Aurora, Wayward Pt. 02


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Rocan looked around, "Have any of you thought about being a hybrid? Just a show of hands no firm commitment."

He saw Jassin and Freia right away. Then Hira raised her hand.

He nodded, "I will ask you in earnest after I have taken each of you into bed at least once. We need to know we are compatible if we will be spending potentially centuries together."

Parsa looked up, "I thought she said with your blood we could live to be 150?"

He nodded, "The first two hybrids of any color are part of the eternal council. They could live for centuries. A thousand years or more. Jack the first human lived to 875 and only died because he killed himself. After losing all of his eternal wives in one shot and his non-eternal ones had passed just before that."

Victoria looked over, "He had 24 wives if you count Astra his hidden wife. She was with him the longest. By days though. Grace and Sprits were the ones who could usually keep him centered.

His other two wives Ash and Akio were both red blades and drove him wild at times from what I heard. Adrenalin junkies. His other wives were blues and purple blade hybrids but not being on the council they lived beyond 200 years. One lived to 275 I think. It is part of my family history.

He lost 7 wives when he was pulled back in time; and then 3 within the first 10 years, if my memory serves me well. Rough beginning to the order. I would not let the numbers scare you as this is a rough life to sign into. Especially just starting out. Getting wives, or steady mates in your case, into the council is a good idea.

I do not know if you form emotional attachments like we do or not but if your hybrid you usually want to find a hybrid mate for life unless you like jumping from mate to mate. It takes a toll on the way we do it. Becca is my mother. My other mother died 5 years ago and she is hoping to get my father to commit to another lady and add a second wife again. One closer to my age."

She rolled her eyes and the ladies chuckled. "My father is 284. He has been with my mother for 183 years. They both came on the council together when he was 105 years ago. She is 25 years older and neither of them had married. They both screwed around and had children with others.

35 years ago, the head Justice quit. Asked to be killed to retire if you will. That made my father the head of the council. Always the eldest purple blade on the council is the head of the council. The ones in balance if you will. Being a hybrid is a lifetime commitment but after 5 or 10 centuries you could expect some people to be worn down from the effort."

Parsa looked at him, "I want to see how compatible we are before answering that question. Especially after that revelation."

He nodded, "I can only do three initially until that meeting is over with."

They nodded at him. Gia walked up and grabbed his hand, "Long day; even longer night."

Jassin grabbed the other one, "Ok stud. We will see if you're as good as Aurora clams you are."

Aurora smiled, "I will stop in later to collect a few samples."


Johnathan looked at Becca, "Something I can help you with?"

She nodded, "Need you to review her personnel file. I am thinking of reassigning her to Camelot. Instead of the battleship, you have had me working on."

He looked over her file and she was a good strong worker. Approved candidate for being a hybrid. He was trying to figure out why she wanted the move when he looked back to see they were both naked. He pushed his chair back and looked at them. "I take this is you ambushing me with a wife candidate?"

She smiled and nodded, "Astra gave me a name before she left. She told me she was on-board. Then I found out she is on-board the battleship you have had me working."

Johnathan nodded, "She has applied for hybrid status. Good recommendations from the Master Chief aboard your battleship for making that happen."

He looked over. "19 and you have not gotten married and want to be a hybrid?"

She smiled, "I have been corresponding with Astra for almost 16 months trying to figure out a way to become one of your wives. I am not from the Travus line but 220 years ago you went to the rescue of a freighter in distress. It had been attacked by pirates and we had a hybrid onboard.

Unbeknownst to them as you were investigating a pirate or smuggling ring. My great grandmother was aboard that ship and as her health declined, she started telling my mother and me about her history. How you jumped your ship in and had fighters launch within seconds. Because you could reach the telepath on-board."

He shook his head, "No. Not totally true. The person on board was not a hybrid but a colony leader with one of those necklaces to contact us. I was running one of our battleships on that dreadnaught. Not in charge of it. The captain ordered it launched and my battleship was sent over to effect repairs and see to the safety of the people on-board.

