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"I'm off!" she said with a smile.

"Thank you, Cassandra. You're going to ace the exam," he said confidently.

She smiled and nodded. Collecting her stuff, she slipped her running shoes on and rushed out of the apartment.

As she climbed into the bus outside the building, she felt the last of the tingles in her body calming. Andre looked so good on that sofa bed it was almost impossible to stop herself from climbing on next to him.

She pushed that aside as she had to concentrate on the exam and the better future it would bring them.


Andre listened to his sister lock the door and breathed a sigh of relief. His cock was going to break in two if he didn't release the pressure. He put his dinner on the end table next to the milk and grabbed some tissues from the box there.

Next, he struggled to push his shorts down to his thighs, and his erection throbbed as it was finally released from its prison.

Taking it in his hand, he couldn't get over how hard he'd become! He stroked it up and down as his mind took him to the memory of Cassandra drying his hair. He felt a sudden surge of lust and stroked himself faster. He didn't know why her grip on his hair felt so much different from Mrs. Jäger's. There was almost no comparison to how those two separate sensations felt. When his sister touched his body, even through the towel, it felt like she was cleansing him. His body no longer felt defiled or impure by the teacher's actions. When Cassandra touched his cock--Andre grunted as his orgasm struck hard and fast, bliss blasting through his mind and leaving him gasping as he caught his cum in the tissues.

Panting from the exertion, he carefully cleaned himself and grabbed more tissues to finish that off.

He needed to dispose of the evidence, which meant a long, painful walk back to the bathroom.

He sighed. It had to be done. He didn't want Cassandra to know of his guilty pleasure.

When he finally made it back to the bed, he ate the sandwiches, drank the milk, and took the dishes to the sink to wash them. Moving around, as painful as it was, seemed to relieve the tightness in his muscles. He shuffled back to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. His strength was reaching its limit, so he made his way back to bed, pulled off his shirt, and tucked himself in with a grunt. He left the lights on for Cassandra.

With her face and her soothing touch fresh in his memory, he felt sleep dragging him under.


Andre awoke to the most wonderful sensation. He was on his back, but his entire left side was being pressed against something warm and soft.

The lights were off, and that meant Cassandra was home... and sleeping in his bed!

She was breathing on him, and he picked up the spicy scent of rum.

She'd celebrated with her friends after the exam.

God, she felt good!

Her large breasts were squeezed against him, and one of her legs was resting on his. That felt too good, but he didn't want to wake her.

Once more, he marveled at how different her touch was compared to anyone else's.

Pondering that, he drifted off.

Chapter 11

Cassandra woke, rubbing her thighs together as she felt the most delicious sensations.

At first, she wasn't sure where she was, and her mind went back to the night before.

The exam had been easier than expected, even with the trick question that could have cost her fifteen points if she'd missed it, and she was elated when she left the school. Several of the ladies in her class joined her, and they went to a nearby pub to celebrate. She'd been drinking rum and cokes--a hand squeezed her breast, and her breath gusted out as it felt so fucking good!

Then she felt the ridge of fat cock slowly rubbing up and down between her ass cheeks. That felt even better.

She suddenly recognized the lamp on the table next to her sofa. She was in Andre's bed.

Andre's arm was around her, and his hand was massaging her breast.

He was spooning her, and that was his cock sliding between her ass cheeks.

She sucked in a sharp breath in surprise.

The noise made Andre wake with a snort. He suddenly yanked his arm back and tried to slide back from her, but she'd already pushed him right to the edge, so he fell out of bed with a thump.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Andre exclaimed fearfully from the floor.

She sat up and looked at him, raising her palms to calm him. "Shhh, it's okay, Andre. It's not your fault, and I'm not upset." She shook her head and rubbed at her bleary eyes. "I don't remember getting into your bed last night when I got home. I had some drinks... probably too many." She glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes before, her alarm would have gone off, anyway. She wouldn't be late.

"I'm going to take my shower," she said and slid out of the other side of the bed. She felt Andre's eyes on her ass as she walked around the corner to head to her bedroom.

