Back Home for the Holidays Ch. 01


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Mrs. Parker sighed and asked, "Another tattoo?"

"Yeah. Don't you love it? It's a dragon," Jenny replied with a smile, flexing her right arm and turning to show it off to everyone.

Mrs. Parker was not amused, "Jenny Parker, your body is a temple."

Jenny chuckled and said, "Well, I guess it's a dragon temple now. Maybe I should take up martial arts."

Mister Parker, John, and I stifled a laugh as Mrs. Parker said, "God does not want you desecrating your body like this."

Jenny looked at her mother with a self-satisfied look. She knew her mother would disapprove and it seemed that she enjoyed the conflict. She leaned forward looking at her mother and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Mother, if I go to hell, it's not going to be because of this tattoo."

Before Mrs. Parker could respond, Mister Parker said loudly, "Dear Lord, thank you for bringing John and Jenny to us safely for another Christmas." Everyone bowed their head for the before-meal prayer. I bit my lip to not laugh out loud at the situation. "Thank you for Robin being here with us; we pray that she can overlook our flaws. So, in that spirit, we pray that you bless us and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen."

As an only child to a single-mother, this family was completely different than anything I had experienced before. I liked it. My mother and I were dysfunctional with each other, but with a four-person family there were so many different ways to be dysfunctional.

The meal was delicious and I tried to keep my sexual desires in check. I was not used to being so restrained. I am a fiery redhead and I usually got what I wanted. I was not used to delayed gratification. I felt like something inside me was going to be injured if I didn't get fucked soon.

After supper, as usual, we all sat around and watched television. I sat on the couch and held John's hand. Jenny also sat on the couch, on the other side of John. I could see how nervous this made him. He didn't want to do the wrong thing. This wasn't like a sex club, this was his sister. He didn't know how to act. Either way, it was in front of his parents, so he wisely didn't do anything.

I did notice that she sat close to him, her shoulder rubbing his, and when something funny happened on whatever television show we were watching she would touch his knee, ostensibly to draw his attention to it. It was subtle but I was good with reading that sort of thing. She was flirting with her brother in front of their parents and me. I wasn't insulted, I was aroused.

Before the news started, Jenny announced that she was beat from the trip and she was going to bed. John and I watched her leave, a swirl of her skirt from this low angle flashing a glimpse of her pink thong. Out the corner of my eye I made sure neither of the Parker's noticed.

Halfway through the news I told John, "I'd better get to bed too. I don't want to disturb Jenny by following too far behind her."

Mrs. Parker piped up, "That's very considerate of you, dear."

I hugged John goodnight, whispering in his ear, "Everything's fine. Don't worry." I then gave him a smile and quick kiss.

He took a deep breath and nodded.

I bid the Parkers goodnight and headed off to see what had become of Jenny. My pussy itched something fierce but I didn't know when it might get any sort of satisfaction. With Jenny in the room, I couldn't very well whip out my dildo and try to relieve myself, as temporary as such relief might be.

The bathroom was clear so I got ready for bed; showering, shaving, and such. Once I had finished I headed to the bedroom, thankful that Jenny hadn't locked the door. I let myself in.

Jenny had the bedroom light on and was just finishing emptying her luggage into the closet. I worried that she might notice that her jewelry cabinet had been disturbed. She saw me come in and she said, "Come in, I'm almost done." She was still dressed.

"Thanks for sharing your room with me Jenny, I really appreciate it," I told her.

She chuckled, "It would be a lot better for you if you were in John's room, wouldn't it?"

I didn't know quite how to take that. Was she being sincere? She didn't seem upset so I took it at face value. I replied, "Of course, but this will give you and me a chance to get acquainted."

Jenny turned off the closet light, walked into the bedroom, smiled at me, and said, "I like the sound of that." Even though she said it so innocently I thought I detected a trace of mischief. I was having a hard time reading her.

I ducked into the closet, turned on the light, and pulled a teddy out of my negligee stash. I usually sleep in the nude but I was somewhat prepared for other contingencies. Glancing around, I saw that the cabinet was undisturbed so I relaxed a bit. When I turned off the closet light and emerged back into the bedroom, teddy in hand, Jenny was standing at the foot of the bed. She looked at me as she said, "I am so tired. I just can't wait to crash."