I met 64 people that day and you are the spitting image of your grandmother when she was your age. Though I did not see her like this. She was already pregnant at the time and she lost her husband in the attack. I did my best to console her. I have a photographic memory.

Don't blame her. Age can make them romanticizes a situation and if she did not mention her husband's death then I would say she projecting a happy memory over a very bad one."

Gina nodded, "Well I became fascinated with hybrids and you in particular. When I heard you had lost a second wife a year prior, this was four years ago. I contacted Astra. I told her of my goal to become your second wife. She told me if I worked really hard on my education and sword training, she would be sure my name was on the list if the opening was available still.

As the years progressed and you had not looked to add another wife yet, I pushed myself that much harder. I joined the Home Guard at 16. Not being a hybrid, or a child of hybrids, I had to work that much harder to make class rank. I was the highest strictly human when I got my master's in Engineering. I even have a couple of patents out there that you use in your newest ship designs."

He nodded, "I noticed that in your records. Along with your IQ of 221."

He went over to the couch, "Sit for a minute."

She sat down next to him and he was very tempted by the offer. He looked at her, "I want you to get dressed and spend some quality time getting to know my wife for a few weeks first. She can play and I love what I see. I will move you over to my ship so you can get to know me better. Not the image your grandmother gave you, but the true me."

She seemed disappointed but smiled, "I have been on one of your ships or another for 3 years. I have followed every recorded conversation and interaction I could get my hands on for 5 years. Including a couple that Astra sent me to show you in a bad mood, frustrated, angry or just downright sad. I think I know you. I think you just need to get to know me."

He looked at his wife who smiled, "Well?"

He sighed, "Three days of tailing me. No sex. No getting naked. I will move you over to this ship and we will grant your hybrid application first. Then we will spar, a lot. You do not know someone until you have fought someone."

She looked over, "What about with Becca?"

He smiled, "With her it is fine."

Becca smiled, "Then I want you to do me while I do her and we will know what color blade she will be."

He sighed, "Alright, seal the door."

She pointed at her head, "Already done while you were reading her file."

He shook his head, "I am not getting out of here without having sex with her, am I?"

She smiled, "Lastra will respond to you first. But I want her. She is more mellow than me. She might be closer to you in blade color. Or she will balance us out as Dee did."

He got up and got undressed while the ladies took to playing on the floor. Laughing giggling and moaning. He did not need much more motivation. He looked at her, "If I do have sex with you it will still be at least a month before we marry. You can have my children as many women do. Just firsthand. This is the escape clause if you will, in case you change your mind."

She smiled, "I doubt that. I am still a virgin, holding onto hope that you will take all of them."

He looked at his wife who smiled. He sighed, "You and Astra know how to pick them."

She nodded and got a set of towels from a cabinet and laid them out with the lube. She smiled, "You bang me while I have a picnic."

He laughed at Becca as she got things set up and then she started to go to town as she licked this young thing's virgin hairless pussy. He was already ready to explode when he slid into his wife's cunt. He took it slow on her to frustrate her and to see how much stamina Gia had and if she was multi-orgasmic. She had energy and she wailed in orgasm at least twice in the first 10 minutes. On the second he told her, "Open your eyes." She did as he released into Becca. Sure enough, she was a purple blade. Not common of an engineer but not rare either. Be looked at Becca who smiled, "I was right!"

He nodded, "Yes now feed the girl and let me take over."

Becca smiled and went up and sat on Gia's awaiting face. The girl acted like she had not eaten in a month. She just about knocked Becca over pulling her onto her face. He went to licking around the edges and frustrating the hell out of her before sucking in her mound and attacking her clit and sending her over the edge. She screamed a low groaning orgasm into Becca's pussy which set her off.

He was hard again after this and crawled on top of her as Becca moved out of the way. She moved down and lined him up for entry on her. He covered her mouth with his and broke her hymen which had her scream into his mouth for a second.

She calmed down and he back his face away. That virginity is gone." She nodded, "Now what?"

He slowly worked his way deeper. Her cunt was tight and rippling across his cock as he got more into her. He finally hit bottom and fucked her slowly for 20 minutes and then rolled her over and looked at her, "You ride yourself to another orgasm. Becca is going to prepare your ass."

