Bad Girl Pt. 02


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We usually switch on voice encryption, but tonight we welcome the open channel.

I count thirty attackers. That's not good. Nope, it's at least forty. The FBI are safe; they're at a distance. If they rush us, we can't kill fast enough. Like me, these are trained men, two or three crash through windows simultaneously; at best, I kill two, possibly just one. Of course, that's if we play fair. I don't intend to.

We hear the warning played over several loudspeakers in both English and German. That only made them run on hearing the words in German. My team is all inside the house. We're relying on the FBI snipers to thin the herd. As they rush, my house floodlights turn on. Several of the attackers stop to shoot the lights. That's not easy when they're behind bullet-proof glass. A good sniper rifle can still break them, and we lost most of them.

However, I see an alarming number of attackers falling. Either the FBI are exceptional marksmen, or someone else is out there. I don't have much time to think about that. I have three men break windows as they fall into the living room and dining room, and that's my two designated rooms to cover. I hear shooting elsewhere in the house. At the first crack of glass, I turn on the lights and open my eyes.

They're disoriented in their night-vision goggles. My mind slows down; I shoot the first guy with a drawn weapon, turn to hit the second as he's rolling to his feet, and shoot a third that just shot me in the left arm. FUCK, that hurts. I scream!

Immediately Juan says on the mic, "Baby got a boo-boo again?"

I'll fucking kill him.

I yell into the radio, "3."

All the others return with, "1."

I forget my radio is still on, "God damn. Fuck! Fuck! Son of a fucking bitch!" I'm furious about getting shot.

Next thing on the radio, "BILL! Stop swearing! Or else!" from mom.

Oh, how embarrassing. Now the guy's startup.

Jose adds, "Go find your mommy; she will kiss it and make it better."

Matt adds, "Give your sister your weapon; I bet she can avoid being shot."

Big Al adds, "Yup, he's getting soft on us. He brings his mother to the battlefield."

I hear DAD say, "HEY! Shut up, keep the line clear. We still have men to kill you, pansies! Get back to work!"

I think it was Jose that replied, "DAD, can you tuck me in tonight?"

The radio goes silent. I hear two more shots in the house and then sporadic shooting outside.

Time returns to normal. My arm hurts like hell, and I'm bleeding but not spurting blood. I am still poised to shoot the next thing that moves and will stay that way until we get the "All clear."

I hear DAD over the radio, "Stand down, all clear. Besides the human dartboard, anyone else gets shot?" No answers. "At ease, men, job well done. Now let's drink Bill's liquor."

I hear a herd of humans running up the stairs. They all turn and run at me. Each has a big first aid kit with them. They all want to bandage me up while I want the bullet removed. Big Al already had the bullet removed before the two nurses arrive. I could have talked anyone through the process, but the nurses knew exactly what to do and fix me up.

I am still on the floor when DAD comes in.

He looks at me, "Son, you're just too damn big to be doing this anymore."

He helps me stand up, and then he hugs the hell out of me. We walk into the kitchen where mom and Jane are cooking some late-night snacks. Juan has pulled out every liquor bottle we own. Vickie is attached to my hip; she won't let go. No talking, smiling, or anything. It's like she's shell-shocked.

I suggest, "Set me down at the table, then how about helping mom and Jane out. There will be a gang here soon." Looking at DAD, "Two teams?"

He says, "I started asking the Pentagon for phone numbers and addresses for my former teams. Those boys are smart and soon figure out what my intentions were. An old admiral buddy of mine offers three functional teams to assist me with a "Training mission." He heard about Sophia, and she was the one that he asked for help. He felt responsible. He remembered you, and that sealed the deal. The others would have come, but they put in their time."

Mom strays from the grill and pushes her breasts good into DAD, hugs him, kisses him, and then says, "I'm MOB, Mother of Bill. Thank you for saving our lives."

DAD laughs, "You have the finest seal team we ever made protecting you. I brought the others so they wouldn't destroy your home."

