Anyone but Her


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"I actually considered not going through with my plans to propose to you in front of my parents on that last night before we went back to school. I did it anyway and am glad I did. I love you. I knew she'd always be in your life, Carolyn, and I knew I could tolerate having to occasionally endure a visit with Stacy. I would do it for you."

"We graduated college, got married, and started our lives together. We found good jobs, bought our lovely home once we could afford it, and were happy. We weren't married a year before you almost tackled me one day as I got home from work. You were so excited about something and had a surprise for me but wouldn't say what. I thought you were going to tell me you were pregnant. That would have been a wonderful surprise but it wasn't meant to be. The surprise was that Stacy was moving to town. Inside, I was less than enthused."

"Stacy came into town and we went to help her move in and have a housewarming party. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her. At our wedding, Stacy had looked better than she did that day back home when we were reintroduced. Now, when we were helping her move in, I thought she looked worse than I'd ever seen. She looked exhausted again but now she looked like an exhausted old stripper after too many years working the pole. The big injected lips and huge fake boobs that some boyfriend had paid for sealed that deal. Stacy didn't lift a finger that whole day. Just pointed as you and I helped a couple of guys she had met unload stuff into her house."

"I asked Carolyn how she was able to afford a house bigger than ours since she would be starting a new job in a new town and couldn't have been at her old job very long. The answer should have been as plain as day to me. Daddy was the obvious answer. He had set her up with a cushy job though one of his banking contacts and bought her a house because she wanted to be closer to her friend."

"The last two years, I've seen the revolving door of boyfriends, the carousel of new cars, and more than a couple different jobs come and go. It was the same old Stacy in my eyes. She wasn't trying to tear Carolyn and me apart but the rest was the same. Still, I continued not to say anything. I tried to distance myself, tried to find excuses to avoid hanging out with her when I could. When I couldn't, which was most of the time, I sucked it up and tried to act like an adult. I knew I could handle it because I loved my wife and she was so happy to have her best friend around. No way am I messing with my wife's happiness."

"Before last night, I would have done anything for my wife. I would work 3 jobs if needed to provide for her. She would never ask it of me but I'd give up my dreams to make hers come true. I would defend her to the point of sacrificing my life to save hers if the situation arose and not think twice about doing it. I would always be the bigger man and forget the past where Stacy was concerned for Carolyn's sake. I thought I could but apparently I couldn't. I've been ashamed to look at myself in the mirror since last night because I can't be the man I thought I was."

"So where do we go from here?" Carolyn asked.

"I honestly don't know. I never wanted to affect your relationship with Stacy. I know how much you both mean to each other but I'm afraid my actions last night and the revelations that followed this morning are going to mess it up badly."

"Individually, you and me, Carolyn, we'll be fine. We love each other. You did nothing wrong and I know you'll forgive me for how I acted last night because you love me. And I know that because of what you wanted to do for me."

"And I know you and Stacy will be fine. You love her as much as you love me. I know she loves you just as much because she agreed to be a part of last night. What you asked her to do may be the ultimate favor one could ask of another friend. And there she was, right beside you, because she loves you and would do anything for you. Probably didn't even give it a second thought. If it was something you wanted, she'd do it for you."

"Carolyn, what concerns me now is how this will affect the 3 of us together. If I refuse to hang out with Stacy anymore, will you begin to resent her? Will it make you start to pull away from Stacy because you know I don't like her? And vice versa, will you start to resent me if Stacy starts pulling away from you to avoid me?"

"I propose, and I'm pretty sure we can pull it off, that we go back to how things were before last night. Now that things are out in the open, I can act like an adult and be fine around her without being uncomfortable. I think Stacy loves you enough to do the same. There will probably be a short period of awkwardness for the two of you when I'm around but I believe we'll get past it. Just forget last night ever happened and move on."

Things seemed quiet and a little tense for a few minutes. Calvin was shocked when Stacy spoke up before Carolyn had a chance to say anything. "He's right, Carolyn. We can do this and make it work. I'll do anything for you. This may actually turn out to be a good thing. I've been listening to Calvin describe the way he sees me and what he thinks of my life. I think I need to take a good hard look at myself and find out what I want."

Stacy continued, "Thank you, Calvin. Thank you for being honest with me. You're right that I'm spoiled. I know that I've always been Daddy's little girl. I'm not trying to justify things but it's not my fault that I was born into privilege. All I had to do was mention something off hand, didn't even have to ask for it direct, and I got it. Maybe I let it get out of hand starting with the school play, I don't know. That's something I'll have to consider."

