Anna, the Temptress Ch. 02

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Anna's story.
18.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/10/2023
Created 10/25/2020
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Hello, my beautiful readers,

I sincerely want to apologize for making you wait so long for this story to come out. There are a ton of reasons, but the most important one is that I wanted to do the story justice. As always, English isn't my native tongue, so there might be spelling mistakes and phrases that don't make sense for you English and American readers. Writing this meant a lot to me, and I really, really do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did in writing it.

I don't want give away the tags, as it will spoil the story for you, but if you're easily offended, read no further. Positive feedback is always welcome though.



My story...

By now you've surely read how my stepdad caught me blowing some guy in a Santa outfit, and eventually fucked my brains out. Before I tell you what happened next, I just want to give you my side of things, that lead to said fucking happening.

I never really knew my real father. He disappeared from the face of the earth when he heard that my mom was pregnant with me, so in my early childhood, it was just her and me. When mom met Adam, I could see her whole personality change, and she instantly became much happier. I guess it wasn't all that easy, raising a child on her own, and the change I saw in my mother made me instantly like Adam. Once I got to know him, I even started liking him for who he was, and he slid into the role of parenthood effortlessly. Even though they never married, Adam was the only father figure I had known, and to me, he was my stepdad.

I never rebelled much when I hit puberty, and I think I owe that to mom. Even though she worked all the time, I always felt like she took time out of her life for me. At first, I was a little embarrassed about my changing body, and I took to wearing ball caps and baggy clothes to hide my bourgeoning femininity. I think mom and Adam noticed, though, and mom had several long talks with me. Eventually I accepted that my body was developing, but I had started to enjoy the tomboy style of clothing, and I guess it sort of stuck with me. Mom also helped sway my fears that my breasts never seemed to stop growing. She told me that the women in our family were naturally busty, and regularly took me bra-shopping. One of the first things I learned was that big breasts tend to draw a lot of attention. Thankfully, my baggy clothes downplayed my curves, but the male stares took some getting used to.

My major interest up to that point had been gaming. Ever since I was a child, and mom showed me all these different games, I had thoroughly enjoyed the competitive aspect of learning a set of rules, and how to overcome them. My love of gaming eventually got me into computers. Computers got me into online gaming, which in turn got me into watching people streaming games online. Naturally I had a crack at streaming my own games.

At first I just streamed my games for fun, thinking no one would want to watch some random girl play murder-mystery games, but after a while I had a couple of guys watching my streams regularly.


I lost my virginity soon after my 18th birthday. The guy clearly didn't know what he was doing, but even though it was a disappointment, it sparked something within me, and I began to think more and more about sex. I was a little too shy to change out of my baggy clothes, but to be honest, having men stare at my chest didn't bother me anymore. In fact, I was beginning to enjoy thinking about the same guys, going home to their wives, or girlfriends, thinking about me, when they had sex.

Masturbation soon became a regular thing for me. Since my own experiences were limited, I had little to fantasize about, except for the guys I met in passing.

Consequently, the fantasies were pretty meek, compared to what I'd tell you now, and mainly revolved around guys like the cashier at the lingerie store coming in 'to check on how I was doing' in the dressing room, or the pizza delivery guy, delivering food just as I stepped out of the shower. Stuff like that. The common denominator was, that in my mind, they'd all make love to me, passionately, and at the time, that was pretty much all I needed to get off.

During that time, I met another guy, but sadly, the experience was just as disappointing.

To be honest, I think it was the exhibitionist aspect of the fantasies that eventually led me to streaming-services that were more 'adult oriented'. Don't get me wrong, I never registered to one of those cam-sites, where people have sex in front of the camera. I still wanted to stream my gameplay. I just wanted the terms of service to give me a little more leeway in terms of how much skin I showed, and what topics were discussed with my viewers.

I soon found a site that suited me well, and after about a month I had a small following. As you'd expect, some guys pestered me about getting naked, or to masturbate on stream. I kindly but firmly let them know that if that's what they wanted, I could direct them to several other sites. A lot of the guys were pretty friendly though, and I'd like to think I developed a report with a few of them, even sharing my disappointing experiences with guys.


I still don't know how it had escaped me before, but about that time I became aware that mom and Adam fucked. Like, a lot.

