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Ilsa pushed harder and gasped loudly as he sank deeper inside. Fuck, he was opening her up! She lifted slightly, then slammed herself down. She slapped a hand over her mouth to contain her cries, as this was nothing like she'd ever felt before. One more lift and drop, and she was sitting on him with his thick cock buried deep inside her body. The head was pressing against her cervix a bit uncomfortably, but even the idea of that was so fucking sexy, she craved more. She could feel his rapid pulse throbbing inside her, and she needed to move. She began drawing him out, then slamming back down to get it all back inside. She did it again, then a little faster. It was getting easier as she bathed his cock in her wetness. She was also opening up to his girth, and that felt incredible. It all felt so illicitly sexy. She leaned over his body, pressing her fat tits against the hard muscles of his chest, and she realized she was right. He did feel like marble under her! He was hot, smooth marble that trembled and shuddered.

She sank her fingers into his hair and thrust her tongue into his mouth as she pounded her pussy over his cock faster and faster.

She pulled back from the kiss. "Squeeze my tits in your big hands!" she insisted, then returned to kissing him.

He brought his hands to her large breasts and squeezed, rubbing his thumbs over her stiff nipples. She felt the power in his hands and knew he could inflict great pain with them, but she was in control.

That was the trigger for Ilsa, and she grunted into his mouth as her pussy clamped down on his cock, holding him deep inside. She pulled his hair, and he moaned, his cock finally surging hot come into her depths.

"FUCK YES!" she screamed internally. Feeling the heat of his come filling her was a sensation she thought she might never feel again. The fantasy she'd maintained since she'd received the picture had been exceeded by the actual experience. Andre was everything she'd dreamed he could be.

She wouldn't give him up. Now that she'd had this taste, she wanted more and in different ways. She still had an orifice she would need to introduce to his cock gradually, as he was dauntingly large. She shivered in anticipation.

Andre was shivering too, and she smiled down at him. She kissed his cheeks tenderly, and he closed his eyes. He tried to turn his head, but she took a grip on his hair and forced his lips back to hers. She kissed him hard and felt him give in to her once more. Fuck, she loved that!

She knew their time today was limited, so she reluctantly pulled herself from his softening erection. She touched herself and jolted from how sensitive she still was. That put a grin on her face.

Gingerly, she swung her leg back over him to stand next to the desk. She grabbed a tissue and dabbed herself dry before putting her panties back on.

"Get dressed," she commanded, and he gradually rolled from the desk onto his feet. He bent to pick up his clothes and pulled them on.

She put on her skirt and blouse and buttoned it as she watched Andre's beautiful muscles ripple as he tugged on his shirt and sweater.

As he finished, she moved closer, yanked his hood off his head, and took his face between her hands. He wouldn't look at her. He was looking down. Gripping his hair, she forced his head back, and he gasped once more before she took his mouth with hers. She felt him respond reluctantly, but she made him do it. He submitted. A shiver ran through her.

She pulled back, and his eyes glanced up into hers.

"I will let you take the textbook home tonight. You will study the next exercises and return it to me at the end of our next class," she said firmly, and he tried to nod. "Say it."

"Yes," he whispered.

"You will tell no one what we did here today. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he whispered again.

She smiled, as she knew their secret would not come from his lips. He was hers.

"Good. You may go," she said, releasing his hair but leaving her hands next to his head. He glanced at her crooked smile, then stepped back from her to collect his things. The textbook went into his backpack.

Once his hood was back in place, he hastened to the door, tried it unsuccessfully, then undid the lock so he could open the door and get out.

Ilsa walked along the windows, returning the Venetian blinds to their open state. She walked back to her desk and used another tissue to clean up a little spilled cum as she smiled. She could feel the rest of his seed in her, and a thrill rushed through her. She wouldn't get pregnant this time. The timing was another element of her plan, and she was safe today. She'd be safe for the rest of the week as well. A smile spread across her lips at that delicious thought.

She used a cloth from a desk drawer to give the polished surface of her desk a quick wipe to hide the telltale smudge marks from their skin, then wrapped the cummy tissues with it and tucked the cloth into her briefcase to dispose of at home.

