Aurora - Blood Moon Epilogue


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The old man stifled a look of barefaced surprise. "I've got some running shorts if you want. They'll be a bit on the big side, but you can tie them up as tight as you need."

The image of a draw-cord, stretched tight around a neck, flashed through Penny's mind and she threw off a shudder. "Awesome, ta. Shall I come up and get them?"

Watson lead the way upstairs and into his room. Ratting through his orange dive bag, he sensed Penny at the doorway, unwilling to come in. Holding the shorts up, he caught Penny peering longingly at the bed. "These do?"

"Perfect, thanks." she said, as they sailed across the room. Turning them around, she opened them up and looked inside. "I won't look silly will I?"

"No sillier than me, Pen. No, you'll look fine."

"See you downstairs then." she said turning away, crestfallen by the lack of an invitation. Didn't he get it? All he had to do was ask.

Dressed for adventure, she joined Watson on the deck a few minutes later, thin white legs emerging from voluminous black shorts, scars blatantly out in the public domain. On top she wore a sheer, button-up shirt, in magenta. And no bra, as revealed by her erect nipples jutting through the fabric. Bending, she rolled her socks over the top of her running shoes, giving the old man an eyeful down her shirt. "Don't forget your daisy hat." she said, gathering her hair into a ponytail to feed through the back of his baseball cap.

Whipping the floppy floral hat from his pocked, Watson slapped his thigh. "Way ahead of you." Shouldering the day pack- sandwiches, muesli bars, waterproof shell, water bottle, joint, lighter, phone- he pulled the laminated map from his back pocket and opened it up. Penny edged in beside him until her firm little breast was resting against his arm. For no other reason than to prolong the contact, Watson peered at the map with a frown. "This is where I reckon we lost it." he said, tapping a fork in the trail. "We went left when we should have gone right."

"Have you got your little rocks?" Penny asked.

"Little rocks?" Watson echoed, zeroing-in on the feel of his balls.

"That funny girl yesterday said we should have used rocks. Instead of breadcrumbs."

"Oh, rocks. Right. For a minute there I thought... Here. Did you bring your hoodie?"

"MY hoodie?"

"It is now. I've bequeathed it to you."

"You have?"

Watson nodded.

"Your favourite grey hoodie?" Penny asked, smearing her eyes.

"It's just a hoodie, Pen."

"Yeah, right, no. It's just a hoodie. Of course. Should I bring it?"

"Just in case."

Penny went inside and the old man heard the sound of voices, one of them Penny's, and one or two others he didn't recognise. Someone laughed, and when Penny emerged a few minutes later, he gestured with his chin. "Did I just hear you talking to someone?"

"The housekeeping elves. Do you wanna say hello?"

And endure the usual looks of appraisal, tinged with dismay? The old man shook his head. "They're busy. I'll leave them be."

Penny gave him a nudge. "One of them is a teenage girl. Cute as a button. You never know, you might get lucky."

"Teenage girls." Watson snorted with derision. "Overrated."

"Umm..." Penny hedged, hastily changing the subject, "did you call Tanya?"

"Uh huh?" Watson nodded, folding the map. "I tried to but she didn't answer. That's okay. She would have called back if she needed me."

"What about your other girls?" Penny asked, falling in beside him as he descended the wooden stairs.

"MY other girls?"

"Your harem. They might be missing you."

"Penny. For the last time. They're not my harem."

"Then what would you call them?"

"My... my... my tribe."

"Ohhh..." Penny teased, "So that's what you call it. A tribe. So who's the chief?"

Watson looked down at the top of her head. "Tanya. Who do you think?"

"Oh, right. So what does that make you?"

Watson mulled over the question for a moment. "The village idiot?"

Penny threw her head back, mouth open wide, clutching her ribs at Watson's reply. "Oh," she sighed when the hilarity had run its course, "you're such a tosser. So what about Roger then? What's he in the scheme of things?"

Another moment's contemplation and Watson said. "The tribe's warrior."




"She's there to put the fear of god into our enemies."


"Ummm... Shaman."


"Our little white witch."


"Oath. She'll put a spell on you. Ask Woodrow-Munt."

"Sounds to me like you're making shit up."

"No. Really. Everyone has something to bring. When the girls went missing we all pitched in. Which is how you came to be here. We all did our part, all of us, and I haven't even mentioned Caitlin or Maya."


"Caitlin. Tanya's big sister. And Maya. Her daughter."

"Tanya's daughter?"

"Caitlin's." Watson said, thinking smugly how, if he chose, he could blow Penny's mind with the truth. That Maya, Caitlin's daughter, was actually her half-sister, and Tanya's, and Roger's.

