Aurora, Wayward Pt. 04


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She even left a copy of the order. It was promptly buried by local police. Sent that off to Trisan to deal with obstruction of justice. Accessory after the fact murder charges. Their attorney general has been getting a lot of this data back as well."

She sighed, "Let me see what I can do."

He looked over, "Unjam their communications."

Aurora nodded, "Done all stations are back at full power and passwords restored to the previous setting or it is requiring them to enter a new password to check the system."

He contacted one of the news stations, the largest one Trisan News Network. He looked at the receptions, "News desk, producer for who you have on the air now."

She looked shocked, "You're the hybrid the police are looking for, the one who kidnapped over 30 civilians and left 12 dead."

He shook his head, "We have camera footage of the entrance and exits we did to every facility. We killed nobody. We have 30 who were picked up because the System Court issued arrest warrants for all of them and 7 others in Penna are in the Colony court there. One might be moved because he was a diplomatic courier. Now put me through or I will hijack her feed."

She sighed and sent it through. The woman there looked up in surprise, "You're a wanted man." He sent her the warrants. She looked at them, "You had arrest warrants for all of them?"

He nodded, "We did."

She looked back, "You want on the air."

He nodded, "I thought I would be nice and ask."

She shook her head, "There is law enforcement looking for you."

He sighed, "I am in orbit of the planet in my battleship The Spartan. I have picked up all of those we had arrest warrants for. They are now getting in contact with their lawyers."

She sighed, "Your funeral."

He watched as the lady called out, "We have the murder and kidnapper Rocan Chess, hybrid at large wanting to talk with us!"

He looked over, "First my lawyers will be contacting you for not using the word alleged before you slandered me. We were issued 30 arrest warrants from the System court. He pushed the files out showing the names and pictures onto her back monitor. "There is no kidnapping. As to the murder charges."

Aurora jumped in the frame, "On the monitor behind you, you will see, based on what has been filed, the different crime scenes. Those are masked and armed men with pistols. Here you will see Rocan with the Marines bringing in the board of directors. Those are sonic pistols. Non-lethal.

The rifles on their backs have a power setting. The indicator on the top of the rifle if you look is at 2 bars. Enough to give a second-degree burn if needed. The only projectile weapon was carried by Lieutenant Commander Fordor of the Sentinel marines. It is a sniper rifle that fires a miniaturize bullet instead of energy. An encased plasma projectile.

A very unique signature. This is him using it at the governor's home to destroy the weapons the rooftop snipers deployed. I am sending you all of the crime scene surveillance footage including those from banking machines, traffic cameras, and so on. You can see the driver and the license plate and know that the man behind the wheel here is a Sergeant in your army for doing Special Operation."

She continued through each one and identified 42 members of this same unit. "You have a rogue military unit on the loose. I would say alleged but I am not counted in your people being a Sentinel.

Your governor sent in the bomber. The pilot killed herself but left the information behind. The police officer information of who buried the noted confession and dying declaration with a copy of the order signed by the Governor. You had a coverup with local police. You had your governor orchestrating the poisoning of the blood supplies on the outer colonies with Eraxin.

That was found and confirmed on this ship, and all outer colonies independently. Just as soon as Pena sent them a sample to compare it against. The specifics of the larger case we are barred from talking about. Court Order. As the court has not ruled on if they will take these issues on or not, it was sent to your attorney general and Colony court for consideration.

Here is one for you Ms. Prima." She sent it to her teleprompter in the studio and it was images of her getting nailed doggy style by a dog. "Found on one of your ex's computers. You know which one. Be glad I did not put that up on the big monitor."

She was speechless then shouted, "Commercial now!" She ran from the studio area. As they broke into several commercials.

A different anchor was on the air almost 15 minutes later He sighed, "Ms. Prima was not feeling well and departed the studio almost immediately. This station is issuing a retraction of her statement without using the word alleged and slandering Captain Rocan.