I stopped and watched her as she pulled her ponytail out and shook her full head of wavy black hair around her face and over her shoulders. Had she been waiting for me to watch her do that? I wondered because, wow, she was so hot. Then she took her glasses off and I thought I was going to cream right there. The naughty librarian had turned into a sex goddess before my eyes.

Jenny smiled at me for a second. Then she reached down and began to pull her top off saying, "I usually sleep in the nude. I hope that's okay."

My words caught in my throat as her camisole hit the bed. Her breasts were about a C cup but were perfectly formed, with small perfect pink nipples adorning each one. The nipples were hard, betraying her excitement at her exhibitionism, and they were pierced, each one sporting a little steel barbell.

The urge to lick and suck on those nipples at that moment was overwhelming, but I held back. It wasn't because of my love for John. Our relationship was completely open. I assumed that extended to his sister, especially considering everything I had discovered so far about their relationship. No, that wasn't what held me back. What held me back was that I didn't know how much of her behavior was an act and how much serious? Was she innocent, teasing me, testing me, or flirting with me? Why couldn't I tell? If I gave the wrong reaction it could affect our relationship forever and I planned to be with John for a long time.

She stopped and looked at me as I traced her tan lines with my eyes. They left her tits pale and formed two pale streaks up her chest. "Is it?" she asked.

I caught myself and looked up into her eyes. Her blue eyes sparkled in the light. "Is what?"

Jenny smiled a mischievous smile at me. "Is it okay that I sleep in the nude, or would you prefer I put something on?"

"Oh," I said with a wave of my hand, trying at act casual. "It's fine. It's your room. You do whatever you want."

"Okay," Jenny said slowly, "I will." She pushed her skirt off, revealing her pink thong. Then, scooping up her camisole and skirt she walked around to the far side of the bed. She tossed them into a small chair, took off her thong, tossed it into the chair too, and climbed under the covers. "Well, goodnight."

Jenny had taken off her thong slow enough to give me a nice flash of her pussy without giving up too long a look. She had a narrow line of black hair pointing at her slit; a runway. Her otherwise-shaved mound was pale, tan lines outlining the shape of her bikini which ran up high over her hips. Also, I caught a glimmer of silver in the cleft. Her clit hood was pierced and bore a silver ring.

I had only thought I was bold and daring, but this girl had me beat. I felt like she was just toying with me and would have jumped me if she had really wanted to. The fact that I got that vibe from her led me to wonder why she hadn't done it. God knew I wouldn't resist. My pussy creamed at the thought.

I locked the bedroom door, turned out the light, and undressed. I had planned to wear the teddy but if Jenny was going nude, I was too. I could be just as bold as she.

I crawled into bed, more turned on and frustrated than the night before. I heard Jenny's heavy breathing. She was already asleep. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the vision of Jenny's naked body from my mind. I couldn't, of course. I tossed and turned. The clock on the bedside table read 11:00.

At midnight I was laying on my right side, my back to Jenny, still awake, when I heard her whisper, "Robin, are you awake?"

Her whisper was so soft that I knew she was not trying to wake me up but was just testing whether I was awake or asleep. Deciding to see what she was up to, I didn't say anything. I tried to breathe normally, despite my pulse quickening.

Jenny's bed was a double, so there was only a foot or two between us. Jenny moved closer to me. I could feel the covers behind me rise up and her body heat against my back. She whispered my name again to be sure I was still asleep. I didn't stir.

Then I felt her. Ever so slightly she pressed her body against mine. First her breasts pressed gently against my back, they were soft but for the hard nipples and the slightly less warm barbells. Then I felt her flat firm stomach against my ass. Finally I felt the front of her thighs against the backs of my own.

My pussy was very wet and controlling my breathing was getting more difficult. I loved this and I smiled. I knew she couldn't see my face.

Very gently and slowly Jenny's hand ran down my side. She started at my shoulder, moved to my waist, my hip, and then finally my thigh. I tried not to shudder with desire but I felt sure she could feel the goose bumps she elicited.

Still pretending to be asleep, I moved my left arm out in front of me, so my upper arm did not block her access to my breasts. I didn't want her to stop. I loved the physical contact. My pussy-juice leaked onto my thighs.

