Bachelorette Party Affair


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She rested her hand on Eryn's knee as she leaned closer to me, and said, "You two are the most perfect loving couple in the world, and you need to be married to each other. If I could somehow be an intimate part of what you have, I'd love that, because when you two are married, I'm sure I'm going to see less of you, and that makes me sad. I know this is a bizarre solution, but it's one that I don't think you would have thought of on your own, and I wanted to let you know just how far I'm willing to go to help you - actually to help all of us."

Eryn looked up at Kelly and broke her silence. "Do you know what you are saying? You'd be willing to fuck your brother just to be a part of us? That's a huge step, and I don't think I could ask either of you to do that. I never had a brother, but I'm pretty sure if I did, fucking him would be the last thing on my mind."

Kelly nodded, and replied, "I could - it's the only love we haven't shown for each other, but I love both of you enough that I would do this."

They both looked at me, realizing that I hadn't said anything yet. My mind was spinning as I tried to process this bombshell Kelly had dropped on us. As they looked at me, I realized I needed a little time alone without the pressure of them being right next to me. I tapped Eryn on the shoulder and said, "I need to get up and go out on the balcony for a few minutes to think about this alone."

She got up and let me stand, and as I started towards the sliding glass door to the balcony, she reached out for my arm. I stopped and turned to look at her as she said, "Brian, are you okay? We can stop this right now if this is wrong to you. We'll make us work, you and me, somehow."

I reassured her I was fine, saying, "I just need to think about this without the pressure of the two most beautiful girls in the entire world staring at me." Eryn hugged me and I saw that Kelly was smiling. At least some of the tension in the room was broken as I headed out onto the balcony.

I played back the events of the day in my mind as I looked over the lake before me. At first, I was mad at my bartender friend for sending me the pictures. I almost wished I had never found out what Kelly and Eryn did with each other last night. I was much happier not knowing, because since seeing those pictures, my day has pretty much been one of the worst of my life.

But if I hadn't found out, I wonder what would have happened with my life. I realized that perhaps Kelly and Eryn could have continued their relationship in secret. But that would have meant both of them were keeping something terrible from me, and surely that strain that would have shown up elsewhere in my marriage and my relationship with my sister.

And even if they had stopped after their experience last night, I knew Eryn would always have Kelly in the back of her mind, and I didn't know how she could live with that and be happy at the same time. I knew she would always love me. But would it have affected our relationship without me even knowing? I guess I would have been living with the term "blissful ignorance" applied to me.

My next thought was to just let Eryn and Kelly have a relationship together after we were married. I knew Eryn well enough that she would make sure I wasn't missing out on anything, and that her time with Kelly would be when I was busy doing other things. But I would always wonder if she was giving me her best, just as I intended to always give her my best, because that's what people who commit to each other for life do.

And I still couldn't get past the fact that this had started in violation of our Open Communications Policy, which honestly I thought wasn't going to be needed anymore once Eryn moved in with me when she finished college and we committed ourselves to each other exclusively. That she was willing to deliberately act against that with Kelly would always have me wondering if she would do it again, and keep it a secret from me and make me out to be the fool. I know it's somewhat childish to think this way, but it made me feel less of a man knowing that Eryn would purposely have an affair with my sister.

I believed both of them when they tell me that girls can give another girl something that a guy can't. I also know that I'm pretty certain Eryn can't live without that, since she cheated on me last night with Kelly. I really liked our discussion about potentially opening up to another girl sometime in the future. But it was supposed to be a joint decision - a plan thought out and enacted by both of us together. What they did last night was in no part a joint decision. It was Eryn acting on her own without me. That thought bothered me as much as the actual sex she and Kelly shared.

