Arcana Pt. 01: A Shapeshifter's Desire


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"You're the worst." Kate glared at her with as much fake anger a she could muster. That is to say almost none at all besides a comical tilt of the eyebrows. She couldn't help but smile and blush as she imagined how amazing this was going to be.

They stripped naked in the dark and Caroline grew floppy dog ears and a big fluffy tail. She nuzzled against Kate and wrapped her arms around her, tail wagging idly.

"Where did I get so lucky?" Kate cooed softly as they embraced.

"Fuck luck, you've got a nice ass and I saw it." Caroline said and groped it in both hands.

"Is that how it is?" Kate blushed, meeting her lips lightly, "What if I say the same?" Her hands found Caroline's butt, although with much more nervous apprehension.

"You fell in love with a dragon and you know it." Caroline smirked and she shoved her over onto the bed. She shoved her legs open and began to lap at her pussy with a wide, floppy canine tongue. It didn't have much strength, but its texture rubbed over everything and got it thoroughly wet.

"Ooooh! Oh wow! That's quite a tongue." Kate breathed heavily.

"You think the tongue is good?" Caroline teased, her dick growing quickly out from her crotch. This time it was eight inches of thick and pointed red canine cock. It felt really, really hot when she out her hand to it. Her blood must be boiling near the surface of it and she laid it against Kate.

"Whoa! That's hot! What is... Oh goodness! That's... That's..." Kate stammered, her pussy quivering in delight. She shifted her hips and rubbed herself against it.

"A little eager? Well, if you insist." Caroline smiled and plunged the tip of it inside her.

"Ahh!" She gasped sharply, "It feels even warmer inside me! This is good!"

Caroline pushed it up to her ball-free crotch and kissed Kate hard, interrupting her deep moans. She had to admit, this cock did feel a lot more than any of the others. It seemed like it was much more sensitive and thin-skinned. She pulled back and sank in, reveling in the electric sensations of their wet flesh rubbing together.

"Yea... This is sensitive. It feels amazing." Caroline groaned and gently rubbed her dick around inside. They writhed and moaned together, slowly growing louder and more passionate by the second.

It wasn't until Katelyn was howling with pleasure and Caroline was hurling dick like a sailor that she realized just how much noise they were making. At that point it was far too late anyway. Katelyn was screaming happily with an orgasm and Caroline was real close. She felt an odd straining around the base of her cock and she found herself getting thicker.

"The knot! Oh god the knot." Caroline panted, sinking herself past its growing thickness. It more than doubled the width of her cock and Kate's eyes rolled back in her head. She had barely an inch of movement inside her with the knot fully inflated. It wasn't like she needed to move much anyway, her dick started to spew hot spunk and she just collapsed on top of Kate, holding her tightly.

"Caroline! It's too good! That knot is fantastic." Kate wheezed, her entire body shaking with delight.

The knot held them together and kept the flood of spunk from going anywhere but deep inside her. When she finally stopped cumming, Kate was loaded down with it and a gooey warmth pushed on Caroline's cock from all sides. She couldn't do anything but just lay there and enjoy it.

A banging on the door wrenched her out of the blissful rest. She pushed herself up and moved back. Kate grabbed her hand and pulled, "No."

Caroline looked down at her. She was smiling weakly and her eyes sparkled with a delight she had never seen. Caroline sighed, "The door, I've got to change back."

"Please..." Kate breathed, not letting go of her hand, "Caroline... I'm in heaven..." Her voice was weak and she pleaded shamelessly.

"Okay, okay. But I still have to answer the door." Caroline sighed and put her arms around Kate. She lifted her with a throaty moan as her dick shifted. Each step towards the front door drew pleasure from each of them and Caroline reached it on the verge of a second orgasm.

"Yea?" Caroline asked without opening the door, her voice barely shaking.

"Caroline." It was Tom and he sounded annoyed, "I understand the passion of youth. I do. Hell, I'm not that far past youth myself. But I feel like I'm living next to ground zero of the cumpocalypse."

"Oh shit, sorry Tom. I didn't think." Caroline said, adjusting her arms under Kate's butt. She shifted on her cock and gave a whimpering moan. She moved her hips a bit and tried fruitlessly to clench her pussy around Caroline. Great pleasure ran up her spine and her legs shuddered.

