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She stared in dismay at the closed blinds. Cursing silently, she looked for an opening, but the only things she saw were the notches in the Venetian blinds for the guide strings. One of the slats had a triangular chip missing from one of these notches. It was higher than she could look through, but she had an idea. She pulled out her cell, turned on its camera, and set it to video. Starting the recording, she lifted the phone up and carefully placed it against the window's surface. She silently nudged it upward until the camera lens lined up with the small triangular hole in the blinds.

The picture was blurry, and she was about to give up when the image suddenly focused sharply on the desk inside. She stared in shock at the cell's screen.

Holy Fuck!


Andre was stretched out over the desk once more, pinned there under the teacher's body. Mrs. Jäger was sitting on his cock, trapping it against his stomach as she ground her pussy along its length. She was facing his feet, so he turned his face away from her to stare at the windows.

"Now to get this monster inside me," she moaned.

She got her feet under her and lifted herself up as she gripped his cock to point it at her wet pussy. She couldn't maintain the awkward position and dropped, driving half of him deep into her.

"FUCK!" she gasped aloud, the word echoing slightly in the empty classroom. She froze, looking toward the door. She was squirming atop his cock, trying to keep herself from dropping further.

Andre felt her muscles shaking, and fearing her anger, he reached down and placed his hands under her ass cheeks, taking the load on his arms. She gasped quietly, then looked over her shoulder at him in surprise.

When no one came to investigate her cry, she relaxed and slid her feet back slightly to give herself more leverage. She lifted herself until just the head of his cock enjoyed the heat of her pussy, then she allowed herself to drop slowly to take more inside. She did this several times, dropping further each time. Finally, she knocked his arms away and let herself fall with a wet slap against his body.

"Fuck, you feel so good inside me. You're the only one who fills me up so well. My husband's pathetic penis can't compare to this!" she sighed as she rocked back and forth, getting accustomed to his girth.

He wasn't moving to help intensify the sensations, so she reached back and twisted his nipple. He gave out a quiet cry of pain, then moved for her. She smiled.

Andre gripped the sides of the desk and turned his face away once more. The sensations flooding his body were intense and good, but he didn't want to be experiencing them with this woman. He felt unclean. He gasped as she lifted and dropped herself on him.

He hoped she finished soon.


Ilsa bit her plump lower lip as the intense sensations rippled through her pussy. Her legs were tiring, but she was almost there. Her earlier drop had nearly caused her to lose control, as it sent such a sharp and intense spike of bliss and pain through her at once.

Now, her pussy was aching, but her release was racing closer with every little movement. She was perspiring from the effort to keep herself balanced over his gorgeous cock. She was completely infatuated with it.

Her legs were threatening to cramp, so she looked over her shoulder. "I'm almost there! Help lift me!" she snapped.

She saw he was looking away, but there was a tear on his face when he turned toward her. She didn't want to see that! "Help me!" she said crossly.

He put his hands under her ass again and lifted her almost all the way off his cock. Her legs let her drop on his body with a wet slap. He then lifted her again with a grunt of effort.

Again and again, she crashed down onto his cock. Her head was thrown back as her mind filled with bliss. It was heaven, and she was right on the edge of a colossal orgasm. Almost there!

She wanted more, so she pushed with her legs as he lifted. The head slipped out and slipped up to press against her asshole. She yelped and tried to twist clear as she grabbed at his hands. Instead, she knocked them away as her feet slipped on the sweaty desk surface.

Andre's slick cock speared deep into her ass until she landed on his body with a thump.

Ilsa's mouth was open in a silent scream as her ass felt like it might be on fire. She toppled backward, and Andre caught her, lowering her to rest back against his chest. His hands didn't know where to go, so he moved them to her breasts to pinch and tug on her nipples.

She didn't know her jaw could drop open any further, but it did when he grabbed her thick nipples between his fingers and thumbs to roughly pull them. Her mind threatened to white out as the most intense release she'd ever experienced in her life ripped through her. She felt her pussy squirting, and her senses filled with the blaze of a blast furnace.

Her head was tucked next to Andre's, upside down and facing the windows as huge tremors shook her body. Her tongue was sticking out as it felt like it was trying to leave her body, driven away by this mighty intruder.

