Anger Mismanagement


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Her phone rang an hour later. It was her mother.

"Hi Mom," Kelly answered it.

"Kelly, are you okay?" her mother asked softly, "Do you need me to come and get you?"

Kelly bit back an annoyed laugh. "Actually, Mom, you can't come and get me. I'm under house arrest here at Greg's place for the next year. I have one of those electronic ankle bracelets that will go off if I walk more than fifty meters from the front door."

"A whole year?" her mother gasped in surprise, "Greg said your boyfriend dropped the charges. I thought you would get off with a suspended sentence."

"Maybe I would have, if I just could have kept my mouth shut," Kelly responded bitterly.

"Oh, Kelly," her mom said.

"Thank god Greg was there," Kelly went on. "I was only making things worse until he stepped up and saved the day. At first, I was mad at him for interfering, you know? But then I calmed down enough to realize that I just needed to shut up until we got out of there."

"I should have been there for you," her mother said. "Your father..." she trailed off and sighed, "I should have just ignored him and gone anyway."

"It's okay, Mom, I don't blame you at all. If you had insisted on being there, you know he would have come along with you," she could picture her father's antagonistic presence. "That would have just made it worse."

Deborah, Kelly and Greg's mother, was the sort of person who always blamed herself when her daughter struggled. She was an insecure person who had always struggled to be the best parent and mother that she could, but never felt she had done a good enough job of it.

"Maybe," she said after a thoughtful pause, "I still feel bad that I wasn't there for you, though."

"Do you feel like coming over?" Kelly asked, "I could really use a drink with my mom, and Greg apparently doesn't drink at all."

"That would be nice," Deborah responded, "I'm out anyway. I'll grab something for us to drink and I'll be right over."

That turned out to be a slight miscalculation. Kelly's mom arrived with two bags full of booze bottles, and the two of them got ripped over the next two hours. When her phone rang, Deborah realized with a start how long she had been there. It was her husband on the phone, wondering where she had been.

"I went out for drinks with friends," she said into her phone. Her voice was a bit slurred. She listened and looked annoyed at the lecture she received. "Okay, honey," she finally said, "I'll catch a cab home. See you soon."

She called for a cab, and then looked apologetic as she dug through her purse and handed Kelly a wad of cash.

"I know it's not much, sweetie," she said, "I'll try to bring you more money if you need it for your bills here."

"I need to talk to Greg about that," Kelly replied, "I have no idea what my share of the bills will be. He never mentioned it."

They hugged and then they made their way out to the car. Deborah collected a few things from her car and made sure it was locked. They talked for a few minutes until the cab pulled up. Kelly had a nice buzz going from the alcohol, and continued to sip mixed drinks until her brother called hours later.

"Hey, Kelly," he said, "do you have a shopping list for me?"

"A little bit of one," she said, swaying into the kitchen to read it to him.

"Have you been drinking?" Greg asked after a slight pause.

"Just a bit," she answered, "Mom came over and we had a few this afternoon."

Greg was careful not to say anything, but he was not happy about this development.

"Is Mom still there?" he asked.

"No, she took a cab home a couple of hours ago. She'll be back to get her car tomorrow."

That was a bit of a relief. Greg wasn't sure he could deal with two drunk women. He was tired after that mess in court and a long day at work.

"Okay," he said, "I'll grab these groceries and some takeout and I'll be home in a half hour."

Greg was not averse to having a drink or two, but he was careful not to drink alone. That was the reason he kept no booze at his place. It made him uneasy to think that his sister might spend her days drinking while he was at work. Who knew what kind of trouble she could get into if she got drunk and wandered off?

He felt a slight pang of guilt as he drove past his gym on the way to the supermarket. Normally he would have stopped for a vigorous workout on his way home. It wouldn't be fair to his sister to leave her home alone, and yet he hated to lose the progress he had made with his workouts. He really needed to sit down and talk with Kelly, to work out their living arrangement. If she was too drunk to have that conversation...

He shook his head in frustration as he pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. He stopped at the Chinese restaurant next to the grocery store and placed his order. It took less time to get his sister's groceries than it did for his order to be prepared, so he sat and meditated while he waited for them to finish cooking their food. That helped a bit.

