Aurora, Wayward Pt. 04


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Rocan smiled, "Now you are now a hybrid. Do you want to create your sword or get to fucking? You have to take it everywhere and try not to lose it. That included court. It is not metal so it should not set anything off if you hide it on your person."

Aurora looked over, "You build up your telekinesis skills you could turn it into a necklace and then form it in your hand as a sword when needed."

Rocan thought to her, * Let us do your sword first. Freia and Aurora can hear that but you cannot communicate with Aurora directly. You would have to ask for something from her through one of us. *

She thought back and smile, * You were not joking about being telepathic. How far can you reach? *

Rocan smiled, * Anywhere on the planet from here. I got to the edge of the dark side of the moon before I could not reach Freia. I can reach you we would have to test Freia to get numbers from her. See how far she can reach. You would find it tough to reach me that way unless I initiated the contact. Focus your will in to create a telekinetic shield around you. That is what I did for the girl but I ran it across her skin and made it three times thicker to keep her stiff, still, and protected. *

She looked at him * I wondered how you did that. You will have to teach me that. *

Rocan looked at her, "That was the first time I ever tried that kind of a shield. I have been shaping a lot of Zero Element into rooms on the ships, satellites, and creating my sword. I think all of that helped. My adrenaline was going into overdrive to try and keep her alive."

He grabbed a sphere and sat on the bed and pulled her to him, "You used a lot of telepathy there so I am just going to speak this. Close your eyes. No questions. Put your hand over the sphere between your thighs. Now you will picture your perfect sword for you in your head.

The blade, the grip, ensure you include the style and texture you want in the grip. I am feeding will power into you. You got that image now focus on your new hand and try to shape the sphere. Keep your eyes closed.

He waited for it to look complete. * Call it to your hand and turn it on as you open your eyes. *

It was a thin blade, almost completely white on the edges and purple down the middle. She had an elaborate design on the handle; which was a pale purple in color. It ended with a clear sphere with a pair of sharks etched into them. She looked at the name on the sword, "Shark of Justice."

He held her close, "How do you feel about your new name to the Drakor and to the Penan Hybrid Home Guard order?"

She looked over, "This is magical."

She turned the sword off, "The Drakor sent me a message. 'You are an aggressive fighter for justice. That will be your life.'"

He smiled, "They liked you as a choice. Good job Aurora on finding this candidate who is now a hybrid in need of some serious fucking."

She smiled and got him on his back and slowly sank down on the depth and width of his cock. She moaned all the way down. "Fuck you're slightly bigger than my favorite toy."

She rode him slow at first using her muscles to try and get him off first like it was some kind of game. She got off a few times before she sped it up and held back until she was in mid-scream of a big orgasm and he unloaded on her. She hit a new octave as he rolled her over.

He looked into her glowing eyes so she could see his. He kissed her and she returned it with fervor. Her pussy was constricting his cock and massaging it. He started up again and fucked her slow like she did him and then took it to full out frantic until she screamed out and he unloaded into her again.

That sent her higher as he sucked in a nipple and pulled her legs up and wide. Aurora came in cleaned up his cock and balls from what leaked out. She took the legs and ravaged Wina's pussy as she went in with her tongue long and deep to get it all out of her. Changing its form and texture along the way which set her off several times.

Aurora backed away and let her legs down. Wina shot up and kissed Aurora, with passion. Aurora returned the favor. She looked at her, "Fuck girl, you have mad oral skills."

Aurora smiled, "Just wait until I do that to your ass as well. I can filter out any fecal matter and save most of the sample deposited. It is free and clear when processed."

Wina looked over, "It felt like you fucking flooded me."

He nodded, "I put out 3-4 times the normal about. You want to suck me off. You could shoot it across your tits and Aurora would clean you again."

She smiled sucked his cock into her mouth. She had mad oral skills comparable to Aurora, almost but not quite. She was in second place. 12 minutes in and he warned, "Ready to cum. She pulled it out and aimed at her neck between her c-sized tits as she jacked his cock. She counted 11 jets he shot onto her tits to her amazement. He looked at her, "Get me hard and then lubed. You know where it is going next."

