Arcana Pt. 01: A Shapeshifter's Desire


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"Well you seem to be doing better. I wouldn't leave the dragon lover over there alone for too long, should she wake up and think you left her." Tom said, pointing at the wall.

"Yea, you're right." She nodded and got up, "Hey Tom, come over for dinner some time. You listened to me bitch, I'd be happy to repay the favor."

"Oh honey, I'm not so dysfunctional I need a therapist. But I'll happily come over for dinner with you and your girlfriend sometime. And I won't even mention that you fucked my brains out all over my apartment floor." He snickered.

"Thanks." Caroline blushed and headed for the door.

Back in her apartment, she slipped back into the bedroom. Kate was still asleep, quite apparent by her noisy snoring now that she's was sleeping on her back. Caroline knelt by the bed and put a hand on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked sleepily at Caroline.

"Hey there cutie." Caroline smiled, "You feeling okay?"

"Oh, I feel great. Feel like I just got done sleeping for the first time in a month." Kate stretched her arms and legs with a loud, pleasures groan. The blankets fell off her breasts, baring half her naked body. She squeaked in surprise and jerked them back up to her neck. Her face was so red you could hardly see her freckles and she stammered, "So... so... so last night... all of that... It really happened! I'm really dating a dragon!"

"No Kate, you aren't." Caroline smirked, propping her head up on her hands as she stared up at her from the edge of the bed, "I'm just a girl with a fun power. I'm a shapeshifter Kate. I can change my body and you just saw me do what I could to protect you from bullets. I don't know why it was dragon scales, but it worked." She stood back up and put her hands on her hips.

"B... Boobs! You... You've got huge boobs now!" Kate's eyes immediately went wide at the sight.

"Oh! Right! I keep forgetting about those. They bounce and jiggle so much one would think I'd remember easier." Caroline smirked and her breasts shrunk back to her usual B cups.

"Wow! They just went away! You... You can! You just changed your body!" Kate stared in awe at her shrunken chest.

"Yep. I hope you aren't disappointed I'm no dragon." Caroline said as she sat on the bed.

"Of course not! This is even crazier! So, you can change yourself how you want. Can you do a catgirl?" Kate asked eagerly.

"A what?" Caroline said in confusion.

"A cat girl? You know, the ears and the tail and the paws?" Kate said excitedly.

"Well..." Caroline let her ears shrink back into her head and pointed white cars pushed through her hair. A long white tail spurted from her back and curled around her waist. Then her hands began to change and fur sprouted all the way past her elbows, the same silky white. Her hands became paws and she flexed the newly shortened digits in curiosity.

"Wow! Oh my gosh! You can! You're so adorable! You have a tail! And those paws! You are so amazing Caroline!" Kate exclaimed, letting go of the blankets and eagerly clapping her hands like a child. She grabbed her paw, "I can't believe we're dating! I'm the luckiest girl in the world!"

"Well, there's one more thing I've got to tell you. Do you remember much of last night?" Caroline asked, putting her other paw in Kate's hands.

"Yea. I do. It was wonderful. I fell asleep having orgasms. Oh goodness! I fell asleep! I'm so sorry! I must be the worst lover..." Kate's face blushed and she looked away.

"It wasn't your fault. That's what I've got to tell you. Something about my powers makes me feed on your orgasms. They fill me up and when I do feed, it seems to weaken you the more I take." Caroline said slowly.

"Well I'm no worse for wear this morning! I feel great! Whatever you feeding on me during sex is, it gives me the best night sleep ever. I didn't even dream, it was just pure rest." Kate said with her eyes glittering, "I'll let you feed on me all you want! You're kind of like a vampire of lust, right? Well, I would be so happy to let you feed on me."

"Really? But... I mean... I don't even know what happens. I don't know how it works. I might hurt you." Caroline said worryingly.

"It sure doesn't feel like it. If all it does is make me tired and give me a great night sleep, then I'd love to have you feed on me every night! The thought of sex with you just... It's the best!" Caroline squealed happily.

"Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure." Caroline leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "Want some breakfast?"

"Of course! I'm starving." Kate said with an eager nod.


