Bard's Tale 04 - Holly Wood


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The wind goddess looked at Au Set and Athena. "As you are all aware, I've been reaching out to you and to other Powers. On Skyra, all of your followers live near mine. By persistence and kindness, I was able to persuade my dear Brigit to reveal what she previously endured alone. Since then, I have been her shadow, keeping one of my aspects with her at all times, acting as her true friend and handmaiden. Bres came into the room and demanded I stand aside, to go or leave as I wished, but -- what was it he said to my dear Brigit? Oh, yes. 'On your hands and knees, bitch, and spread your cunt for your lawful husband. My balls want emptying and you're the closest hole.' I refused to leave or stand aside. Frustrated, Bres thought to distract me. While I turned away, he aimed his fist to strike my bonny colleen down, but I put myself into his path and let him strike me instead. I warned him that once could be seen as an accident, but a second time would be an act of war."

"He wants to breed me again," the redhead said, staring at her half-empty glass, her voice wooden.

Rena kissed her cheek, then tucked Brigit's head under her chin, giving her a hug. "Yes, well, I told him that since he's already been dipping his wick into Etha's pussy, that he should seek her for satisfaction."

"That ugly Formorian cunt, she's a jumped-up, gutter-bred bitch! Making eyes at him all the time, and in public. She's enamored of him enough!" Brigid angrily wiped at her eyes.

Rena turned, cupping her face, delivering a gentle kiss to both cheeks before lightly brushing her lips. "Oh, my dearest Brigit. She's enamored of him because she's never known the touch of kindness and knows no better. Near all the Formorian women fare no better than you, and that's a crime, for sure and for certain. Waste no hatred for the girl, my love. Do not see this as shaming you as his wife. Rather, you should thank her. She beds the king, true, and in doing so, she keeps him away from yours. It is unintentional, but it is a gift, not to be scorned atall, atall."

"You're right, of course," the Irish woman admitted. "I need to keep my hatred focused on my tormenter, not on those who know no better." She tossed back the rest of her drink.

Reaching over, Rena refilled Brigit's empty wine glass, then refilled the glasses of the other two women. "Drink up! The bitter tidings have been shared, and now it is time to put them aside. We are among friends and true allies. Are we not?"

"Well said," Athena replied, raising her glass.

"To music and dance and wine among good friends," Au Set echoed as four glasses clinked together.

Brigit took a deep breath and put away her sorrow as she drank down her wine. Friendship and love were indeed good things, and a true balm for so many hurts.

* * * * *

After returning home from the theater, the sisters discovered Reison and Mindal in the midst of making love in the bedroom. Quickly and quietly collecting their nightclothes, they exited and settled together onto the couch, giving the two lovers more privacy in the hope it would help Mindal conceive.

Tahna pulled up the comforter. Tia spooned behind her sister, arm over Tahna's waist. Then she reached up and cupped the monk's breast.

A startled Tahna asked, "What are you doing?"

"Relax," Tia said, worming her other hand underneath the cushion and reaching up for the second breast, then rolling them in her hand. "Just checking them out. I definitely think you will grow a full size larger. Hmm. These are nice and soft, Tahna. No wonder Reison loves sucking on them. If I was into girls, I'd inhale them for you." Then she lightly pinched both nipples.

Tahna gasped. "Unhand me, slut! I'm a married woman."

Tia snickered as she withdrew the hand pinned under the cushion, and moved the other back down to her sister's belly. "I guess humping the back of your thigh to rub one out is also out of the question?"

"It is, indeed, you wanton woman," the monk replied. "It's a clean nightshirt, and you'll get it all wet and messy. And thank you for trying to distract me."

They could both hear Mindal moaning through the closed bedroom door.

"We could both go take a hot bath, and let the jets work their wonders on us."

"No, thanks. I'm tired and want to try and get some sleep. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night."

"Once Mindal becomes pregnant, things should calm down," Tia said.

"What kind of calming down are we talking about here?"

"Probably once a day."

Tahna sighed. "I guess I could live with only having sex once a day."

Tia giggled. "I meant once a day for him, you randy girl. He does want to do other things beside servicing three wonderful women who love him dearly. Mounting all three of us every day will take a lot of his time."

"And here I was, getting used to being poked four and five times a day, and feeling quite favorable about the whole experience."

"Wanting more, are we?" Tia asked.

"Yes! Now that my appetite is whetted, I have to give that up? What's a girl to think?"