The station is reviewing disciplinary options in this regard to Ms. Prima. They wish to express a sincere apology that one of their reporters did that to him live and on the air. We have confirmed the arrest warrants are genuine.

We got a call a few minutes ago from the Attorney General's office stating that charges of murder have been dismissed as have the kidnapping charges in light of the evidence he received.

With the warrants being confirmed by his own office. He also stated that, and I quote, 'They have a metric ton of evidence to support their case against the governor and the others.'

He has filed a motion to get the governor tried in court in Trisan for the murder she ordered the military to commit. The Army unit in question has a commanding officer who is the father of her 4 children. The children are all claiming to be estranged from their parents.

They are adults and had no comment for us beyond that. The father is missing and they are working to locate all members of this unit. Now we will be continuing with our weekly segment on hot spots to fish."

He turned it off, Wira Kel contacted him. She smiled, "The station already had the slander paperwork on their desks. What did Aurora show her?"

He shook his head, "Images I want out of my mind. Her and a large dog pounding her ravaged pussy."

Wira laughed, "I am thankful then that she did not put it up on the big screen. I received word that you walked a fine line on the evidentiary side but did not cross it. Be careful. From the judge hearing this case."

He sighed, "What of the poison?"

She nodded, "They found most of it in a warehouse yet to go out. One pallet was sent to a store on the outer colony they got back all but 4 containers of it and have identified the victims as home gardeners."

Aurora looked over, "They need to burn those fields now. All of them. We could clear the food, but not the soil. It would take what you call constrictor weevils; a pest to be used to clean the ground of the contaminant. Anyone who walks through is spreading it."

Aurora sighed, "Connecting in the governor."

She ended up with all 3 on that private line, "Sorry to interrupt but this is an emergency. You need to quarantine that town, Hazmat the people out of there and burn it all to the ground. Especially the gardens. We cannot get it out of the dirt."

She went on to explain the entire problem in way too much detail and sent her and the other governors a file from hell on wind patterns, groundwater, and everything under the sun.

Nanci Creu sighed, "I will have this sent to all of the appropriate agencies because of a lot of this is beyond my area of expertise."

Aurora nodded, "I know, your world has a 95% chance of never being completely rid of that. All food exports will have to undergo an additional process. We have the technology to help in this case. It just needs to be built, put in place, and validated. Right now, your planet should not be exporting any food."

She groaned, "That is our biggest export!"

Aurora nodded, "I know. We can run detection over food exports to work to find any trace of the problem and any contamination would require the same blazing solution for your factories. Else you release those pests into your farm areas after burning the town down and your farmers will lose yields for years. She has left you with a real nightmare.

We traced the number of prescriptions for that drug going out and Trisen has 10,411 people on that drug currently. The numbers were 5 times higher before the bombing. Same problem. This will have to be set up in every world. Anyone who gets infected we can cure. We know of 238 prescripts of that going out across the 3 outer colonies; most from those who traveled there for friends or business. In short, you have a second environmental toxin screaming at you to get out of this system."

She groaned, "I gathered that."

Aurora looked over, "Our scout has docked with two more units of marines for security."

He nodded, "Keep it here, we will arrange a lawyer pickup using that ship and 20 of our marines. What do we do with our farming ships?"

She smiled, "I have a solution for that, it is in the outer three colonies. We would have to take it from the frozen tundra; water, and earth. We would need to seal the area off in a tent-like structure and then bring it what we 'mine' from those three planets to ships we build. A fourth centipede is under construction using just metallic hydrogen as the base metal. We cannot go too deep into any one site because of this metal."

He nodded, "We get these farm ships together and we will still need seeds."

She nodded, "We can treat them and the animals. The insects are harder; half will likely not survive the treatment and we have to get those from the two inner colonies."

Rocan held his hand over his mouth, "I am going to be spending a lot of time going over recruitment material from Pena, I will only recruit from world's that have signed on governors. For standard crews, not hybrids. I am still filling the counsel across systems.

