Angel and My Wife Ch. 01


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Don smiles again. Then he sticks a finger into her puckered rosebud. Don feels his index finger sinking into the dry opening.

He is releasing an erogenous zone orgasm, causing the receptionist's body to jump upward. While she whimpers, his finger moves into the backdoor opening.

Her eye-pink lids are fluttering, showing only the whites of her eyes. Diana's body is starting to buck upwards hard. The Doctor comes out of her soaked vaginal tunnel. He fears the woman is in medical adversity. Her eyes are now tightly closed, and her moans turn into cries of agony filling the parking garage. He sees the receptionist's high heels are jerking backward as she starts to go into convulsions. The woman is crying loudly with each severe contraction as another intense wave smashes through her body. The Doctor looks to his car to flee. How can he explain this? He must leave at once!

Diana is in a dream world filled with bright white light and surrounded by swirling colors. A doorway into another dimension opens. She starts to feel her body floating as her soul starts to drift upward. All the while, her mind is thinking of fantasies centered on her husband Charles and how she loves him.


Adriana Yeki (which in Persian means Fair One) stands waiting in a dark corner, knowing she is the spider waiting to catch prey. It is here that humans come secretly to enjoy a short time of joy. Sometimes to their tragic downfall. The only two cars are parked on the third-floor in this parking structure, perfect!

Forty minutes after arriving at one of her favorite hiding spots, there is the ding of the elevator opening. The sunlight is bright at the elevator's exit.

She sees a middle-aged couple.

The woman is hanging tightly to the man's arm both stand about six feet tall.

Walking towards the dim interior, the good-looking woman stops.

She stands still in the sunlight.

She slowly undoes her sundress's buttons, allowing them to hang open. She notes the woman's full breasts sway once freed.

It was then Adriana notices the golden glow covering the woman after she enters the dim light.

Her thoughts freeze. Can it be? It is rare to see a precious child of the Creator so full of love and a glowing aura. The couple heads past a Mercedes to an older automobile.

It is there the man moves quickly into action. He reveals the woman's figure, less her panties. Then sexually attacks her as the woman moans with evident pleasure.

Next, on her knees, the woman works the male member into her mouth.

In time, she takes it all in. The angelic woman is being systemically stripped of everything except her high heel shoes and ripped stockings. The man lifts the woman on top of the car's hood. Her breasts are in a state of sexual torture, pulled and squeezed into different directions. She pushed down horizontal and, shortly, penetrated with punishing thrusts. The seraph's ears can hear the woman repeatedly mentioning the name Charles, which she took to mean the man who is plunging deep into her vaginal opening and impacting her cervix.

The woman is orgasming when Adriana determines everything, which is not what she first thought. Separating herself from the cold concrete wall, she heads silently towards the couple. The woman is now bucking and starting to thrash about as if to lose consciousness. She is seeing the woman's soul starting to depart. Adriana must hurry before it is too late to stop the soul's departure.

Quickly the seraph places a hand on the man's shoulder and the other on the woman's thigh located forward of the man's backside.

Adriana can multitask and much more!

Adriana knows all things are certainly not right and determines. The man is a doctor who has drugged the woman. The combination of large amounts of alcohol and the GHB date rape drug has overwhelmed this precious one's very tender system. Her death is close at hand to send her into one of the two realms of death. Adriana knows the woman's destiny no matter what will be where many loved ones are already waiting, along with the Prince of Peace. Even before her early death, she has already accomplished much. Maybe some of her positive effects can be reversed. Adriana nods, pleased at the opportunity to effect change.

She knows what to do first and sends a thought into the man's brain, a message of fear and a place of endless, bitter coldness without light.

The Doctor looks left and runs for his car.

The seraph using her host, steps forward with just seconds to spare in stopping the woman's soul from further departure from her body.

She also holds the little one to prevent her from sliding off the car's hood, which will undoubtedly end in her death after her head strikes the concrete when she lurches forward. Adriana places both hands of her host Colin Winters an ex-law student of Harvard, on Diana. He was chosen for his past abilities to seduce women. When the angel walks the streets, she needs a host to prevent her true self from being seen. Only in a private abode or the wilderness can Adriana be seen or take flight into the sixth dimension.

She sees already the damage is swiftly occurring. Power now surges through the host's large hands to heal the uncontrolled blood flow to the brain and other sensitive organs. The alcohol was removed in one command from her blood. The GHB drug effect stopped too. She had been given in too large a dose for the woman's system.

