Angela and the Revenge Porn

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A young woman is horribly compromised by a pervert.
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2011 - London

Chapter 1

As Angela Candelema strolled down the bustling streets of East London, her effervescent smile seemed to capture the attention of nearly every passerby. She exuded a youthful charm and optimism that uplifted the spirits of those fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of her. At twenty-four years old, Angela possessed a vitality and enthusiasm for life that was truly infectious.

Hailing from the vibrant city of Barcelona, Angela was a vision of beauty at five feet six inches tall. While her height may have fallen just short of the runway, her striking features—accentuated by her dark complexion, captivating black eyes, and cascading brown curls—ensured that she commanded attention wherever she went. Her smile, radiant and genuine, had a way of making everyone she encountered feel as though they were in the presence of true beauty.

Despite her undeniable physical allure, Angela's focus lay primarily on nurturing her intellect. Armed with a first-class degree from Cambridge University, she possessed a keen desire to delve deeper into the realm of education. Rather than succumbing to the allure of lucrative offers from soulless investment banks, Angela chose a path less travelled: she embraced a role as a primary school teacher in East London. Simultaneously, she embarked on a journey of academic pursuit, pursuing a part-time master's degree in education with aspirations of one day becoming a respected academic in the field.

On this particular Saturday, Angela's schedule was as vibrant and dynamic as her personality. Having just concluded her morning coaching session with the schoolgirls' hockey team, she was now en route to a dance class—a refreshing alternative to the monotony of the gym, where she relished not only the physical activity but also the pulsating rhythms and the camaraderie of collective movement.

Following her dance class, Angela had plans for an evening rendezvous with Peter, a promising young surgeon who had arranged a reservation at one of central London's premier restaurants. While she looked forward to deepening their connection, she held firm to her intentions of maintaining a respectful pace in their relationship.

Tomorrow's agenda was equally packed with purpose. Angela had committed her time to volunteering at a children's event, followed by tutoring music to earn some extra income—a responsibility that weighed on her mind amidst the challenges of London's high cost of living, exorbitant rent prices, and the demands of her modest teacher's salary.

Despite the financial strain, Angela was determined to carve out her own path without relying on her parents' benevolence, though their support was always warmly offered. Instead, she harboured a desire for them to enjoy their retirement years without the burden of providing for her.

Chapter 2

"What are you doing up there? I need help down here; you come down here

"What are you doing up there? I need help down here; you come down here at once !" at once !"

Edward Pembroke scowled. He had been furiously masturbating over his laptrop screen when the shrill voice of his mother interrupted him.

"You looking at porn again, I suppose! You need to find a girlfriend instead of living up there like a hermit. Help me! Now!"

Pembroke sighed. He had not been close to cumming, but was masturbating to the Facebook profile of one Julia Meadows, an American student from Idaho. That morning he had logged on through the onion dark web to his favourite website, "Pink Meth." The site was a revenge porn site, where videos of girls naked and/or having sex were posted along with their social media details, and the contact/social media details of their friends , family, and co-workers.

Pembroke had grown to love the site and the community it fostered. He was most excited when a new girl would be posted. Julia had been posted less than an hour ago. He had no idea who had posted her or who she was, but as soon as he saw her, he quickly looked her up on Facebook. She was a university student at the University of Michigan and an aspiring dentist. He saw numerous photographs of her on Facebook with her family and friends, and she looked happy. She was gorgeous, blonde, tall, and slim.

Her new Pinkmeth profile, created in her name, was a little different. The photographs were of her naked, in bed, one with her fingers in her pussy, another of her in doggy style, her face turned back over her shoulder, so the photo captured her pussy, ass and face in one shot. There was also a video of her naked, lying back, fingering herself and one hand cupping her breasts. She looked drunk. The video and photographs had obviously been taken by a sex partner.

Like most of the girls, the photographs had been leaked, stolen, or been posted directly by the guy who had taken them. Juia would soon find out about this posting, which was what Pembroke was eagerly looking forward to. As soon as he had seen the new posting, he had saved all the photos, the video, and her name. He also saved the contact details put up about herself, her Facebook friends list, and her family. He saw that she was part of some university groups and saved those too.