When he got home, he sat in the van and meditated for another five minutes, calmly breathing and counting each breath. He felt much more in control as he grabbed the bags and made his way to the apartment.

Greg was relieved when his sister gave him a big hug and helped him put away the groceries he had bought for her. She seemed happy for once—perhaps the first time he had seen her happy since he had picked her up from the police station a week earlier.

She was obviously tipsy, but wasn't sloppy drunk. She was not stumbling around when she walked, and she only slurred her speech occasionally. She was delighted with the Chinese take-out dinner he had brought for her.

"General Tso's!" she exclaimed, giving him a wet smooch on his cheek, "You remembered my favorite! You know, Greg, I haven't had this in over a year."

They sat in the living room and ate in front of the television. They had both been really hungry, and dug into their food without much conversation. Kelly stood after she had finished her glass.

"I'm going to get another soda," she said, "Can I mix you a drink?"

That actually sounded good, after the day he'd had.

"Sure," he said.

Greg found his eyes following his sister's swaying bottom as she made her way to the kitchen. He wasn't consciously aware of it as he stared at her shapely ass. When she walked around the counter, he thought that he really should see what sort of alcohol his mother had brought over. He got up and walked into the kitchen.

There were six bottles of alcohol there, which he had barely noticed earlier when they put away the groceries. There were the obvious vodka, rum, and whiskey, plus grenadine, kahlua, and peach schnapps. All of the bottles were still mostly full, and the whiskey and kahlua were unopened.

"Rum and coke okay, or would you like something else?" Kelly asked him. She had shouted it before she turned and saw him standing three feet away.

"That sounds fine," Greg said with a smile.

Kelly had to suppress a shiver when he smiled at her like that. Her brother was one sexy man. She put ice in their glasses and added rum to his, and then poured coke into both to top them off. She followed him to the living room, but she was completely aware of it as she stared at his muscular buttocks.

She had stopped adding alcohol to her drinks when Greg had called earlier. She had been putting very little booze into her drinks after her mother had left, so she was sobering rapidly. Her hope had been that she would be sober enough to have a serious conversation with her brother when he got home. She had to remind herself of that, instead of imagining grabbing her brother's muscular ass and urging him to fuck her harder...

She sat down and relished another spicy bite of her dinner.

"Thank you for this," she murmured after she swallowed it.

Greg looked over at her and smiled around a bite of his own sesame chicken.

"I'm glad you like it," he said.

Their eyes locked. There was definite electricity there, in that look. Greg broke it off first, and he took a long sip of his drink to calm himself. That was working, at least. He could feel the tension draining away and the muscles in his neck, shoulders, and upper back relaxing. He had been really tense on the drive home.

After they stuffed themselves, Kelly took the leftovers and put them away in the refrigerator. Greg had followed, but was caught like a deer in headlights when his sister bent over with her head in the fridge. Her ass looked so damned sexy, and he couldn't tear his gaze from that sight until she stood up and caught him looking. He had a guilty look on his face as he turned back to the sink and resumed rinsing their silverware and the small bowl they had used.

Kelly was turned on. She was not the least offended that her brother had been staring at her ass. It came as a relief, actually. She found him undeniably sexy, and was pleased that he found her attractive. She took the two steps to stand behind him and wrapped her arms around his midsection in a soft hug. Her nipples hardened against his muscular back, and she sighed contentedly.

Greg smiled when he heard that sigh. He turned off the water and put the clean dishes into the rack next to the sink to dry.

"We really need to talk, you know," Kelly said into his back.

"Heh," he chuckled, "I was worried you would be too drunk for that, when I heard you over the phone earlier." She released him as he turned to face her. "We do need to talk."

They walked back to the living room, where Greg turned off the television. They took their drinks to the dining room table and sat next to each other. Kelly grabbed her purse and pulled out the wad of cash their mother had given her, along with the money she had. She spread it out and counted it up quickly.

"There's a hundred and sixty-three dollars here," she said apologetically, "Mom said she will bring more. I told her I didn't know what my share of the bills would be."

