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Antonia jumped as my tongue made initial contact with her slit. A quick lick from bottom to top, removed any nectar that was in danger of escaping. I looked up briefly, locking eyes with her, then winked and dove in.

She growled and grabbed my head, pushing it into her V, encasing my head in her quivering legs. As I started eating her, she moaned, slowly increasing in pitch and volume as she approached her climax. Just as she came, I latched onto her clit, sucking on it as hard as I could. She went apeshit! If she hadn't had my head locked in her thighs, I think she would have thrown me off the bed. She orgasmed hard, screaming and flailing, for a minute or so then collapsed, breathless and shaking, her legs finally releasing me. I made my way back up the bed and cradled her in my arms while she recovered. After ten minutes or so, she looked up at me and stroked my face.

"I just knew that tongue was amazing." She cooed. "Show me what you can do with this." She stroked my erection.

"Gladly." I grinned, carefully settling between her legs, sinking into her quivering depths.

"Oh, fuck!" She exclaimed. "That's a nice one."

Starting slowly, I pumped into her wetness, setting up a pace that seemed to tickle her in all the right places. As she responded, I increased my efforts and before long was really getting into it. I pushed up on my arms so I could watch her breasts bounce and shake with each thrust. The ample flesh jiggled enticingly, inflaming my desire.

Again she started vocalizing, low at first and increasing as she became more aroused. As her second orgasm neared she grunted each time I hit bottom, then held her breath, tensed and exploded. Her first orgasm had been intense, this one registered on the Richter scale. She threw her head back, exhaled and yowled, sounding almost like a wolf howling at the moon. I followed seconds later, filling her sopping slit with my scalding seed making her overflow almost immediately. Our combined juices ran in rivers from her well fucked cunt pooling beneath her ass. Totally satisfied and more than a little over exerted, we fell asleep almost where we lay.

I awoke the next morning, momentarily confused. Once I realized where I was I smiled and hugged the sleeping bundle of beautiful next to me just a bit tighter. She sighed in her sleep and snuggled into my arms. I dozed for a while longer until I felt her stir.

I pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Morning gorgeous."

She giggled and kissed me back. "Hey." She smiled. "Pretty sure I could get used to this."

"I know I could." I grinned right back.

Antonia shifted, then frowned. "Damn."

"Problem?" I asked.

"I'm all sticky." She wrinkled her nose. "And I smell too. I need a shower."

"Go ahead." I said. "I'll go next."

"I can't reach everything that needs washed." She purred. "Would you know anyone who could help me?"

As she turned and walked towards the bathroom, she shot a wicked grin over her shoulder. I was out of bed and on my feet before she made it to the door.

One very interesting shower later we made our way downstairs for a very late breakfast. We were content to make our own, but once the woman in charge of the kitchen found us, we were scolded and shoo'd from the area. We waited in the same alcove we ate dinner in last night while she finished and brought us our food.

"Thank you ma'am." I said, smiling.

"No need to." She explained. "It is my job afterall."

"Still appreciated." I stated.

She nodded then left us alone.

After breakfast, we cleared our dishes then returned to Antonia's room. In the daylight, I got a much better look at it. The main part of the bedroom was probably thirty feet square with her four poster king size bed on one wall. Several floor to ceiling height wardrobes were scattered along the walls. A loveseat and a chair with a footstool rounded out the decor. She has a walk-in closet that was about the size of my bedroom and stuffed to nearly overflowing with clothes and shoes of all styles. She admitted she was addicted to shopping, I believed it after seeing this. Of course she had her own bathroom, we'd already sampled the shower. There was a full size tub as well, along with a vanity with a double sink and another lower counter with a chair, obviously her make-up table. There were two balconies. One had the Jacuzzi, under the glass cover and the other one was open to the sun and wind. We sat out on the balcony overlooking the grounds of the estate. It offered a nice view of the gardens and the swimming pool. The lady from the kitchen brought us some coffee and we sat enjoying the warm sun.

We spent a lazy morning talking and sharing more of our lives with each other. Antonia had asked many questions about my parents. She knew my father had been killed in an accident and I explained the circumstances. He worked at the docks and in a moments inattention, walked under a container as it was being unloaded. The crane malfunctioned causing the container to fall. I think the rest is pretty clear.

"It's strange to think just how fast our world can change." She mused. "It was kind of the same with my mom." Antonia explained. "One day she was fine, the next, she felt a bit ill. Later in the day we took her to the doctor only to find her appendix had burst and she died less than a day later from massive sepsis."

"That must have been very difficult." I sympathized. "At least with my dad, we knew his job was dangerous. Losing your mom like that, out of the blue..."

"Father took it much harder than I did." Antonia admitted. "I loved my mother, but he worshiped her. He was devastated for months. Even now, almost twenty years later, I still see the pain in his eyes."