My thoughts turned to Kelly, and what she had offered. After Eryn, Kelly was the most loved person in my life. I treasured being her older brother and protector. I loved watching her grow up, from a gangly kid to a beautiful woman. She was taller than Eryn by at least three inches. She had sandy blonde hair, the same color as mine. She was built on a bigger frame than Eryn, but it wasn't that she was overweight. It was due to the fact that she came from a large-structured family, as did I. Kelly could dress to the nines and be a stunning young woman if she wanted to be. But she was most comfortable wearing simple shorts and a t-shirt, just as Eryn was comfortable in dance tights and ballet costumes.

I thought of Kelly and the potential to see her as a sexual partner. At first I shuddered at the thought. But what she said was true. A physical sexual relationship was the only love we hadn't shown for each other. Had she had these thoughts about me before? As far as I know, I never revealed anything inappropriately while we were kids in high school. I would walk about without a shirt on, but certainly not to be sexually suggestive to her.

She was beautiful, no doubt about it. If she wasn't my sister, would I be attractive to her? I would have to say yes, but it wasn't a fair question to ask myself, because I could never separate the fact that she is my sister from that question. I knew her better than any guy she dated - or any girl she dated, now that her secret was out. Even if she had a long term relationship with someone, that person would have to be with her a long time before they knew as much about Kelly as I did.

Any time Kelly and I hugged - and we did a lot - I never thought of that body contact as being sexual. But now I tried to picture those hugs in a sexual connotation, and realized that it wasn't as far-fetched as it seemed a few minutes ago when she blurted out that she would fuck me. We had shared a lot of close and personal moments together as we grew up. The last step would be a sexual experience with her. Could I do that? Could I fuck my sister in a loving way, and not as some sex-crazed pervert?

I wouldn't know unless I tried it. If it worked, it might be the only way to move ahead in this marriage knowing that all of our desires were being addressed. If it didn't work, I knew the gamble was maintaining the loving relationship I have with Kelly now, knowing we tried to take it farther and it failed. It would be tough, but our love for each other was too strong to let even a weird setback like failed incest get in our way.

I walked back into the front room, where the girls were sitting next to each other on the couch. In a strange and somewhat quasi-reversal of our earlier seating arrangement, I sat in the chair across the room from Kelly and Eryn. They looked at me patiently, waiting for me to speak.

I turned to Kelly and said, "Are you still offering what you said before, or did your realize you were speaking with your emotions and not your brain, and you need to take your offer back? If that's the case, I need to hear it, and I won't be angry with you if you said it in haste."

She shook her head and answered, "No, Brian. I meant what I said, and I still mean it. I'm ready to try this, to see if it helps all of us."

Next I looked at Eryn. "Open Communications here - I'm willing to try this as well, but I have to know if you approve. If you have any reservations, I need to hear them now, because once Kelly and I try this, we can't undo it, just like you can't undo what you did with her last night."

She smiled nervously. "Open Communications? I want you to try it, and I want it to go so well that we can both enjoy Kelly and talk more about how she's going to be part of our lives. I know you love me, Brian - so much that you are even willing to consider this. And I know you love Kelly as well. I'm a little jealous knowing that if you do this, you're going to be fucking a girl you've literally known all your life, and when we indulged with others before, love wasn't on the table. But I can put that aside, because I love Kelly as well, and I know neither of you are going to hurt me."

I looked at the two of them, and saw what I thought might have been hope in their eyes. I knew we needed to at least try it, since Kelly had been bold to think of it and blurt it out. "Eryn, if Kelly and I do this, we have to be alone the first time - it's just too weird to think of having anybody with us. I propose that I drive Kelly to her apartment for this. That will give us time alone to talk about it and make sure we both are in agreement that we want to go ahead with it. After whatever happens there, we'll drive back here and all three talk about it again. Deal?"

They both nodded and said, "Deal." I walked over to Eryn and gave her a long kiss. When we stopped, I looked down into her beautiful eyes and said, "I'm only doing this for us - to see if this can be a possible solution. Because thinking about it while I sat on the balcony, I'm not sure if there really is any other solution that we all would be happy with. I didn't realize how much the time you two spent together last night changed our entire outlook. Maybe this is the way that it can still be good."