"You should just...hold onto that," Greg said. He chewed his lip thoughtfully as he considered what to say. "Look, Kelly, I don't want to offend you, but I don't need you to pay anything for the bills. I keep this place neat, but I had to do a lot of work on it. Most of the apartments here are really run-down, so the rent is super cheap."

He stood up then and walked over to a small end table on the wall near the front door. He pulled open the drawer. "I keep a bunch of quarters in here for laundry," he said, "The laundromat is close enough that you can do your laundry—it won't set off your ankle bracelet. Just let me know when we get low on quarters."

Kelly nodded at him, but she was distracted by the bulge in the front of his slacks. Greg walked back to the table, and she felt a shot of arousal as that bulge swayed enticingly. He was organizing their financial situation in his head, figuring out what to say next, and so did not notice her attention.

"Let's see," he said, "Water and sewage and garbage disposal are all included in the rent here. Oh, cable is included as well. I pay for electricity, internet, and I pay for a land line phone. That phone is in my bedroom, but we can hook another one up wherever you'd like or move that one."

"It's fine," she said, "I'm sure I will only use my cell phone unless there's some crazy-ass emergency."

Greg nodded. "Normally, I like to cook," he said, "especially dinner. I was just too tired to do it today, so I grabbed takeout."

"I didn't mind," Kelly grinned, "It was delicious."

Greg returned her grin. It was infectious. "I was just thinking about our budget," he said, "I spend maybe two hundred bucks a month on food. I was cooking for two anyway, until Tonya and I broke up two months ago."

This was news to Kelly. She had intended to ask if he was dating, and she had seen nothing around the apartment the past few days to indicate that there was a woman in his life. She didn't know who Tonya was, but it didn't seem as important to her as the fact that her brother was single.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"Not really," he answered. "It wasn't an ugly breakup or anything. I met her at work, and we dated for three months. She had her own place and wasn't interested in moving in with me. She got a better job offer in another state and moved." He shrugged. "It was a pretty casual relationship for both of us."

Kelly suspected that he was more upset about that breakup than he was letting on. Something about his body language—subtle though it was—let her know that he had been more emotionally invested in that relationship than Tonya had been.

"Okay," she said, letting that topic drop, "Is there anything I can do to earn my keep around here?"

Greg couldn't help it; he pictured his sexy sister sucking his cock, and then imagined her bending over while he fucked her from behind. He avoided eye contact while he tried to think of something—anything—else. Sitting right next to him, though, Kelly saw his cock lurch in his pants. She almost reached over to grab that tempting bulge.

They both searched for the words to say next, and it was Kelly who got there first. She cleared her throat softly.

"It's okay, Greg," she said. His head snapped around as he searched her eyes. "Look, you have been amazing to me these past few days. You saved me from going to prison, and we both know it. You have taken me in, knowing exactly what kind of person I am, and you haven't asked me for anything. I don't know if you thought it through, though. You are stuck with me for the next year, and I can't go anywhere. You are the only man in my life, little brother."

She did reach into his lap then, softly squeezing his thick shaft. Still looking into his eyes, she licked her lips.

"I am going to need this," she said. "Do I need to get you drunk so you can give it to me?"

"No," he groaned.

His eyes held a tortured, guilty look. Kelly wasn't sure if that 'No' meant that she didn't need to get him drunk, or if he was denying her the pleasure she craved. He picked up his glass, regarding it as he thought of what to say. It was still almost half full of rum and coke. He smiled at his sister as he set the glass down on the table and pushed it away from him.

"I'm not sure I can do that with you," he said. His voice was hoarse, just above a whisper. "Maybe I can find a good guy for you?"

Kelly hadn't considered that possibility. "Hmm," she said, thinking it over. It didn't take her long to realize that she had already set her sights on her brother. She had been fantasizing about him for the past week. Any other guy was just not going to be good enough.

Greg lightly wrapped his hand around her wrist, pulling her hand from his hardening dick. She had not realized until he did that she had still been absently stroking him this entire time.

She was tempted to grab him again immediately.

"Greg," she said, "I can't see that working out, in all honesty. If you bring some guy over here for me, it's not like we will be going out anywhere. You would be bringing some stranger over here to fuck your sister."