She turned off her alarm, grabbed some fresh underwear, and went into the bathroom.

While the hot water sprayed down on her, she slid her fingers into her pussy and finished the orgasm she'd been building to.

As she came back to Earth, she shook her head in dismay. What the fuck was she going to do? Her libido was taking control of her life! She needed to find a man, other than her brother, who got her motor revving as much as he did. She needed this, and so did Andre. He didn't need his sister obsessing over him.

Then she recalled she needed to call the principal to tell him about the touching. She'd do that on the way to work. Speaking of which, she had to get moving.

She'd be getting her grade later this week, and the following week Andre would be graduating. They already talked about not attending the actual ceremony. He didn't want to go, and that was fine with her. She was proud enough of his achievements. Especially considering what he'd gone through.


Andre made sure he made lunch for his sister, and her stuff was all ready for her when she left. She smiled sweetly at him as she headed out the door.

He was still shaken by what had happened this morning. Waking with his fingers buried in the softness of Cassandra's large breast while he humped her round ass was... he couldn't think of something to compare it to. It was a pinnacle experience, to say the least. That said, he'd been terrified that she would hate him for the liberties he'd taken in his sleep. But once more, his sister's compassion and understanding surpassed his expectations. He wasn't worthy of her, but he was blessed with every moment he had with her.

He made his breakfast and got ready for school.

His body felt heavy this morning. The stiffness in his muscles was still there, but he hoped it would fade as he walked to school.

Speaking of which, it was time to go. He'd be able to study the math text in the library before the day began if he left now.


Harry Wallace sent out yet another message to the teachers who had Andre Marin in their class. This time it was a notice that they were not to physically touch him. He carefully worded the message to ensure no one was targeted as a toucher, but he also indicated there would be no leniency for offenders.

He'd had a call this morning from Andre's sister, stating she'd come home the previous night to find her brother in a state of severe distress from being touched by Mr. Cochrane. Unsolicited touching was not something her brother could deal with after his previous privacy breach. Ms. Marin requested he make that clear to his teachers.

He agreed to her request and crafted the message to send to the same recipients he'd informed about the new seating arrangements for Andre.

The school year was almost over, and Harry was looking forward to its completion.


Ilsa sat in her car, staring at the email from the principal as waves of cold rushed through her body.

She was convinced last night that Andre was completely under her control and wouldn't speak a word of what they'd done to a soul.

Now, this.

Still, the message didn't seem like the response one could expect from such an activity. She looked again and saw the email had only been sent to a few teachers. Each of them had Andre in their class. It was the same recipient list as the previous message for moving his desk to the back of the room.

What did that mean?

Ilsa frowned as she decided she couldn't have been wrong about her control over him. If Andre had told anyone that one of his teachers touched him sexually, this message would not have been sent out.

She got out of her car, locked it, and walked toward the school.

She'd be extra careful today, and if she felt there was any possibility of disclosure, she'd postpone their activity.

The school year was almost over, and she'd waited so long to make her move. Now it felt like she was running out of time.

Ilsa spent the previous evening trying to work out a plan to get Andre alone someplace where she could properly explore the possibilities. She determined the best place was her home, which she'd have to herself next week. Then her husband told her he'd canceled his trip to New York as they went to bed. She'd been so furious with him she took forever to get to sleep.

She sighed as she entered the building. She smiled at the principal, who was approaching the door to his outer office. She lifted her cell as she held his eyes and gave him a curious look. It was a bold move if she was suspected of sexual interference, but Wallace just smiled, then rubbed his face wearily. He glanced around and saw they were alone.

"Mr. Marin was very agitated when he got home last night. He informed his sister that a teacher had touched him while he was working out. I've already spoken with Mr. Cochrane, but Ms. Marin was insistent I communicate this message to all his teachers."

"I find it difficult to believe Mr. Cochrane is a toucher," she said, containing her own relief.

The principal snorted and shook his head. "He isn't. He just touched the boy's shoulder to get his attention, but Andre's earlier exposure issue has made him overly sensitive to that. So, no touching."