Work went much smoother that day. There were only two oddities: plywood set in the front door in place of the missing glass, and Kate never took her eyes off Caroline. They had both been talked to by their boss, and the damaged register had been replaced. She had asked how the register had gotten claw-shaped holes in it, Caroline just told her the robber must've missed when he was shooting and hit the register. They hadn't lost any money and the repair costs were being paid by their insurance, so nobody got in trouble.

Kate clung to Caroline when they puttered home and she hung on her arm all the way into the apartment

"Kate, I like you and I know you like me." Caroline said, finally shaking her arm free, "But would you give me a bit of space? You've been clinging to me all day. Don't get me wrong, its nice, but I need both arms to make us sandwiches."

"Sorry. I've never had a lover before. I've never been so intimate with someone. I want to make the most of it. I love you Caroline and I like being near you." Kate said sheepishly.

"Oh I love you too. Just give my arm a rest or I'm gonna have to cover it in porcupine spikes." Caroline snickered and gave her a warm kiss.

"Can... Can I move in with you!" Kate exclaimed suddenly.

"Really? Why?" Caroline looked around, curious why she wanted to be in such a small apartment.

"I don't want to be far from you. I don't want to go back home. I'm still living with my parents. I'm only nineteen Caroline, I've never been away from home before and I want to be with you." Kate said shuffling her feet a bit.

"Wait. Nineteen? We went to school together. You were only a year behind me. I graduated five years ago!" Caroline said in surprise.

"Well, I skipped some grades. I've got an IQ of a hundred and sixty you know." Kate said, her face red behind her glasses.

"Really? Holy shit. You're that smart? Why are you working at a gas station? Why no college?" Caroline was flabbergasted. Not only was Kate so much younger than her, but she probably had twice her IQ.

"It never interested me. I don't want to be some big successful doctor or something." Kate moved to press her body to Caroline's and she put her arms around her, "I just want a happy life full of love and friends. Up until now I've barely had any friends and nothing resembling love."

"You seem like a contradiction of a person. Don't the really smart people always logic out relationships and treat love like some chemical reaction or something?" Caroline said as she put an arm around her.

"Just because I can do long form calculus in my head and calculate the mass of a proton without a calculator doesn't mean I don't go to bed at night feeling lonely! I don't know how my mind works!" Kate rambled a bit frantically. Her arms hugged Caroline tighter, as if scared she was going to flee, "I don't even know if I'm that smart. It doesn't seem like it sometimes. Everyone tells me I am because I've got an eidetic memory and I can tell you an entire Shakespeare play from memory."

"I thought it was a bit weird that you knew the exact number of Snicker bars we had the other night without even looking up from the book you had." Caroline gave a laugh and looked into Kate's eyes, "Katelyn Winchester, you are the most lovely woman I have ever been around. Don't ever worry about me going anywhere, I want nothing more than you in my life. Move in with me and I'll make sweet love to you every night. I'll give you so many good times that you'll thank your lucky stars you can't forget them."

Kate's face flushed red and she seemed to freeze up. Her mouth kind of hung open and her eyes began to tear up. She hugged Caroline tightly and cried on her shoulder, big sloppy tears of joy. She just held her while she clung there, big eyes running with tears.

"I... I never knew... If I'd ever find love. Being gay and everyone always... Always going on about how smart... It always made it seem..." Kate whimpered, "Like nobody would ever see me as a girl! I'm warm, I'm flesh, I need love! I've never had the courage to talk to anyone because I never wanted to live with that rejection!" She sobbed harder than ever burying her face in Caroline's shirt.

"Hey now, stop crying." Caroline drew Kate back to stand in front of her. She hooked an arm around her waist and met her lips with a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues touched and wrestled, heat growing in their embrace. Caroline was aware of the tears that wetted Kate's cheeks still and she pulled her even tighter against herself. Her tongue stretched past Kate's and began to throat-fuck her with it. Kate tried to give a startled squeak, but their lips were locked fast and she was helpless in Caroline's embrace. Her body thrummed with joy at submitting so wonderfully to Caroline's desires. It was as if something was rewarding her the more she submitted to Caroline, something was driving her to give herself body and soul to Caroline right now.

They broke apart with a loud gasp, Caroline's long tail reeling out of Kate's mouth. She sucked it back in and it shrank back to normal. Both of them were left panting and sweaty from the experience, their bodies heaving against the other. Kate's eyes danced and glittered. She put her arms around Caroline's neck and rubbed her crotch against her thigh, "Oh take me Caroline! Feed on me! Make me yours again tonight!"

