Ashley's Descent Ch. 01


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Scott watched as Ashley walked out of his office. You need to wear clothes that show off that body. Not loose sweaters and slacks. Scott smiled as Ashley looked back as she exited his office. He wanted her to know he was looking, to see how she reacted.

Ashley smiled back at her boss. She was flattered by his attention. Is he really interested in me? We are both married. Ashley reached her desk and sat down. She began to go through the materials she had received. Glancing occasionally at her Boss's door as she began her work day.

Ashley found herself watching Scott and his doorway. She chuckled to herself as she realized she was acting jealous of her two female co-workers. What the fuck am I doing. He is my dad's age for fuck's sake.

Then on their field trip, Scott was a total professional. Introducing her as a "valued colleague" in the company. A few times Ashley caught him checking her out. She wished she had worn something that more flattered her figure. Like a skirt or a dress, Ashley told herself many times.

Worse was the fact that Scott had caught her looking at him more than a few times. And not in a good way, a proper way Ashley admonished herself.

Oh no, he had to have seen her looking at his sexy ass and that bulge. Oh fuck girl stop it. But Ashley's mind and issues at home were not cooperating.

Ashley did not even realize that Scott had been watching and subtly questioning her all day. "Long night last night?" "Oh, your husband works nights?" And on and on.

But it was, "He needs to pay more attention to you." That one stuck with her. Ashley laughed it off but it planted a seed in her. Yes he does. Or maybe you do?

The next day work started as normal. Ashley abstained from drinking the night before, and she did wear a fashionable black dress. Nearly form fitting, but certainly better than the baggy pants and sweaters she had worn the day before. Ashley went to the bathroom and looked at her ass. Not too bad at all, not that Billy would notice. Scott would notice though, Ashley thought.

Scott did notice indeed. He eyed her constantly throughout the day. His bulge showed more and more, even some of the ladies around the water cooler were gossiping about it Ashley noticed. Sure there was always talk about the boss, but this was certainly different than what was talked about before...or maybe Ashley was just noticing finally? Scott peaked his head out from his office, "Ashley, road trip?"

Ashley looked around quickly, glanced at her desk and said, "Um, yes, sure."

"Great, we'll take the company car, I want to show you some properties." Scott took Ashley around to a few properties around town that they either managed or straight out owned. It was clear the business was more than Ashley had thought it was.

The pair drove through town, Scott pointed out a few properties here and there. Some buildings were quite elaborate which meant the money coming in was quite elaborate too. They chatted about her progress and next steps. Scott pulled over, "Here we are". Ashley looked around and saw her building. "Are we going in there?' Ashley asked nervously while pointing at her building.

"Oh, no, we are going in this one, but we do own that one," Scott pointed to the building next to hers and then hers. "A friend of mine lives near here, he also works for me from time to time." Scott pulled over and they got out of the car. Scott explained how they owned the building, its net income to the company and a few other items. They walked in and were met by a very nice looking man.

"Hi Scott!" said Doug.

"Hey Doug, good to see you again. This is one of my most valuable teammates, Ashley," Scott said.

"Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Doug."

"Nice to meet you as well," said Ashley, noticing his physique and large hands. "Do you own this or live here?"

"No, no, I don't. But I'm kind of the handy man without the bother of being a super," Doug said. "It's a good gig."

The three toured the building, taking time in an apartment that was vacated recently. Doug and Scott talked about renovations, costs, upgrades, and small items. Ashley was asked about some style points to which she gave advice that was incorporated into the plan. This is kind of fun...and Doug and Scott make a really good team, Ashley thought.

As they were leaving the property Doug and Scott smiled at each other. Ashley went to the car, while Doug and Scott talked a bit.

"Do you have the package?" Scott asked.

"I most certainly do." Doug responded. "I know you'll like it, it's just what you asked for." Doug handed Scott a security legal sized envelope. Scott in turn handed Doug an envelope with cash.

"We'll talk later for sure with this one." Scott said and left for the car.

"Oh I do hope so." Doug said.

Scott returned to the car that Ashley was already in. "Want to get some lunch? I know a place that isn't too far from here. My treat." Scott said.

"Sure, sounds great," Ashley said.

Scott drove downtown, parking in the space marked "Owner" in front of Frogz.

"You own this too?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, it was one of our first acquisitions. It's also a great money maker now that we've renovated it. From what I have seen it's really popular."

The two walked in and the bartender immediately said, "Usual table boss?"

"Yes, Jimmy, if it's available and not too much trouble," Scott responded.

"Always boss, and thanks for the help on that matter we discussed. It made all of the difference." Jimmy said as they walked to a private table on the second floor that Ashley had never noticed was even there. You could see the entire bar. They ordered some non-alcoholic drinks from the lunch menu and two entrees.