She picked up the briefcase, then ran her fingertips across the surface of her desk one more time, reliving the experience in her memory.

She was looking forward to tomorrow afternoon.


Andre was moving through the empty halls of the school, his brain filled with a chaos he didn't know how to deal with. When he reached his locker, he heard the clang of metal plates. He turned and saw the new weight room was open. His feet led him to the door, and he walked inside.

Two members of the basketball team were using the functional trainers. They immediately stopped and scowled at him, but he ignored them and dropped his backpack next to a free machine. He desperately yanked off his sweater and shirt and set up the device for standing bicep curls. He set the pin for most of the stack and grabbed the handles. He struggled with the first lift, but the second was easier, and the third rose quickly. He pushed himself with clenched teeth and a low growl leaking from his lips. He felt his muscles burning, and this felt... cleansing.

He reset the machine for standing chest press and glanced at the others through his hair as he forced the huge stack of plates to rise again. Their scowls had become nervous glances, but he continued to ignore them as she pushed through set after set, growling through each. He went through a series of standing shoulder presses, reverse tricep extensions, upright rows, and single-arm lateral raises, adjusting the weight stack for each but keeping the weight at the upper limits of his capabilities.

He was deep into his kneeling ab crunches when he saw feet approaching. Leather shoes and two pairs of sneakered feet following.

"Mr. Marin, you weren't given permission to use this equipment today," a voice said in a stiff tone. A hand touched Andre's shoulder.

"NO!" Andre roared as he yanked back. The full-weight stack accelerated Andre's movement, throwing him back to crash into the wall next to the machine as the weights slammed home with a loud clang. He released the handle as he panted, leaning against the wall. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" he snarled. Mr. Cochrane was leaning away from him with a terrified expression on his ashen face. The two students behind him looked equally spooked.

Andre quickly moved to his clothes and pulled them back on as he rushed from the room. His muscled ached from his overworking them, but his mind was clear, and that felt like a tender mercy. The moment he was out the door, he was running for home, keeping track of the traffic before crossing the street this time.

His muscles protested the added strain, but he pushed through as it kept his mind occupied.

He desperately needed that now.


Mr. Cochrane rushed to the principal's office with the two students following. He barged in and looked at the secretary. "Is he in?" the slim man gasped, pointing to Wallace's office.


He didn't wait for her to finish before he grasped the handle and pushed into the office.

"Principal Wallace! I need to report being attacked by a student!" he rasped excitedly.

The two young men at his back looked at him oddly.

Harry Wallace watched the older man with a weary stare. "Was it one of these young men or both?" he asked.

"We didn't--" they began, but the teacher waved them to silence.

"They are witnesses! They came to me to say Andre Marin was using the new weight machines without permission. I investigated and saw he was there, not wearing the proper gym uniform. He was topless and improperly using the equipment. I told him to stop, and he attacked me."

Once more, the two student's expressions didn't back the geography teacher's story.

"Mr. Marin struck you?" Wallace asked.

"No, but his actions were violent!" Cochrane insisted.

Harry waited for more, but the teacher was just slowly trying to catch his breath.

"What? How was he violent?"

One of the students couldn't hold back any longer. "He didn't like it when Mr. Cochrane touched his shoulder. He screamed, don't touch me."

The teacher scowled at the young man but turned to the principal and nodded emphatically.

Wallace scowled. "So let me get this straight. You entered the room, saw he was topless, and touched him. He then yelled at you for touching him. Outside of this violent yelling, did he inflict any physical violence upon you after your unwanted touch?"

The teacher was staring at the principal with his mouth working silently.

Harry raised his hand to stop the man. He looked at the others. "Is that what you saw?" They nodded, and he returned it. "Where is Marin now?"

"He left," the talkative student replied.

The principal nodded. "I'll speak with him in the morning about asking for permission and wearing the proper attire before using the equipment. Mr. Cochrane, this was not an attack. His yell may have been unexpected, but the same could be said of your touching him." He raised his hands to stop the man from arguing. "Is that all you had to report?"

The teacher glared at the principal, then nodded stiffly.

"Please close the door on your way out. Good day," Wallace said with a nod.