"I do know this, however. Whatever you thought of me in high school, I always liked you. Not romantically, but I liked the way you were comfortable with yourself despite your initial shyness. In short, I respected you. I wasn't comfortable with failure. You just grew from the experience. You knew what you wanted and went after it. It didn't matter if you weren't the best at it, you tried to learn something from it. Take baseball for example. Sure, it was only the JV squad, but you were proud nonetheless and comfortable with your accomplishment. You didn't get mad that you didn't make varsity, you just played your position as best you could and were satisfied because you did your best. You didn't care about what anyone thought of it, you only answered to yourself."

"It was the same thing with work. I know things weren't always easy for your family but it taught you to always do the right thing, even if it wasn't the easiest thing. I know you were proud of the car they were able to buy you. It was a piece of crap. You can't deny it, but you thought it was the greatest thing in the world. So what did you when you got it? You went and got a job to help pay for it and help alleviate the added burden on your family. I don't think you wanted to but you did what needed to be done. That job cost you quite a bit of any social life but I never heard a single complaint about it when you were with Emma. I do feel bad about what happened with her. I doubt you'll believe me, but I swear that it wasn't intentional on my part. I felt bad for her because it always felt like she was a third wheel around me and my boyfriend so I tried to make it so my friend wasn't so lonely. Did you know she never talked to me again after she slept with that guy and he dumped her? She blamed me for losing you. I brushed it off because I didn't force her to go out with the guy or sleep with him. I had just pointed out alternatives to being lonely. I was impressed that you stuck to your guns and didn't take her back. My boyfriends were always trying to get back with me."

Stacy hesitated but then continued, "It took a lot for Carolyn to bring up the idea she had for your birthday. You're right, she loves you so much and wanted to find the ultimate gift to show you how much, but she was still so nervous and embarrassed about it. It took a month of hints and false starts before she finally had the courage to ask me. You were right again because I immediately said yes to the idea. I knew how she felt about you and I loved you for how you treated her and the way you made her feel. I was excited that she wanted me to a part of her gift to you and I saw it as a way to thank you for making my best friend so happy. I never expected it turn out like it did. Damn, I guess I have to go out and find you a real present now."

Calvin and Carolyn both laughed at the joke and it helped to ease the tension in the room. Stacy stood up to leave. "Okay, it's time for me to get out of here. You two probably have a little more talking to do and I have a whole life to reconsider. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Trust me. To help prove it, why don't we all get together for brunch tomorrow?"

"If you ladies don't mind, I'll skip tomorrow. Carolyn and I will work things out tonight and you two can work everything else out over mimosas in the morning. Everything should be fine after that." Calvin replied.

Stacy actually hugged Calvin and again thanked him for his honesty. It really did sink into her brain that she needed to look at her life. Stacy hugged Carolyn and gave her their customary kiss on each cheek then left the couple alone.

It was finally Carolyn's turn to speak. "Well, it didn't turn out how I originally planned but I'm positive that you'll never ever forget this birthday. I'm glad you told me the truth about your history and feelings about Stacy. I honestly never knew it was that bad for you. She's my friend and I love her so much, but I agree with some of your assessments about her life. I've always hoped she would find that special guy and settle down. I want her to be as happy with someone as I am with you. I love you and I'm sorry about last night."

Calvin looked at her with a grin and asked, "Still got that lingerie?" She nodded knowingly and squealed as he chased her up the stairs. Yes, things were going to be just fine.

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Busman19639Busman196397 months ago

What a dumb ass story. A waste of reading time.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 year ago

Interesting. But it builds, and there's revelations, and then some conversation, and then...

Nothing. It's over. It's not complete.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just a silly man in a silly story. Some people never get over high school.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

This story was a bit different. However, I thought it was put together fairly well. Ended up enjoying the story. Thanks for writing.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 2 years ago

Very good story. Wow, that’s a lot of baggage. It really deserves more, maybe picking up a month later.

Richie4110Richie4110over 2 years ago

Good story, Needs and deserves a better ending, Hope someone will offer to help,


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


OhiobenzOhiobenzover 2 years ago

Calvin is an idiot for trusting a snake that has already bit him twice!

Stacy knew her friend has a good guy and moved back to town because a) Daddy is there and life will remain easy b) She wants Carolyn's man.

Of course she agreed to the 3sum, she's wanted what was unobtainable in her high school years.

Now that she didn't get him, Stacy will get aggressive with the girl's night out until Carolyn fucks some other guy she sets her up with, drugs her or gets her drunk....

Never leave a live snake behind!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If that's your version of a bad time in High School you've lived a good life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice little tale, well written, and although a little naïve, it had some new ideas. Thanks.

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