"And they're all part of this mythical tribe as well?"

Watson nodded.

"Does that mean you've..."

Watson rolled his eyes. "Penny! No!"

"'No' you haven't or 'no, don't ask'?"

"Either. Both. Look, it doesn't matter."

Penny gave him the elbow. "You're blushing."

"It's hot. I'm old."

"Not that old. Not if last night is anything to go by."

"I thought we weren't going to speak of it again."

"Well we're not. I was just saying."

"It's a long walk," Watson said, changing the subject. "You better save your breath."

For a while the exercise took over and they kept their silence, listening to the breeze, to the buzz and scrape of insects, and birdcalls. The storms overnight had washed the sky clean and the day sizzled with energy, the sea, now and then within sight, a vast sweeping magnificence. The track wound its way to the coastal cliffs, where they stood for a while, sheened with sweat, breathing deep from exertion, hearts soaring at the sight before them.

The farmhouse trail ended at a perpendicular track, the coastal walk, well-trodden by hundreds, maybe thousands of feet. Moving to the edge, Penny looked down on a tiny, secluded beach, at the slow march of waves breaking on the sand. Stepping up beside her, just in case, Watson dropped the pack, then fossicked inside for a bottle of water. "Pen?" he said, nudging her shoulder.

Penny shot it a glance at the the polycarbonate flask, then took it with a nod of thanks and slaked her thirst. Doing likewise, Watson Watched as Penny took another step forward, till she was looking past her feet, straight down at the impact point below. Stowing the bottle, Watson shouldered the pack. "Penny," he sighed, "You're making me nervous."

"I'm just looking, Damon. Don't stress."

Stepping up behind her, Watson put his arms around her waist.

"What's up?" she asked, looking over her shoulder, "Don't you trust me?"

"It's Isaac bloody Newton I don't trust."

Penny back leant into him. "Chill, Damon. I'm not gonna do anything."

"No. You're not." Watson said, easing her back, "Because if you go you're taking me with you."

"I'm telling you I won't!" Penny said, pressing her bottom against his thighs. "You're mistaking me for the old Penny."

"Yeah, well, unfortunately, the two different models don't come with a label."

"You just have to trust me."

"After yesterday?"

"Well you got me back, didn't you? With your crazy old stories. Bored me into submission."

"And there's more where they came from, let me warn you. If you provoke me." Taking Watson's hand, Penny slid it past the waistband of her borrowed shorts. His fingers slipped straight under the elastic of her briefs into a nest of silken pubic hair. "P... Penny? What are you doing?"

Head back, Penny pushed his hand down, till his fingertips sensed the unmistakable folds of wet, delicate flesh. "It's meant to be a sensory experience." she breathed. "You said so yourself."

"But... last night. You said."

"Do you always have to be so noble?"

"I try."

"Well it's a pain."

Dipping his head, Watson bit her gently, where her neck met the shoulder. At the same time, his fingertip traced her furrow, laying it open with not the slightest hint of resistance. Looking left and right for approaching hikers, he curled his finger into her hole, as deep as the second knuckle. Penny widened her stance, goosebumps springing up on her skin, breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Pulling out, Watson commenced strumming her clit, as her hips humped and jerked. She groaned. "I think I just wet myself."

Watson forced his finger back inside her. "That's what it feels like."

And just to confirm, runnel of body fluid ran down her leg. "So this is how it feels to be alive?"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet. Just wait until you're a hundred miles out, caught in a storm. Then you'll know what living really is."

"Can't wait." Penny rasped, reaching blindly behind her. Fumbling a hand down the old man's shorts, she found him almost fully erect. She closed her fist around him, barely managing his girth, and gave his cock a loving stroke. Watson curled his finger back into her, hunting for the G-spot. Eyes closed, head back, Penny shivered. "Can we fuck?"

"But I thought you said-"

"One word, Damon. One fucking word and I really will jump."

"So you wanna head back?"

Penny shook her head. "No. I wanna fuck."



Now she'd gone and floated the idea, Watson looked around. Fifty meters away, off the beaten path, he saw an outcrop of weathered, lichen-mottled boulders. He could see their name on them. "Over here."

Someone had been there before them. Behind the boulders, fire-blackened rocks from a dismantled campsite lay scattered across a shallow depression, partly cleared, blanketed with low, scrubby grass. Needing no encouragement, Penny unbuttoned her shirt and threw it aside, then dis-masted her shorts and briefs in one fell swoop. Skimming off his cargo pants, the old man took a sighting on her pussy, already fully engorged, her slit bubbling wet with arousal. He nodded at the pink-slitted morsel. "How do you want me?"