One night, I came home from a friend's house, it wasn't all that late in the evening, and I was just about to call out that I was home, when I heard the distinct sound of a woman moaning.

'Oh my god. Adam is giving it to her hard,' I thought to myself, and for some reason, I snuck closer to their bedroom. I guess I just had to see for myself. Thankfully they hadn't closed the door completely, and when I peeked inside, I was dumbstruck. There's no better way to describe it. Adam had mom on her hands and knees, and seemingly fucked the living daylights out of her.

Sadly, they were at an angle where I couldn't see much, but by the sounds they were making, I remember thinking 'so, this is was real sex is like'. I caught myself staring, trying to catch a glimpse of Adam's cock, but my brain told me to leave, before I got caught. It took an effort of will, but I managed to tear my eyes away from what I was witnessing, and snuck back to my room. Once there, I barely had time to take off my clothes, before laying down on my bed, and I closed my eyes, reliving the experience in my mind, as I moved one hand over my large, soft breasts, the other finding its way between my legs. At first, I just thought back to what I had seen. Adam, my stepdad, wasn't making love to mom. He was fucking her. Mom sure seemed to enjoy it. The mental image was even better than the few times I had felt a cock inside me, and I fingered myself faster and faster. How could this be? I felt something huge building inside me, a massive orgasm, just out of reach.

The unbidden thought came to me, as I envisioned what it had to be like, to be mom in that situation. Having Adam grabbing your hips hard, ramming his no doubt, thick cock deep inside her. I envisioned myself, not sneaking away, but stepping into their room. Suddenly it was me there, on all fours. I barely had time to imagine it, before the orgasm washed over me, and it was like nothing before. I had to let go of my breasts, and bite down on my hand to keep from screaming. The sensation was so intense, I even felt my consciousness slipping for a split second.

I lay still for the longest moment, giving myself time to recover. I quickly realized I had stumbled onto something life altering. It all made sense now. I also knew I needed to know more, and the easiest way was to start spying on mom and Adam. Had I just happened to witness some random wild thing on their part, or was this how they fucked?

'Operation sneaky sneak is a go,' I thought to myself, a wide grin on my face as I fell asleep. Yeah, I know it's a dumb name, and with access to the internet, why didn't I think to go online to do my research there? Let me just tell you, if Einstein had orgasms as massive as the one I had that night, we wouldn't have a theory of relativity.


You know how, in movies, villains always feel the need to explain themselves to the protagonists? To elaborate on their evil scheme, inevitably leading to their eventual downfall? That's kind of what I felt when I woke up the next morning. I needed to tell someone about what had happened, if nothing else, to put words to the strange tingling sensation that just wouldn't quit. I knew I wouldn't be able to trust any of my friends with this kind of information, everyone of them infatuated with Adam, and their response would no doubt just be to seduce him.

As it happened, that following evening was one of the evenings per week when I did a livestream, and about halfway through, one of my regular viewers, a guy named Tom, wrote that he noticed something was different about me that evening, and that I seemed to be smiling more than usual.

Maybe that was the answer? To share my thoughts with someone anonymous over the internet? He had been following me since I started streaming, so he knew a little about me anyway, so what's the harm? I guess you could say I was a little naïve, but before I could stop myself, I told Tom to email me, and I'd share a naughty story with him. He did, and I replied, sharing the entire event with him, and my plans.

Over the next few weeks, Tom and I emailed back and forth pretty regularly, and he seemed like a really nice guy. He told me a little about himself, that he was a 40 year old man, divorced, no kids, and worked with photography. We also chatted about our respective experiences and fantasies, and it was great to get a guy's perspective, as Operation Sneaky Sneak progressed. As I got to know Tom more and more, I guess we built a mutual trust, and we soon exchanged phone numbers, the emails becoming text messages. He shared a picture of himself with me, and to be honest, he looked a lot like Adam, apart from lacking a beard and having a full head of hair.

Tom was also the one who eventually showed me the writing on the wall. I guess I had just been too close to it, to see the forest for the trees. It was about a week before my 19th birthday, and I had just relayed to Tom how, about an hour ago, I had caught mom and Adam fucking, thinking I wasn't in the house. Well, not so much "caught" as watching them doing it, and then sneaking away before they caught me peeking. The phone buzzed, as Tom replied.