Wina went back to his cock while Aurora licked everything off her body including sucking in both of her nipples to be sure they were spotless. Wina shivered a small climax from both of them. He was hard enough and she lubed up his cock. He had lubed up his hand.

He got in behind her and started working his hand into her ass over the next 20 minutes. Then he speared and widened it like a sphere inside with little bump and rotated it a few times to watch her wailing out another orgasm again before he pulled his hand out. He slid his cock into the hilt.

She slowly constricted back down and then she realized he was fucking her ass slowly as those over exited nerves felt the slick friction from his cock. He sped up and fucked her ass for 40 minutes before unloading. He stayed in her ass as she was still spasming from her last orgasm.

He kept it slow because he was not fully hard. A couple of minutes later and he was hard enough from the sensation. He took it to fast and frantic for 30 minutes before unloading again with her wailing another climax. He pulled out and Aurora cleaned up his cock and balls.

She started at her clit and worked her way up. Catching anything that leaked out. She then speared her ass with her tongue and cleaned out the two deposits he left her. She backed away. "Bathroom and tool. All the delays talking and being made a hybrid you're ready to get cleaned out again.

He has a lot more in him to go. She went into the bathroom but walked funny. He went into the shower and washed up. Especially his cock. She stared at it and thought about what he might do next. She shivered at the thought. The man was a fucking machine in bed and found spots in her she did not know existed. More pleasure centers. She wondered if this was a hybrid thing.

She heard from the Drakor * Actually for your species, it has produced an effect where all of your nerve endings for pain in that area have been reduced and pleasure ones increased. A hidden desire from the female subjects mostly is not to have painful sex. It also does that for those who get the blood injections, Shark of Justice.

Males get a reduction in pain receptors in the rectum; however, the biggest change is in the glands near the genitals. Pheromones production is increased causing a higher arousal rate in nearby mates. Part of their ejaculate works to reduce pain even more and the rate of regeneration is high enough to reduce friction discomfort. We have monitored humans for a long time. *

She looked over, "We will keep going."

They did for 18 straight hours before she finally admitted defeat. He had fucked her into submission. Even with the hybrid changes. She had to have help to get to the bathroom. Being a new hybrid had not relieved her of the hours of having her legs thrust apart.

He took her into the shower with him and he washed her from head-to-toe. She kissed him long and hard. She put as much passion into it as she could. She backed away and sighed, "Now I need to go to my office wearing the same outfit I left in and tell them that you fucked me into submission over 18 hours.

His cock was hard between her thighs and she groaned, "Down boy. Get Freia or Aurora to take care of that monster for a while."

She stepped out to Aurora who had a Hybrid officer member outfit. He looked over, "Lieutenant commander. Position tactical. When you are here."

She smiled and kissed Aurora like a long-lost lover. She sighed, "That was fucking amazing."

She smiled, "You climaxed 6 times with Freia, 62 times from me, and 129 times from Rocan. He asked me to keep count. He got 16 climaxes out of that and he is hard and ready to go. I think he loved fucking you."

Wina laughed, "Fuck, he had you count them?"

She laughed harder and looked over. "Thanks for that. Now I got numbers to go for each of you when I get to my girl talk with colleagues. 197 climaxes. When the Drakor told me that the blood or becoming a hybrid reduced pain receptors and increased pleasure ones I thought I could outlast him. I asked if becoming a hybrid did something there in my mind and I got an answer about that.

The secret fantasy of most women is not to have painful sex. The male pheromones released from the glands around your cock gets women aroused and ready. He said something about your ejaculatant having a pain reduction effect. I am not feeling issues inside. Just sore muscles from my legs and pelvis. Not covered obviously."

Aurora looked over, "It also reduces the pain of delivery of childbirth by more than half. It varied by each woman because some women have masochistic sides. The humans did a study."

She nodded, "Well there are a couple of facts I can pass on to those who are on the fence about getting the Drakor blood."