Scott opened up the conversation, "I'm glad we have some privacy to discuss your future. How are you liking things so far?"

"It's really great, I'm enjoying it and also the freedom it brings out of the office," Ashley said.

"You are certainly picking it up quickly. Others have noticed, just take Doug. He said, "You know your stuff." Scott complimented her. "But let's talk about something interesting." Scott placed the envelope on the table.

"What's this?" Ashley asked.

"Well, it's your it," Scott said.

Ashley opened it up. Her mouth dropped open and face flushed red. Inside were full glossy pictures of her. The detail was remarkable. Each one made Ashley shudder. A few were of her here at Frogz, those were bad enough. Some were of Her dancing close with her friend Steve. Then she saw the rest. She was surprised at how she looked on her couch, her balcony...all quite revealing. "What is this about?" Ashley stuttered, her stomach in a knot.

"I've noticed you and obviously you've noticed me. I know how your husband doesn't pay attention to you. The pictures say it all. Now who do these go to first, your parents or your husband?" Scott said matter of factly.

Ashley sat stunned. How can this even be happening? What is this all about?

"It doesn't have to be like that though. We could be even better friends and help each other meet our needs." Scott smiled.

"What? I don't understand," Ashley felt her heart pounding in her chest.

"I'll make this simple Ashley. Blow job, right now, or...." Scott said plainly and tapped the photos. Scott took her hand from the photo and put it on his cock.

Ashley tried to recoil as Scott placed her hand on his cock. This can't be happening. This just can't be, Ashley told herself. Get up, get up, get up! But she found herself just sitting there, frozen in fear.

Scott could see the conflict over Ashley's face. He squeezed her hand on his cock, sliding it up and down the shaft slowly.

"That's a bit better than a PS4 controller that your husband touches isn't it?" Scott's tone, firm and if he knew exactly what Billy valued most.

I'm not a slut, just pull your hand away....slap him, Ashley's mind screamed.

"You know, Ashley, I hate little cockteases,... I despise cockteases in fact and whores but, I do enjoy turning cock teasers into whores," Scott said while he guided her hand on his cock.

Fuck, it's big, Ashley thought. You can't do this! He is your boss. Your Dad's friend! He could be your Dad! DAD...those pictures!!!

Wait, I am no cocktease.... Oh God, I am not a whore. Get up!!

Scott switched his hands over, holding her still on his cock. His other hand reached behind Ashley and found a fistful of her hair. Scott yanked her head back. "Now would be a good time to undo me."

Ashley's hands moved without thought. What can I do, those pictures can't get out. She undid his pants. Scott's cock bobbed up as she pulled his shorts down. So damn nice. Ashley stroked his naked cock, feeling the heat in her hand. She glanced around for anyone looking, feeling like a cornered rabbit.

"Down on my cock," Scott said, pushing her head down. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK.

Ashley stiffened, "I don't swallow."

Scott smiled, "You do down." Ashley sank to his cock begrudgingly, taking it in her mouth. Scott pushed and pulled her down on it, gagging her slightly. So big...bigger than Billy by a lot, she thought. Ashley held his balls in her hand and held his base. Ashley sucked Scott's cock, bobbing her head up and down on it...with a rhythm controlled by her hair being pulled.

"Yes, that's right Slut," Scott said as his head fell against the wall. Feeling her mouth sliding and sucking on his cock. "You're really good at this, or maybe it's just that you like my cock," he said arrogantly.

Scott pushed her down harder and faster. Ashley sucked as hard as she could, feeling used. She felt him stiffen, trying to keep him in her mouth. Billy never used me like this. Suddenly, Scott pushed her down hard and his cock erupted in her mouth, filling it with his cum. Scott held her there as the sperm shot down her throat in spurts. Tears welled up in her eyes. She gagged a few times, trying to keep it down.

Scott finally yanked her up by her hair, his cum dribbling from the side of her mouth. "That's not bad for your first time on me," Scott said triumphantly. Ashley coughed loudly, her mascara running on her cheeks. "Go clean yourself up Slut, we'll talk about your next assignment when you get back."

Ashley almost ran to the restroom. Once she burst through the door, she began to cry fully as she stood by the sink. She looked into the mirror. He just fucking raped me. Why did I let him? Those pics were nothing.

Ashley stood there and grabbed a paper towel to dry her eyes and then to try to calm down. Get a hold of yourself. No one saw, so deny you blew him, she told herself.