She nodded, "Alright."

She rode him slowly as Becca, being the smart woman, had the girl cleaned out before bringing her up to the office. She had 3 fingers in her ass before she finally climaxed hard. And he was right with her as her cunt constricted his cock to make ropes of cum turn into jets of cum which only set her off that much longer. Becca backed up and straightened out a broken finger from the frantic ending. "She came both vaginally and anally. She will be a tight fit but I got 3 fingers into her." He nodded, "A few goes at this and that won't be a problem anymore."

Gia looked at his stomach and the blood on his cock, "That was from losing my virginity?"

Becca nodded and cleaned him up orally and then let her try working on his meat. Once he was hard, he got three fingers deep into her ass and she came again hard. It did not break his fingers but he could tell she had a tight grip. He slid them out after she relaxed and got the head of his lubed cock into her ass and then slowly worked it deeper. He had her sit back with long brown hair going over his shoulder and she slowly lowered herself deeper climaxing again ever few centimeters on the way down. Becca smiled, "Tighter than me but comes as hard as I do anally."

He nodded, "Also vaginally."

She smiled as he held Gia's D' cup breasts with the eraser tipped nipples and played with the erasers. The only disadvantage was that he could not see her gorgeous face and her hazel eyes. He whispered to her, "I gave you four boys during that."

She moaned out and smiled and started riding him faster and faster.

Becca smiled, "She has a look of bliss on her face and she wants to find another epic orgasm."

He smiled, "Then get to eating." He got her back on her hands and knees so Becca could clean out her young just broken in pussy. While he went to hammer her ass faster and faster until she locked down hard enough, he could barely move. He unloaded as she went into a silent screaming orgasm and shook in his arms. He held her up as she passed out from the effort. Becca came around and kissed her awake. She smiled at Gia, "You just came and passed out."

She nodded, "Like you both were hitting every major pleasure nerve in that region."

Jack was sitting on the couch with a towel under him. He looked at her, "Ready to clean me up and get me off again?"

She looked at him, "With a towel or my mouth?"

He smiled, "That is your choice."

She went over and sucked his cock while getting instructions from Becca on things to do. She was not great at it and she could only get about half of it in her mouth. While she jacked the base of it faster and faster. Took him 15 minutes to unload into her virginal mouth but she hurriedly drank it all down like she was dying of thirst.

She looked at him, "I so wanted that and still do. I am a little tired though."

He nodded, "You become a hybrid and you will have more energy. Now prepare Becca's ass and don't stop until your whole hand is inside."

She looked shocked as Becca bent over the edge of the couch and waited for her to do it. She went slow while he went and washed off his cock. He came back and slid in behind her and went straight back to her pussy. Gia moaned out as he worked his way deeper. He started preparing her ass too. He had her following directions by doing it to her ass. She got to breathing harder and sped up his thrusts on her after he had 4 fingers in her ass. She worked Becca's ass even faster. Keeping in step with his movement.

She gasped, "You are going to stick your hand in my ass, aren't you?"

He slid his hand into Gia's ass and she did Becca's. They were both came so hard neither one of them could hear Johnathan groan out his release into her pussy again. Gia was wasted. He helped her to sit upon a towel on the couch. He looked at her, "I put more cum into your pussy."

She stuck her fingers inside and then sucked them into her mouth. She actually had a small orgasm from that. Becca moved in and cleaned the rest of it out sending her over the edge 3 times over, with the last one being her hand in the girl's ass.

Gia looked at the two of them, "I am surprised he has just 2 wives."

She smiled, "We also have Astra and she would love to be here suck his cum out of your ass. She likes to collect samples from everywhere."

Gia shivered at that and smiled, "She is so gorgeous."

Johnathan nodded, "Her facial design has not changed since Jack did it again when Katelynn, Olivia, and the twins were still alive. He told her she was just perfect that way and she has kept it that way ever since."

She nodded, "Her eyes look Asian."

He nodded, "The twins were of Polynesian descent, along with a lot of others in the mix. Akio was Japanese. A family history that you can read if and when we marry."