"Yea, well, when your bedroom sounds like the mating season of some Brazilian screaming fuckbirds." Tom grumbled, "So what are we gonna do here? Because I'm getting tired of this. If we weren't on the top floor, I'd bet I wouldn't be the only one annoyed."

Caroline couldn't take it anymore. She pushed Kate's back against the door and she thrust her hips against her.

"Oh yes!" Kate moaned happily, hugging Caroline as she came a second time.

"Caroline, for fucking out loud, are you actually doing that? Are you seriously doing it on the door?" Tom exclaimed, a tone of amusement in his voice, "You are a shameless monster."

"Yes! Yes! Oh Caroline! I'm cumming already!" Kate's eyes went cross and her limbs fell to her sides, all strength sapped from them by Caroline's hunger. She thrust her knotted cock back and forth, working that little inch as best she could. Cum spurted from her pussy like the thrusts of a piston.

"Good lord! Just keep it down after this and let me sleep!" Tom griped all the way back to his door.

Caroline buried herself inside again and started to cum a second time. Her dick began pumping more cum into that already stuffed hole.

"Caroline... I'm going to break. I can't stop cumming... And you're still putting more inside me... It's too much... Too much..." Kate panted weakly, her belly stretching a bit under the load.

Caroline howled and the last of her spunk left her. She could feel Kate's belly pushing against her and her pussy felt like a gooey, hot vice with how much cum was packed around her dick. She stumbled her way back to the bedroom and fell over sideways on the bed, Kate clasped tightly in her arms. It barely took Caroline a minute to fall asleep and Kate was already out cold when she did.

What an evening.



"You're leaving?" Caroline whined, staring openly at Kate.

"It's only for two days. I'm going with my parents to visit my grandmother in Oregon. It's boring, but I don't want to get written out of the old bags will." Kate sighed and Caroline stared at her in open shock.

When she found her tongue again, she exclaimed in chastising way �"Kate!"

"What? My grandmother is a rich old bag with the personality of a honey badger. She doesn't like anyone except for my father. But as long as we show some decency in her waning years, she is obligated to leave us all something. She's got money Caroline. Lots of money. I'm not the greedy type, but who would just willingly burn bridges with someone who might leave you a big bank account." Kate said flatly, "She venomous and vile, but I have to think of our future together. We could buy a house!"

"However much." Caroline said flatly.

"Oh I don't know, she's probably got a couple million. My father is her second son out of three. He's also the only one with a kid, me." Kate said simply.

"No, no! How much do you think she'll leave you? How much would it take to keep you here?" Caroline asked urgently.

"Caroline, you're being silly. I'll be back as soon as I can. It'll probably be the morning after tomorrow." Kate sighed and shook her head.

"I have money Kate! I don't know where it came from, but I have it! I don't know if I could survive more than a day without you. This power, this hunger inside me. It's always there. You don't know what it's like." Caroline exclaimed, jerking her closet open. She pulled aside her shoes and pulled out the metal lockbox. She opened it and showed Kate.

"What?!" Kate screamed, staring at the piles of bills, "How much is this?!"

"Something like two hundred and four thousand. I don't use it often. I still don't know where it came from. It just showed up on my balcony with this note on it." Caroline said, showing the top with the little piece of paper baring 'Be smart' on it.

"Jeez. I'm sorry Caroline, but I already told my mother I'd go. It's only two days. Barely even two days." Kate shook her head.

"You suck." Caroline pouted and put the box on the bed.

"I love you, I'll be back as soon as possible." Kate kissed her on the cheek, "And put that money in bank account. It's madness to leave it here."

"What if its stolen or something?" Caroline said with a worried glance at it.

"That kind of money doesn't get stolen without someone looking. Someone out there left you a helluva present." Kate shook her head, "When did it show up?"

"A while after my dad left." Caroline frowned.

"Ah. Hmm. Uhh..." Kate pondered, "I've got some ideas, but don't worry about it. Put some of the money in the bank. Like three or four thousand. Nobody will blink an eye at a deposit like that. Do it a couple dozen times over a year and its all done."

"Okay." Caroline said and she made another pouty face at Kate. She only giggled and kissed Caroline on the nose before leaving.