Then she thought about Scott. She shook her head. This was wrong, it crossed a line and went too far. Never again. I will stop coming here and close my curtains. Who in the fu..... she stopped, eyes wide and then said, "Fucking Doug spied on me. Oh fuck."

Now anger took over Ashley, this is bullshit. She fumed as she redid her makeup and then returned to the table with her boss, Scott.

Scott talked business as they finished their lunch. Not once did he mention or even thank Ashley for her oral service. Damn, you could at least thank me, Ashley thought as she listened and nodded along.

Once back at the office, Scott did say, "Now you and I will be spending more time together, make sure your schedule is flexible."

Ashley stunned herself by quickly replying, "Yes, Sir." She was shocked at how easily she had said it. Why did I say it so fast?

Alone Together

To Ashley's surprise, Billy was not playing his video games. Instead he was setting the table.

"Hey, how was your day? I ordered Lander's. I got you lemon pepper chicken and steamed broccoli and cauliflower."

He was actually attentive for a change. Ashley told him about her day, leaving out her lunch meeting and her infidelity. Ashley did say how much work studying she would need to do. Without thinking she said, "I will need to see Scott a lot."

Ashley caught herself. Oh fuck what did I just say?

But Billy just said, "Well it makes sense, he is the Boss and has the expertise in this."

After dinner, they cleaned up the dishes and trash. Then the couple snuggled on the couch. Soon that led to kissing and a full make out session. Ashley blocked out Scott as Billy's hands roamed her body.

In no time, they were naked in bed. Hands feeling each other up in the tried and familiar way. Then in the too typical way it had become, Billy slid on top of Ashley and began to have intercourse with her.

Ashley did not time it, but her mind wondered. Is Steven a good lover, would he do me at Frogz? Am I a good lover? Ashley moaned at that thought, which caused Billy to smile as his wife moaned under him. It did not take long for him to cum, well before Ashley was ready but she faked another climax with him. Damn it I was so close too, Ashley thought.

"That was great Babe," Billy said as he rolled off of his wife.

Ashley gave him a "mmmhmm" as her mind wandered again as Billy held her close. I wonder if Scott will fuck me hard? Then she caught herself, If? Oh fuck I am in trouble.

Ashley's thoughts got interrupted by Billy. She only caught the last part of him saying, "..... shower with me?"

"Sure thing Baby," Ashley replied and together they showered. But to her frustration, Billy stopped any real playing saying that he was spent and needed energy for work.

Drinking alone

Once alone, Ashley did her normal evening routine. She picked up the apartment, did some laundry before doing her one hour workout.

Then she showered, after which she just put on her robe. She debated getting dressed and going to Frogz but decided not too. What if Scott is there? I cannot risk that and besides, they have spy cameras there.

Ashley then made herself a Jack n' Coke. She sipped it as she scrolled her social media. Ashley was desperate to move her mind away from earlier with Billy and worse at lunch with Scott. I was so slutty, I can't be that. I am not that, she told herself even as she thought about sucking off her boss.

Time had moved fast on her as she checked the time. It was almost 11 pm already and Here I am, alone again.

The show must go on

Ashley was frustrated and horny. Being alone and drinking was not helping. It was already late and she knew she should be in bed.

But she wanted to cum. She had her needs and that sad fuck earlier with Billy did nothing for her. It did a lot for him, Ashley thought, but I needed more than five fucking minutes. Damn him anyways.

Soon her silky robe was open and her right hand was exploring her own body again. Her left hand holding her third Jack n Coke. Her drunk mind thought, I bet Steven lasts longer than 5 minutes. Or my sexy boss. Fuck, I know he wants me too, for more than a blowjob.

Ashley put down her drink and picked up her phone. Moving to the balcony, her robe still undone, Ashley looked around for a moment, she more than half expected to see her neighbor out with his camera. You bastard, I loved coming out here. Bet you would like my heavenly body too, you bastard.

Ashley could not see that Doug was in fact getting a good show tonight. All on his cameras, both still and video tonight. Doug said to himself, "Now like the other night, show me what you have."

Then Doug remembered his orders and picked up his cell phone and sent a text.

She is playful tonight.

Then he put his phone down as he made sure he was capturing the action and then snapped a few stills as well. Doug smiled as he saw Ashley's cell light up a few minutes later.


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thefishfryerthefishfryer10 months ago

Very nice so far, just the right amount of coercion for Ashley to release her inner slut. Looking forward to see how far she will take it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 many sexy elements at play

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 Stars+. Great, don't think it could have been a better start. Can't wait for more chapters, I hope there is going to be plenty of dirty talk off up and coming slut Ashley. Thank you for taking the time to write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good job, nicely spun trap. Looking forward to Chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story looking forward to more.

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