"Yea, I want you to. I want you to be mine. Let's go." Caroline cooed and she scooped Kate off her feet. She took her into the bedroom and threw her down in the bed. In moments, she had her stripped naked and laying before her, helpless and legs splayed open. Her pussy glistened in the dim moonlight coming through the window.

"Caroline... You can transform yourself... Can you make a dick?" Kate asked as she watched her strip naked.

"What?" Caroline was totally caught off guard by the question. The words rang in her ears and she thought of the possibilities. A dick? Could she give herself a dick? She couldn't imagine why not, so she looked down at her crotch and imagined one in her mind. Her skin began to shift and stretch right above her pussy. It blew outward like one of those balloons the clowns use at the fair. It grew to ten inches long, thick and erect. The head formed and the foreskin came properly into shape. Details formed out of the skin, thick veins running down its length.

"What about balls? I want to see you with nice big testicles under there." Kate asked in a quiet voice. Caroline nodded and another shift pushed the dick up a bit. A big sack began to grow down from the base of it. Two orbs, heavy with seed, blossomed inside it. She watched them continue to grow until they were the size of plums and she could feel their weight hanging against her thighs. Her hand touched the side of the newly formed package with a gentle ease.

Caroline gave a moan and tried to pin down exactly how the weird sensation felt. It was completely fantastic. Totally different from getting her pussy plunged, it was a joyous tingling down its entire length and a pulsing need to bury it somewhere warm. The need felt a lot like the desire that overwhelmed her before, completely mind erasing and needy. If this was how men always felt, then it was no wonder they were crazy about sex. She would be too if it felt this good just to be erect.

"Wow... I never imagined... Caroline, you look so hot right now." Kate cooed, staring at her girlfriend and her girlfriends huge cock. She ran her hands up her thighs and pulled her pussy lips open, "That looks almost painfully hard. Please, make use of me."

Caroline didn't wait. She couldn't. The need to cum was overwhelming. With how horny she had been up until now, she knew she needed to but this cock was entirely different. It didn't just need it, it demanded it, ordered her to make it happen and assaulted her mind with chemicals to drive her. By the time her uncut cockhead had touched Kate's virgin pussy, she was almost foaming at the mouth. She plunged hard and deep into her, taking her virginity for real this time. Kate screamed and arched her back, pushing her right into Caroline's arms. The dick bottomed out inside her and Caroline continued to push, another few inches not yet inside her.

"Oh my goodness! Oh! Caroline! Caroline, your cock! It's enormous! You're splitting me open! I'm going to die! There's so much pleasure, I'll die if I cum!" Kate panted loudly and frantically.

"Your pussy is so good. It feels so fantastic. I see why men like this. I'm so strong, I feel so powerful doing this! You're all mine Kate! Your pussy is mine alone to do with how I wish and I intend to fill it with my seed!" Caroline moaned deeply, rutting hard against her wet cunt. Black fur sprouted across her body and her eyes were that of a wolf. She held tight to Kate and rammed herself deep again and again.

"Yes! Oh yes Caroline. Use me! I'm all yours! Dominate me!" Kate howled under her. Caroline's body was thickening with muscle as the feelings of power and control ruled her. Her hair grew thick and ragged down her back. Her balls grew bigger, more virile and rich with seed.

She came before Kate did, a veritable flood of semen exploding from her dick. It filled her submissive lover in seconds and burst out around her jerking cock.

"Yes! Cum inside me! It feels amazing! More! Fill me and use me more!" Kate howled and came beneath her wild pounding. She felt Caroline thrust into her again and another rich load of splooge shoved in after the first. Her eyes were threatening to roll out of her head as the orgasm drained her of strength.

Caroline felt energy filling her. Rich and strong, it filled her need and hunger. She pulled herself from Kate and looked down at her. She was laying there like a well-fucked beta, her pussy running with thick cum and her face contorted in the pure bliss of submissive ecstasy.

She leaned down, entire body dark with the fur of the wolf, and dragged her tongue through the cum. Kate started and Caroline smiled, her voice deep an rough, "Feels good to be my bitch, doesn't it?"