We will need to work a system-wide food emergency and bring farmers into space from each system but closer to the inner worlds. Colossus will have to wait."

The Pena governor looked over, "I am getting word that with the filtration mechanisms this would not be a threat to underground water sources. Above ground is a different matter."

Aurora shook her head, "No your water treatment plants could be upgraded to filter the water for all of your communities for this toxin. It is virulent in the dirt."

Nanci Creu continued, "They said if that is the case then it would be 5 years for this to dissipate. It will get more and more diluted in water over time."

Aurora nodded, "We need to build ships to be the systems farms for the next 5 years at a minimum. While cranking out more medical facilities with Sentinel doctors to treat the sick of this toxin. I cannot search your records for the number of prescripts of that fake drug you have in your system because of your laws."

She nodded, "I will get with the Surgeon General to send you those numbers as a colony-wide emergency we need to search for those who are taking that drug. That will let us know how bad it is."

Aurora rolled her eyes, "Trisan is in the worst shape. Regardless."

She sighed and brought in the new Trisan Governor, She sighed, "I am Traci Drian, I first want to say I had no knowledge of this."

Rocan called out, "We already cleared the rest of the staff in regards to this. She handled it all through her personal attorney and her mate apparently. We are tracking them in case they try to leave your world by the way. Our ships can outrun anything they attempt to use to escape. They appear to be congregating in eight locations according to my pad. All headed further north and out of the colony zone. They are going for old school survival training life."

The governor sighed, "How are you tracking them?"

Rocan chuckled, "We have an orbital view of the main colony. We tracked them to vehicles using every surveillance system you have. Until they left the city. Now they are on rural roads and we can pick up their life signs. They also are carrying a lot of explosives."

Aurora looked over, "I believe some of that is rigged to actually go off."

He watched when not even 2 minutes later and all 8 vehicles were destroyed. He sent the map to the governors. "That is your army unit that leaves her mate."

Governor Drian looked over, "We have him in custody. Could someone catch me up to speed."

Aurora sent her the entire conversation from this point forward for her to watch on another terminal.

Rocan sighed, "We will start to build the ships; build them with the alloy. Scrap the Sentinel battleships to do it if we have to and build in system destroyers in straight metallic hydrogen and coated."

Aurora nodded, "The fourth centipede is started. The medical ships have completed, your two destroyers are 5 days out."

Nanci Creu looked over, "You are expanding your fleet already?"

He nodded, "Yes if the infighting continues, I will need to have the ships to protect your food supplies or form a wall-like separating children in different rooms.

I cannot stress enough that I can only help those who are willing. The farming ships will be well shielded and sturdy for space travel. Vetting crews, farmers, building these devices for treating the systems. Where will this end?"

Wira looked over, "The big issue with getting some of this built on the ground is Sentinels holding patents."

He nodded, "She could send you case law from Tau Ceti and Terra on this; if they would accept it. It opened the door for other races to apply for and hold patents. That is your number one task right now. We need to get this done to get her to release this data from the archives she has."

Nanci Creu looked up, "We will get a bill into our Congress. I will work the phones because we will need water filtration and food purification machinery sooner rather than later."

Aurora looked at her, "The problem is more complicated than just that. It will have to be done with the right metals. Metals your industry is not aware of how to work with yet. We will have to get patents out for fabricators, deliver those. We can build those here. Get solid metallic hydrogen in place and start teaching your factory workers on how to make this stuff. Trisan will need to be set up as well but we won't manufacture in Trisan until they sign on. All systems will have to import the pieces.

Rocan looked over, "This is not me holding you hostage it is your own laws in regards to Aurora. They are covered in the treaty and she will sign that. I do not have this database and it is her Sentinels who are building this stuff because quite frankly. We don't know how to use the equipment!

Not until we train people and that will take years to do. We are reliant on Sentinels to pull the heavy load and if we are going to do that. The only thing to do is give them rights as a separate species. Then instead of one facility doing this work, we could have 6 facilities doing this work.