Ilsa smiled and nodded to Harry, then moved on to get to her classroom.

She struggled to control her expression, as her relief was profound.

She'd been right. Andre was hers. He'd kept their secret even from his sister.

It just made her anticipation for tonight's interlude that much more feverish!


Steph and Brigette stood outside the library, keeping an eye on their target. They were also aware that the school year, and their high school career, was ending within a week.

Both had cut loose from their idiot boyfriends and felt they'd made the right decision there. However, they had some unfinished business, and it was sitting inside the room before them.

They weren't sure why they were trying so hard to make friends with the reclusive student. He'd made it clear he didn't want to party with them. Of course, he'd also said he didn't hate them.

He was attractive when he showed his face. His body was intensely sexy. They knew he was super smart, as he seemed to ace all his tests and exams. But he was terribly awkward, socially. That's what they wanted to help with, and if they got closer to that sexy body of his in the process, that would be good, too.

Mary and Lindsay told them it was time to give up, and Brigette was almost convinced, but Steph was tenacious, and Brigette always followed her lead.

"Here he comes," she said to Steph.

As Andre stepped out into the hall on his way to homeroom, Brigette and Steph stepped up beside him to keep pace.

"Good morning, Andre," Brigette said with a smile.

He quickly turned his head, and dark eyes flicked to her face, then to Steph's. He nodded briefly.

"The school year is almost over. Do you have plans for college?" Steph asked.

His eyes returned to her. "MIT."

Steph grinned widely. "That's a great school! Congratulations."

"Very impressive, but you get great grades, so I guess it's not surprising," Brigette offered.

"You'll be moving away pretty soon, I guess," Steph suggested.

He nodded but said nothing.

Brigette glanced at Steph, who nodded to get her to continue.

"Before you head off to Cambridge and the college environment, maybe we could get together, and we could give you some pointers. You know, things to watch out for at college?"

"No, thank you." Andre dipped his head to them politely, then picked up his pace and left them behind.

Brigette sagged. "They were right. We have to give up. He just doesn't know how to, or want to, connect with people."

Steph watched Andre with a frustrated look as he slipped into the classroom.

She knew Brigette was right... but there was something about Andre that made her want to keep trying.

Maybe Kevin was right, too. Maybe she was stupid.


Andre sat at the back of the class and did his best to not look at Mrs. Jäger during the period. He'd completed the work, and he knew it was perfect, so he didn't really need to follow along during the class. She didn't call on him, though he knew she knew he had the solutions.

He noticed Steph MacGraw glanced back at him once. She had an odd expression on her face, and he didn't know what it meant.

Soon the class was over, and the teacher mentioned they'd be doing a review tomorrow. Everyone knew the year was over, but they were coasting to the end. There was just tomorrow, then one last weekend before the last week of school.

The last bell had rung, so the students were quickly fleeing the room and the school. He remained where he was and caught another curious look from Steph as she joined the mass exodus.

He saw the teacher walk to the door as the second to last student left. She gestured for him to move to the desk he'd been in yesterday. As he did, she remained by the door, watching the halls quickly empty.

Andre pulled the advanced math textbook from his bag and opened it to the section she'd told him to review.

She left the door open and wandered back to stand next to him.

"You read it?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Did any of the exercises give you any trouble?" she asked with a hint of a smile on her lips.

He nodded. "Number three couldn't be completed. A typo in the formula? I moved the closing bracket to the left and was able to solve the problem."

"Very good. That formula was fixed in the textbook's reprint, but I think the error is more helpful for identifying truly gifted students." She smiled at him proudly. "Give me your work."

He handed her a piece of paper he'd written out his answers on. She reviewed this as she walked back to the door. She stepped to the edge of the hall and looked in all directions as she pretended to read the paper.

She stepped back in and closed the door, flipping the lock. She looked at him. "Start reading the next unit."

He glanced at her, but she was looking at his paper, so he turned the page in the book and began to read.

His chest felt tight, but he didn't know what to do about it, so he kept his head down.

Maybe today they'd just do the math?