Suddenly, she felt Andre squeezing her tits hard as his cock jetted stream after stream of hot cum deep into her bowels. She gasped again as it felt so primal and good!

Her ass was still the focal point of an intense burning, and she knew she was in trouble, but her body wouldn't let her do anything about it. She was still coming down from her bliss/pain.

Andre quickly released her breasts and pulled his hands back to grip the desk. This jostled Ilsa, and new fire erupted from her ass.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck," she moaned pitifully.

Her body didn't want to move, but she needed to get up and remove this beast from inside her ass.

"Andre, sit us up, slowly," she whispered in a strained voice.

He got his elbows against the desktop and pushed to get them moving upward.

When she was sitting upright on his lap, gritting her teeth against the pain, he spun their legs off the edge of the desk and slid them off onto their feet.

"Slow! Do it slow--"

He slid his hands under her armpits and lifted her in the air, pulling his softening cock from her ass in one quick movement.

She yelped weakly then again as he set her down on her chair. She was wincing from the pain as he rushed to the bookcase to grab some tissues.

Ilsa struggled to open her eyes to look at him and saw he was frantically wiping his cock with the napkins. Then he rushed to pull on his clothes and fled from the room before she could get her wits together to speak. She huffed at the closed door. She wanted to plan for the weekend but considering how she felt at the moment, waiting until next week made more sense.

Taking him into her ass hadn't been her plan at all today, but done correctly and slowly, she knew she could expect to have equally intense orgasms like she'd had today.

And after the taste she got, she wanted many more.


Andre was gone, and Steph was in a state of shock.

At first, what she was filming was intensely hot! They both had beautiful bodies, and their movements were making her so fucking wet!

Then she saw Andre's expression. He wasn't happy. He didn't want to be there. That didn't make sense to her. How could he be having sex if he wasn't interested?

That's when she saw Jäger hurt him. She hadn't looked happy with him at that point. Was he under her control, somehow?

Maybe she was threatening his grade in her class. No. He'd said he was going to MIT, so he must have already been accepted.

Her camera was recording the teacher's slow, painful efforts to get dressed, so she stopped the video and carefully pulled the phone from the window to slip it into her pocket.

She still had to extricate herself from the damn bushes.

When she did, she was going directly to Brigette's house. She needed to talk to her bestie to get her advice.

This was bigger than she knew how to handle.

She felt sorry for Andre. Now she thought she might understand why he acted like he did.


Andre ran home once more and immediately stripped in the bathroom. He wanted to burn his clothes, but he couldn't afford new ones and wouldn't add the expense to Cassandra's bills. He'd settle with washing them.

After he washed himself.

He got the shower running, then rummaged under the sink to grab a new loofa sponge. He stopped as he remembered her telling him to never touch her stuff. The sensation of his skin crawling made him grab the sponge from the back of the cupboard and tear off the packaging. He'd buy a new one for Cassandra on the weekend.

Stepping into the spray, he soaked his body, then began scrubbing from his face downwards with the rough sponge. He was as careful as he could be when he got to his cock, but that was a little painful. Then he scrubbed himself with soap, rinsed, and began again. After a final rinse, he turned off the water and got out. The loofa went into the garbage can right away.

His skin felt like he'd been wrestling with a belt sander, especially his groin, but the creepy feeling was mostly gone. Looking in the mirror, he saw his skin was red and irritated, but that would go away, eventually.

He put on his shorts and t-shirt, stuffed his clothes into the laundry bag, and went down to the basement to the laundry room. The machines were quiet, so he dumped the clothes in two of them, one for whites and the other for colors, and got them going.

Music playing in his earbuds, he sat in a chair to wait and tried to ignore the screaming in his head. Everything would be okay. Cassandra would be home soon. They were ordering pizza tonight!


Brigette squirmed on her playroom sofa as she gaped at her big-screen TV showing the video her bestie had taken this afternoon. They'd copied it from her cell onto Brigette's laptop, which streamed the video to the TV.

She glanced over at Steph and saw the woman was staring at the screen, too.

Mary and Lindsay were watching with rapt attention as well. They'd shown up unexpectedly just before Steph called her to say she was almost there and had something she needed to see.

