Ashley Ch. 08

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A young woman discovers a pile of goo in her house.
3.6k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/25/2020
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With some not-so-considerable effort, Ashley struggled to get her boobs back inside her low cut top. The fabric strained but eventually gave enough that her areola were no longer exposed. She exhaled her relief as she fanned her face. The car was still off and the lack of a/c along with her efforts had her hot.

Well, that and what she'd been doing.

She glanced in the rearview mirror to see if she still had any splotches of Jimmy's cum there, but she didn't see any. That was good. She didn't want to have to run home just to wash her face, and she couldn't go inside the library. Jimmy had forbidden it because, he said, he couldn't control himself around her anymore.

Ashley believed him there, not that she was any better. The past three days had been spent with his cock in most of her orifices, and just thinking about him coming by after work tonight had her so horny she could barely think. She had stopped by for his lunch break like she'd promised, parking in the alley behind the library and waiting for him. The plan had been to give him a quick bj to take the edge off while he worked. But Jimmy was a machine, and after he came three times in her mouth, he turned her around, yanked down her neckline and up her short skirt and fucked her against the wall. Only then did he seem satisfied. The dark look cleared off his face as he pulled his jeans up and kissed her cheek before returning inside. Ashley had cleaned up as best she could there next to the dumpster, using some spare napkins from the glovebox in the car to wipe down the insides of her thighs.

But her breasts were another story. They hadn't continued to expand, thank goodness, but they were still pretty ridiculous compared to how they used to look. And they were always so sensitive! Trying to pull the top back over them had aroused her terribly, to the point where it was almost impossible to stop playing with them and get them corralled. She did, but now her pussy was leaky again. The towel she had down in the seat would need to be changed as soon as she got home, she suspected.

Her intention had been to drive around in one last sweep for Chester, but at this point she didn't expect any luck in finding him. Honestly, she was tired—she had gotten almost no sleep since she and Jimmy had hooked up, and when she did sleep, her dreams were dark, frightening. That shadow man she always saw seemed more and more real, and the haze that often covered her vision seemed to grow less and less. The better she could see, the more she sensed something had fundamentally changed in her, but she didn't know. She wondered what would happen when she finally saw the man's face and shuddered.

Ugh, she didn't like thinking about such things! She pushed those yucky thoughts away and realized she was hungry. Jimmy's spunk was just not sufficient to keep her going, even if she ingested plenty of it. She giggled suddenly at that notion, and the sound startled her. A deep sense of confusion accompanied with dread filled her. Where had that laugh come from? She hadn't sounded like that since she and her sister had been kids playing hide and seek.

Ashley looked down and the confusion deepened. She couldn't see her lap for her breasts.What the heck? Panic tried to creep in as tears welled up in her eyes. What was going on? She had some vague memories of the last week or two, images of her body on display and hands on her and...and...

She broke down into sobs. What had happened to her?? She had been such a good girl her entire life, and in the blink of an eye, she was no longer a virgin and looked forward to nothing more than sex! And even now, when she realized just how far she had fallen, she still craved more cock. The mere thought of Jimmy tightened places in her body she was only now discovering, which only made her cry harder. Her body had fully given in and taken over. What was she supposed to do now?

After five minutes or so, the tears tapered off, leaving her miserable. She didn't want to go home—she clearly couldn't trust herself alone—and she didn't want to go anywhere people might see her. Even though it was a Saturday, the park near the high school was usually pretty empty. Maybe she would go walk around for a bit. She wasn't that hungry, and it was only a ten minute drive from the library.

The further Ashley moved from her house, the clearer her mind seemed. When she parked the car, she sat there staring out of the window, face placid as her mind stilled. It felt better not to think. Yes, much more comforting than letting any sense of guilt or worry about her changes since Easter. She could just sit here and look pretty until someone needed her for something. The tension and confusion bled away, leaving her looking like nothing so much as a breathing doll.