One on each planet plus ours. Sentinels supporting and training factory workers. All crops from Trisan and Pena are suspect at the moment. The good news; what it will do can be cured by the medical facilities already sent to the outer colonies.

We will need more of those for the larger populations on the two inner worlds. Step one, treat and re-treat the infected. Step two get the farming ships and dredges together you will need to work on getting them in place. Step three which can be done at the same time as two is getting the fabricators rolling on this ship. Have the raw materials sent in bars or whatever we need to complete them."

Aurora looked over, "Wira, he does not require sleep but he needs it. Hash out the priorities with the governors. I told you what is coming from the line. By the time we are done, we will likely have 20 centipedes in orbit out there trying to keep up."

She ended his connection to the channel, "The 2 new ladies will have to wait until tomorrow to meet you in person. They have 3-5 days of decontamination left. We have a physical Sentinel doctor who looks human. She is going through the prisoners with a portable scanner to find out who has what issues as part of the intake process.

Her name is Ariel. She just has to put it on their wrist for a few minutes and she will have a full-body scan and toxicity scan in hand for all of it. This has been a stressful day. To bed with you."

Freia looked at him, "You do look run down."

He laughed, "Ran over by an asteroid field is more like it."

Aurora did not like it, "We are taking you to medical first."

He felt like he was pulled by his mother but complied. She got him on a table and shook her head as it went to work. "The toxin infected you somehow. Running an internal scan in the shuttle while also doing one on the ship itself. Scanning the scout that just came in. She looked over at him, "Injected! It is working, toilet now!"

He got up and went in. He just sat down when it hit him. He felt it like he had taken a massive dose of laxatives. She ran some numbers and shook her head, "The lack of metal toxin made you more susceptible to the other toxin. I find where the contamination has occurred and sealed off those sectioned and pushed them into the vacuum of space. All except for the cells the prisoners are in."

He sighed, "Where?"

She looked at him, "The beach. All the sand you tracked back as well as those two ladies have infected everywhere, they have been. When you got out of your combat gear you came into contact with it. I even had to put your office into a vacuum.

Freia will be in a suit shortly and then I will do the rest of the bridge area. I have the two candidates in quarters and they are locked in at the moment. He brought them up on the screen as he shook his head, "Aurora is sending you some data doctor. That toxin we are dealing with is even more infectious to hybrid with no metal toxins in their systems. We are decontaminating the ships in sections at the moment. It got aboard in the sand from the beach."

Doctor Trose shook her head, "She is freezing it to death in any sand molecules that are here. What are you doing with our prisoners?"

Ariel came on the screen, "They are locked into the cells at the moment all guards are in the hall with me. Those rooms are isolated we need to strip and clean every one of them down. Treat them with the cure for the toxin. Mandatory. We already have one who is refusing any treatment. She has extensive cancer throughout her body and is not likely to make it to trial. The Governor.

Her medical history from a 'physical' 4 months showed a clean bill of health; this has been an issue for years untreated. Sending that information based on our scans to the Surgeon General on Trisan as well as the other Governors."

Rocan looked over, "Connect the governors back in." They were back in the picture.

He sighed, "We have a few issues to discuss. This new toxin is more dangerous if you have lower toxins from this metal. The metallic toxin slows the growth of this agent. In a clean world, it would be more virulent. We captured 2 of them on a beach. The sand that came back had infected the whole ship I have no metallic toxins in my system to fight it. Therefore, the cure of the toxin had to be taken and the ship cleaned with the vacuum of space. Our prisoners have yet to undergo treatment."

Dr. Trose commented, "We can do this with shuttles, putting them into a vacuum scanning them for a toxin in us or in the shuttle on something else. They can be treated onboard if that is the case."

Rocan shook his head, "Getting out of an EVA suit, body armor and clothes with the way that treatment flow through you. Major laxative. You are cleaned out of the virus. More apt to say it is cleaned out of you."