"Inside." Penny said flatly. "All the way."

Watson reefed a waterproof shell from the backpack. "Why don't you go on top. It might be a little more comfortable."

"Oh, Sir Galahad." Penny said with a shake of the head, watching Watson spread the jacket over the grass, "Where have you been all my life?" Peeling off his T-shirt then replacing the floppy hat, he added his shirt to the impromptu bedding. Sitting, somewhat awkwardly, the old man reclined, a thumping erection lying flat on his belly.

Naked but for running shoes and socks, Penny threw a leg over then dropped to a squat, fist around his cock, head down, tongue out, taking aim. "How about a kiss first?" Watson said, pulling her down.

"Okay," Penny said, lying flat out on top of him, "just the one."

Falling forward, eyes closed, goosebumps springing up on her skin, Penny submitted to a long, passionate tonguing while Watson worked his hips, the tip of his weapon seeking a warm, wet target. His knob stubbed her butthole and Penny jerked. She raised her head, hair hanging over one eye. "I think I can see where this is going."

"Not there, let's hope." Watson puffed as Penny reached back for his penis. "No! No hands!"

Eyes closed, duelling tongues, Penny swivelled her hips, while Watson took another stab, hitting the spot this time, mushing her pussylips apart, his nerve endings sensing her liquid heat. Stiff-arming herself off his chest, Penny wiggled and bounced until the head of the old man's cock popped into her, sinking an inch or so into her sucking embrace. Head back, she shivered. "Holy fff... YES!"

"And to think," Watson rasped, "we nearly turned round and went home."

"Thank fuck..." Penny huffed, "we didn't."

"When we first came here," Watson asked, "did you have any idea?"

"Fuck first, talk later."

Hips off the ground, hefting Penny's weight, Watson forced his way through the usual resistance, gaining inch, after inch, until most of his length was deeply embedded inside her. Slowly at first, then picking up the pace, he commenced full-on fucking, as Penny heaved up and down as if riding a horse. "This..." she said hoarsely, tits jiggling happily, "is so..."


"You're not kidding."

"... awesome!"

"I say again." Watson puffed, focussed on reports coming from his cock. Of Penny's squirming insides, her heat, her grip, "You're not kidding."

"Bite me." Penny panted. "Bite my tits."

"I'm not... gonna hurt you.

"It won't hurt, I swear."

With a mental shrug, Watson closed his teeth around a hard little nipple and gave it a nip. Penny shuddered. "Harder."


Screeching to a halt, Penny looked down at him, breasts rising and falling, sweat beading her brow. "For pity's sake, Damon, I need this. It's like I'm numb, and I just need to break out. And I am getting soooo fucking close. I'll do anything, I promise. Just bite me."

Pinching a fold of taut, smooth butt-cheek, Watson gave it a twist, squeezing as hard as he could. Penny fell forward, head on his chest, breath coming in short, sharp gasps. "Ohhhh... fuck yeah!"

Movement caught his eye. Turning his head, Watson caught the fleeting glimpse of a face- someone behind the rocks- peering down their nose at the scene of the crime. Suddenly busted, the voyeur dropped out of sight, and seconds later, a phone camera rose up like a periscope. "Don't look now," the old man grated, "but I think we've got an audience."

Penny stiff-armed herself up. "Huh?"

"Behind the rocks." Watson said with a jerk of his head.

Penny gave the camera a cursive glance. "I don't care."

"It'll be all over the interwebs."


"But I'm wearing this silly hat."

"As if anyone's gonna be looking at you." Penny scolded, proudly upright, tits bouncing, a big, fat cock buried deep in her guts. Screwing her hips around the massive intrusion, she pinned Watson's eyes with a soul-piercing gaze. "I'm sooo fucking close, Damon. Bite my tits. Come on, Darling, let's give 'em a show."

'Show'. The word pinballed around Watson's brain for an instant then lit up his bilateral sex complex. Hips thrusting, ass clear of the ground, he commenced hammering in and out of her, balls flopping, muscles straining. Head up, suckering her tit into his wide-open mouth, he closed his teeth over her rock-hard nipple and bit down.

Pelvis cranking, pussy stretched to its limits, Penny sucked a breath as massive orgasm wallowed up out of the depths. The old man shot a look at the rocks- still recording- then switched breasts, vacuuming up a fold of skin, biting hard enough to leave an impression. Penny threw her head back, feeling like she'd just pissed herself, toes curling as her pelvic floor clenched.