"Do you think Adam ever fantasizes about it being you instead of your mom?" the message said.

Maybe that was it? Had my disappointing experiences with sex been because I had been looking in the wrong place? Was the answer right there in front of me? To find someone more experienced? Who could perhaps show me first hand what sex was supposed to be like? Like I had watched Adam and mom do?

I don't know if it had been his intention, but Tom's message really got me thinking. Again, I might have been naïve, failing to see it as a subtle way of getting me to think of older men, sexually, before swooping in as "someone suitable to teach me". I guess you could also say that my experiences were still pretty limited, and had I waited to meet "the right guy my own age", none of this would have happened. You might be right, but my brain was already too far the rabbit hole, and... Well, you know how it can be once a ball starts rolling...

I didn't quite know what to reply to Tom, but as I lay in bed, sleep wouldn't come. I couldn't get the mental image of mom on her knees in front of Adam out of my mind, so instead of trying to sleep I decided to take 'Operation sneaky sneak' to the next level.

By now, mom and Adam were fast asleep, and I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves, before sneaking closer to their bedroom. The door was open, and I snuck inside. My heart pounded as I walked over to Adam's side of the bed. Could I really do this? I knew the rational side of me was screaming at me to get out, but I couldn't stop myself from walking closer.

Eventually I found myself standing next to Adam, who thankfully lay sleeping on his back. I leaned forward, ever so slowly lifting the covers. I don't think I've ever been as scared as I was in that moment. Every sound seemed impossibly loud, and I expected both of them to wake up any second.

Thankfully, I didn't have to contend with any underwear as Adam slept naked, and as I folded the covers, I finally got to see what I came for. What caught my eye first was that Adam was clean shaven. As in, his whole crotch. I was a little taken aback, but smiled, thinking mom surely appreciated the effort (you see, some girls, like me, see a full bush of crotch-hair as somewhat unhygienic). Adam's cock was resting peacefully between his legs, and I just couldn't help myself, so I reached down and wrapped my fingers around it.

It felt so soft, and I couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of what I was doing. I was holding my stepdad's cock in my fingers, and he just lay there, sound asleep.

Suddenly, it twitched in my hand, and it took an effort of will not to recoil. I looked up at Adam's face to see if he had woken up, but he hadn't moved. As I looked back at his cock, I had to cover my mouth to keep from gasping. It was unmistakably growing harder in my hand. What was I going to do now? Just leave?

Before I could make up my mind, I realized I was leaning closer, and once the cock in my hand had stopped growing, the tip was mere inches from my face. It looked so beautiful, seemingly begging for my attention. Again, my body seemed to move with a will of its own, as my lips parted, and I found myself lowering my head, before wrapping my lips around the tip of Adam's beautiful shaft. I knew what I was doing was wrong on so many levels, but I swear I could feel Adam's heartbeat, via his hard cock touching my lips.

I lowered my head further, moving my lips along the cock, the sensation strange, but more arousing than anything before. I know a lot of girls see blow-jobs almost as a chore, but in that moment, I knew I loved it. I fought back a moan, and suddenly became very much aware of where I was, and what I was doing. Again it took an effort of will, but I managed to open my mouth wider, and pull my head back up. I knew I had pushed my luck above and beyond, so no matter how much the tingling sensation between my legs told me to keep going, I forced myself to fold Adam's cover back over his crotch, covering my mouth to keep from giggling at the obvious tent his hard-on was forming.

Reluctantly I snuck back to my room, and for some reason, the first thing I did was text Tom, telling him everything. I know a lot of guys seem insecure about a girl talking about sex where the guy isn't directly involved, but I guess mine and Tom's relationship was different than most.


About a week later, actually the day after my 19th birthday, I was invited to a party, and I knew there would be a lot of guys there. With the memory of feeling Adam's cock in my mouth, I went to the party with the goal of hooking up with some guy, to see what blowing a guy to completion felt like. The party itself isn't all that pertinent to this story, so to make a long story short: I got what I wanted, but again, I was disappointed. He came way too fast, and it felt wrong in some way.

