Audrey's Awakening Pt. 03

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Audrey and Jessie become even closer.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/22/2020
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Several weeks later, Laura and I had a serious 'Come to Jesus' discussion about our marriage. I had just returned from a three-week road trip, arriving home just after four o'clock in the morning. I let myself soundlessly into the house and tiptoed up the stairs. Hearing Ken's sonorous snoring from his bedroom, I surmised he was also home from one of his business trips.

Entering my bedroom, I was moderately surprised to discover Laura sitting up in bed reading. The only light in the room came from her book light affixed to the cover of her book. She smiled at me wistfully and set aside her book, leaving the light on to keep a soft glow about the room.

"How was your trip?" She murmured, keeping her voice low so as not to disturb her parents in the next room

I shrugged, "Boring as ever," I said, sitting on the edge of the bed to kick off my shoes. "I'm surprised you're still awake."

Laura sighed and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, "Yeah...well, I only got home myself just a little while ago," she said. "I figured you'd be home soon and thought I'd wait up for a while. We, uh...need to talk about a few things."

Seeing the serious look on her face, I cringed inwardly. I sighed in resignation, recalling how only a few months ago I had returned from a previous road trip only to discover she had quarantined herself from sex with me because of her latest bout of STD.

"Okay," I said, extending the word out as I slipped out of my briefs and crawled beneath the sheets to join her. She wore her pink baby-doll nightie that I especially liked, and I snuggled close, enjoying the warmth of her near-nude body.

While I had masturbated almost daily while on the road, it had been well over a month since I had made love to my wife and I was more than ready. I just hoped she was not self-quarantining herself yet again.

I bent and kissed her lips, feeling her respond as I prolonged the kiss, moving my hand over her breasts and feeling her nipples become erect between my fingertips. I slid my hand down cupping her pubic mound when she suddenly pulled away, breaking the kiss as she pushed my hand away.

"I um...don't think you want to go there tonight," she said, giving me one of her patented 'not tonight' looks.

"What's up?" I said, smiling to add a bit of levity between us. "Are you recovering from the clap again, or something else?"

She bit her lip and glowered at me; her instances of sexually transmitted diseases had always been a touchy subject between us. "No," she said with an emphatic shake of her head. "I'm stopping you because...well, because right now, at this moment, I happen to have another man's cum inside me."

I knew she said it that way purely to hurt me, and it did. I'd like to say that I took the news stoically, but in reality, it was more like throwing cold water over me. "Oh...okay," I managed to stammer, my growing erection instantly falling limp.

"Everyone was asleep when I got home so I haven't had a chance to shower," she said, softening her tone slightly. "I'd rather you found out this way instead of..."

I nodded and smiled despite my disappointment, "You mean, instead of getting someone else's sloppy seconds?"

I could see the anger flare in her eyes once more and, as she pushed away from me, she gave me a smile that I recognized as not really being a smile at all. "If you MUST know, and to be perfectly honest about it," she said, spitting the words out vehemently. "It would be something more along the lines of sloppy tenths or twelfths."

My eyes widened in surprise because I could see she was not trying to be funny. "What?" I said, trying not to gasp. "Are you just trying to shock me, or are you being completely serious right now?"

"As a heart attack," she said, folding her arms over her breasts. "Dana and I went to a frat house for a party tonight and I went to a bedroom with one of the guys. The next thing I knew there was a whole crowd of guys in the bedroom with us."

"Holy shit," I gasped, suddenly alarmed. "Are you okay? Were you raped?"

Laura looked at me and pursed her lips thoughtfully, then shook her head. "I'm all right; thank you for asking. And, no, it wasn't rape. No-one forced me to do anything I didn't want to do if that's what you're asking."

I nodded and sighed sadly, hating that my wife was apparently gangbanged by a bunch of frat house studs, but thankful she wasn't forced or raped.

I looked up to see her eyes welling. "I was mostly just surprised when I saw how many guys were in the room. It kind of scared me at first, but then it kind of excited me too, to see them all watching. When the guy I came in with finished and then suddenly another guy took his place, I understood what was happening and...I really didn't mind, I even kind of liked it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I kept thinking that...maybe if I let it go on long enough that...maybe I could end up actually feeling something."