Kate hadn't been gone an entire day and Caroline was in a bad mood. She could feel the hunger gnawing inside her. She needed Kate. The night sleep without her had been a bit restless. She was grouchy and grumpy all morning. Around noon, she decided she should take Kate's advice and go deposit some of her fortune. So she pulled a fistful of bills from the box, probably five grand, and headed out the door.

"Hey Caroline! Thanks for keeping it quiet. I guess I overreacted when I bought those earmuffs." Tom greeted her as she passed him in the stairs down.

Caroline turned on him with a vicious, almost rabid growl, "Kate is out of town and I'm all alone until tomorrow!" Her eyes burned red as she stared at him. She didn't lose control like that first time the hunger had gotten to her, but only because she was determined to stay faithful.

"Oookay. I will stay out of your way madam fuckzilla. I shall lock my door and hide until its safe." Tom said, easing back from her and continuing quickly up the stairs.

Caroline got on her scooter an gunned it. Well... She pulled hard on the throttle and it puttered away at a slightly higher volume. She just had on a baseball cap and glasses today, not in the mood to bother with her helmet.

The traffic was terrible. People were slow. Someone cut her off. And she just about got crushed under a bus. Maybe some of that was her frustrated driving. But there was a fair share of annoyances caused by other people.

She got to the bank in a huff and headed inside. It wasn't a huge place, just a local credit union that she opened an account at after she got her job. Her money was clamped in a fist and she was fuming. She kept on her glasses so nobody could see how red her eyes were right now.

There were two people in line ahead of her and she just stood back. In her mind, she knew she needed to calm down. Her shapeshifting had clearly shown that it could be affected by her emotions, so if she didn't want to sprout horns and claws here, she had to take it easy. But apparently fate had decided to mess with her today, just like everything else.

Behind her, the door opened and there was the sound of tramping boots. The booming echo of a gun sounded as someone fired it into the ceiling. A man yelled after, "On the ground! Everyone! Teller, you, the young girl! Get all the money you can and bring it right here. Nobody do anything stupid or we'll start shooting all of you!"

Caroline looked around and saw everyone getting down on their knees. The gal whom Caroline had been in line waiting for was shaking as she started to collect money out of the drawer.

"You! In the hat! On the ground, now!" A different man yelled. Caroline bristled with anger and she could sense the man coming closer behind her. She didn't know how, but she could feel his movement in the air, could hear the beat of his heart as he got closer. She let dragonscales crawl across her back, growing slowly outward from the center of her chest and back.

"You assholes had to pick today." Caroline growled, her eyes churning into fiery orange reptilian orbs behind her glasses.

"Get on the ground!" He yelled and raised his pistol to strike her across the back of the head.

Caroline responded by roaring loudly and lashing about. Her claws appeared in the blink of an eye and she hacked the man's arm bad enough to drop his gun. She gouged him across the chest and kicked him with one dragon-taloned leg. Apparently she had ripped free of her shoes at some point. The man screamed in pain and fell over backwards, blood gushing from his wounds. A glance from him to the other three and Caroline frowned. All of them were dressed the same, dark clothes, heavy boots and ski masks. They each had handguns of some average caliber.

"I am in a foul mood and you fuckers thought you'd come in here to threaten me with a gun! Today of all days was the worst possible decision!" Caroline yelled, black scales now covered her everywhere. Bullets erupted from the three men amid thunderous cracks. Jolts of pain struck across her body and she didn't so much as flinch. They impacted her scales and landed on the ground with small clinks. Thirty rounds in four or five seconds and they ran out. All they succeeded in doing was heating her anger even further.

"What are you?" The closest man asked shakily.

"Angry! I'm fucking angry!" Caroline lunged at them as they were fumbling to get in new magazines in their pistols. She lashed at the first one with blinding speed, claws digging into his chest and gouging deep furrows in his flesh. The other two had their guns reloaded by the time she turned. Before they could fire, she gave a loud roar and an enormous gout of flame burst from her lips, engulfing one of the men in searing agony. The other stared in pure shock and she turned to him screaming, "Eat shit in hell!"

The last man brought his gun forth and he pulled the trigger once. Sharp white horns burst from the front of her hat and she rammed her head ruthlessly into his gut. Blood erupted from the wounds and splattered her head. A couple more shots cracked the tile floor near them. She wrenched her head to the side and threw him to the ground. Blood dripped from her claws and ran down the sides of her head. All four robbers were lying on the ground bleeding, moaning in pain or both.