Jenny froze while I moved, waiting to be sure my breathing still meant I was asleep. Her hand glided up, gently and slowly, until, finally, after about a minute, it reached my tit. She cupped my left breast in her hand, gently feeling the weight of it.

Her fingers felt wonderful on my skin. She had a gentle touch and an instinct that told me I was not her first woman. My nipples were so hard they ached and the way she was progressing, she would find that out soon.

Sure enough, when I didn't give any sign of waking, she ventured her finger and thumb forward. She gently captured my hard nipple and rolled it between her fingers. I moaned.

Jenny froze. I wanted her to go farther before I pretended to wake up. I resumed breathing normally, though it was difficult. I silently willed her to keep going.

When Jenny hesitated longer than she had previously I knew she was debating whether or not she had gone too far. She didn't know me well enough to judge my reaction if I were to actually wake up. At least, that's what I was reading from her hesitation.

Knowing I had read her right, when she started to pull her body away from mine and her hand off my breast, I used my free hand, the one closest to the bed, to reach up and cup the top of her hand. She wasn't as bold as I was after all. She froze and I whispered to her louder than she had whispered to me, "Don't go." It was a plea, not a command.

She froze again. I pushed my body back against hers and turned my head up enough to see her face. She looked scared to death, like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Did she really want me? Or was she just teasing me?

I waited for another second and she didn't move. I whispered, "Please don't tease me, Jenny."

Jenny's brows furrowed in confusion and she whispered, "I didn't think you wanted me." She didn't move away but she didn't continue caressing me either. "Though you've been teasing me all night," she added.

"What?" I asked as I rolled over to face her but still staying very close to her and not letting her remove her hand from my breast. I was not angry, but curious. "How have I been teasing you? You kissed me and called me gorgeous. You undressed in front of me and then went to bed. You turn me on while I'm asleep but pull back if I wake. You're the one who's been teasing me. How have I been teasing you?"

"Robin," Jenny whispered, her eyes wide in surprise, "you've undressed me with your eyes ever since I walked through the door. You stared at me when I got here and all through supper. While that might have normally creeped me out, the way you did it really turned me on. You are so pretty. But then, after telling me you want us to get acquainted, I undress right in front of you and you don't do anything. Now, that's a tease."

"Wow," I whispered. I grinned, "I never thought of it like that. I tried not to stare. I didn't want to creep you out. It's just that you are so beautiful and confident-"

She kissed me. Her lips were soft but her kiss was firm, driving me onto my back against the pillow. I opened my mouth and moaned into hers as she pressed her tongue deep. I sucked on her tongue, my pussy leaking my juices onto my inner thighs as Jenny moaned in return.

I wrapped my arms around her as she rolled her upper body on top of mine, felling the soft skin of her back with my fingers. She cupped both of my breasts in her hands, firmly rolling my nipples with her fingers sending tendrils of pleasure through my body. I let Jenny explore my mouth with her tongue. I was hers to do with as she pleased.

Still pleasuring my nipples with her fingers, Jenny broke the kiss and looked at me. Her breath was coming fast, warm on my neck, as she looked into my eyes. What was she looking for? She said, "You are so fucking hot."

I smiled as she bent her head to my neck. She gave me goose bumps as she gently licked my neck, sending chills down my body that rested somewhere between my thighs. She ventured down to my ears, sucking for a moment at one earlobe and then probing her tongue into my ear. The chills were overwhelming my senses and all I could do was moan, "Oh, Jenny."

Jenny looked at me again and then slowly dropped her face into the valley between my breasts. She stopped rolling my nipples as she licked at the tender skin between my tits sending pleasure through me that made me want her to lick my nipples terribly.

I put my hands on her head to guide her but she would have none of that as she took my wrists in her hands and pressed them back to the bed. I smiled at her and I saw nothing but lust in her eyes. She dropped her head to my left breast and, flatting her tongue, lapped tenderly at the hard bud. Pleasure coursed through me. My nipples not as sensitive as some women's but Jenny knew what she was doing. I loved it.

Jenny sucked the nipple between her lips; the pleasure intensified. She pulled up and rolled the tip of her tongue around the areole, grazing the nipple slightly. Then she returned to lapping at the nipple itself. The variety increased the pleasure. I whispered, "That feels so good."

