Aurora - Blood Moon Epilogue


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"Oh well," Watson said, stung by her words, "I guess I should be grateful for small mercies."

Penny dismounted, then struggled upright and stood, feet apart, pussy dangling a silvery string of mucous. Rolling over, Watson got to his feet, avoiding her eyes, both of them smarting from Penny's heartless jibe

"Well, what was I gonna say?" Penny glared, stark naked but for her socks and shoes. "I fancy you?"

"Well, we wouldn't want you to lie, would we?" Watson said, bending to retrieve his shirt. "And let's face it. You don't wanna go ruining your image."

As he stood, Penny's gaze lit on his semi-flaccid cock, swinging jauntily in the breeze, caked with the residue of her slippery insides. "No. I guess not."

They dressed in silence, the good vibes suddenly nowhere to be found. First to finish, Watson fished the water from his pack, then popped the stopper and offered it to Penny.

"And you're still being nice to me." Penny said in wonder.

"Sorry, Miss Black. Did you just say something?"

Penny looked at him, her face forlorn. "I didn't mean it."

"Of course you didn't." Watson jollied, arm around her shoulders. "You're discombobulated, that's all. After all that strenuous exercise."

"You mean you fucked my brains out? I'll take that as an excuse."

Watson turned to get his bearings. "I wonder where Fellini went?"

"Who?" Penny asked, stepping into her running shorts. No knickers.

"Richard Attenborough. The Director."

"That perv taking movies?" Penny sniffed, buttoning her shirt.

"Aaaaall over the interwebs. I tells ya."

"I'm gonna look for it." Penny said. "When we get back. Here. Is it possible to frame a movie?"

"Stitch it up?"

"Put it in a frame, dummy. And hang it on the wall."

"I'll let you know." Watson said, then gestured with his chin. "According to the map. There's a little lay-by in a few hundred meters. With a bench, overlooking a beach. Time for some lunch?"

"A little post fuck snack?" Penny tilted her head. "That would be super."


The farmhouse, when it appeared, over a low rise 500 meters away, was a welcome sight after hour upon hour of hiking and the odd, furtive passion-break. Storm clouds were gathering as evening set in, promising a repeat performance. The first big drops began pattering on the ground as Penny first, trailed by Watson, mounted the stairs. Collapsing on the sofa inside, the old man kicked off his shoes, then fell back into the silk upholstery's embrace. "Looks like we made it just in time."

Penny raked her hair back. "At least we didn't get lost. That was fun. Thanks for the walk."

"You're welcome. And thanks for the..."


"I was gonna say company."

Penny cracked a lopsided smile. "Sure you were. Fancy a shower?"

"With you?"

"No, idiot. The sodding butler. Of course with me."

Watson rubbed his hands. "Now you mention it, a shower would be awesome! Think of the water we'll save."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

Penny set off upstairs. By the time Watson joined her, she was in his bedroom ensuite with the water running. Kicking off her shoes and socks, unbuttoning her shirt, she skimmed-off the running shorts and kicked them aside.

Standing behind her under the stream, Watson filled his palm with bodywash, then slid his hands under her arms to lather her breasts. Head back, Penny closed her eyes. "We used to do this in prison." she said dreamily. "In Madam Ally's Spa and Beauty salon."

"Catchy name."

"Catchy pastime. Not that I was into it."

"Spas and beauty salons?"

"Girls on girls."

"Hang on. Did you say you WEREN'T into it?"

Penny shook her head. "Not at first. No. But I guess I sort of got used to it."

"How long did that take?"

"Couple of minutes."

Watson laughed, one hand slithering over her soapy belly, heading south. Penny widened her stance as his fingers brushed her thatch. Reaching back, she wrapped her hand around the old man's burgeoning erection. "Gee..." she said, "you must have been dynamite when you were young."

"Gee, thanks a bunch."

"Well, you still are. But in your prime..."

"Actually," he said in her ear, hand between her legs cupping her mound, "I was overweight and on anti-depressants."


"True story. I never knew what sex was till my mid-fifties. When I met Beck."

"I thought you said you were married."

The old man's finger teased her pussy lips apart. "Exactly."

"I don't get it. You used to fuck, surely. Pardon my French."

"I would have liked to. But every time we did she went and got pregnant.

Penny looked at Watson over her shoulder. "So how many bloody kids do you have?"


Penny frowned in thought for a heartbeat, then her shoulders shook with laughter. She slapped him. "Tosser!"

"Well yes," he said, curling a finger into her, "I was. A career wanker you might say. Mrs. Palmer and her 5 slippery daughters, god bless their little cotton socks."