I leaned forward and took her in my arms and held her as she cried softly, feeling her tears dripping onto my chest. A few minutes later, she sniffed and lifted her head, turning to get some tissues from the bedside table and blowing her nose daintily.

"You're a good guy, Jessie. You don't deserve all the shit I put you through," she said as she wiped her eyes.

I shrugged, "Hey," I said." I'm tougher than I look, I'll live."

"And, I suppose you were all true-blue and loyal this road trip too?"

She shook her head and looked away when I said nothing, knowing the answer. "You aren't making this open marriage thing easy for me, you know?"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just that you're kind of tough act to follow."

She laughed, "And now you come home all hot and bothered and horny to find out how fucked up I am."

"Ouch," I said, laughing aloud. "No pun intended; I hope."

Laura laughed as well as the irony of her words sunk in.

"Come here," she smiled, leaning forward to put her head in my lap.

I moaned appreciatively as I felt her mouth close over my cock. She sucked me hungrily and so lovingly that I was almost instantly fully erect and in less than a minute, I began to ejaculate. She moaned softly as I let go, swallowing everything I had to give her. As my orgasm began to wane, I realized she had been masturbating with her hand between her legs as she attended to my needs. A moment later her body began to writhe as she reached orgasm, her mouth still on my cock.

"That was actually kind of nice," she said, raising her head to smile at me, her cheeks flushed from her orgasm. "We almost came at the same time."

I smiled, "And, I didn't have to worry about being tenth or twelfth," I said facetiously.

She gave me a sidelong glance, "No...probably more like only fourth or fifth," she said. "But who's counting?" She added with a laugh.

"Seriously?" I laughed, "Jesus, Laura. You sucked their cocks too? Wow, you had quite the pornstars kind of night, didn't you?"

She laughed softly, "Yeah, well I guess I kinda got a little carried away when it was all happening. And then everything just seemed to happen so fast. And, God, it was such a turn on to have all those guys lusting after me like that."

I smiled and nodded, knowing her narcissistic tendencies to always be the focal point of every social occasion, I could well imagine how intoxicating it would have been for her. And, for as much as it grieved me to know my wife had been gang fucked by a bunch of college studs, there was another part of me that was actually aroused by the image of her being taken and used that way.

"So, tell me," I smiled, reaching out to cup her breast and tweak her nipples the way I knew she liked. "How many guys did you have at one time?"

"Three," she said, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "No, wait...technically, I guess, four." She looked at me and her lips curled into a smile. "You're getting off on this a little bit, aren't you? Admit it, honey. It turns you on a little bit to think about me with all those guys, doesn't it?"

I continued to smile, and I nodded my head. "I suppose it does a little," I responded honestly. "I'm not particularly thrilled that it happened to my wife. But, yeah, it is a bit of a turn on to imagine you doing it."

"But," I continued after a moment's reflection, "Even after all of that...still no joy cumming vaginally?"

She shook her head and pouted sadly, "No, and I'm beginning to think it's just not supposed to happen for me at all."

"We did manage to make it happen once," I reminded her.

She gave me a little eye roll, "Yeah, but that almost wasn't even sex."

"And yet I distinctly remember you having a rather nice orgasm."

She slapped my chest playfully, "You know what I mean," she said. "I want kissing and romance, the whole thing."

"I know, baby. All we can do is keep trying." I offered hopefully.

She rolled to face me, propping herself up on her elbow. "And, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. I've been thinking that, instead of us just having an open marriage, which you aren't even participating in, I think we should do some kind of legal separation."

"What?" I said, feeling that shock of cold water once again.

"Don't give me that kicked puppy dog look," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "It won't be a forever thing, just until I get myself together."

When I sat speechless, she continued. "Dana's coming over later this morning to help me pack up some of my things. I'll be moving in with her for the time being and you can stay here. Things will be almost like normal."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I blurted aloud. "I can't live here without you; this is your parent's house."

Laura smiled indulgently, "Not to worry, I spoke with Mom earlier today about our situation and she was pretty adamant about you staying here when you are in town."