She didn't even notice someone approach the vehicle until a tap on the passenger window startled a squeak out of her. It was her old teacher, Mr. Arthur. He held up his hands to show he hadn't meant to frighten her as he took a step back from the car. The look of consternation on his bearded face pulled a bubbly laugh from Ashley. She rolled down the window as he bent his tall frame back over to lean in slightly. "Everything okay, Ash?"

Still giggling, Ashley nodded, the color in her cheeks bright under her tanned complexion. "You scared me, Mr. Arthur!" Her amusement was contagious and soon he laughed along with her. "It's the weekend, you know. You can go home from the school on Saturdays," she teased.

He snorted. "Yes, I've heard that. But the park is a good place to run." She noted the way his longish dark hair clung to his sweaty face, and the way his damp shirt clung to his chest. His dark eyes stayed firmly on her face, refusing to glance a centimeter in the wrong direction. She supposed he'd had to learn to do that as a high school teacher so as not to be tempted into something that might get him into trouble.

But she wasn't a student anymore, and his musky scent was arousing her. To keep him from jogging off, she asked, "I don't suppose you saw my Chester out there anywhere, did you?" She twisted around to grab a leftover flyer in her back seat, positioning herself in a way that best showed off her cleavage and pulled her pleated skirt almost up to her ass. When she straightened back around to hand the flyer to him, every muscle in his body was tensed.

He took the flyer from her, looking a touch conflicted before glancing it over and shaking his head. "No, I didn't." He hesitated and took two steps back before leaning back in and saying, "But I wasn't really looking. Do you want some help searching out here?"

Ashley's mind hit the ground for a moment, knowing that if she went out there, he was going to touch her. And then it rebounded up to the sun. God, Mr. Arthur had always been hot for a teacher, and now was her chance to see if he was as sexy as he seemed. "Help would be great, Mr. Arthur! Let me put on a little sunscreen first." She grabbed the bottle from the seat beside her—she took at least one of her freebies with her everywhere she went—and poured some out into her hands. The floral scent filled her mind, traveled down her body, and then settled in her clit.

By the time she started rubbing the lotion onto her legs and arms, Mr. Arthur was torso-deep into the car. His nose twitched as the odor grabbed him and forced his eyes to watch what she was doing. Everything about him seemed...settled, as if resolved to see what was going to happen through to the end. "Today, Ashley," he growled, not raising his voice but making it clear she should do what he said right then.

She bounded out of the car, towel somehow not completely plastered to her ass, and hurried around to his side. He headed off towards the trail, and she followed. Given that he stood a couple of inches over six feet, she looked like she was just tagging along behind him like a kid. Her shoes, a pair of low platform white sneakers, made it hard to keep up since they were made for looks and not utility. Mr. Arthur didn't seem to notice at all, striding ahead of her with the same air of authority he had in class.

He led her deep into the park, taking her down one of the lesser trod paths by the looks of it. Weeds had grown up on the loosely packed dirt, brushing her bare legs. She paused to stop and scratch from where they're rubbed. When she stood back up, Mr. Arthur was staring at her with an impenetrable expression. Her breath fled for a moment as he took her in fully. "Come here, Ashley." He stood beside two horizontal bars, put there to allow anyone who wanted to pause in their walk to do some pull-ups the opportunity. She swallowed and approached him with caution and a hint of embarrassment. That gaze made her so horny that the tops of her thighs were wet.

When Ashley got within his reach, his arm flashed out and grasped her by the throat. He didn't squeeze, but the heat of his palm rested heavily against her racing pulse. Mr. Arthur pulled her close, shut his eyes, and inhaled. He let out a ragged breath, the only hint of conflict within him. His eyes opened and fell on her with a hungry glint. "Oh Ash," he said, a hint of smile on his lips, "I should've known that your facade had all been an act."

"What...what do you mean?" she stammered, every nerve sizzling as he pulled her body against his. She barely reached his shoulder, and this close she had to expose her neck more to look up at him.

"I mean you were just another little slut under it all, weren't you?"