A small tear formed in her eye as she replied, "I know, Brian, and if I could take back last night, I would in a minute. But I can't, so if this is the best solution to get us back close to what we had, then I'm 100% for it. But don't forget about me when you are with her - remember, this is something we all want."

I looked to Kelly and asked, "Shall we go?" She nodded, and we walked out the front door and down the steps to my truck. We had 15 minutes to discuss this before we got to her apartment, so I started right in asking questions.

"Have you ever thought about having sex with me before this? I have to admit that even though you are a beautiful girl - I guess I should say woman now - I've never looked at you and had a desire to fuck you."

She sighed and replied, "Not exactly, Brian, but I know you are a handsome man, and I've known it all along. I told you about my friends - so many of them wanted a chance to meet you and hopefully go out with you. I'd hear it nearly every day from them, and I always declined because I knew you didn't need my help in finding girls to be friends. But hearing if from them so much, I guess that maybe sometimes I would look at you as a girl looks at a guy and wonder what it would be like."

She shifted in her seat so she could face me better, and asked, "What about you? Now that I've brought it up as a possibility, can you see me as a sexual partner, and not just a sister?"

I was glad traffic was light on Sunday evening, because I was so focused on this conversation that I probably wasn't the best driver. "It's still strange for me, but yes, I've been thinking about it. It's part of why I went out to the balcony to think by myself. Kelly, you are beautiful, and I asked myself if I would have been interested in you if we were brother and sister, and even though that's an impossible question to answer, I still answered that I could. When we actually get to it, I'm not sure that I'll be able to go ahead. But I want to take our time and really try to make this work."

Another question came to my mind, so I said, "Tell me about being bi-sexual. That surprised me, although seeing a picture of you kissing Eryn bothered me more for the fact that it was her and not that I hadn't known you liked girls before."

She blushed and replied, "I never told you because it really wasn't your business, even though we are so close. I guess you can learn lots of things in college, and not just about your future. My first roommate was a lesbian, and she was straight forward with me about it from day one. Over the course of the year, I have to say that my curiosity increased, and she showed me what it was all about. It is different, Brian - not necessarily better than being with guys...well, I guess the right guy, but it's different, and I can see how hard it would be for Eryn to give that up. And since I came in and made a mess of things, I feel responsible for making this solution work."

I didn't like hearing her say she was "making" it work. "If this is just so you two can feel good about fucking each other, then I'm going to stop it right here. I don't want you to feel obligated to me so you can still be with her."

Kelly leaned back in her seat, a look of surprise on her face. "Brian, I promise you it's not that at all. I would have never suggested it if there wasn't going to be feelings involved with it. I love you, Brian - I love you as much as any sister has ever loved her older brother. If we go ahead and fuck when we get to my apartment, it's going to have a full load of emotion and feelings with it. If you don't feel the same way, then we are right not to do it. But I know you love me too, and I hope you'll remember that as we go into this."

I reached over and took her hand - perhaps as a brother mostly, but maybe the start of our intimacy. "I love you too, Kelly - if I didn't, I promise we wouldn't be doing this tonight."

She told me a little more about her experiences in college - not only with girls, but the couple of boys she had a relationship with. She told me which of her friends wanted to be with me, and I was a little surprised at some of the names she told me. I also surprised her too when I mentioned a few of my teammates who had inquired about her, but because I knew them so well and wouldn't have wanted them with my sister, they never got a chance, and there was no reason to let her know.

I was nervous as we pulled up in front of her apartment building. We walked hand in hand as we climbed the steps to her room on the third floor. Once we were inside, we both looked at each other and grinned, as a way of calming our nerves. Getting inside the front door with her was the first big hurdle cleared, since we both knew why we were there. But neither of us really knew how to proceed. She was a beautiful woman, but there was no way I could escape the reality that she was my sister, so I stopped trying.