The three filed out, and the students rushed off to go home, leaving the geography teacher standing in the outer office with a deep feeling of dissatisfaction.

Movement caught his eye, and he saw Ilsa Jäger strutting past the windows on her way home. She was applying dark lipstick to her tempting mouth. She glanced through the windows and flashed a predatory smile at him.

A tingle shot through his old body, but this just caused his disappointment to flare. He should also head home as his wife Linda would be going out to play bridge with her friends soon.

What an exciting life he led. With a sigh, he left.


Andre's muscles shook as he stood under the hot spray of the shower at home. His mind dragged him back to places he didn't want to be.

He'd screamed at his geography teacher. Why couldn't he have done that with Mrs. Jäger? He felt his mind shying away from the idea. He didn't understand her control over him. He was too frightened to examine it closely, as that just brought memories of Gloria to mind.

His knees hit the floor of the tub as his leg muscles finally gave in to their trembling, a weakness reflecting his thoughts about his stepmother. He slipped down into the tub, unable to make his muscles respond as memories of the large woman filled his mind, and his strength failed him once more.


Cassandra was weary from work and looked forward to relaxing at home with Andre. As she reached her front door, she glanced across the hall and saw an eviction notice taped to TJ's door. The building manager found a reason to eject a tenant. Dealing drugs from the unit seemed to be sufficient. They certainly took their sweet time to post the notice. As far as she knew, TJ had been in jail for months.

She unlocked her door and slipped inside, locking up behind herself. She kicked off her sneakers.

"Andre?" she called out.

Silence... no, the shower was running. She walked over to the bathroom door. "Andre, I'm home!"


The water was still running, and she began to worry. "Andre? Are you okay?"

She tried the door, and it wasn't locked, so she opened it slightly. "Andre, are you in there?"

Still nothing, so she opened it fully and saw Andre lying in the tub with the shower spraying on him.

"ANDRE!" she screamed as she rushed forward. She saw his eyes were open slightly, but they were rolling. She quickly shut off the taps and reached into the tub to touch his face. His eyes opened a little wider, and he saw Cassandra.

"What happened?" she asked. "Did you fall?"

He nodded.

"Shit! I'll call an ambulance--"

"No... I'm... not injured," he whispered, so weary.

"You may have hit your head!" she said crossly.

"No. Muscles cramped. Ran home."

Cassandra froze. Why did he run from the school this time? "Did something happen at school?" she asked with dread.

Andre's eyes flicked up to hers.

"I yelled at Mr. Cochrane," he said hesitantly.

Cassandra frowned. Andre yelled? That didn't sound like him. "Why? What did he do?"

Andre's eyes moved away from her face, and his left hand unconsciously scrubbed at his opposite shoulder. "He... he touched me."

Her eyes flared with anger. "Where did he touch you?" Andre glanced at her, then away. His left hand pointed to his shoulder, then went back to scrubbing the area.

Cassandra relaxed a little. "Your shoulder? While you were wearing your sweater?"

He shook his head. "I was working out on the machine. I took off my sweater and shirt. He... he touched my skin." His left hand went from scrubbing to scratching, and she quickly placed her hand on top to stop him from injuring himself.

Andre's hand stopped moving immediately as his eyes looked up at hers.

"Your shoulder is clean now. You don't need to scrub anymore," she said. She could feel his trembling and wondered what really happened to him. She was sure he was holding something back. "You're not upset that I'm touching you."

He shook his head slightly. "Only you."

This was the second time she'd heard him say that. She had to know.

"What do you mean?" she asked gently.

"Your touch... is good... I don't feel... unclean," he breathed as his eyes looked away.

She was rocked by his confession and her face flushed. Then she caught his right hand moving to hide his growing erection from her. She finally realized he was naked! Of course, he was naked! He was in the shower! She looked away, completely flustered.

"So, you weren't hurt in the tub?" she asked as she pulled her hand back.

"No. My muscles are weak. Overworked on the machine."

"What machine?" she asked, eager to find a conversation thread to distract herself from the fact that he was gloriously naked, and she hadn't realized this until now.

"The school's new functional trainers. Weight machines. I was... exercising when the teacher touched me," he said awkwardly.