She knew he'd catch the error, and she was very pleased he'd gone beyond and offered a solution and the correct one. Very few students had made an attempt when she tested them on it.

She closed the blinds on the door, then turned off two sets of overhead lights, leaving the front ones on. She saw Andre's head was over the page. She smiled and repeated her trip around her classroom, preparing it for their time together. She felt her excitement make her juices flow.

Soon she'd enjoy this beautiful man once more.


From her vantage point of the bathroom doorway down the hall from the math class, Steph saw the teacher had Andre sitting up at the front reading a book. When Mrs. Jäger walked toward the door, Steph ducked back and listened.

After she heard the door closing, the snap of its lock echoed down the empty corridor. Steph stepped out of her hiding place and walked toward the door, wondering why she'd locked them in. Then she saw the light under the door dim. She was turning the lights off?

Steph rushed forward, but the blinds on the door had no gaps, and she could hear nothing. She wasn't about to lie on the floor to try listening through the crack under the door.

This was seriously suss. There had to be another way to see what was going on in there.


Ilsa made her way along the windows, closing the old blinds while keeping an eye on Andre, but he was eagerly devouring the pages with his eyes. She smiled, as they were kindred spirits.

Once the windows were taken care of, she moved behind him and removed her clothes. Her nipples felt hard as diamond as if they anticipated his mouth on them.

She slipped her fingers into his hair once more and sighed at its silky softness. She felt Andre freeze in place and slowly tightened her grip as she brought her mouth down to his ear.

"I'm very pleased with you, Andre," she purred. "My network told me you were very obedient and kept our secret. That obedience deserves a reward."

She pulled his head back and saw his eyes had that glassy, dazed appearance once more. His lips were open, and she pressed hers to them as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. He tasted so good!

Ilsa pulled back from the kiss, then tugged him to his feet. She grabbed the hem of his sweater and shirt, pulling both up his body. He wasn't resisting, but she had to make him lift his arms.

Once his torso was exposed to her eyes, Ilsa ran her hands over the hard planes of his chest and stomach. Fuck! His muscles were so hard, yet his skin was so soft!

She pinched and tugged his nipples, causing him to gasp and lean toward her.

Ilsa turned him and walked him back to the edge of her desk as she held his nipples. Once he was leaning on the desk, she released her grip and squatted down before him to undo his belt and pants. These, and his underwear, went down his legs, and she tugged his boots off with his clothes. Then she was staring at his thickening cock. Her mouth watered, and she wasted no further time before taking the head into her mouth.

Andre moaned, sending a shiver through her body. Gripping the base, she pumped her mouth over the end of his cock, forcing more and more of it inside. He wasn't completely erect yet, which meant his cock wasn't as large as it would become, but it also wasn't completely stiff. She needed her hands to stuff it deeper. Her eyes were rolling back with the sheer sexiness of her efforts. She could feel his pulse throbbing in her mouth as his cock continued to stiffen.

Finally, he swelled to full size, and for just a moment, Ilsa felt trapped by the thick meat filling her mouth, pressing against the back of her throat. Her mouth drooled uncontrollably as she fought her impulse to pull away.

Her instinct finally won, and she yanked her head back, spit splashing across her cleavage. She panted as her eyes drank in the slick dark skin of Andre's swollen cock.

He was panting too, arms behind him, braced against the desk's surface.

Ilsa grinned wickedly as she held his eyes. "Now for your reward."

She chuckled deeply as she saw his eyes widen. She imagined he probably thought he'd already received it.

Reaching back, she undid her bra clasp and freed her big tits. Her cleavage was already lubricated, and his cock was slick with spit, so when she squeezed her heavy breasts around his cock, it easily slid between them. His hot flesh was enveloped by her firm breasts, and Andre moaned quietly once more.

Ilsa's face was heating up as her lust surged. Pulling sexy sounds from this beautiful man with her big fake tits was making her incredibly excited.

She needed to get this cock inside her now!


Steph cursed as she pushed her way through the prickly hedges to get near the windows to Jäger's classroom. Her arms were scratched by nasty dead branches, but she'd finally gotten into the gap between the building and the row of hedges.