She got dressed in the uniform with the belt. She still had dark skin on the chest and neck area but she was ready to head to work. She left her other outfit in the shuttle as she walked into the office with her sword at her side hanging from the new belt. Her clerks looked at her as she still walked with a slight limp.

Kinna, her lead asked, "Did you sprain an ankle?"

She laughed, "He fucked me into submission. 18 hours of sex. He could keep going. He shot off 16 times. I had to use a device to clean my rectum 3 times. He gave me 129 climaxes. Aurora who collected the samples for purification and processing gave 62. I was only with Freia before we really started so he could figure out my blade color. I am not on the council. I fell into a special category. I am a Justice zealot. They said it was rare. My sword name, by the way, is Shark of Justice. What the Drakor call me Telepathically, they use your sword name."

She heard Rocan, * When out and about do not forget to focus your telekinesis into your belt. Especially when you feel danger. *

She thought back, * Thanks for the reminder. *

She looked at her belt and focused on it. She looked a Trion, "Slap me really quick, I am testing something. Do it hard."

He smacked her and his hand bounced off the shield. She unfocused and looked at them. "This belt. If I focus my will on it, it will create a shield. He was able to run it over that Girl Lena's skin and he thickened it before he had Aurora stop blocking the comm signal on that bomb.

It destroyed her clothes and her hearing was gone from the noise but she was alive. He gave her some of his blood. That fixed her hearing, leukemia, and the physical damage she suffered from being sexually assaulted by the man claiming to be her father. She was taken as a baby and he killed the girl's mother.

That is why Rocan is looking to adopt her. He saved her life and is giving her a shot at a new life. Half of that ship is bedrooms, areas for classrooms with terminals. Also, daycare centers. He has that ship built to house and teach the families and crews.

That is why it is so big. Yes, he has powerful weapons and tough armor but he is looking at saving the lives of our people. I found no fault in that. Just the fact he could keep going if I wanted to as he was hard as a rock when I left him to the others. I finally submitted. She called up her sword and lit it for them.

She looked at it, "It is different from Freia is it not?"

Wina smiled, "The white edge signifies a zealot of justice." She turned it off and put it away. She looked at them, "Crew uniform. He is drawing on my military background as well. If I am on board, I am a lieutenant commander assigned to tactical. He assigned me to the position that controls those guns."

Trion looked at her, "Did he bruise you?"

She smiled, "That is part of the changeover. In will be back to normal in a few hours. You saw Lena's skin change color from the blood. The limp should be gone by now. I was barely walking when I left."

They all giggled and she raised her eyebrows, "Dead serious. That guy can just keep on fucking and he has the equipment to do it with. I threw down the challenge and he accepted. That was one case I lost but I gained so much from it. I am carrying 7 children in me. 4 boys and 3 girls.

That will take me to the double 6 with my 5 previous children. He can control the number and sex of the offspring in a woman he fucks. Possibly even samples he sends to this sperm exchanges that they are set to be in the medical facilities they are building. Damned if the sex wasn't fantastic."

Kinna looked at her, "You look years younger."

She nodded, "I found out something for you ladies. We have a hidden desire to not have painful sex or childbirth. It reduced pain receptors and increases pleasure receptors. Cuts childbirth pain in half. All of them will be born in 40 weeks.

The mother will expand to accommodate them. Then she gives birth and snaps back to her 20 something looking self in a few days. I was told by Aurora the most ever put in one woman was 20 children. There is a story behind it but they all came out at 40 weeks fully grown and healthy babies."

They all stared at her, "I have no reason to lie to you." She pulled out a pad. "The medical table results on the children and the sexes. Two sets of twin boys and one set of triplet girls."

Jenara, another member or team looked at her, "I believe you, but you got a meeting to attend to in 10 minutes."

Wina rushed into her office and pulled up her calendar. She pulled the files she needed for today onto her pad and headed off to the first meeting.


Rocan fucked his ladies twice before returning to his planned activity. He asked Aurora, "Any news?"