When Brigette asked them, Lindsay and Mary said they didn't know Steph was coming over.

They were stunned to see Mrs. Jäger having sex with Andre. The picture was very clear and extremely explicit.

Once the video finished, they looked at each other.

"What should I do?" Steph asked.

"Post it!" Mary immediately said.

Brigette gaped at her friend. "We'd be just as bad as Greg and our ex's. Andre didn't deserve that!"

"Oh, come on! He just had sex with the hottest female teacher at school!" Lindsay argued.

Steph gaped at them. "Didn't you see his expression? He wasn't enjoying himself! He looked upset!"

"With a cock like that, you were looking at his face?" Mary gasped with a grin.

"What is wrong with you?" Steph exclaimed angrily as she stood up.

Brigette suddenly noticed Steph's leg was red. "You're bleeding!" she cried. She leaped to her feet and guided her friend out of the room to the bathroom. Steph sat on the toilet fuming as Brigette got a facecloth, wet it, and washed the blood from her legs.

"How did you get so scratched up?" she asked.

Steph broke from her anger to glance down. "The windows are blocked by old hedges. It was a tight squeeze--I can't believe they didn't see how upset he was!" she exclaimed again.

Brigette nodded. She knew Steph needed to get this out of her system.


Back in the playroom, Lindsay was busy with Brigette's laptop.

"Which forum are you posting it to?" Mary asked with a grin.

"Under r/MassiveCock, of course!" Lindsay giggled.

"Ooo! Don't forget to cross-post it to r/HotWife, r/Cuckold, and r/NSFWHardcore!" Mary gasped excitedly.

Lindsay nodded and watched the file transfer.

"There's no way this is going to get back to Steph or Brigette, right?" Mary asked, suddenly nervous.

Lindsay shook her head. "I stripped the tags from the video, I'm posting it anonymously, and Brigette's laptop is using a VPN to hide her IP address."

Mary gave her friend an impressed look. "You know your shit!"

Lindsay nodded with a proud smile. "Who do you think installed the VPN on her machine? I swear, most people know nothing about taking these precautions."

"Greg and his boy toy did, but they still got caught," Mary reminded her.

"They started the attack in a closed school network. Idiots!" Lindsay said scornfully.

When the upload was done, they sat back and smiled at each other. They'd drop a few hints in a few inboxes tonight when they got home. They couldn't wait to see the explosions this would create.

This school year was going to end with a bang!


At eleven-thirty, just before he headed off to bed with his frigid wife Ilsa, Derek Savage received a call from Keith Danson, senior partner at the law firm he worked for. The man had never called him at home and certainly never this late.


"Derek? This is Keith Danson."

"Yes, Mr. Danson. What can I do for you?"

The older man sighed. "A very serious breach of ethics has been reported to me by Bennington, of all people."

Derek couldn't stop the snort from escaping as everyone in the law firm was aware of the man's inability to resist a skirt. He was one of the original four at the firm, so that gave him some immunity.

"Yes, I agree," the man said, then cleared his throat. "Unfortunately, this breach affects you."

Derek froze. "What?"

"Bennington found a video posted on something called a subreddit forum, called HotWife. He sent me a link, and I admit I watched it. In the video... your wife is having sex with a student, presumably at her school."

"WHAT?" Derek yelled.

"I assume by your response that you were unaware of her activities?" Keith asked gently.

"No... I mean, yes. I had no idea, sir. I can't believe it," he whispered, stunned by the betrayal... but not.

"I'll send you the link, but Bennington insisted the video is... what did he say... trending? It can be easily found... by you and by our firm's clients. Your wife is very identifiable in the video. This brings me to the unfortunate task of letting you know the firm will be forced to terminate your employment."

"What?" he gasped.

"The scandal this will cause is going to shake the confidence of our client base. It might even jeopardize some cases we're currently working on. I'm sorry, Derek. You're a damn good lawyer, but Bennington got the other senior partners to agree to this before he contacted me. There's nothing I can do."

"I see. I'm sorry to place you in this circumstance, but truthfully, I didn't see it coming," he admitted.

"She's your blind spot," Keith said gently.

"What the heart wants is not necessarily the smartest choice," Derek agreed.