Penny stayed his hand. "Not right now, Damon. I'm still a little bit tender."

"Not surprised." Watson said, extracting his digit. "From nought to a hundred in the space of one night."

Penny turned. Soaping her hands, she massaged his chest. "Maybe later. If you're up for it."

Watson nodded at the three-quarter hard on. "'Up' being the operative term."

"What about you?" Penny asked, wrapping her hand around his meat. "How would you like a nice little handy?"

"Know what? I'd rather save it. As long as you're cool with me... you know..."

"Blowing inside me? You know, that would be lovely."

Watson cocked his ear. "Is that my phone?"

Penny turned her head, listening. "Want me to grab it?"

"Nahh. It only gives 5 rings then goes to straight voicemail. I'll ring 'em back."

"So." Penny said, cutting back to the chase. "Later on? A nice gentle one?"

Watson planted a kiss on her forehead. "With pinching, biting or a smack on the bum?"

"All three would be nice. You don't mind do you? It sort of feels a bit pervy to ask."

"Therapeutic, not pervy. Anyway. Let's just make it our own little secret."

"Naww... I'm busting to tell everyone."

Watson levelled a finger in her face. "No! Then they'll all be wanting it."

"Wait till they hear. How you bit my nipples and then bit my tit. And pinched my ass." Penny cranked her hip out. "I'm dying to show them the bruise." She shivered and her nipples gathered themselves up. "Oooo... Damon. Next time? Can you bite my neck?"

"What am I? A bloody vampire?"

"No, Mister Watson, you're just a dirty old man."

The phone rang again, then rang out. "Might be Tan." Watson said. "With their arrival details."

"Oh." Penny said, disappointed. "Are they still coming?"

"I doubt it." Watson sighed, stepping out and grabbing a towel. "I highly doubt it."

Downstairs, in the kitchen, Watson picked up the phone. No sooner had he tapped-up the 'recents' list than it rang. "Tanny?" he said. "Not like you to be so persistent."

"Hi, Handsome. For a minute there I thought you might not answer."

"You? I'd always answer you. Everything okay?"

Tanya heaved a sigh into the phone. "Mum's fallen off her perch."

Watson's mouth worked for a minute but nothing came out. "She's had a fall?"

"Off her perch, Damon, yes. She's dead."

"Jesus Christ, Tan. I'm so sorry."

"Look, mate. She's been gone for years but just wouldn't lie down. Now it's a shitstorm trying to bust her out."

"Bust her out?"

"Of the hospital. Roger's at the magistrate's trying to get an injunction."

"Hang on," Watson said, "woah. You said your mum just died?"

"Uh huh."

"And you're trying to bust her out."

"Of the hospital. Correct."

"But, Tan. If she's just... I don't get it."

"Oh, it's in her bloody will. She was in a cult once... Egyptian sun worship. Believed she had to be buried intact to reach the afterlife. And now the frikken' hospital wants to do autopsy. In case a broken hip and rampant dementia wasn't enough to kill her. And all those drugs they gave her on top of her alcohol diet."

"I see. Suddenly it all makes sense."

"Well, she is our mum."

"So what's the plan?"

"Well, the girls have just come back and Rebekah's gone to the airport. To prep the Global. Once we hijack Mum we're going to Paris."


"It's where she wants to be buried. She bought a plot there ages ago. Jim Morrison is gonna be one of her neighbours.

Penny stole downstairs in the old grey hoodie. Finger to his lips, Watson mouthed, 'Tan', then raked his fingers through his threadbare white hair. "Well, what can I say?"

"There's nothing to say. This has been a long time coming and I'm actually sort of relieved. Caddy and Maya are on the way over and we're meeting them in Paris. Soon as Roger has the paperwork, we'll load the old bat up and make a run for it. Aided and abetted by our Border Force friend... what a find he was. The funeral should be in a couple of days."

"Do you want us... me... to come with?"

Tanya heaved a sigh. "Sorry, Lover, I'd rather you didn't. I don't want you to see me blubbing."

"Poor Tan."

"Wise man once told me, no one gets out alive."

"I hate it when you quote me."

"Deal with it, Teacher. But so far the evidence is on your side."

"What happens next?"

"The usual stuff. We hawk her stuff and divvy up the estate."

"How's my girl?"

"Beck? Frikken' awesome. A tower of strength, all four foot nine of her. All of them have been simply amazing, closing ranks around us. You know your judgement's impeccable when it comes to choosing girls."

"Even if it's them who choose me."

"Oh, codswallop! You know, the plan really was to join you tomorrow. For reals. We figured you'd had long enough to work your magic. On the subject of which, have you?"