She had seen into the Doctor's mind that he poured the clear liquid into her Champagne glasses several times. The drug has caused the illusion that her rapist was her loving husband. Adriana finishes the healing process and reviews her next moves.

It is rare to find a precious one in such a dangerous situation.

Her mind is currently in an unstable state and still needs stabilization. After placing a hand on Diana's head, her mind clears. Everything was revealed except Adriana's presence. The woman has little experience in the dangers of this test tube world the Creator has made. God has great plans for this world and the people that populate it. The planet named Earth is one of many thousands inhabited worlds in the universe. He even sent the Prince of Peace to provide the means for happiness and advancement to other dimensions. Then she realizes the battle for this woman's soul will be difficult sensing the Spirit of God's presence. She must be careful. Already defenses are being built, but Adriana has found the key. It is Diana's concern and love for her husband. Once more, Adriana sees how trusting and gullible the woman is, not uncommon for such a little lamb as Diana. This world is designed to have trials and tribulations because most people only learn and mature by that process. This woman has had it easy with a protective husband and family who provides comfort, happiness, and, most of all, safety.

Adriana smiles as her face becomes visible for the first time that day. Her pale hair frames a look that will make a grown man weep because of its intense beauty.

The white Mercedes has long since left the parking garage, but Adriana knew where the Doctor was going and smiles, not far enough from her powerful reach. On the concrete floor is his camera. She goes through the photos, and she smiles once more.

She views several pictures of the woman fully nude with a pleased look believing it was her husband making love. Clearing the woman wanted a sexual experience of rough sex and controlled by her husband. Adriana realizes it was time to do something right for a change and snaps her fingers!


Diana's eyes open, reaching quickly down without thinking about her sex. Her sex is puffy and sore. On her fingers, there is no white fluid on them, just her natural juices. Finally, after a brief struggle, she unlocks her heels from the Mustang's front bumper, not quickly done. At once, she almost fell face-first on the concrete floor. Something or someone is holding her back until she gains her balance.

Surprisingly her mind was strangely clear, and she has plenty of energy. Once standing on her heels, she saw her dress on the concrete by the side of the fancy Mustang.

Then it hits her Charles must never find out, oh no! She felt so soiled an unbelievable amount of shame weighs down on her. Then a thought enters her mind, and Doctor Don has drugged her!

She found her purse near the front of the car and called a cab.

When the cab arrived at the Doctor's office, she went to the back entrance and quietly used her key to open it.

Going down the dark hallway, she pushes her way into the Doctor's office. She knew Don was there because she saw his car outback. She sees the movement of him diving under his desk. Grabbing the bastard by the ear, she drags him out. He stays on his knees, pleading for forgiveness and saying, "it was her beauty that caused him to stumble." Then he has the gull to say, "it was her fault! I was too breathtaking in every way, and he had to have me." It was then I slapped him so hard I broke my beautiful index long nail just freshly painted too! I yell, "I quit, don't ever call me again! If you do, your sweet wife will find out what an ass you are!"

Then I turned and left to start up my well-used red Ford station wagon to head for home. I had much to plan for tonight, and I hoped to make all the right decisions to show my true love Charles what he means to me! I need him to take me every way to make things right in my heart. I would do whatever it takes to restore my relationship with my dear husband.

Driving south, I looked at my dash clock, thinking I would have an hour and a half to prepare. I wanted to curse or do something, just thinking of what my boss had done to me. It was clear now I was way too trusting, believing I could trust that piece of trash!

I knew my poor attitude had to change, so I focused on my husband's efforts in the past. Carmel by the Sea was a place he took me often. Every night he would take me with gentle love to the sound of the sea crashing on the shore below. He would take me shopping and out to tea. It was always wonderful there. I remember us stopping at too many wineries one time. I am indeed easy!

I drank every once while he just sipped a little here and there. I was so drunk I made a fool out myself at the restaurant, even ordering another glass of wine. He carried me to our rented red convertible Mustang.

That night I lay on top of the bed, limbs spread out as he ravished me all night long at the Green Gables B&B. My mind kept going back to the seashore. All the loving along with so many sights and the ever-changing sea.

By the time I arrived home and ran in the door, my attitude had improved, but I was afraid and felt so dirty. Now was the time to wash off the stench of the encounter with only an hour ago. Stepping from the shower, I turned up the house heat to keep my body warm and closed the blinds.