"What?" I said in astonishment to think she had spoken to Audrey without me about something so personal. "And, your Mom's okay with all of this?"

Laura laughed and nodded her head, "Of course she is. In fact, I think she actually likes you more than she likes me right now. And, with Dad gone so much of the time, I know Mom appreciates having someone else around the house to keep her company."

I nodded, Laura had obviously been thinking about this for some time and, in her mind, had it all worked out.

"I think this is the best solution for both of us," she said, placing her hand over mine placatingly. "Just think of it like I'm off on an extended vacation in Hawaii. And, with Dad in and out with his traveling schedule, I'll feel better knowing that you'll be here to keep Mom company when you're in town."

I nodded thoughtfully, it seemed pointless to argue, she had her mind made up. "Well...I see you have it all figured out," I said with a shrug. "Okay," I sighed in resignation. "If this is what you really want."

Laura nodded and smiled, "Let's at least try it for a time and see how it goes," she said. "Maybe it'll work out for both of us."

I nodded, thinking how, for all intents and purposes, my personal living arrangements would be maintained. And, who knows, as long as I was in relatively close contact with her, she might eventually come around to my way of thinking before we fell apart completely.

At that moment, we heard Dad's alarm clock and knew it must be five o'clock. "We better try to at least get a little bit of sleep," said Laura, nestling down into the sheets. "They'll be up and around pretty soon."

I lay down beside her, but sleep did not come quickly, I tossed and turned with thoughts of my wife lying beside me for the last time in for who knew how long.

I awoke with the sun streaming through the bedroom curtains. I was alone and had not even noticed Laura getting out of bed. I dressed and made my way down the stairs to a very quiet house.

I found Audrey alone in the family room watching television while she did her needlepoint. She looked up at me and smiled as I entered the room, patting the sofa cushion beside her and setting aside her wool and canvas.

"I take it she's up and gone already," I said as Audrey poured me a mug of hot coffee from the carafe on the coffee table.

Audrey nodded and bit her lip, watching me thoughtfully as I gratefully sipped my coffee. "She and Dana left about a half an hour ago. I tried to talk to her again, but she wanted no part of it and just hurried out the door. Jessie, I'm so sorry. I hardly have words to even express how much all of this grieves me."

I smiled and shrugged my thanks for her sentiments.

"How are you doing?" She asked, looking searchingly into my eyes. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'm okay, Mom. Last night, I kind of reacted badly when she told me of her plans, but now, I think I'm mostly just sad and disappointed. And, don't worry, I can always bunk in with one of my band guys for a few weeks until I get myself together for a more permanent place to stay."

"Absolutely not," said Audrey, shaking her head emphatically and squeezing my hands for emphasis. "You'll stay right here."

I couldn't help but smile with gratitude. "Are you sure, Mom? I mean, without her here, I almost feel as if I'm imposing on her family's good nature."

"Nonsense," she said, looking at me thoughtfully. "When the two of you first came to live here, it made me realize how depressed and lonely I had been with Ken away so much of the time. In the past few months, you have become very dear to me, Jessie. Not just as my son-in-law, but as one of my closest friends. I would have been so lost without you here, and I dread to think of going back to being alone."

I raised my arms and embraced her, and she responded in kind, laying her head against my neck. I kissed her forehead and smiled. "I feel the same way about you, Mom. I've thoroughly enjoyed living here and spending time with you."

"So, it's settled then," she said, raising her head to look into my eyes. "You're staying?"

I nodded and smiled, topping off my cup with fresh coffee.

She reached over and placed her hand over mine. "You know..." She began, pursing her lips as she absently picked a small piece of thread from her skirt. "It came as quite a shock to me to hear that you and Laura had been having problems. Right from the beginning, I always thought you two had a very good thing going."

"I know," I said, smiling wistfully at her. "And, I've always felt that you were the most supportive too, more so than anyone else in the family."

"I don't know about that," she returned, discounting my statement with a wave of her hand. "I think we all tried to be as supportive as we could...each in our own way, I suppose."

We sat in silence for several moments, both of us idly watching the television with the sound off. "What would you say has been the biggest problem with your marriage?" She asked, breaking the silence. "If you don't mind me asking."

