Ashley's New Job


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"Yeah, so I can see. Is it always like this with her dancing?"

"Three routines she does bring out the crowd like this. The fireman's, which you just saw, the nurse, which is hot in a totally different way, and believe it or not, the leather butch one. For some reason when she does that one the men just go nuts. Of course, there is that dildo part in that one..."

"Dildo part?"

Ashley broke in to explain.

"I...masturbate with a big dildo right on stage. Gets me lots of attention. I don't do it very often though. Takes a lot out of me."

"I can imagine."

She hit me on the shoulder at my witty comeback. Her smile was genuine though so I knew she wasn't really mad. Ann pointed to the other dancers.

"Here you go. Ask them anything. What they say is their words, their experiences, and not rehearsed or planned. I just want them to tell you honestly what they have done, how it is working for them and what their husbands think."

The rest of the evening was spent with my asking questions, getting answers, and listening to some sage advice on how to handle being married to a stripper. Ann would interject here and there while Ashley pretty much sat quietly.

In the end, I said I wanted to think about it and then talk things over with Ashley. Alone. We drove home that night, together. The ride was quiet as each of us was lost in our respective thoughts. Getting home we were both tired, and went to bed. No sex, not much other than a simple "good night" and a light kiss.

The next morning, a bright and warm Sunday, I got up and had begun to make breakfast when Ashley came out. She was still in her pajama's and she looked sexy as hell as she walked around the kitchen. I found myself getting an erection just from her presence.

"Morning sleepy head. How are you this morning?"

"Morning Doug. What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and toast. There's orange juice in the fridge if you want."

She was looking at the table. I had set it for two. Fresh flowers in a vase in the center, and hot coffee just being poured by yours truly. She looked at the flowers then up at me. I saw tears in her eyes, just brimming, not quite enough to fall...yet.

"Flowers? Where did you get flowers this time of day on a Sunday Doug?"

"Neighbors. I was out getting the paper and Mary was out and about. She offered them to me from her garden. I accepted. I think she knows that we have had a...that things between us are...strained at the moment."

"That obvious huh?"

"Well, you haven't been around and usually it's me that's not around. Also...I have been drinking quite a bit lately too."

I hung my head, ashamed of my drinking like I had been doing. I knew that I was done with that now, except for the usual occasional social drinks of course, but I had been on a downward spiral over the last weeks. Mary had seen me stumble home late several times and she also knew that Ashley had not been home either.

"Feel like you want to talk now or would you rather wait until later?"

"I...don't know Ashley. There is so much I want to say but I just don't know how to say it to you for some reason. I learned some things last night, but I still have fears of your dancing leading you away from me and into some other guys arms. I don't know why, but I do."

"You know that I love only you Doug. That I would never cheat on you. No other man has the hold over me like you do. You are the kindest, most supportive and best husband a gal could have. I'd be a fool to chance losing you."

"Yeah? Well look at our recent history. I would have never thought that you would walk out on me like you did either. People can change Ashley. Take your dancing thing. You have found that you really like to dance, stripping in front of men. That's a large change. Now, what could you tell me that would let me rest easy knowing that you wouldn't cheat or run around on me with other men? I'm not saying you will, or that you have, but you have to see it from my point of view. A year ago your stripping was not even a fantasy in our lives. Now it has become an issue that could cause our marriage to fall apart."

She sat there with a look of realization dawning. She had never thought about it like that I could see. I pressed on.

"What if, just what if mind you, but, what if I decided to be a stripper too? How would you feel about me stripping for women, maybe doing lap dances..."

"I know you, you'd never do that Doug. You're too shy."

"Oh really? What do you suppose I thought about you say...oh...four months ago? are stripping and you have done lap dances. See what I am afraid of now? You have changed a lot Ashley."

She was silent. I could see her arguing my point over in her head. I sat down in front of her, close in so I could take her hands in mine.

"Ashley, I love you with all my heart. That I know. These last weeks have been hell on me. The drinking, being alone every night, knowing that you were somewhere else, probably enjoying yourself, maybe even being with other men."

"I told you that I was only with Ann and a couple of other women Doug."

"I know that...NOW Ashley. At the time I had no idea. I only knew that you walked out on me over your wanting to dance. You moved your things out of the house, you were just...gone. How was I supposed to know anything else. Then you only would call me, never once stopping by to talk to me face to face. Is that how you were trying to save our marriage? Mechanical blind talk over personal face to face? You hurt me deeply. I know that I hurt you, but to be honest, I think that you cut me a bit more than I did you."

"But...well...I was angry with you when I came home that day. Then, I knew that if I were at home and you followed me right away you would be mad because I would have cost you that client and maybe your job. I felt that I had to protect myself just in case. Then, you...didn't come after me. I thought you hated me because you didn't try. You never tried to stop me."