Finally after a long silence, I said, "We don't have to spend any time getting to know each other like you might when you were with someone else. There's really nothing more to say. I think we've cleared any questions we both may have. So let's just start - slowly at first, and see where it goes."

She nodded, and I grabbed both of her hands and gently pulled her over to me. I figured the first kiss would set the tone for the rest of our time together. So I raised her chin so she was looking at me, and I gradually leaned down until our lips touched softly. When I pulled back, I looked at her and smiled, and she smiled back. I said, "Look at that - the earth didn't stop, and lightning didn't strike us. That was a nice kiss - I want to do it again!"

Some of the nerves disappeared from her smile, and she replied, "I do to, only maybe longer this time."

I chuckled as I leaned in and kissed her again, this time holding our lips together for at least ten seconds before we stopped. She reached up and put her hands on my head and pulled me in again, controlling our third kiss, and not stopping for at least double the length of the last one. It gave me enough time to put my arms around her and pull her closer. For the first hug of our lives, I was aware of her breasts pressing against me as we kissed. I was also aware that I was starting to feel growing activity in my shorts. I had to think that our efforts so far were pretty good.

Our lips parted, and she started to say something, but I didn't give her a chance. I pulled her closer to me again and met her lips once more, not wasting any time to open my lips and slide my tongue into her mouth. It was met with hers, and we continued that way for quite some time. My hands drifted down to her ass and gripped her firm, round globes through her shorts. She moaned as we kissed, and my cock jumped when I heard it. My sister was getting me excited, and my nervousness had completely dissipated.

We stopped, and this time she stepped back. She smiled at me and said, "Fuck, Brian - you are an amazing kisser! If you do other things as well, I'm in for a great time tonight!"

"I don't know if I should speak for myself, but I think Eryn is happy with my performance. I'm not planning on holding anything back, Kelly - you deserve the full treatment, so we can make sure this is going to work."

She came over to me and kissed me again, only this time it was her hands on my ass, kneading and massaging as we kissed. My cock was at full mast, and I didn't try to hide that from her as I continued to hold her tightly against me. My right hand slid up her side until I was able to cup the outside of her breast through her shirt. She moaned as I pressed my fingers against her, squeezer even harder. By this point I wasn't worried about being disgusted by touching my sister in a sexual way. All I could think about was that I wanted more.

Kelly must have felt the same way, because she stopped kissing and stepped back away from me. She was smiling when she said, "So far so good with me - how are you feeling?"

"I'm great - I want more. I want to see your naked body and touch you in places where brothers and sisters should not be touching."

She grabbed both of my hands and replied, "That's the perfect answer. Come with me."

She led me back to her bedroom, still holding my hands. I watched her ass flex under her shorts as I followed her down the short hallway and into her room. I found that it was like stepping into a time machine, back into her bedroom in our house eight or so years ago. Kelly had brought many of the little girl things to her new apartment here in the city, including several stuffed animals that rested on her bed. I was curious to see if we were going to have to work around them, but she answered that question quickly without saying a word as she unceremoniously dumped them on the floor beside her bed.

She turned back and kissed me again, before stopping and standing in front of me as if she was waiting on something. I took a chance that I knew what it was when I stepped forward and grabbed her t-shirt by her sides. I thought about what I was ready to do, and realized that I had no reservation at all about taking my sister's clothes off. She lifted her arms in the air, and I slowly pulled her shirt up from the bottom, revealing her creamy skin inch by inch as I raised it. Her black sports bra came into view, and the higher I lifted, the more I saw of it. I continued to lift as the neck hole stuck on her chin, and she dropped one arm to help pull it free.

Finally I got it over her head and pulled from her arms. Once the shirt was off, she dropped her arms and stood there in front of me, her sports bra keeping me from seeing her topless. I tossed her shirt to the side and grasped the bra at the bottom elastic band. With one hard pull, it was up and over her head as well, and I stared at Kelly's full round breasts, her very pale pink nipples contrasting the white of her skin.