I shrugged, "No...I don't mind," I replied. "And, I think it's difficult to pinpoint what our biggest problem might be." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I mean, sure, we've had our arguments like every other married couple. It's not that we aren't compatible or don't get along. To be completely honest, Mom, I think Laura's issues run a lot deeper than that."

"Oh? How so?"

"I think probably from the time she was a little girl, she's had this vision of romantic fantasy about love and marriage, where she's envisioned some sort of knight on a white charger whisking her away from everyday life and making everything perfect."

Audrey smiled and nodded thoughtfully, "I can see that," she said. "Laura was always given to flights of fantasy, even from an early age. I suppose I had always assumed she would grow out of it once she matured."

I nodded, "Sadly enough, it appears she might not see me as the shining white knight she had always hoped for."

Audrey nodded sympathetically and then shook her head, "I guess I'll never really understand it," she said. "I always thought you two seemed like a very compatible couple."

"Me too," I returned with a laugh. "And I still do."

She pursed her lips once more, "I know it's really none of my business..." She began hesitantly. "And please, forgive me even saying anything. But, with this whole open marriage thing you two were involved in, it kind of begs the question that...well, maybe the two of you might not have been totally compatible in the bedroom."

I turned my head and smiled at her obvious discomfiture, "Well," I laughed again. "You certainly have a way of getting right to the heart of things, don't you?"

"You don't have to answer," she replied, looking away in embarrassment. "It's absolutely none of my business, and you are certainly free to tell me just that. It's just that with all this open marriage stuff, it kind of appears to me that your issues might tend to be a little toward the sexual side of things."

I laughed once more and shook my head, "A LITTLE?" I replied facetiously. "Probably a lot more than just a little, Mom."

"Oh?" Said Audrey, her eyes widening. "I'm sorry to hear that. What is it? Are the two of you somehow just not compatible that way?"

"Well," I replied with a shrug. "That's kind of the big sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, isn't it? I mean, I always thought we were doing just fine, but apparently, Laura has never felt the same way."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Said Audrey, biting her lip as she looked at me consolingly.

"It is what it is, Mom," I replied with a shrug, "I guess that she's still out looking for that special someone who can magically ring the bell for her every time."

"I'm not sure I understand exactly what that means," said Audrey with a frown.

I took another deep breath and let it out slowly, "All right," I began slowly, "I guess what I mean by that...well, let's just say that Laura's always had a bit of a problem having orgasms during sex. I think she always hoped I might be the guy to finally make it happen for her, and Lord knows we sure as hell tried everything we could think of."

"Oh, dear." Said Audrey, biting her lip and looking away, "I'm afraid that part of it is probably MY fault."

I laughed aloud, "What? YOUR fault?" I asked in surprise, "That's actually kind of funny, Mom. I think you're taking the whole Mother guilt-trip thing WAY too far."

Audrey sighed audibly, "I wish it was only that," she said sadly. "But, when it comes to sex, I have always had the very same issue with reaching orgasm, and I believe my mother had it as well. So, it would appear that I've apparently passed on the family curse to Laura too."

"Well, I'd hardly call it a curse," I replied. "I mean, if anything, it's more than likely just some kind of physical anomaly that might very likely run in your family. And certainly nothing that can't be remedied with a little love and patience."

"Oh, don't think we all haven't tried," she said with a shake of her head. "Over the years, I've been to see several different doctors and gynecologists. All of them had helpful suggestions, but, in the end, the problem was never resolved. At least not for me."

I nodded, "Laura would seem to get very close sometimes...and then, she'd tell me, the feeling would just slip away."

Audrey's eyes widened and she nodded emphatically. "That's IT," she said. "That's it exactly."

I shrugged, " I always felt like that was kind of a workable problem. We just needed to find the right mood or position to make it happen."

"I'd love to think it could just be that simple," she said, smiling wistfully. "But after twenty-five years of nothing, one tends to lose hope for that sort of thing."

"Hey, you should never lose hope," I replied. "I mean...we did, in fact, actually find a way to make it happen once."

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me skeptically.