"Oh yes. It's so good to give myself to you. I love feeling your powerful body and huge penis ruling me! Now do it more! Take me more Mistress!" Kate panted, turning over and putting her ass in the air. The word, Mistress, set off Caroline's loins anew. A title, a permanent admission of her alpha nature. She liked that and she wanted to remind her little submissive cunt of just why that was.

She wrapped her hands around Kate's plush hips and sank her cock home with aching slowness. Cum squirted out of her well-fucked pussy, surging around her dick and lubing her entire canal, making it oh so easy to pull back and plunge in again.

"Yes! Mistress! I'm yours! I'm only yours! Bath me in your wonderful seed!" Caroline moaned, hugging the pillow in front of her ass her cunt was wrecked from behind. She was rushing up on a second orgasm even faster than the first, all because she was giving herself entirely to her lover's desires and enormous cock. She let her completely dominate her and ravage her womb with untold thrusts and load after load of rich seed.

Caroline bent over her, hugging her sweaty body tightly, her hips jerking forward as she continued to rut her wet hole. This time the orgasm struck them both at the same time and hot seed plastered her insides just as she was clenching with the blissful ecstasy of her own peak. Caroline thrust twice more to shove every bit of cum she could out of her balls and into her docile lover's cunt. Once she was sure she had nothing more to give, she pulled free and smiled widely. Kate gave a half-hearted cry as the dick came out and she collapsed sideways on the sheets. Caroline's dick dripped on the bed, soft and well-used. Kate's hole was gaping and running with thick streams of cum from deep in her womb. It looked so sexy running over her plush, freckled thigh.

If Caroline could've gotten it up again, she would've driven hard into that pussy once more and filled it up for a third time. But she settled for crawling up behind her and covering them both with blankets. She hugged her weak body to her, pressing her sweaty skin to her own black fur. Her dick tingled happily with it nuzzled up against her butt.

This woman was hers in every way imaginable and that was right.



Kate awoke before Caroline the next day. Her nethers were rather sore and she could still feel the gooey semen sticking to her thighs and sitting inside her pussy. She'd need birth control as soon as soon as possible.

A warm arm wrapped across her chest told her that Caroline was still holding her tightly. Her mind skipped a few seconds as she remembered last night. Eidetic memory... even when her mind was rolling in chemicals and pleasure, she could still remember everything. She had acted so strangely last night, so submissively. It wasn't like Kate had a dominating personality or anything, she was in fact very meek. But it was as if she had been getting off the night before on being submissive, on feeling Caroline's powerful body and huge cock dominate her every thought.

Caroline's cock... That brought her thoughts around to the present immediately. She turned over, letting Caroline's arm fall on the small twin bed between them. She distinctly remember hearing Caroline growl a lot the night before and there was a lot of furry sensations, as if she had been a werewolf.

Looking down at Caroline, she decided that it was entirely possible. While no longer wrapped in muscle and covered in fur, Caroline still had huge, bushy black hair hanging from her head almost to her waist. There was a giant bulge in the blankets right about her waist and that caught Kate's attention. While she probably couldn't take another cunt fucking so soon, she could go for something else. She had never had the chance to see or touch a cock before last night. Now the morning light was coming through the window and it would fall upon that glorious throbbing shaft.

Pulling the blankets back, Kate feasted on the sight of the cock. If she didn't remember it so very clear, she might've second guessed that cock being able to fit inside her. It was standing up, a perfect throbbing ten inches. It was as thick as a cucumber and foreskin covered it up to its tip. The balls were quite a sight too, huge and probably bristling with a night's load of seed.

She bent over her and put both her hands around the base of it. It was throbbing with each pulse of her heart and it was much hotter than she expected. She pulled down slowly and tugged the foreskin free of the pink, full cockhead. She licked her lips and smiled. Surely a proper slave would please her Mistress whenever she was stiff, sleeping or no.

What? Kate shook her head. What was with that train of thought just now. Why, for just a moment there, did she feel she was utterly and totally a slave to Caroline. She had felt a deep happiness and pride in being a slave for those few seconds, too. It kind of scared her.

Pushing it out of her mind, she bent over Caroline an wrapped her lips around the head of it. Caroline gave an immediate response in the form of a sharp breath. Kate felt a sensation of pride blossom in her heart and she pulled up on the cock with both hands. She continued to slurp on it as well, adoring the taste of her dick so very much.