"My mother never really had time to grieve." I said. "When we lost dad's income, she had to step up and keep a roof over our heads. I helped where I could, running for Vinnie and such, but it was all we could do to survive. If it weren't for scholarships and the help of a few good friends of the family, I'd have never become a doctor. I've taken care of mom ever since. She deserves it."

"You're a good man, Jeff." Antonia praised. "I bet she's really proud of you."

"She is." I chuckled. "She's been trying to marry me off to every available female in the old neighborhood for years. 'You should meet my son the doctor.' she says. I swear she was Jewish in a former life."

Antonia laughed. "I'd like to meet her. She sounds nice."

"We could go later today if you'd like?" I suggested. "I haven't seen her for a couple weeks. We could take her to dinner."

"I'd like that." She agreed.

I called mom later and let her know I was coming to take her out. I did, however, leave out the part where I would be accompanied. I didn't tell Antonia that part either. This should be fun, or they'll gang up and beat me silly.

We were a little early rolling through my old neighborhood. On a hunch, I drove by Vinnie's place. Not surprisingly, he was sitting on his stoop. I pulled up and stopped. "Give me a minute." I told Antonia. "I need to say hello to an old friend."

Vinnie looked up as I approached. "Whatcha' need?" he growled.

"Is that any way to talk to your favorite runner, Vinnie?" I chided.

He looked at me puzzled, then his face lit up. "Jeff?" He said, eyes wide. "Look at you all growed up. It's been a long time."

"It has Vinnie." I apologized. "I should come around more. Just came by to say hello and to thank you for the nice things you told Mr. Salerni about me. It meant alot."

"Didn't say nothin' that wasn't true." Vinnie smiled. "You was a good kid, Jeff. Worked hard, never got caught. You was smart. That your missus in the car?"

"Girlfriend." I grinned. "Let me introduce you. We need to be at my mom's shortly."

We walked over to the car. "Antonia, this is Vinnie. I used to work for him a LONG time ago. Vinnie, Antonia Salerni."

Vinnie grinned then cackled the strange laugh that I remembered from my childhood. "Little Miss Toni. I ain't seen you since you was maybe seven years old. All growed up now, my how time flies."

"Nice to see you again." She smiled.

"You be good to her or Mr. Salerni will have your balls." Vinnie warned.

"I know Vinnie." I chuckled. "Take care, I'll try to get by more often."

"See ya, kid." Vinnie waved.

It only took a few minutes to reach my childhood home. Antonia was a bit surprised at its condition and said so.

"The place is in good repair." I explained. "I don't want it to draw attention, so I keep it looking about like the others in the neighborhood. If it looks too nice, she'll get stolen blind."

"Why don't you move her to a better neighborhood?" She asked.

"This was my father's parents house." I answered. "He grew up here, lived here his whole life. It's all she has left of him. She'll never leave and I'd never ask her to."

Antonia nodded. "Father says the same thing. I've told him that big house is just a money pit, but it has so much of mother in it... I get it."

I opened Antonia's door and helped her out of my car then walked her up to the door. I cracked it open and called in. "Hey mom, I'm here."

"I'll be down in a minute sweetie." She answered.

Antonia and I sat on the couch and waited. Mom came down then stopped dead at the bottom of the stairs. "You didn't tell me you were bring a guest."

I stood walked over and hugged my mother. "Wanted to surprise you. Mom, this is my girlfriend Antonia."

"Girlfriend?" She gasped. "About time. I was beginning to think I'd die before I'd see this."

I blushed and shook my head. "Jeez mom."

She walked over to Antonia and pulled her into a hug. "I'm Lois. Apparently I didn't teach him any manners."

Antonia laughed.

Dinner was something else. We laughed, we cried, mom embarrassed the hell out of me more times than I can count. Overall, a pretty good time. During the meal, Antonia revealed her last name. Mom knew of her father and my dealings with his organization and had nothing but nice things to say about how we were treated and how much we appreciated the extra income. Antonia was surprised. Most of her peers were not so accepting of the Salerni's. This was new ground for her.

After dinner, mom invited us in for coffee. We sat and talked for a while, then said our good byes and left.

"Don't you let her get away, Jeff." Mom chided. "She's a keeper."

"What make you think I have any say in this?" I teased. "I'm lucky she lets me be seen in public with her."

Once back in the car, Antonia spoke. "I like your mother."

"If we break up, she'll keep you instead of me." I said. "She's already planning the names of our kids."

"All parents do that." Antonia chuckled. "Some are just a bit more honest about it than others."

We drove back to the estate, Antonia holding my hand the entire way. It had been a very interesting day. Seeing Vinnie really brought back some memories, good and bad. Seeing mom always left me a bit sad and nostalgic remembering the good times we had with dad. Sometimes I don't realize how much I miss him. I can't even imagine how mom feels.