The first inkling the girls usually got, that their intimate photos were now plastered for everyone to see, would be friend requests from random men around the world. "OMG why are all these guys suddenly friending me lol" one girl had posted on her Facebook wall. Pembroke smiled as he had seen that post. He knew the girl was very soon going to realise her life would be changed forever. Half an hour later, her Facebook and LinkedIn were completely private, confirming that she had become aware of the photos.

Julia Meadows was currently in that strange twilight of having her intimate photos up, but not yet being aware of it. As soon as she was up, the comments underneath the profile sprang up, with men praising her appearance and boasting of how they had "done their bit" for the community by posting her pictures online. Some just posted them anonymously around the internet, like nuggets waiting to be found by those who knew her. Others tagged her name, or added her name to the photos. And others went even further, using fake social media profiles to send photos to family members, employers, and friends whose details were helpfully provided alongside the profile. They would boast of this with screenshots, sometimes showing responses from angry and distraught parents and friends demanding that they leave their daughter/friend/girlfriend alone and take the photos down.

On this occasion, Pembroke had uploaded Julia's photos to a few sites, and saved them to his hard drive. He liked to think he was helping the community. He enjoyed the feeling of ruining and exposing a young woman, and the knowledge that from now on, everyone Julia knew, or would ever know, would now be able to see her naked. Her photos would be seen and sent to al her employers, and friends, and she would not be able to stop it or control it.

The site could not be shut down. Pleas from girls, to have their profiles and photos taken down, were ignored. The girls would come to know that the photos and videos would now follow them around forever. If they had children, or planned to have children, then they would have to tell them about the photos before they saw them themselves. There were several dedicated members of the community who went out of their way to track the kids down and send naked photos of their moms to all the kids' friends.

Pleading emails and messages from the victims would be published on their profile. Their begging would only turn on the men even more. Pembroke found it the ultimate high, the ability to destroy a beautiful young girl's life by posting her naked body everywhere on the internet.

And the best bit? It was legal. Revenge porn was not a illegal offence in the UK or anywhere. While the site was on the dark web, the despairing young women found that they had no legal recourse anyway. They did not own the photographs and were powerless, knowing that their photos would be shared thousands of times. Anonymous men, who did not know them at all, were committed to spreading their naked bodies everywhere to shame them.

Pembroke had been staring at the screen, looking at the naked form of Julia Meadows, and the postings of her on dozens of websites already, the growing number of Pinkmeth comments, and the boatsts of other men about how much they had spread her about. He switched back and forth from these to Julia's Facebook profile, that of an all-American young woman living life at her fullest, waiting for the sword of Damocles to fall on her.

Pembroke had been addicted to the site for nearly a year now. His favourite victim so far had been an American professor whose naked pictures had been unearthed from 1986 and uploaded to the site. She had apparently continued to lecture, and Pembroke had kept checking her profile. Some comments had come from her students who had commented that she no longer chatted after lectures but left straight afterwards. They made posts about how the university had emailed everyone about the danger of sending nude pictures.

Pembroke enjoyed the vicarious thrills of seeing the hot young women's lives being ruined while masturbating over their increadible bodies. He loved the fact he was helping to seal their fate by sharing their photos but did wish he could find his own victim, partly for the thrill but also the perverse alturism of helping out this toxic community.

Ruefully he knew it would be unlikely he could convince any attractive woman to undress for photos or send him such photos. He was fifty, fat, and lived with his bedridden mother in rural Essex. He had never had much luck with women, had never had a girlfriend and other than prostitutes, his only female company was his overbearing mother.

"Edward! Stop dallying! Come down here now!"

Pembroke turned the laptop off, tucked his erection into his trousers and went downstairs. He would have to help his mother clean up after going to the toilet. Nothing was more likely to kill horny thoughts.