Mom says lovingly, "Everything but my two babies can be replaced. If you don't mind helping me, I want to load up the table with food for your army."

DAD helped mom with the dishes, and I found it cute. Vickie isn't laughing.

I smile at her, "It's just another trophy to impress the women with."

She smiled at that. Soon, a hoard of attractive young men descended on the dining room and kitchen, where the food and alcohol are.

I tease Vickie, "Lots of young, strong single men out there."

She looks at me with apathy, "Between the therapy and the drugs, I know there is no way I can orgasm with a man I don't know well. I tried it with Juan. I thought because I got to know him, I could do it ... I failed. He was nice about it, and he even predicted that would be the result. No anger at all for me; if anything, it was pity that I saw."

She gets an idea, "Let me get you a plate of food and some wine."

I counter her orders, "No wine. I will be on painkillers in a few hours, and it's not good to mix the two. A snack would be nice, and nothing messy and something easy to eat."

While waiting, a little guy comes up to me, and he looks at me curiously.

I ask him, "You lost?"

He has a cocky attitude, "I'm the best Navy Seal in my class. They said that to be the best, I had to knock out a guy they call The Beast." The house is silent now. "I know martial arts and have so far won every match. I don't see how you beat me. You're too big, too slow; you have no chance."

In a flash, I'm standing. He looks up at me; his cocky grin is gone. I reach for his arm. He's a quick guy; he pulls away. I guess I am quicker; I grab his arm.

I give him his instructions, "Break free."

He chuckles, "That's it? That's all I have to do?"

My team starts to chuckle. They have seen much bigger men fail.

The kid hits me in the stomach, and I don't flinch. He kicks my knee and twists so he can kick me in the head. That was annoying. Every punch and kick is blocked by me. After a while, I have had enough. I pick him up off the ground.

DAD is standing right there and knows where this is going.

DAD says in a low voice, "Bill, don't hurt this one. He's a good kid. You did your job; you taught him humility. Now set him down and release him, in that order, please."

I did set him down, "Your stance is terrible; your punches are telegraphed. Try a different master. You have potential."

Vickie sits me down and feeds me. Some of the stuff needs to be cut, and my arm is sore. Twenty minutes later, a doctor shows up. I am taken out to a mobile ER, where they stitch me up the right way. I am given a pain killer, and then it's back to the party. Vickey was attached to me at the hip the entire time. She didn't talk and stayed out of the way. I half expected mom or Jane to be here. They're trying to entertain at home; it's their house. Vickie is just a visitor. My guess is that they know she's watching over me and aren't concerned.

The teams start to leave about 4:00 am. They're tired and want some sleep. Each hits on Vickie and Jane, and not one of them got the time of day. We will discuss this later.

I go up to bed at 5:00. Vickie strips her clothes off and sleeps in front of me. My hands are placed on her large breasts, I squeeze them like I used to do, and she giggles. I love hearing that giggle. I quickly fall asleep.

Now don't think she is forgiven. I'm just trying to make a very stressful day a bit better. I'm also a male, and touching breasts is almost always good.


I wake up at noon with everyone in my room. My friends are going home, and it seems they traced the attackers to the German organization and a whole bunch of them are now in jail. My buddies want to go home.

As I gingerly and painfully hug each guy, I hand them my card with the number for our HR department. I guaranteed each man a job here with me or near their home with one of our companies. They all are married or have girlfriends; none are coming back; they all accept the jobs.

I thought everyone had left. At dinner time, DAD came down the stairs. He had been up with Sophia all day. I'm guessing they have a bit of history together. Interesting. I never met Vickie's father, and she never talked about him. I never prodded, and I'm not going to start now.

I thought dinner was terrible with my friends; it was worse with DAD. He knows everything about me, and he was at least decent enough to tell a good story between embarrassing stories. My arm hurts, I take another pain pill. Nobody looks happy with me. I don't give a shit; I feel terrible as well. A few hours later and I am on my way to the ER. A circle with a tail developed on my bad arm, and that's supposed to be a clear sign of an infection.