Antonia could tell I was deep in thought, so she stayed quiet during the drive. Once back in the house, she pulled me into a hug and a passionate kiss. "Time to get out of your head mister." She huffed. "Don't dwell on the sad, remember the good."

"You're right beautiful." I admitted. She already knew me better than anyone, except maybe mom and she just might give her a run for her money.

That evening we took a stroll in the gardens. Antonia explained that her mother had designed the entire layout, but it wasn't completed until after she had passed. She spent her days working on it. Right up until that last day. Gio had it finished to honor her memory.

After the stroll, we had a quick soak in the Jacuzzi, rinsed off in the shower and called it a night. We made love that night. Slowly and lovingly, taking our time. Antonia had a nice orgasm, not earth shaking, but very pleasant and relaxing. We laid together basking in the afterglow and held each other. Antonia was cuddled into my side, her head on my shoulder. At some point, she looked up and caught me looking at her. I looked away quickly.

Antonia sat up. "What?" She asked. "You OK?"

I still couldn't make eye contact with her. "Nothing wrong." I said, unconvincingly.

"Talk to me, Jeff." She implored. "Don't shut me out."

"It's stupid." I said. "Just me being... well stupid."

Antonia took my hands in hers. "If it's bothering you, it's not stupid."

I heaved a heavy sigh. "You know my past." I started. "I've had a few girlfriends. It never amounted to much. For whatever reason, we always drifted apart. Nothing I could really put a finger on, just never developed into anything lasting."

"OK." Antonia nodded.

"I've never been in love." I admitted. "I have no idea what it feels like. At least I didn't think I did. You bring out feelings in me I've never had before. I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" She asked.

"Everything." I answered. "I think I'm falling in love with you, but I'm terrified it's just some... "

Antonia put her finger on my lips. "Well, I have been in love before." She smiled. "And what I feel for you is exactly that. I love you, Jeff. I think what you are feeling is the same. I admit it can be overwhelming and terrifying, but in the end it's totally worth it."

"What about Paul?" I inquired.

"I did love him." She explained. "He was the one that broke that trust, not me. Do I think that will happen to us? I don't. You're afraid you'll hurt me if you're wrong. I get it, but sometimes you just have to jump. That's why it's called a leap of faith. Have faith, Jeff. Jump. I'll jump with you."

I stared into those beautiful hazel eyes and the clouds parted, the skies cleared. I was no longer confused. Of course I loved her. I'm an idiot. The thought of her not being in my life was paralyzing. That's what I was afraid of. Not loving her, but losing her. I hugged her, sobbing like a baby. Finally the emotions that had been at war within me were quiet. I was happy, happier than I'd ever been. Once I'd regained control, I peered deep in those loving eyes. "I love you, Antonia. I'll never doubt that again."

"I love you too." She smiled, eyes welling with tears.

I fell asleep in her arms, content, clear-headed and most of all absolutely sure I was in love with the most wonderful woman ever to grace the planet. How did I ever get so lucky?

And to think I almost didn't answer that call.

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Lived every bit of the story except for the quick ending. LM

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

For Romantics: Well worth the read!!!!!

J6480J64804 months ago

Enjoyed it thanks

wwaldripwwaldrip5 months ago

Excellent story really enjoyed reading it very captivating.

sg1010sg10106 months ago

A Very Enjoyable read, I Was CAPTIVATED !


RimmerdalRimmerdal8 months ago

Romance stories are great.

Try 'Nightingale' another great one.

SatyrDickSatyrDick10 months ago


Que Romantique!


Starwolf1961Starwolf1961about 1 year ago

As for the previous commenter who says romances "don't fly" as stories. All stories have merit, based on the value the writer imparts and the emotions the reader has invoked by the story. Yours, bleeep, are exceptional! There's no "blah, blah, blah" here. Just a truly heartfelt story, well thought out, and presented well. I'll go with my usual 5 stars, thank you. KUDOS!

AccelarVesterAccelarVesterover 1 year ago

Sweet, gentle love story.

TheArtfulCodgerTheArtfulCodgerover 1 year ago

An enjoyable journey. The aggressive handling of the breasts always confuses me. l learned long ago to take your time and work up to it, unless they have implants, then they can't feel shit anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So, why do we write romance stories? The mundane boy meets girl blah blah simply doesn't fly as a story. A LOT was said in this. Well done.

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Nice enough. Well written and understand the sentiments but sometimes felt and expected the ex to re-appear causing havoc or and attack on her family, neither of which materialised. I suppose the drama was at the beginning when Jeff operated on Antony. However still worthy of 5 ⛤

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When I fug out it was a mob story, I almost stopped. Glad I didn't. Would lie 4-5 sequels, since it was short.

Oh, yeah! Forgot to rate. Hmm? 2 or 3? No! 2+3 !

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Very interesting story!


muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Awesome start, very romantic. Needs a HEA though. 5/5

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