Chapter 3

As Angela Candelema slipped into her pyjamas on Sunday evening, the lively chatter over evening tea with her flatmates lingered in her mind. Among them were Teresa, an Italian model and actress, and Gillian, a driven young investment banker—each a testament to the vibrant tapestry of ambitious young women making their mark in London's social scene. Their conversations spanned from gossip to Angela's blossoming romance with the charming surgeon, painting a picture of a life brimming with excitement and activity.

Yet, beneath Angela's outward vivacity lay a persistent concern: the perpetual strain of financial constraints. Despite her relentless pursuit of part-time work, the earnings fell short of satisfying her aspirations for exploration and enjoyment. Faced with this dilemma, Angela contemplated an unconventional suggestion from Teresa—entering the realm of escorting—a proposition that conflicted deeply with her moral principles and self-image as a role model for her students.

Moreover, the impending visit of her cousin Daniel, who harbored dreams of experiencing London's sights despite his family's modest means, added to Angela's turmoil. The prospect of fulfilling Daniel's wishes weighed heavily on her conscience, especially considering the significant financial burden it entailed.

The following day Angela immersed herself in her role as a beloved teacher at the school, where her influence extended far beyond the confines of the classroom. With a mere glance, she commanded the respect of even the most unruly students, while her vibrant personality endeared her to all. Clad in conservative yet colorful attire, Angela exuded warmth and approachability, endearing herself not only to her students but also to their parents, who couldn't help but be captivated by her charm and genuine interest in their children's progress.

Despite the admiration she garnered, Angela carried the weight of her inner conflict discreetly, her unwavering dedication to her morals and obligations evident even amidst the facade of her effortlessly charming demeanour.

As Angela reviewed her bank balance after a long day at work, a sinking feeling washed over her as she realized the grim reality: after settling her rent, she was left with a mere hundred pounds to cover her expenses. Panic set in as she meticulously combed through her calendar, mentally tallying the mounting costs of her commitments and the added pressure of fulfilling her promises to Daniel.

Faced with the daunting prospect of juggling her financial constraints with her desire to provide a memorable experience for her cousin, Angela felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. The weight of responsibility bore down on her shoulders as she struggled to devise a plan that would allow her to navigate the precarious balance between her obligations and her aspirations.

That evening, in her bedroom, she changed into some of her sexiest lingerie and took some photographs and selfies. She was very careful to leave out her face. She emailed these to an escort website service with some details about herself and waited to hear back.

The next day, after work, she went straight to a dance class, followed by a meal with some friends from a drama group. They wanted her to act in their new play but she could not see where she would find the time. She cringed as she paid her part of the meal, and checked her emails when she got home.

"Londonnights" had emailed her back. They were happy to take her on but wanted a quick interview in person. She sighed. She did not want to send in any more photos but understood they needed to know she was for real. The appointment was at a hotel lobby on Bond Street. Angela checked that they would not want her to get naked but the meeting would be in public.

Angela was due to meet Peter, her surgeon date, afterward. She had suggested Bond Street for a date and figured it would be convenient to have a get-out from the escort interview. Peter would meet her at a cocktail bar at 7.30 and the interview was a few hundred meters away, in the upmarket hotel, at 7.00.

Angela was dressed smartly but still conservatively in a pencil skirt, shirt, and jacket, with low heels and moderate makeup. She had originally planned to go garish with makeup, to get in the mood as a hooker but also to disguise herself as much as possible, but realized that Peter would be surprised at this departure from her norm.

Angela arrived early, and as directed went to a sofa at the corner of the bar where a middle-aged woman in a business suit sat. She smiled - "Sara?" she asked. Angela smiled and nodded in recognition of the fake name she had given. "I am Fatima, would you like a drink?"

"Just a coke please" smiled Angela, or "Sara" and Fatima waved at a waiter, ordering a glass of wine for herself, and a coke for Angela.