Gia smiled, "When we marry. Gods, I do love what you two do to me. I might not be walking out of here though."

Becca smiled and took her into the bathroom to get cleaned up. She looked at Jonathan as he joined the two of them in the shower and he fucked Becca against the wall and put Gia back to work cleaning her out. He was dressed and back at his desk typing away.

He nodded, "Mark the calendar."

She smiled and went over and hugged him while still wet and naked. He kissed her, "You are more than sexually compatible and you are a centered person. Work hard in science and play hard in bed."

Gia smiled, "I owe Astra big time for this chance."

He shook his head, "Your grandmother and your answers led to this. As well as your reaction to what we did to you. Astra is a good judge for matching people and told you what she needed to see to know you were serious. Becca will work overtime to get a hand in the other hole as well."

She nodded, "She told me as she had me stick my hand into her. Tight fit and she just about crushed it."

He nodded, "Well you did break one of her fingers."

Gia looked back, "Really?"

She had not caught her straightening it out. Becca nodded, "Yes but it fixed itself already. Perks of being a hybrid and you are not the first to that so do not fret."

Gia nodded, "When do I become a hybrid?"

He looked at Becca, "As soon as she lines up a donor and gets it done. She can stay with us. I sent over her transfer paperwork and sent a message to the Master Chief. She was happy to hear we were getting that second wife issue resolved because Becca has been talking about it for a year now. At least to her."

Becca smiled, "She is just another supportive hybrid. Married to one of our sons."

He nodded, "Gia gets good enough we can look at transferring them both to the battleship. There are a lot of talented people down there so prove you are more than the Command Admirals new wife before the time comes. The base for that battleship should be ready in 6 months. He is ready to take command of his own ship and sector."

The ladies left him to his typing not knowing of the legal brief he was putting together just in case he needed it.


Rocan was led into his own room by the two beautiful ladies who actually desired his company. At least to try it out in Gia's case. Gia smiled at him, "Jassin is going first. Based on Aurora's recommendation she said to do oral, vaginal, and then anal with each of us. The other is going to sit back and watch the first time.

All the ladies agreed to this and Aurora said she would collect all the samples that are left. Victoria gave us a device, every one of us in fact for cleaning out our asses. Developed by Jack Travus so his wives would be ready for anal sex. She brought them on as gifts you cannot get anywhere else kind of item."

He laughed at that and looked at Jassin who had stripped out of her clothes quickly. She was a solid c-cup with a lithe frame and her dusky red skin and silver hair and eyes were a striking contrast to her skin. The same coloration as him; but he weighed twice as much and was muscular from living on Gresan his whole life.

She worked him out of his clothes and went to trying to suck on his cock. He had sat down for this and she was really inexperienced. Aurora showed up early and gave her pointers on how to do it.

Once he unloaded the first time and both ladies had instructions on how to make that happen, Aurora left. She cleaned some off of Jassin before doing so because she ended up wearing half of it. That left the ladies giggling.

Jassin worked him hard and he rotated her around and visited her slick little slit and tongue lashed her clit. She gave him instructions on doing oral on a woman. At least her. Something Aurora did not have him do and he had not thought about. He finally brought her some joy after sticking two fingers in her ass. He rolled her over and turned her so he could mount her and slowly worked his depth into Jassin's cunt.

The first time in almost 10 years other than Aurora. It took him 20 minutes to hit bottom and he took it to a nice even rhythm. She was getting a bit frustrated and she rolled them over and went for a wild ride for 14 more minutes before he finally exploded into her cunt in the middle of her sixth screaming orgasm. She looked down at him, "Alright, Slow will work for some ladies, or whatever speed you were working. But I want it fast and hard. Including when you do my ass. Just be sure to prepare it good first, and FULLY."

He nodded grabbed the lube while she kissed him, "What did you give for children?"

He looked up at her, "4 boys."

Jassin looked at him, "Seriously?"

He nodded, "Yes if any of the ladies want a girl in the mix it has to be on top of that. Our people are short on men and in 20 years these little studs you will be carrying will help to offload some of the fucking I am going to be doing to help our people."