Watson shot a glance at Penny, at the sink, brewing tea. "We're still hammering out the ground rules."

"Hammering, huh? You know, if I didn't know you better."

"Coast walks and cups of tea, Tan. It's just a holiday."

"Well," Tanya sighed. "Better go. Ally's got the hospital head bailed up in the corridor."

"She's getting good at this. Busting people out."

"Even dead ones. You know, I think I'll put her up for hire."

"I want a cut, after what she did to us back there. Fucking off to the prison. I must have aged ten years."

"I'll pass it on. Give Penny Pennington a hug for me."

"I'll have to suit-up."

"Sure you will. Take care, Damo. I love you."

"Love you too, Tanny. Say hi to the gang."

Watson cut the call and Penny turned around, mug in one hand, spoon in the other. "Are they coming?"

Watson ran a hand over his pate, wondering whether to spill. "Tanya's mum just died."

The spoon hit the tiles. "Fuck no!"

"'Fraid so. They're picking up her body and heading to Paris."

"Poor Tanya." Penny whispered, eyes filling with tears. "She must be devastated."

"It's Tan we're talking about. She's as tough as an old boot."

"But losing her mum. I can't imagine how much that must hurt."

Watson looked at her in dismay. "Hang on. You won't even go and see yours."


"If losing a mother is really that devastating, then why don't you go and see yours?"

A look a horror crossed Penny's face and her nostrils flared. "How... fucking... dare you!"

Watson reared back in surprise. "You what?"

Missing his head by inches, the mug hit the tiles beyond and disintegrated. "Yooou fucking CUNT!" Penny swore. "What a fucking low blow. Using poor Tanya's mother to guilt me."

"Guilt you? I wasn't trying to guilt you. I was just trying to get it into your thick head. Think about it. How would-"

"I WON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT!" Penny screeched, tearing the hoodie off and flinging it aside. "YOU FUCKING MAGGOT! KEEP YOUR STUPID FUCKING HOODIE. YOU FUCKING DIRTY OLD MAN."

Arms crossed, smiling, Watson looked the naked young female up and down. "She's baaa-aaack."


"Oh there's no chance of that, I can assure you. Off you go. Enjoy stewing in your self-inflicted victimhood."


"Good night, Penelope."


"Make sure to lock your door. Or old Camus Thatcher might come calling. Looking for a kindred spirit."

Taking the steps two at a time, Penny disappeared upstairs while Watson, shaking to the soles of his bare feet, stood affecting an air of indomitable calm. Two steps forward, three steps back. And now here he was, stuck with the little berserker for another few days. Unless, somehow, he could humanely ditch her.

Elbows on knees, face in his hands, Watson sat outside for a while and had a quiet weep. Heartbroken, and just when things seemed to be going so well. Poor Tan. Poor Penny.


Watson snapped awake at the click of the doorknob. Pushing up, he saw a dim figure standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?"

"Damon?" Penny quavered. "Can I come in?"

"What did you bring? The axe or the knife?"

"Neither. Damon? I want to say sorry."

Rolling over, Watson sat and patted the bed. "This is becoming a habit you know."

Penny shuffled in, wearing the hoodie, and sat on the edge of the bed, head bowed, hands in her lap. "Damon."

"Pen. I'm over this. If I wanted to be abused and accused I'd just ring my ex-wife."

"I didn't mean it, Damon. Honestly. It just came out."

"Maybe if you just count to three. Before unleashing."

"But there was no counting to three where I've just been."

"Well, you're not-"

"Damon! Please. Just hear me out. How long has it been? Not even three weeks since I got the fuck out. That's fuck all, your honour. At least not long enough to completely adjust, but believe me Damon, I'm doing my best. It was the quick and the dead back there, sometimes literally. Fighting for everything, OVER everything. Brawling over a shower, scratching and biting, pulling each other's hair. Punch-ups in the chow line, scuffles in the exercise yard. And when those god-forsaken head-kickers came downstairs. Swinging their batons and busting our heads. Kicking and punching, spitting on us. It was a nightmare, Damon. Twenty-four seven. For years, and years, and years on end."

Watson reached for Penny's arm and she fended him off. "No, Damon. I need to explain. You were right when you said my body was in survival mode. But so was my mind. And it's STILL in survival mode, because it still can't believe I'm actually out of there."

Watson lay down with a sigh. "Pen. Lie down. Because if you don't, I'll have to sit up, and I'm old. And I'm tired."

Penny lay down on her back, body rigid, hands crossed over her chest as if composing herself for burial. "You know why I was so angry?"