Because of the wound, they're not taking chances. Vickie wants to take me, but because of her mother, she is overruled by Jane. DAD drives me to the hospital. They drew enough blood from me to feed a vampire for a year. X-ray and other tests reveal that I have an infection. Then I have surgery because now that the swelling is down, they see more metal in my arm. Swell.

The next time I see Jane, she's different. DAD has been talking too much. He's told her things that were hidden, and I wanted them to stay that way. I am in a sour mood now and have decided to sleep. Because I am in the hospital, they can give me a more potent antibiotic. Between that and the pain killer, I slept like a log for twelve hours. I wake up to Vickie and mom in my room. DAD and Jane, I guess, went home.

Vickie is sitting on the side of the bed, one hand on my thigh and one holding my hand. Mom has a smirk on her face.

I announce, "I'm hungry and ready to go home."


Vickie is tenacious as she makes my decision for me, "You have twelve more hours of antibiotics dripping into you. You ... are NOT ... going anywhere. They will bring you lunch and dinner. When Jane comes back, she will have some black-market food. Your mom will make a cafeteria run for you. I will not have you starving on this pathetic food. After twelve hours, the doctor will tell you what happens next. Do you understand?" She's breathing heavily. Obviously, she's angry.

If I had a white flag, I would have raised it, "Ok, I surrender."

For the first time in a long time, I see a smile of satisfaction on her face. She stares at mom.

After a few minutes, mom gets up, "I will see if I can't find you something to eat here. I'll be back in a bit." She looks at Vickie, "Don't let him run off."

Once mom left, she stared at me.

I ask, "What? I didn't say anything."

Her eyes look down, unable to face me as she says, "I'm sorry. Sorry for saying yes to you when you asked me out. Sorry for the way I treated you. Sorry for the club. I'm sorry you and your friends had to risk your lives because you know mom and me. As I lay in bed thinking of you, I sometimes wish I was never born or born to a different life. I'm sorry for having a mental illness. Most of all, I'm sorry you're enduring so much pain because of me."

What do you say to that? I don't love her anymore. I do like her still. Is there a chance? Can I ever trust her again? Oh, this hurts so much.

As I sit thinking about this, she asks me, "Do you care at all for me still?"

I smile at her, "Yes. It's not love like it once was." That wounded her. "But no, I don't hate you anymore. I understand your mental issues; Jane HAD a friend that did as well. For me, it's the lies, deceit, and cheating that I can't deal with very well. How can I ever trust you again?"

Mom is back amazingly fast with a bag containing a small cheeseburger, pasta salad, soda, and chocolate cake. My eyes light up.

Vickie teases me, "So that's the route to your heart, food."

I didn't like the conversation we were having, and I didn't want to make her feel worse. I won't lie, and I don't want to make her hurt more. I know she regrets what she did; I get it; she made some big mistakes. I even know this is more about me not accepting her shortcomings and expecting everyone else to have the same level of commitment.

After hiding the evidence, a lunch delivery arrived along with a nurse. The nurse is not happy; she can smell the cheeseburger.

Vickie is aggressive, "He's out of here in ten hours. Stuff it about his diet. Take a good long look at his body; he knows what he can and can't do. So don't you worry your pretty, little head about him having a black-market lunch. He is worth billions and not used to the crap they serve here. Sorry for being a bitch, but we have been stressed and not slept well for a few days.

I went back to sleep; the lunch was dreadful.

I wake up six-hour later, and Sophia is in my room, holding my hand.

To my surprise, she says, "I am progressing well. They wanted me to start walking and moving about now. There was so much noise at home that they allowed me to come here. There is a lot of repair work going on, and your mother and sister need to be there. Vickie is finally getting some sleep.

"The doctor was by. Your infection hasn't cleared up as much as they would like. You're staying an extra day. Sorry. It's probably for the best. You need sleep, and you won't get any at home. How do I say thank you? They were financed well enough; I could not hide anywhere. They were coming after me. You and your friends were willing to fight to the death. Because of you, your friends and the others show up and save us. Anywhere else they were thinking of, my daughter and I are dead."