"eeeeeeeEEEEEEE...YAHHH!!!" Imitating a falling bomb, Penny climaxed. Back flexing, fingers clawing at the old man's chest, she pushed upright as a shower of clear ejaculate drenched the old man's gut. Ass raised, inches off the ground, Watson held her body aloft on the tip of his penis, until the cum ran its course and she slumped forward onto him, eyes closed, mouth hanging open, gasping for air.

Turning his head, Watson looked for the camera to find it still rolling. "We're finiiiiished." he called with a hearty thumbs-up. The phone dematerialised, its owner bailing before the star could give chase. "Byeee..." Watson waved. "We're here all week. Tell your friends."

Eyes still shut, Penny put her hand over his mouth. "Shoosh. I'm still cumming."

And so she was. Watson lay relishing the squirming of her molten insides, the churning and clenching, her pussy relaxing now and then only to tighten. After a few moments' basking in the orgasm's sparkling afterglow, Penny took his jaw in her hand and gave him a kiss. When she came up for air there were tears in her eyes. "That's not fair." she said.

"Cos' I didn't cum? That's okay, I-"

"No. That it had to be you. A shuffling old geriatric. Not some thirty-year old stud. Even a forty year old." Watson gave his head a little shake as if he'd just been slapped, then Penny planted a big, smacking kiss on his mouth. "I'm joking. Right?"

Watson's eyebrows shot up. "Eve Black? Is that you?"

Penny raised a hand. "Yo."

"You're back? Fuck I've missed you."

"Here all week. Tell your friends."

"All week? If I survive."

Reaching around, Penny fingered her pussy lips, tracing the circumference of the shaft buried inside her. "Everything must have shrunk while I was away. You only just fit."

"It's no surprise. Your poor little body would have been in survival mode. Essential services only."

"Is that why I stopped having my period?"

"Aren't you the scientist?"

"Geologist, Damon. I'm not a rock."

"Well I'm not a doctor, but that's what I'm led to believe. When the going gets tough some things just have to shut down. Why? Does it bother you?"

"No." Penny lied with a shake of the head. "I'm never having kids so why does it matter?"

"Penny!" Watson sighed. "For the love of mike."

"Shut it, Damon. It ain't gonna happen." She, stretched, yawning. "You didn't cum."

"Now you tell me."

"Seriously. I'm starting to wonder if I'm any good."

"Good? No. You're not good. You're fuckin' awesome. And that's from a sex maniac."

"Oh, spare me." Penny rolled her eyes. After toying with his balls for a moment, she asked, "How awesome?"

Watson huffed and puffed, searching for an answer. "Awesomely awesome."

"As good as the other girls?"

"Which one?"

"Any of them? All of them?"

"Pen? What's the best fuck in your life? Give up? The one you just had. Seriously. It was fantastic."

"Then why didn't you cum?"

"Get to my age," Watson rasped, yawning, "orgasms just cum and go as they please."

A bumblebee droned past, casing the scene, then disappeared back the way it had come. Pushing up, Penny dipped her head, looking between their torsos at the flesh uniting their bodies. "You're still hard."


"You wanna keep going? It's a might tender down there, but if you go nice and slow."

"Why go and spoil it, Pen? Come on, hop off, let you poor little pussy have a breather."

Penny rose, eyeballing the miracle; a great big cock slowly emerging out of her body. She shook her head. "Where did it all go?"

Watson squeezed her bottom. "All the way up in your little tummy."

"I swear to god I felt you nudging my tonsils." Penny huffed. She froze, head down, as the flared head of Watson's knob fetched up behind the ring of her entrance. "Hold up." she said. Swivelling her hips, she settled again, watching the whole colourful process happen in reverse. Head up, she looked him in the eye. "I've never actually seen that before."


"That." Penny gestured with a nod. "A penis. Penetrating my vagina. I mean it. We always did it with the lights out. And me on my back. I never knew it looked so fucking sexy."

Watson nodded. "It is rather more-ish, isn't it?"

Penny winced as his knob popped free and her gaping pussy dribbled fluid. "You're in pretty good nick, you know. For an old geezer."

"Gee. Ta."

"No. I mean it. And you've almost got a six-pack."

"In the right light. If you squint a bit."

"And your skin is so smooth." Penny said, looking up. "You know. If you were thirty years younger, you'd be in trouble."

"If I was thirty years younger, we'd BOTH be in trouble."

Penny hooked a tress behind her ear. "When I first thought about it, you know. You fucking all those girls. I thought the whole thing was fucking repulsive. But now, I have to say... Suddenly it all makes sense."

"Something about the book and not the cover?"

"But that's all I'm interested in, the cover. I couldn't give a rats about the contents."