Greg abruptly stood up and began pacing around the table. He looked like a caged animal, Kelly thought as she watched him. She half expected him to growl in frustration. She could certainly relate to how he must feel, and it only made her desire him more.

"Greg," she finally spoke up, "Why don't you grab a shower and change into something more comfortable. You look like you need to clear your head."

He nodded at her. It was a good idea. When he looked at her, though, he realized her hard nipples were clearly evident through her t-shirt. Her eyes were filled with a hungry look. A shower would not be enough to clear his head, nor would it abate his lust. He needed to get out of there.

"I hate to do this to you," he said, "but I need to leave. I am going to go to my gym and get in a workout. I don't want to leave you here alone, but...Kelly, I need to think about this and I can't do it around you right now."

"Go ahead," she said. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home."

She was disappointed, obviously, but she could understand. It would be nice for her to go to the gym for a brisk workout at that point. In fact, up until today she had stayed away from the apartment almost every day. Now, that was no longer possible for her.

Greg turned and bolted for his van. He was once again ashamed at his behavior. He barely paid attention as he drove the short distance to the gym. His mind was in a fog as he changed into the workout clothes he kept in his locker at the gym. The familiar routine of his workout kept his body occupied as his mind worked feverishly to figure a way out of this situation with his sister.

He was snapped out of his mental fog by a familiar female voice.

"Greg? Are you alright?"

It was Valerie, one of the personal trainers at the gym. She was gorgeous, and he had flirted with her over the year and a half he had been a member at this gym. Greg always assumed she had a boyfriend, and their flirting had been casual and fun. She looked legitimately concerned as she looked at him now. He was doing bent rows with fifty-pound dumbbells, and he paid close attention to his form as he completed the set.

"Was I doing something wrong?" he asked as he set down the weight.

"No, it wasn't that," Valerie said, "You look like something is really bothering you."

"It's that obvious, huh?" he replied, blowing out a breath of frustration.

This wasn't something he could talk about with Valerie. Hell, this wasn't something he could talk about with anyone.

My horny sister is waiting at my apartment right now, and I really want to fuck her all night long. I can't think of any way out of it, so I'm likely to leave here and go home to fuck her until she can't walk...

Yeah, that wouldn't go over well. Greg shook his head and smiled at the lovely Valerie.

"Sorry," he said, "I'm just trying to clear my head and think through this situation at home. I was hoping that a good workout would help."

Valerie's eyes sparkled, "Maybe I need to give you a more strenuous, personal workout," she said.

They exchanged a grin, and she sashayed away. As always, Greg assumed she was kidding, but it made him think. As attractive as Valerie was, if she was seriously interested in him...he would still be lusting after his sexy sister. He actually dropped the dumbbell when that thought rocked him to the core. He shakily retrieved the weight and continued his workout.

The rest of the routine was a blur. Greg tried not to rush as he went from station to station; it wouldn't do to injure himself by being careless. He knew what he would be doing as soon as he got home, and now that he had made up his mind, he could scarcely wait for it. When he had finished his workout, he grabbed his work clothes from his locker and rushed to his car.

Valerie waved to him as he passed, but he was oblivious. She saw the change in his countenance and it sent a shiver through her. Like Greg, she had enjoyed their flirting but hadn't taken it seriously. Seeing him like that made her reconsider. That was one sexy, determined man walking out her door.

Back at the apartment, Kelly was relieved to hear her brother at the door. She was a little surprised to see him walk in still dressed in his sweat-soaked tank top and workout shorts. She gasped out loud when his blazing eyes locked onto hers and he spoke.

"I am all sweaty and I need a shower," he growled at her, "Will you be joining me?"

"Yes!" she gasped back.

She practically leapt from the couch to follow him into the bathroom. She was only wearing a bathrobe, and she pulled it from her shoulders and hung it on the back of the bathroom door. Greg growled in approval when he beheld her luscious, naked body in front of him. He peeled off his sweaty tank top and dropped it on the floor. Kelly was on him instantly, licking his sweaty chest and nipping at one of his hard little nipples. Her nails raked over the other side of his body, from his neck down to his other nipple as he untied and dropped his shorts.