The whole way home, I couldn't stop thinking about how magical it had felt to wrap my lips around Adam's cock, and why blowing the guy at the party had been such a let down. I resorted to asking the only person I could talk to about these kinds of things. I was just about to pick up my phone, when I heard the distinct sound of someone moaning. So, mom and Adam were fucking again? But, why were the sounds coming from the living room? I bet they weren't expecting me to come home so early, huh?

With a grin I walked closer, as silently as I could. As I snuck my head around the corner to the living room, I saw Adam sitting on the couch, his legs far apart. Mom sat on her knees between his legs, and sure enough, her head was bobbing up and down. Adam was moaning pretty loudly. Was mom just as into giving head as me? From the sounds Adam was making, it seemed like she had lots of practice at least.

I found myself captivated by what I was witnessing, and to be honest, in that moment I forgot all about my disappointing experience, and a tingling sensation arose between my legs. I looked up at Adam's face, and the look of pleasure in his eyes was mesmerizing.

Suddenly he looked up, seemingly in my direction, and I hurriedly hid behind the corner. I could feel my heart thundering in my chest, fearing having been caught peeking at them.

Adam didn't stop moaning though, so they clearly hadn't stopped what they were doing. Had I gotten away with it? I thought so at least. I kept listening in on them, and after a few moments managed to calm myself down a little. The tingling sensation inside me grew soon after, when I heard Adam telling mom with a grunting sound that he was cumming. I knew that was the signal for me to leave.


Later that night, I texted tom, letting him know everything. My disappointing attempt at a blow-job. Coming home and witnessing mom bobbing her head up and down Adam's shaft. He replied, asking me how it made me feel.

"I'm laying naked in my bed, and I can't stop thinking about it," I texted back, one handed, the other hand between my legs, slowly fingering myself.

"You know, maybe you just need to find the right guy. Someone who's experienced enough to let you explore this on your terms," Tom replied. I knew he was right, and the tingling sensation in my pussy told me exactly who I wanted to explore with. Unfortunately I couldn't tell if he was available, and finding that out had possible consequences that I wasn't ready to face. The answer was to find someone else. The writing was on the wall, but it took me a minute or so to see it.

"You're right. It'd have to be someone I trust, someone I feel comfortable with," I typed, and hit SEND. My fingers trembled, though if it was out of arousal or nervousness I couldn't tell. Perhaps a mix of both.

"Someone like you," I sent, whimpering as my fingers moved over my clit. I bit my lower lip to keep from letting out a loud moan. What the hell was I doing? Proposing to a man I had never met that I give him a blow-job?

"Are you sure about this?" Tom replied instantly. A part of loved him for making sure I felt safe about what I was suggesting, but by now I was so horny that if he was here, I think I would already be on my knees, begging him.

Instead of texting my reply, I used my phone's camera to take a close up picture of my mouth, wide open, keeping the camera low enough to capture my breasts. I knew that, by that time, Tom knew me well enough to get the message.

I'm guessing Tom knew that I knew him well enough as well, as moments later he sent me a picture with a close up of his cock. By the looks of it, it was throbbing, and it looked pretty huge. I could also see that Tom also shaved his crotch, and I licked my lips at the thought of taking it inside my mouth.

"It looks really beautiful. I'll get back to you regarding the when and where," I wrote back. My fingers were still trembling, but now I knew it was from arousal. I even had to put my phone down, and bite down on my hand to keep from moaning, as I felt an orgasm building inside of me, and I knew it would be a big one.


You'd think that after a mind-blowing orgasm I wouldn't have any trouble falling asleep, but rest eluded me. I couldn't stop thinking about watching mom and Adam, and the fact that I had made a deal with Tom to suck his cock.

After a while, I decided to get up and get some water, but yet again my plans were thwarted by the sounds of moaning.

"This is what you get for laying there all naked and sexy," I heard Adam say as I came to their bedroom. Hadn't Adam cum inside mom's mouth not long ago? Was he really that insatiable? I grinned as I snuck my head inside, getting a side-ways view of Adam fucking my mom from behind. Frustratingly I couldn't get a good look at his cock though. Just as I was thinking I shouldn't risk getting caught again, I saw Adam turning his head, and I immediately pulled my head back.