There was a moment of silence. "Damn, I'm going to miss you at the firm," the old man sighed.

Derek felt a lump in his throat. "I'm going to miss working with you as well, sir."

"When you come in tomorrow to collect your things, do your best to ignore anything that lech Bennington might say. He really is a piece of human trash, and you're a far better man than he'll ever be. I'd like to take you out to lunch if that would be okay," Danson suggested.

Derek smiled. "I'd like that."

"You're going to land on your feet, son. You're too good of a lawyer to do less."

"Thank you, sir. Please send me the link. I need to know what's she's done so I can take steps to get my life back."

"Will do. See you tomorrow," Keith replied.

Derek hung up and walked back to his desk. He dropped himself into his chair, dropped his cell onto the surface, then rubbed his face with his hands. After a few breaths, he reached over and powered up his laptop, and took it through the login process. Checking his mail, he saw some messages from Danson. One was the termination notice with the official document attached. The second was just a link. Bracing himself, he clicked on the link.

He wasn't as prepared as he thought when the video began playing. She was so lovely, even with those ridiculously large breasts. Seeing her cheating felt like a punch in the gut.

But it hurt less than it might have if he hadn't had so many nights of her bitter words and looks. Maybe he was more prepared than he thought.

Then he caught the expression on her partner's face. He wasn't smiling. Huh.

Derek saved a copy of the video locally, then read the document Danson sent him. It was damning and would seriously jeopardize his chances of landing another partnership in any of the larger corporate law firms. He saw Bennington's hand at work. The man had it in for him, but there was nothing he could do to prove that.

He leaned back in his chair and cast his eyes over the pictures on his office walls. Many had been taken at the firm's parties. Ilsa looked so good in many of them, but he could see Bennington in some, watching his wife with covetous eyes. Derek snorted. He could have her.

"So... what's next for Derek?" he thought.

His eyes landed on a picture of him on the beach with his college buddies. Freddie had the widest smile of the bunch as he'd gotten laid the night before. The man had phenomenal luck with the ladies. How he ended up a divorce lawyer was beyond Derek's understanding, but the man had made a very successful career out of it.

Derek froze as he remembered Fred offering him a job if he ever tired of working at a stuffy old firm.

He picked up his cell and sent a text to him. "You up?"

Seconds later, the response came back. "Yes. Are you okay, man?"

Once more, Derek fought back a lump in his throat. Freddie knew. "Not so good. You saw?"

Freddie was a little larger than life, so his answer to that was immediate and bold.

"Buddy, she doesn't deserve you! Give me the word, and I will crush her in the courtroom!"

Derek smiled. He knew he could rely on his friend.

"I was terminated from my position at the firm. Distancing themselves from the scandal."


Derek laughed as he saw the emojis of dancing and praying people. He realized he wanted this. Working with Freddie would lift his spirits like nothing else, and he really needed it.

"I'm going to take you up on both offers. I want to hire you to represent me in the divorce, and I'd like to join your firm. If you're willing to take on a lawyer tainted by this scandal."

"YA, BABY! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!" flashed back on his cell. "You need to get out of that house right now. Come over to my place and we'll get started!"

Derek chuckled to himself, feeling better already. He nodded. "See you shortly," he texted back.

He had a plan and a promise to uphold to Mr. Danson.

He was going to land on his feet.

If Ilsa got kicked to the curb and driven over by a garbage truck in the process, too bad for her.

Chapter 12

Cassandra smiled as she enjoyed the feeling of warmth from the delicious breakfast Andre made her this morning. She couldn't get over how doting he'd been last night when she got home and this morning. Dinner had been one of her favorites. Delicious spaghetti with a rich meat sauce. He got her a little single serving of ice cream for dessert, and while he cleaned up, he got her situated on the couch to watch a movie. He joined her and gave her a foot massage afterward. Her breakfast this morning was ready after she got dressed.

She thought he was a little over-eager, which rang some alarm bells for her, but he assured her he just wanted to make sure she was happy.

She collected her carryall and slipped on her shoes as she unlocked the front door. She turned back to smile at him as she pulled the door open. He returned her smile, then it dropped away suddenly as he looked past her. She turned to look and saw Principal Wallace standing in the hallway with two other men she didn't recognize.