Jenny did the same thing to my right breast, lapping and sucking at the hard nipple. She alternated between each one, dragging her tongue down through the valley on each trip. I did not rush her; I loved feeling her soft tongue and lips on my body. Her hands still pressing my wrists into the bed told me that she expected nothing of me but to enjoy it.

I called her name softly, "Jenny," as I laid back and enjoyed the attention. I had missed this sort of touching. I didn't have to wait until I reached Florida after all.

Jenny released my wrists, kicked the covers off the bed, and trailed her tongue down my stomach. A chill went through me, both at the feel of her tongue and at the anticipation of where her tongue was heading. The cool breeze of the covers being whisked off of me swirled around my pussy, cooling but not drying my pussy juices. My whole crotch was covered with moisture.

I involuntarily dropped and straightened my left leg and bent my right leg, angling my pussy toward Jenny. I needed release so bad I could taste it and I couldn't wait for her to taste it too.

Jenny swirled her tongue around my belly button for a moment. Then she crawled over my left leg, lying between my spread thighs. She blew on my pussy sending a chill all through my body and making me moan, "Oh, Jenny, please."

"Please what?" Jenny asked; her breath hot on my pussy.

I looked down my body at her. Her face was between my thighs only inches from my tender pussy. She was beautiful. I pleaded with her, "Please, Jenny. Please eat my pussy."

She got a twinkle in her eye and said, "Well, since you asked so nicely."

There was rap on the door. We both froze. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I held my breath, not knowing what to do. Was it John? Was it his parents? Had they heard us? After a couple seconds Mrs. Parker's voice filtered through the door saying, "Are you girls still up?"

I tensed but Jenny picked her head up from between my thighs and said loudly, "We're fine, Mother. You can go on to bed. Robin and I are just getting acquainted."

Mrs. Parker replied through the door, "Oh, well that's nice. You two go ahead. Breakfast isn't until eight-thirty. Goodnight."

We both said in unison, "Goodnight." Then we looked at each other and giggled like schoolgirls. I felt so much closer to her than the few hours that we had really known each other.

Jenny looked at me for a second, cocked her head to the side, and then playfully said, "Now where were we?"

I smiled and said, "I hope you were about to eat my pussy."

"Oh yeah, I was actually," she said with a nod and a smile. Then she dropped her pretty face between my thighs.

She licked her tongue up my wet slit until she found my clit. She licked round and round the hard little bud. Her breath stirred the little tuft of orange pubic hair above my clit.

Jenny's tongue felt like a wet slithering worm between my thighs, exploring my pussy until it found my clit and began to send wave after wave of pleasure coursing through my body. I moaned in pleasure, trying to keep it down. I whispered, "Oh my god."

Pleasure flooded my senses as Jenny kissed my pussy with the same passion she had kissed my mouth. She fenced with my little clit as if it were a tongue. The sexy wet slippery feel of her lips and tongue, as well as her hot breath on my pussy, pushed me over the edge.

"I'm coming," I squealed with surprise, knowing somewhere in the back of my mind that it was a little too loud. My sense of caring had vanished and all that remained was the feeling of Jenny's mouth on my pussy. I had never come so quickly.

Jenny continued to eat my pussy as I came, swirling her tongue around my clit. I gasped and regained enough sense for a second, to grab the pillow and scream into it. The release of my orgasm was overwhelming. It was only a clitoral orgasm, my least powerful, but it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I wrapped my legs around Jenny's head as I came, trapping her against my pussy. Instead of using her hands to spread my thighs back out like someone else might, she used them to roll my nipples as she continued to eat me. My orgasm didn't die out quickly but continued for a full minute before eventually abating.

Pushing the pillow aside I cooed, "That was wonderful." I spread my legs, releasing her head.

Jenny put her hands on the back of my thighs and pushed forward, tipping my ass off the bed. She licked her way down from my clit, spreading my pussy lips apart with her slippery seeking tongue, and speared it a good three inches into my aching cunt.

"Whoa," I gasped. I could feel her tongue against the walls of my pussy. It felt like a small wet slippery little cock. I needed that so badly. I hooked my hands behind my knees to hold my legs up for her.