"Never tried to stop you? Ashley you know that I have always given you your space when you needed it. As angry as you were at me I thought that you needed that space. Besides you were right about one thing, if I had left to try to stop you and missed that Monday appointment, I could have kissed my job goodbye. I had to take a chance that you would calm down by the time I got home. Then, after not hearing from you, I thought that you may have given up on us after all. That and I was drinking pretty heavy by then too."

"Your job is more important than me?"

"Oh come on know better than that. How about you? Your dancing is more important than me?"

"But you never came after me. I got to the airport and hoped that you would show up and stop me. You didn't."

"By the time I got dressed and down to the lobby you were gone. No cabs in sight, and I forgot my wallet in the room. By the time I got to the airport, your flight had left. You were gone. I was so shocked by it all I had a hard time thinking straight anyway. I came back and got drunk. On my lips drunk."

"I'm supposed to believe that you followed me to the airport?"

"I did. I went and asked if you had booked a flight. All they would do, even after I had confirmed that I was your husband is say that you had paid to change your ticket to a departure that morning. You were long gone. Matter of fact as I pulled up your plane was just taking off."

She was silent. I could see that she had been hurt by my not chasing after her sooner than I had. I was wishing that I had moved a bit faster that day now. I could have avoided this whole thing perhaps.

"So where are we now Doug?"

"All I know is I love you Ashley. I guess that if you want to dance you can. But the first time you go out on me in any way, with another man, we are done. It has to be that way. How would you feel if our situation were reversed and I was dancing and then letting the ladies touch me all over? What if I seemingly didn't care what your thoughts about my dancing were?"

"Did I seem that way to you Doug? That I didn't care what you thought?"

"Truthfully? Yes. You wouldn't talk to me you just got mad and walked out on me. Then you only would call me on the phone, no visits. What was I supposed to think?"

"I didn't think about that. I'm sorry."

"Me too. I guess I could have handled this quite a bit better. We both could have."

"Then I can dance still?"

"I'd rather you didn't, but if it makes you happy and it's the only way I can keep you, then I guess I have no other choice do I?"

"I told you I wouldn't if you didn't want me to Doug."

"And then I would have a wife with a bit of repressed anger or disappointment deep down? No, I couldn't expect that our marriage would last very long then either. Small things would eventually become big things."

"You could be that way too you know. Resentment building up until you walk on me too."

"Well, nobody said this was going to be easy did they? I'm willing to bend on this. You must be aware of my feelings all the time though. Men pawing you...a fine line to walk there Ashley. You will have to be quite vigilant at keeping me in mind when you dance. I won't always be here to watch you so I'll have to trust you to do the right thing."

After that day our lives began to wend together again. I had a hard time for a while with her new job and all, but eventually I realized that she loved me, and was faithful to me. I still rocked her world both in bed and around the house as her mate. She of course rocked mine too.

Once in a while we still go to that bookstore where the major changes in our marriage all started. We put on a little show in the booths and once in a while we really cut loose too. Now we are a bit more cautious though. Her dancing...well I got used to it. I never really knew why that would upset me so much while what we did in the bookstore didn' just did.

It hasn't been easy getting used to my wife being a stripper and all. Some of my co-workers did find out one day and I had quite a time getting past that too. Ashley has been a model wife in spite of my sometimes being a bit...well, worried about things. Our sex life? has been quite a wild one ever since. She keeps me busy pretty much all the time I am home.

I do miss her being able to come with me on my business trips at the drop of a hat, but then I am not taking as many since my promotion. And lastly the trust...yes I trust my wife as she trusts me. Hasn't been easy, but we have managed to keep it together so far. Lately she has been talking about adopting a boy or girl.(she can't have a baby) I wonder if she will quit dancing then? Only time will tell.

Um...if you will excuse me now...a naked beauty is beckoning me to her bed. I can see her legs spread, her nipples are hard, and the fingers slipping through her pussy lips are very, very wet. My cock is throbbing for what she is offering. She still does it for me. Everything that is.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pretty well-written, but pacing seemed to drag at times. Too much selfish bullshit from her to make the marriage last. Also, Ann is an enabler, and since she already seduced Ashley once, it will be even easier in the future. I wouldn't trust that twat waffle further than i could throw her skanky ass. Overall, if you're sex life is so stale that you can't get off with your partner and yiu need attention from others to get excited, then the relationship is fucked. Eventually, her exhibitionism isn't going to float her boat anymore.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She's still a slut, and your still excepting cuckold. If you has any balls you would have divorced her. Oh well each to his own..

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Here would be my teams to Ashley, for her to continue stripping.

1. Ashley will have no sexual contact with others without my complete and total consent and approval. I expect those present to inform me if she violates this. That includes no lap dances, blowjobs, pussy eating, and certainly no penetration.