Ashley didn't have the nerve to tell him she meant that she couldn't remember what facade meant in that moment. Instead, she swallowed and lowered her eyes. He wasn't wrong, she realized that now, and lying seemed like the wrong thing to do, so she nodded. "Good girl," he murmured, and that soft, light feeling spread through her. She glanced back up at him with a beaming smile.

"Still," he said, his fingers tightening around her throat for an instant, "you can't be that good of a girl if you're really a slut, can you?" Before she could answer, his mouth was on hers, and she responded with an eagerness that surprised her. He released her neck and put one hand on the small of her back while the other slid up under her skirt. With a quick slap, he pushed her legs far enough apart to slide two, then three fingers up inside of her while his thumb played with her clit. Ashley moaned in his mouth as her hips danced against him of their own accord. Oh God, as much fun as she'd been having with Jimmy, Mr. Arthur was so different. And his fingers found a spot that...

She threw her head back as her body convulsed with the pleasure he released. A loud squeal came from her mouth before he clamped his other hand over it. She barely noticed. The world was white and filled with floral-scented ecstasy. How many times as she daydreamed in class about Mr. Arthur? More than she could count, but it had never been like this. She floated along on the bliss until blazing fire sizzled across her breasts.

In shock, Ashley tried to pull away from him. It was a fruitless task with his fingers still lodged up inside of her. His expression grew dark, far darker than Jimmy's could dream of mustering, as he assessed her breasts. "Huh, I thought you'd gotten implants," he mused aloud, his thumb still swirling around her clit, sending tiny electrical shocks through her pelvis. He slapped her breasts again, and she tensed in anticipation of the pain. Mr. Arthur grunted as her pussy squeezed his fingers and yanked them out of her.

"What a terrible mess you've made, Ashley." He tilted her face back up to force her to look at him, his hand drenched with her juices. "Open your mouth." When she hesitated, his other hand found a nipple and pinched through the fabric of her shirt. She yelped, and he used the opportunity to slide his fingers into her mouth. "Clean my hand off, and then we can finish up this lesson."

Lesson? Ashley's tongue lapped his hand clean, flushed with embarrassment and lust. Why did he scare her, and why was that turning her on so much? Had she really become so slutty that any sort of attention made her weak? That answer seemed abundantly clear as Mr. Arthur pulled his hand from her face and put it on her wrist. He lifted her arm so she could touch the bar there. "And the other," he commanded.

She did what he told her, though even in her platform shoes she had to strain to touch the ground. Her shirt inched up around her midriff, and her skirt fluttered in the breeze just below her ass. He yanked off his damp shirt, showing her a reasonably toned chest covered with a modest thatch of dark hair. He slid her hands so they were together and then, using his t-shirt, tied them together and to the pole. As off balance as she was, Ashley couldn't begin to tug herself free.

Mr. Arthur stood back with a critical eye before stepping close again. She flinched away slightly, and he smiled. "It's okay, Ashley," he murmured as he stroked her along her sides. "You can trust me." He traced his nose along her nose, inhaling deeply. When he lifted up, his face a whisper away from hers, he asked. "Do you trust me, Ashley? Will you let me show you what a man like me should do to a creature such as you?" His voice never rose, but she could feel the dark desire under his words. She was scared, but not so scared that it kept her own desire from growing at his closeness.

She gave a slow nod, and he smiled before crushing his mouth against hers. Ahh, something that she understood finally. Her kisses were eager in return and she tried to push the tempo. He slapped her ass, hard, and she whimpered, letting him set the pace. The kiss went on and on, as if he were testing to see how hard she would push back. After the third slap, Ashley just gave in and let him control it all. When she did, she felt lighter, softer, and the floaty bubble she'd found with Jimmy began to envelop her.

Of course, that's when Mr. Arthur broke away from her. "Good girl," he whispered with a smile before he yanked her shirt up over her breasts. Ashley squeaked in mortified surprise—anyone walking by would be able to see her that way—but was helpless to push it back down with her hands tied above her. Then he took the edges of her skirt and tucked them up into the waistband to expose her bottom half, as well. Her face flamed in embarrassment, which only grew when he pointedly wiped at her drenched inner thighs.