She looked at his face, keeping her eyes from roaming. "I'll speak with the principal again. I'll tell him to make sure they won't touch you anymore," she said, and his eyes locked on hers. She sucked in a breath as she saw his gratitude. She smiled, but she had to look away, as the urge to look down at his naked body was overwhelming.

"C-can you get out of the tub on your own?" she asked.

He struggled to get onto his hands and knees. She couldn't stop herself from glimpsing his cock, and a thrill rushed through her. She suddenly stood and faced away to leave.


The plaintive tone in his voice froze her in place. "Yes?"

"I-I need help."

She grabbed his towel and draped it over his shoulders and back. Then she got her hands under his armpits and helped lift him to his feet. She could feel his muscles trembling, so he really must have overdone his workout. "No more pushing yourself so hard on that machine!" she scolded, a little more harshly than she intended.

"Yes. Sorry."

She got him out of the tub and over to the sink, where he clung to the edge of the counter to keep himself on his feet. He wouldn't be able to dry himself as he needed his arms to stay upright, so she pushed the towel up over his head and used it to squeeze the water from his hair. He had so much of it, and it was beautiful! She was unaware of her effect on him with the gentle tugs on his hair until she caught a glimpse of his face in the mirror. His eyes were closed, but his blissful expression sent a zing right to her most intimate places.

Face burning, she rubbed the towel over his back and realized his muscles felt like granite. His whole body seemed a little larger like it had been slightly inflated. This drew her attention back to his cock, and that seemed more than slightly larger. Fuck! It was so thick!

Giving her head a sharp shake, she rubbed down his arms and quickly did his legs while staring at the muscles of his ass. So close!

"Where are your shorts?" she asked sharply.

He jolted out of his daze. "Um, sorry. I forgot to bring them. They're in my drawer."

She left the bathroom and marched into the living room, her pussy tingling madly. She took a moment to take some deep breaths and then collected a shirt and his shorts. She went back to the bathroom and pulled the shirt over his head, pulling the rest of his hair up and out of the neck hole. He did one arm at a time. She knelt behind him once more and made him lift one foot, then the next to get his shorts on. She stood and pulled them up.

Andre grunted when the waistband got caught under his balls. "Sorry," she said contritely as she pulled the elastic outwards to give them room. Something hot slapped the back of her hand. Then the shorts were up.

"You can get to the living room, yes?" she asked him stiffly. She noticed his face was red.

Andre glanced at her red face in the mirror. "Yes. I can make it."

She spun and went into her bedroom, closing the door with a thump.

Quickly stripping off her damp clothes, she pressed her hand against her lips as she recalled the moment when his thick cock slapped against it. Her body throbbed with need.

She grabbed the dildo from her end table drawer and stretched out on the bed. She needed to calm this need, or it would be impossible to be around him tonight. Then she remembered that her last class was tonight. The final exam! All the more reason to hurry.

Cassandra needed no lubricant for the toy, as she was already well prepared when she pressed it against her lower lips. They eagerly parted, and she thrust it deep inside. Fuck!

Faster and faster, she thrust the toy into her as she continued to hold the back of her hand against her lips. This blocked her cries as she suddenly hit her peak. Waves of bliss washed over her, and she slowly returned to her body. She stretched, enjoying the slowly dissipating tingles.

Swinging her legs off the bed, she sighed as a funk settled over her. She needed to get control over herself. She forced the mood away, as tonight was too important to derail. She needed to get moving. She grabbed tights, a loose sweater, and fresh underwear. Then she took a breath and opened her door to peek into the hall. She saw Andre had almost reached the end of the hall as he was moving slowly and carefully. She ducked out of her room into the bathroom and closed the door.

She didn't linger in the shower and quickly dressed once she was dry. Walking down the hall, she saw Andre struggling to open his bed.

"Let me do that," she insisted.

He moved back, and she quickly opened the sofa bed for him and eased him onto it, leaning him back against the pillows.

"I'll make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner, then I have to go," she said.

"Good luck tonight!" he said with a smile.

She grinned at him and rushed into the kitchen. She made him two sandwiches, then hustled out to hand him the plate and placed a glass of milk on the end table next to the sofa.