2. Security cameras in the in the club will be made available to me.

3. I get free access to the club.

4. All the married dancers and their husbands will come to our house tomorrow for a BBQ. Us husbands will talk. Us husbands, us band of brothers, have to stand together. Our motto: Bros be before Hoes. We eventually agree that it’s ok for us husbands to get lap dances from each other’s stripper wife. But only lap dances. Well… until the big orgy up in cabin in Big Bear.

5. Separation and divorce papers will be drawn up and available for immediate service should any provisions of our post-nup be violated.

6. A post-nup will be drawn up specifying clear boundaries.

7. Ashely must convince Ann to have a threesome with us. And I get Ann once alone. Well as often as I like since Ashley and Ann had an affair.

8. Ann will strip like all the other ladies. Now in front of us. Later she’ll headline MILF night.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"You are not making this any easier Doug."

"Divorces are not always easy Ashley. You made it very clear to me that day in the hotel room where I stood. Your actions since have engraved your words in stone in my mind. I lost my best friend, my wife, my lover, to a fantasy. Other men are more important than your husband. Well, fuck that. I can't take second place to anyone in this marriage, and you can't seem to go back to what we had before. We're done aren't we?"

Doug’s not making it easier? Ashley’s not making it easier. Getting her boss and her thugs to break into his house, assault him, tie him up, humiliate him. What the bitch didn’t know is I had placed cameras around the house to record everything sending it to the cloud. I had also suspected a trap so I set a program to call 911 if I didn’t reset it or stop it within two minutes. “Hey Siri call 911”. “911 what’s your emergency.” My soon to be ex-wife, her boss and her boss’s thugs broke into my house, assaulted me, tied me up and I’m in fear of my life. I need the police ASAP. I’m in fear of my life.” Of course the two minute alarm had already gone off so the cops were at the door already.

Well the cops came and arrested the four of them. Too bad. My wrists were bleeding from pulling on the restrains and had to go the the hospital. Who needs their wife to humiliate them. How many lap dances did she give? Anyone we know? It’s a small town.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This marriage is toast. If they do by some chance stay together, then he will have to live with the fact that she's being ridden by other men and women every day that she's out of the house. I guess some can live that way. Doesn't sound like marriage to me though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amazing how many wimpy cuckold stories there are. Shit piled high, higher, and highest

MarkTwineMarkTwineover 1 year ago

Well that was one big stinking pile of dog shit. Just another author enamored by weak willed men. One star for cuckold trash.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 1 year ago

Letting her fuck and suck bareback in the bookstore was the beginning of the end. The exotic dancing was the icing on the cake. Story was very repetitive. Restraint by bouncers in his own home and he just accepts it and remains polite? She has cheated with women and that’s okay too? Despite the exhibitionist thrills and the tips, not likely she can match an engineering income in a big company unless she does lap dances and more. He’s a willing cuckold in every sense of the word, and I’m surprised he doesn’t crave cream pies on top of everything else. No equality in this relationship unless he gets to fuck other women, but obviously Ashley wouldn’t go for that, now would she?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

all wimpy husbands get a 1*

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 1 year ago

This was a great story and well-written. It traces the odyssey of a couple looking to spice up their sex lives by going to an adult bookstore and then to a strip club. Doug seems to have no problem in his wife sucking many cocks in an adult bookstore viewing booth and getting fucked by a couple of guys as well. Yet when she wants to become a full-time stripper, he has a problem with men there trying to fuck his wife. That is a strange delineation. What is the difference? You are letting men suck and fuck your wife in an adult bookstore but you do not want her to do the same at a strip club. Ashley promises to remain faithful to Doug while she is stripping but anyone who has gone to a strip club and had a private lap dance knows that this is probably a false promise. Still another point in the story was Ashley contending that her having sex with Ann and another woman was not cheating. Hmmmm. I wonder if Ashley would think that her husband was not cheating if he fucked other men. I think not. Both are cheating. It is merely the sex of the person you are cheating with that is at issue. The couple in the end still go to the adult bookstore on occasion so they both are exposed to STDs and those types of dangers. Ashley loves the attention she gets at the strip club but maintains that she will not fuck other men at the club. This is a strange and dangerous relationship they have and it obviously is not sustainable in the long run. Good story though. If Doug wanted to keep Ashley for himself, he should have never taken her to the adult bookstore. Then, once he took her there, he should have told her that they had to be done after that first visit or he would divorce Ashley. He is probably right in assuming that once he opened the Pandora’s Box of Ashley fucking other men, he lost her for only himself either way. Either he goes along with sharing her or they divorce and Ashley fucks other men after the divorce. Doug lost his wife forever after that first visit to the adult bookstore. Five stars for the interesting story.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Not worth a comment. Total waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

just another wimp story where the man lets his wife do what she wants. 1* How fucking original.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Cheating is cheating, man or woman. She already did it. Time to man up and say Hasta La By-By.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She already cheated. How can you trust that lier? Pathetic. Thought for sure this guy wouldn't be a wimp. Guess I was wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hell no! Another wimpy cuck

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