"I thought you just told me."

"Because you were fucking right. If my mum died that would be the end of me. But if I never see her again, what's the difference?"

"Then go and see her." Watson said, in no mood for sugar-coating.

"I want to, Damon. From the bottom of my heart. I really, really want to."

"Then go?"

"But how?"

"Simple. I'll drive you."

"So I just turn up? 'Hi Mum, hi Dad. It's me. The daughter you had given up for dead'."

"If in fact they have."

"Why wouldn't they? It's been years and not a word."

The old man propped himself up on an elbow. "I guarantee... I guaran-fucking-tee... in their heart of hearts. There's still this little candle burning, called hope."

"Do you think so?"

Flopping onto his back, Watson yawned. "I bet you a grand. No, ten grand. No. I bet a million dollars, cos' I ain't gonna lose."

Penny rolled onto her side and the old man brushed the hair from her eyes. "How do I do it?"

"Ring them, Pen. Or let me do it. Then go and see them."

"As simple as that?"

"As simple as that."

Sitting, Penny shucked off the hoodie and lay back down. "Can I press my hot little, axe-wielding, homicidal-maniac body against your scaly old sex-maniac body?"

"Sounds like a marriage made in heaven."

Penny rolled over with the old man at her back, wriggling and fidgeting as Watson enfolded her. "Can I keep the hoodie?" she whispered.

"Might as well. With a million bucks I can buy as many as I like."


The sound of the toilet flushing roused Watson from his dreams. Returning a moment later, Penny slid under the covers beside him, breathing deeply and evenly. Watson feigned sleep, not about to risk an inadvertent gutting, until a hot little hand settled on his flank. And soon, just like before, it commenced a nonchalant stroll, pausing at his butt for a squeeze then tickling its way over his thigh. Doubling back when it thought no one was looking, its knuckles brushed his balls. By then, Watson's cock had given up all pretext of slumber and reared its leaking head, eager for action. The old man cleared his throat. "What are you doing?"


"Doesn't feel like nothing."

"Well... I thought you might like to gut me instead. From the inside. It's only fair."

"Not too sore?" Watson asked.

"Always the gentleman." Penny sighed, on her back beside him. "Don't you get sick of it?"

"What's the alternative?"

"Well. If I were you I'd just throw me down and fuck me, no please or thank you."

Watson rolled onto his side. "Why would I do that?"

"Cos' I'm such a cunt."

"You're not a 'C' word, Pen." Watson sighed, slipping a hand between her legs, "Just a very naughty girl."

"Just not the nice sort of 'naughty'."

Working his hips, Watson brought the tip of his penis to bear, mushing her pussy lips apart, forcing back her perineum and probing the sweet spot. "We can probably fix that."

Penny shivered. "Fuck you're good at this."

"Easy when you're working with such good material." With a thrust of the hips, Watson popped through the outer constriction.

Skin turning to gooseflesh, Penny arched her back. "I can see why they love you."

Watson drove an inch or two into her. "Who?"

"All those girls." Penny said hoarsely, wrapping a hand around his shaft to follow its progress.

"Who says they do?"

"I can tell."

With two-thirds of his length inside her, Watson bottomed out, the knob of his prick fetching up somewhere near the small of her back. "You've gone all tight again."

"Just give me a minute."

"You want me to stop?"

"You want a black eye? I mean, 'Nay, Damon, I beseech thee. Pray continue'."

Hand over her breast, Watson squeezed the nipple between 2 fingers. Already breathing hard, Penny groped for his balls, her body along for the ride as he cranked slowly in and out. Watson inhaled the musky perfume of her arousal, as her tract began to deepen, its convolutions smoothing, taking more and more of his length. She nodded. "Oh yeah. This beats murder any old day."

"Has anyone ever told you? You have such a way with words?"

"Has anyone ever told you? You have such a way with fucking?"

"I rest my case."

Hips thrusting, Watson picked up the pace, powering into her until the whole bed was rocking. Hand flat on Penny's soft belly, he felt it bulge with every stroke. After five minutes of spirited fucking, word came down from Emission Control. The countdown was running. "Pen?" he huffed. "Are you gonna cum?"

"Are you?"

"If you're not careful."

"About fucking time."

Watson screeched to a halt. "What?"

"For fuck's sake!" Penny cried. "Don't stop! What I mean is it's our third or fourth time. I want you to cum, goddammit. Inside me."

"Gotcha!" Watson said and the brakes came off. Pounding away, he hived off a jot of concentration, reaching out to strum Penny's clit.

"I don't believe it." Penny gasped, hips humping and twisting. "You're doing it again."