Fatima looked admiringly at Angela. She could tell Angela was inexperienced but also recognized sheer confidence and knew her clients would love the classy beautiful young woman in front of her, regardless of her lack of sexual experience. The two chatted and Fatima, a middle-aged Turkish woman with plenty of escort experience, explained the rules and reassured her as to anonymity.

"Just give me your bank details, and I will pay you. The clients pay me, so you don't have to deal with them directly. You just show up, do your two hours, or longer if they want a date, and be nice. Trust me, they will love you!" Fatima smiled at her.

Angela felt reassured. The money sounded fantastic. The thought of earning a thousand pounds for a single night's work made her giddy.

After the meeting, Angela handed over her bank details, and her phone number and told Fatima she looked forward to her first "date". She then hurried to her next appointment, with Peter. Suddenly turned on by the thought of what she would do, she became much more interested in Peter. Peter could not believe his luck, and after a few cocktails, he and Angela began passionately kissing. He took her home to his apartment in Chelsea and they made passionate love. The next morning, Angela woke up, kissed him, and left early, ready to go home first to change and then on to school. Her housemate teased her about Peter but was also happy for her that her relationship was getting serious. Peter was a great catch and a great guy.

Chapter 4

Edward Pembroke had always been passionate about technology. Despite a childhood marked by isolation and bullying due to his nerdy interests in computers, he found immense success as a software engineer. Mastering multiple programming languages for sheer enjoyment, his current employer, a bank, relied heavily on his expertise, granting him almost anything he desired. His salary exceeded half a million pounds annually, supplemented by generous bonuses. However, there was one aspect of his life that his wealth couldn't resolve: his overbearing mother.

For over a decade, Edward had been the primary caregiver for his bedridden mother since his father's passing. Despite his financial independence, he felt emotionally tethered to her. Her constant nagging and guilt-tripping made it impossible for him to break free. As a result, he couldn't enjoy the fruits of his success, feeling as though he had missed out on life's experiences.

Edward's passion for technology extended beyond his professional life. He spent his free time building robots and often voluntarily improved the bank's systems, much to the gratitude of his employers.

"Edward!!!" his mother's shrill voice shattered the silence. "I need you again. I must use the toilet!" Edward sighed heavily, feeling a mixture of frustration and resentment. He longed for the strength to assert himself and break free from his mother's grasp, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

A few minutes later, trying to blot out the memory of helping his naked mother in the bathroom, he turned to his online hobbies. He had ordered high-resolution secret cameras and was researching where to place them. It was early spring, and he had recently developed two pin cameras, one in his shoe facing upwards, and another in his tie knot. With these, he had spent an hour on the London tube, upskirting various girls and recording their faces to match them with the upskirt footage. Afterwards, he meshed the videos together, trying to match the upskirt shoe videos with the head height tie videos, to match girls' faces to their exposed knickers. He uploaded these to a favoured voyeur site. He did wish there was some way to identify the girls further, as although he was thrilled to see their underwear, he wished for a more total humiliation.

He particularly enjoyed his Google "Arteca" glasses. Extremely expensive, they were a large pair of glasses, which acted as high-resolution cameras which could capture videos or cameras. He marvelled at the quality afterwards. He never wore them in front of people he knew, as eventually he thought people might find it strange he wore such clunky glasses. He liked to wear them walking in parks and afterwards admired the beautiful women he had seen earlier. He had found them a good replacement for his tie cameras.

He smiled at the comments and likes his uploaded voyeur videos had gotten. On the forum, he read information about hiding cameras in hotel rooms and wondered how to progress with this. He also checked out Pinkmeth and saw the progress with Julia Meadows.

Ms Meadows had deleted all her social media profiles. A few comments boasted about the emails and messages they had sent to her employers and family. One comment was from a friend of Julia's. "Julia is a wonderful human being. In a moment of weakness, she allowed her scumbag ex-boyfriend to take these photos. She did not consent to have them on the net. Please can you take them down? Her mental health is really suffering, she does not deserve this. If any of you met her, you would love her, she would do anything to help someone in need. Please think of her as a real human being when you spread these photos and please delete this."