He circled her a few times, eying every inch of her body, before he moved to look around on the ground. Ashley followed him, aching and wanting him to please come back and touch her. If her shame grew to a certain level, a whiff of honeysuckle would blossom around her, and the calm bubble settled back around her. Being here on display wasn't so bad, not since there was a good reason for it. And surely that reason ended up with her getting fucked, right?

Still, Mr. Arthur looked disappointed as he came back to her. "Well, I have no belt and it's too early in the spring still to find a good switch." Her eyes nearly popped out of her head, and he laughed, a warm sound that reverberated across her aching nipples. "I would only be testing it out, Ashley, to see if you enjoyed it." She shivered as she wondered, too. She could picture it quite clearly, him flicking a belt across her ass, and she groaned. That earned her another chuckle. "It seems I touched on an itch you didn't realize you needed scratched. Don't worry pet, I can still help you there."

He walked around behind her. When she tried to turn her head to follow his movement, he snapped, "Eyes forward, slut." Ashley didn't want to do what he said when he called her names like that, but she immediately complied. When she did, she got a small taste of the euphoria she felt each time she climaxed. She felt his hand slide across her ass, and then forward to rub the nub of her clit. He sighed when he found she grew wetter the more he handled her. He kissed the top of her head, enveloped her bound hands with one of his, and said in her ear, "I won't let you fall."

A smack exploded across her ass, and she yelped in surprise and pain. Before her mind had time to process what happened, another followed. Slaps just this side of too hard rained down on her exposed ass, and Ashley squirmed and danced and cried. Oh it hurt! But she was also very aware of how exposed she was, and God knew she didn't want an audience to watch her getting an eyeful while her butt was destroyed. Or did she? She imagined eyes out there watching this little scene play out, and her nipples ached so badly they made her cry harder.

After what felt like forever, but was really only a minute or two, Mr. Arthur stopped spanking her. Ashley sagged, barely able to still stand, as he stepped back to admire his handiwork. It felt like flames dancing across her skin, and she wondered how she was going to be able to sit down long enough to drive home.

A deep growl came from behind her, the only warning of what was about to happen next. Mr. Arthur stepped up against her, and she could feel that his shorts were gone. He lifted her at the waist until he could slide his impossibly hard cock into her. Now Ashley couldn't help but cry out—finally! Even though her sore butt ached with each thrust against them, her desire helped her ignore the pain to try and find that prized orgasm.

Mr. Arthur put up with it for about twenty seconds before he stopped, fully inside of her, and slid a hand around to pinch and twist one of her nipples. "Owwww!" she squeaked, the pain cooling her need for a second.

"Stop squirming around and just let me fuck you," he snarled in her ear. "Got it, slut?"

Ashley nodded, trying hard to stop pulling away from those twisting fingers. He didn't stop pinching her, but eventually the pain melted into the soft white haze she craved. Yes, she let him do what he wanted. He didn't want to really hurt her. Rather she was the instrument of his pleasure, and that made her feel so good, and so, so horny. She let him fuck her there in the park, for anyone walking by to see, and when he came deep inside of her, she got the release she wanted.

The white was blinding as she spasmed around him, and it seemed like she climaxed for forever. When she finally came back down to her body, she was standing beside her car, her clothing back in place. "Ash?" She blinked and looked up into Mr. Arthur's frowning face. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need me to drive you home?"

Even though she felt high as a kite, she smiled a loopy smile at him. "No, I'm okay." She giggled, a brainless sound nothing at all like her normal laugh. "But if you're always welcome to come visit me anytime you like." A faint blush spread across her cheeks at being so forward, but if he could manage to make her cum that hard in a park, she couldn't help but wonder what he might be able to do in a more private setting.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," he said, though his expression gave away the conflict in his mind. "I..."

She stepped up and kissed him, a deep wet kiss, and he crushed her in an embrace. When they finally parted, she gave him her best cheerleader smile before slipping in behind the wheel of her car. "Bye, Mr. Arthur!" she called as she drove away, knowing he would come find her again. She just knew it.

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