to fuck a client? Never."

Other crazy things also started happening. I began hating dressing up at your place before stepping out to meet Larry and Frank. Whenever you looked at my outfit, I hated myself all the more. It was like I was going out for a fuck with someone behind my significant other's back. Worst, was when I returned home after meeting either Larry or Harry. I felt dirty and cheap. I felt ashamed. If you recall, once back, I never looked directly at your face. After the shower, it was like all the sins had been washed away, especially when you lathered me up.

It was then I realized that the woman inside Evelynn had been awakened from its deep sleep. Inside Evelynn, you may ask? Yes, Dave, in my profession I go by that name. But inside me is the real me. I come from a small rural town in Iowa. My parents have this wonderful farm where I and my brother grew up. We were neither rich nor poor. We were happy, that's for sure. I was good in studies and dreamed of going to a university in a big city. I did get admission, and I felt as though my dreams were getting fulfilled.

Then my brother went down with this medical problem. The nerves in his spinal cord were getting pressed. Some L1, L2 disorder or disc rupture, the docs said. The medical problem could be resolved, but it would take time and money, lots of money. My father worked hard, but between the farm running expenses and my college cost, there was not much remaining for the medical attention. Then my brother became completely bed ridden. And I became a whore.

From Peggy, which means child of light, I became Evelynn, a woman of the night.

The money I earned I kept sending it back to my parents for meeting my brother's medical bills. I told them I had a good paying job that would also earn me credit points at the university. My simple, trusting mom and dad believed their Peggy.

Evelynn continuously suppressed the girl Peggy somewhere deep inside my conscience.

That was until you saved the that kid from bodily harm in the parking lot. Peggy returned. She returned with a vengeance!

Evelynn began to feel like a slut. Well, that's what she was. Especially around you. Peggy was fighting this Evelynn. Every time Evelynn dressed up to attract Larry and Frank, Peggy retaliated. After all, it was her body and soul. Evelynn was just a trespasser.

It was only after you had showered me clean that Peggy became calm and peaceful once again. Evelynn had been banished... by you, as though that flow of water from the shower was some kind of an aphrodisiac.

But Peggy, as a woman, also knew that you were hurt and angry by the sexual deeds done by your wife. Yes, she did it willfully, but under the influence of narcotic substances that made her sexual urges go sky high. She just needed to have sex. Had she had sex before with these guys under the influence of substances, I don't know. All I know is that you'll have to trust what your wife tells you. After all aren't trust and respect the cornerstones of any marriage.?

And all this frustration and anger was building up inside you. It needed a release. And Peggy gave that to you every evening. Your little willie never failed to get the due attention it genuinely needed. But Peggy made sure that you never got her pussy or her mouth. Peggy was in love with a man who was married and hurt, deeply hurt inside. She loved this superhero, loved his wife whom she had never met and loved the kids whose pics hung in the sitting room.

And those condoms with your babies inside them. Ever wondered what happened to them? Back in her apartment, Peggy welcomed them to momma. Peggy opened the condoms, took the babies on her finger and spread them over her areolas and nipples as though it was their milky time, and then rubbed them on her vagina and clit. The orgasms were awesome.

Call me kinky, or whatever you want, but with her babies by her side, so to say, Peggy finally vanquished Evelynn. She slayed Evelynn.

It's here that I want to make a point, maybe in defense of Jill. Dave, baby, you never refused the lovely handshake Peggy gave your willie. And you were not under the influence of any substance, either. So think of poor Jill who had lost control of her sexual urges. I know that for sure because I saw the same happening with that shit-hole Frank.

So, my advice to you would be to move ahead in life with your family. Give Jill a chance. And as I say that, I hope you will not forget me. By remembering me, I mean remember me as Peggy, the woman whom you helped release from her prison.

Always remember you,


Dave read and re read the letter from Evelynn, no Peggy. He recollected the suave confident woman who really impressed him when they met for the first time, and then the woman he had just kissed goodbye. She was a good girl.

He then prepared to go and visit his family. Peggy was right, the journey to healing had just begun.



Month 1:

Jill returned home. Finally, we were back together as a family. All those tubes and machines connected to her had been removed for good, but she was still weak and required caring. She could now recollect most of what had happened that evening. Whenever we were alone, she tried to speak on the subject, but I always told her that this was not the most urgent subject matter for me. Painful yes, urgent no. There were times when it hurt. Especially when he recalled what all Francisco had told him about the flirty partying that happened that evening, or the empty condom packets in his car, the semen stains in the car that needed to be washed. It pained.