I help her out, "Many years ago, I took an oath to protect our country and its people. I can't and won't undo that. It's who and what I and my friends are about. We could have died any number of times; we were lucky, our luck still held out, so we live, and they die. It's life and what we signed up for many years ago. I don't see you needing to thank us, I see it as doing my duty."

Her eyes are smoldering at me.

I relent, "Yes, my service days are over. Before, I had no choice, and this time I did. Even though I don't have the same feelings for your daughter that I once had, it doesn't mean I hate you two. You have been awesome with me and allowed your daughter and me to have six good months, and I felt like I owed it to you. Besides, I am working for you and your company, it's bad form to let the customer die. I wouldn't get paid!"

She laughs at me. I love her laugh; it makes me happy to hear such joy. We talk about our project for a few hours. Jane came back for the night, and Sophia went home. She wanted to stay but she was wearing out.

I get a full update on the house repairs. By tomorrow, the paint smell should be gone as fans blow it out of the house. She has minor updates about the German company, we are safe, and tomorrow, Sophia and Vickie will return home.

Monday, I go back to work, and life will get back to normal.

To be continued ...

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kingdozerkingdozer9 months ago

i love ur stories but this one is ruff im sorry vikie to me should be dead and gone u keep turning ur male main ppl into pussys who just give in u need to right something of them NOT giveing in give them a back bone hell hes a god dam marine semper fi and whooo rahhhh man stop makeing ur men turn into lil bitches if i was in his shoes id have left county till she was dead and gone if my fam did to me wat they doin to her id have disowned them and never spoke to them again as ik 99 person of the world would do that exact same thing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So Vickie has sex with Juan but can't orgasm so she comes back to Bill ??? He needs to dump her permanently !!! Bill is better off with his sister.

NirosuNirosualmost 2 years ago

Honestly expected Bill to sleep with Sophia, Kim, and Betty before even being remotely around Vickie.

The 2 year timeskip seemed kind of out of left field honestly. Would have preferred that portion to get expanded rather than glossed over. Could have easily done a little bit on Vickie coming out of the coma, Bill sleeping with Sophia or whomever as he expanded/fixed the company, then that turn into the working with Vickie to help Sophia's company and that general integration.

The degree of the attack is a bit more than it probably should have been. Scaling it down would have added some realism.

Bammerman76Bammerman76about 2 years ago

You forgot the tag "mc is a cuck"

LacastrianLacastrianover 2 years ago

Will the mc forgive the bitch because of a lame excuse the author created? And what is his mother doing kissing other men?

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

As famous director Stanislavsky said: "I don't believe it!

The description of a multimillionaire's mansion sounds like the home of a medium-sized businessman, the owner of a few diner stores or a couple of gas stations.

Forgive the primitivism of business and consulting descriptions.

Hired killers in big business with government contracts internationally? Bullshit. That's where political corruption has its weight. And after a fight, you don't wave your fists.

There more conducting a military operation, 30-40 assailants with automatic weapons, under the nose of the FBI in New York? After 9/11? That's not even crime, that's terrorism. The company that initiated it is already dead.

Contamination after injury? And the tetanus serum was abolished?

Even the sex scenes themselves look unnatural.

The author has some interesting and well-developed stories.

But this one sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Terrific. Another 5*++. Thanks so much for the writing and the telling.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

I'm really liking this series. Excellent writing! 5 BIG FAT STARS again!

EZ8ltEZ8ltover 2 years ago

After the Juan thing, I can't see a RAAC on this, not even as a harem, also Juan never being enlightened about what an asshole he is was a bad move since it destroyed his character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This gets better and better. I confess to being a bit put off by the first half of the first instalment but this second chapter more than makes up for it. It is very well plotted and written. An enjoyable and exciting read.

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Awesome follow up, there is nothing like a GOOD tough guy fantasy story to sink into. Thank you for always delivering.

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