I waited for him to come home and comfort me. The only problem was I knew I could not tell him.

Before our marriage, he was almost thirty years old. Later I found hidden a well-used military-issued pistol he called 1911. I asked, "what does this gun mean to you, Charles?"

He gently took the gun from his hand to say, "that is all in the past. Let me leave it there, my dear."

I knew he was a pilot, and he courted me by flying me in his plane everywhere. When I would look into his steel-blue eyes, there something there wild and dangerous.

Only once had he ever raised his voice to me when I yelled at him twice in anger when in my foolishness. He stormed out of the house, his face white in rage and fists clinched. He returned later that night with his eyes sparkling, his voice low and firm. "Never raise your voice again to me, and I promise to treat you with kindness all the days of your life." I know now if he found anyone who had inflicted injury to our children or me. Revenge would be swift and sure to a level that would undoubtedly lead to jail.

This house is a haven for my Charles. He wants to be buried here in this small town. Me, I prefer the sea but how could we ever afford that!

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Buster2UBuster2U3 months ago

I agree, she can't tell hubby that her boss drugged her. Hubby would kill him for sure, just like I would. A Husband typically would go "Full On Rambo" in a situation like that. Especially a Veteran, or anyone experienced with "taking out the trash". The Doctor would be dead in a heartbeat. 10 Big Blazing stars. Buster2U

Hardday1953Hardday1953about 3 years agoAuthor

Thank I appreciate your time and merit.😊

ReadyOneReadyOneover 3 years ago
How about a battle in Heaven?

A Demon and an Archangel get into a philosophic discussion, where the demon asserts he can wreck a marriage between two very good people, sending them both eventually to hell. The catch is that it will be done only by "good deeds", where the supernatural intervention would be considered a good deed in the local context of the situation.

Diana is (almost) killed by Don (perhaps a drug interaction with the GBH). The demon saves her life (obviously good) and arranges for Don to be exposed to Charles (another good act because Charles learns Don is a predator). Diana and Charles (unknown to each other) work at cross purposes to take Don down. Charles' plan back-fires, the demon helps Diana save Charles from death by misadventure in carrying out his plan.

Now Diana becomes obsessed with completing Charles' mission, turning her evil. Charles makes another try at Don, this time with better planning and almost success. (Perhaps the doctor is quietly forced out of the practice but keeps his family and home.)

Diana gets blamed, the demon allows Charles to be discovered thus a good deed to save Diana from injustice. Charles looses many of his "good" attribute like scoutmaster and becomes evil, saying the end (taking down Don) deserves the means (evil acts by Charles).

Their relationship starts downhill, Diana getting caught almost cheating or put in a compromising situation (maybe the demon screws up the timing so she doesn't take the final sinful step).

Think "Comedy of Errors".

Eventually Diana and Charles have a "Come to Jesus" and restart their relationship working together and communicating, and all but Don are saved.

Perhaps the demon can be tempted with vicarious sex (or the possibility there of) into arraigning scenarios turn out to be plot twists that rescue people (don't forget Don's family). The archangel lets the demon be "hoisted by his own petard").

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

You might have the germ of a good idea here. Find yourself a good editor to help you flesh it out.

YouamiYouamiover 3 years ago

I appreciate your effort on submitting this to the site. I must admit though I had a lot of trouble with the angel intervention plot line you created. My feeling is that once you go down that path more serious questions are raised. The central one I had was if the angelic form was in the wings watching the rape take place, why did it take so long to actually intervene? Why couldn't it have altered the efffects of the date rape drugs before they were in the parking station? The last paragraph had me scratching my head, thinking WTF?!!!! So the reader is led to believe that an hour of two after her rape and near death experience, the apparent victim waxes lyrically about her Victorian livingroom, garden shrubery and preferred real estate locales! There were some obvious problems with your handling of plot/scene sequencing in this tale which needed to be addressed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
re: You need a LOT of editorial help.

For example, run-on sentences and sudden change -- in mid-paragraph -- from 3rd to 1st person.

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

In your story I saw myself more in a SiFi film than in an LW story! I have not yet been able to see the red thread. But the sequels will surely help us! Do not be put off!

FireFox59FireFox59over 3 years ago

Probably should have put this story in Sci Fi. Loving Wives is a brutal category and your first story is probably going to get pummeled.

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