She nodded, "The congress is debating the treaty for the Home Guard on the floor. It looks pretty heated and fairly one-sided. It looks like she has the votes to carry the measure."

He looked over and sat down, "Contact the congressional switchboard. Have them put me through to any congressman or congresswoman who wants to ask me questions. Or, if they want me to address congress."

She contacted them and waited a few minutes. "This is Congresswoman Ricca." She smiled. "I have several questions but the first and foremost question is why does it have to be set first?"

He sighed, "Right now Aurora is free to search for anything. She discovers a plan to blow up Congress and all the doors are under a security lockdown due to a virus running in the system. She can unlock the doors, stop the remote trigger on the bomb, get the area evacuated.

Then give the police all of the conspirators down to who paid for it. If another government was responsible she can track it. She did all of this without a warrant under my direction. We are both Home Guard. She is a separate race only covered in that treaty if the conditions are met.

It is unchangeable; that is the treaty used by the Alien Alliance 325 years from now. It might have a few alterations between then and now but the humans had that put first. The Hybrids had the only ships that could explore other colonies.

To communicate from one-star system to another and take a shipment of military vessels from one system to another that is under attack. We do not have all of that YET. But we will. That treaty is the first line in all 6 colony worlds and moons in that system.

It will happen there. We hope it will happen here. That would allow us to stand before a judge, explain our actions and why we complied with hybrid law instead of running the gauntlet of warrants, swat teams, computer guys who could not get in the building because it was a closed system.

Then bombers with a detonator sitting somewhere until he had those emergency assets working to get into the building were in place. Before setting it off. Just to kill more people. Did we act in the best interest of the Penna people?"

She sighed and nodded, "I will take your example as extreme as it is and present it to them."

Aurora looked over, "Like this."

She heard alarms of a lockdown of Congress and she released it. "Your computer security needs a lot of work and that is something we can help you with."

The Congresswoman looked shocked. Rocan looked at her, "I did not direct that action. She is in a system that has not signed onto that treaty and she can be as whimsical or mischievous as she wants so long as she believes it is just and works toward the good of the acceptance of the treaty. For the good of the Penan people.

She is not recognized by our courts without that treaty. It is set so her actions have to be judged by the Eternal Council and we determine if she crossed the line. Astra, her idol if you will in the Terran system. She was the one who established these AI rights.

She has had judgments passed against her. In one case I was told about she was powered down in that system until they traveled off to another system. When they returned, she was a lot more cautious in her activity in that system.

Most of those amendments deal with the activity that occurred over 4,700 years and Astra had to agree to those amendments to their morality code before it became official. The same would occur here except you would have to wait 324 years when Astra and Aurora will likely speak again and discuss the merits of any proposed amendment.

If Aurora will not accept it, Astra is not likely to accept it either. The amendment would be denied. If they both agree that it is a workable solution then it is added to the Sentinel code of conduct as an amendment. All Sentinels would have to follow that new amendment.

When we get approved to join the Alien Alliance there would be one code of conduct for all AI units, we would hope. We cannot answer that question until we join the Alien Alliance. They all have the same Home Guard treaties that we submitted then it is likely the AI rights are consistent across other alien races."

She sighed, "What would Aurora recommend to improve our security on that system?"

Aurora looked at her, "A password to access it would be a good start. A shielded room if you will, that prevents wireless hacking attempts is another step. My storage area with all of the patent data is in such a room and I know how to build them. As do our other Sentinels.

Also, a two-person authentication requirement. With keys to far away for one person to access it in order to lock and unlock the system. Removal of the windows to that area and a door that is not left ajar. Essentially it is open to the public if the overweight guards in the room did not stop them."

The congresswoman acknowledged her, "Thank you for your candid explanation of the shortfalls of that system."

Astra nodded, "I told the Governor the Sentinels could do a sweep of unprotected computer systems or unshielded systems. Especially for your government facilities, government contractors, and other corporations who would be interested. If we have to generate revenue to pay the people in the Home Guard then it would be a means of generating it without giving away too much technical data. Sentinels do not need to eat and have little in the way of personal belongs."