"Stupid. Fucking. Assholes." Caroline barked, kicking the burnt man as he rolled around in crippling pain.

It was then she realized something. There were other people around the bank, people staring openly at her. People who had phones in their hands and were filming her. She looked around behind her. The teller girl was staring at her in both shock and joy. Behind her, a security camera was aimed right in Caroline's direction.

She turned and ran headlong at the doors, shattering the glass violently to flee the bank as fast as she could. She didn't even bother with her scooter, instead she ripped her sleeves off at the shoulders. At her thought, her arms shifted into enormous black wyvern wings. She threw them wide and leapt into the sky with a powerful jump. A single beat carried her another ten feet. She hit the side of a nearby building and hurled herself higher. Another beat of her wings cleared the tall buildings and a rush of wind hit her. It pulled hard at her great black wings and the membrane dragged hard like a sail.

Before she knew properly what was happening, Caroline was more than a thousand feet in the sky and sailing above a fluffy white cloud. She floated on a powerful eastward headwind that was rushing in off the Puget Sound. The cool air rushed past her, calming her as it filled her lungs. She had to admit, she had lost everything in that bank, her cool, her mind and probably now her secrecy.

It was nice though, all her hunger and rage couldn't compete with the beauty of the skies. She found a warm updraft and tilted to one side, just going into a wide bank through it. It carried her up and around for a while. The city seemed impossibly far below her and she couldn't care. These wyvern wings worked just as good as the harpy wings she had used before. It barely took any effort once she was this high and drifting on the winds.

"What have I done." Caroline sighed to herself. A few annoyances, a few bullets and less than a day without some feeding and she had completely lost it. There had to be a way to have this under better control. This couldn't be the way it would be forever, what happens if she has to go without sex for a week? What if something like that happens, would she just lose her mind entirely?

She shook her head and took another look around. From this height, the clouds were so beautiful and the ocean was so blue. The Puget Sound, the inlet that came down from the Pacific to Seattle, was a beautiful choppy mess. It looked so happy and inviting, a perfect thing to cool her head, even in the chilly autumn.

She banked down towards it and felt the wind rush past her. Her wings folded back to her sides, her speed increasing dramatically. It was a wild feeling. She reveled in it. Who cares if more people saw her. Those phones would probably already have the video uploaded. She'd be a main story on the evening news. So, she might as well have fun in the daylight while she can.

Her wings snapped wide just a few hundred yards above the water and she curved into a screaming dive. Her talons raked the water and she smiled widely. It took another few hundred feet to slow down and she pulled her wings in tight, closing her eyes as she did.

She hit the water and dove like a submarine. The cool salt water engulfed her body and she gave a gurgling sigh of relief. Whatever anger and heat that flight hadn't managed to cool off was immediately taken by the water. Her body shifted back into that of a human and she floated to the surface. She turned over on her back and stared at the sky, bobbing slowly on the waves.

Caroline smiled widely and thought of Harry Potter. Her feet became webbed and her toes lengthened. Her hands tingled and she felt the webbing stretch between them. She turned over and started to swim towards the shore. It was fast. Really fast. Between the hands and feet, she was paddling along at an Olympian's pace. She'd be back on the shore in minutes, even though she had flown probably a half mile out into the bay. She could only smile at her own luck, wasn't it great to be a shapeshifter?


Caroline climbed out of the surf and up onto the docks of the famous Seattle pier. She ditched her bloody, torn hat at the first garbage can and headed into the first store she came to, The Curiosity Shop. She had been thinking, her face had been pretty well hidden, so perhaps nobody would be able to identify her. She might very well get away with everything that had happened.

The shop wasn't overly large, but it was crammed full of things. Mountains of odd curios filled the corners and piled high in the tables. Indian doodads and hippie carvings. Glass trinkets of remarkable craftsmanship and metal puzzles tangled up in bins.

She quickly found and bought a hemp hoodie dyed with stoner colors and some classic military camouflage pants. The man behind the counter looked fantastically like a stoner, long blonde hair and pot smell included.

"Hey babe. You want to catch a meal this evening?" He asked with a smile as he gave her a receipt.