"You poor baby. That naughty husband is such a tease."

"I'm telling you! It's like an addiction. I haven't had any since early this morning, and my pussy is craving it now. I could go into withdrawals."

"Oh, yes. Withdrawals. Slow, excruciating withdrawals, followed by heart-stopping, pussy-stretching penetration all over again. More withdrawals. Still more penetration. It's an endless, repetitious cycle." Tia bit her lower lip to keep from laughing.

"Yes! Exactly!"

"Now that you've sampled the man's horn, the monster between your legs needs frequent a feeding of man-cream."

"Oh, gods, Tia. I've got it bad." As if on cue, an empty ache manifested in her loins, and Tahna fully extended her legs, sighing. "What about you?"

Mindal's cries from the other room grew louder. A pause. Followed by loud male grunting and a matching wail.

"You know she's getting right now," Tahna persisted. "That intense, focused look in his eyes, determined to have me while his cock hammers into my depths. Feeling him fill me. It's like magic, setting me off. Two months ago, I couldn't imagine this. Now I can't imagine trying to live without it. Or him."

Tia's pussy twinged, remembering how after their parents had finally departed, he'd bent her over the table and mounted her. His hard shaft reaming the path to her core, making her crazy with sensation. Seeing her sisters watching him take her. Remembered how delicious it felt when he filled her womb, making her come on his cock. "I know. I want him, too."

"The man should have three cocks, so we could all get proper poking at the same time."

"Three cocks!" The priestess giggled. "I assume the one we know and love should stay right where it is. Where in the world would the other two go?"

"I don't know. On his butt cheeks, maybe? Sort of off center, so we could each straddle his leg?"

Tia burst out laughing and Tahna joined in.

"Oh, sweet goddess! That would be strange to see. How would that work exactly? He'd have to be really careful to avoid sitting on two extra sets of balls. And how would the sex take place? I can't see how it would work. If he's letting two of us ride his butt, the other one of us isn't going to get much manly thrusting from the front."

"Okay. Something magical to wear on his hands, maybe? Oh, how about if he had a prehensile tail with a cock at the end? And maybe another one, where his nose is? Yeah. That would work! He's on his back, one of us rides his hips, the other his face, and one plays with his tail. We can all come at the same time. Problem solved."

"Oh, yes, Tahna. I can see it now." The priestess deepened her voice at the same time as she pinched her nose closed, giving it a nasal twang. "'Oh, sorry, Tahna. I wasn't coming. That was a sneeze. And I'm awfully sorry about the snot. But at least I can breathe now. Want me to get you a tissue for your pussy?'"

"Ewww! Oh, my God, Tia! That's so gross! You better wash your mind out before you go back to temple, young lady." The monk shivered with revulsion even as she chuckled.

"Hey, it was your idea to put a cock where his nose is! Don't blame me."

For several minutes they lay quietly, enjoying their companionship.

Tahna embraced Tia's hand, clutching it to her. "How do you stand it? I know you love him and want him as badly as I do."

"Because, sweet sister, we are family. We have shared heartache, monsters that have scared the piss out of us and survived, and worse. We've also have many golden memories together. Years of them, Tahna. Years. At the heart of us being a family is our sharing. Yes, I want Reison and his lovely cock. As much as I want the sex, I also want times with him just holding me and kissing me. Even if there is no danger, somehow I feel safe in his strong arms. Maybe that's the woman in me, because I know that chances are I could survive any creature that could seriously hurt or kill him. What's just as important to me, Tahna, is that I see the love you and Mindal have for him, and that, too, gives me joy. Sharing him means we three sisters remain a family. I gladly gave up the chance to have him for myself to keep you both beside me, and I'd do it again, Tahna, in a heartbeat. Right now our relationships are new, like hungry babies, needing constant attention. With time, we'll settle and grow and not worry so much about every small detail. Tonight, you and I had a good time, didn't we? Not as much as making love to our husband, I'll grant you, but still, it was good. Seeing the both of you happy more than makes up for anything I might lose. You are my little sisters and my best friends. And I daresay, you and Mindal are happy with him. Tell me true?"

"I tell you true, I love him so much it scares me, Tia."

"He's your mate."

"Yes, he is. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For reminding me to keep things in perspective. We haven't always agreed on things, Tia. But underneath everything, I've always known that you love me and want the best for me. And for Mindal, too. Though that girl gets away with a lot of shit."

"Of course she does. She's the baby of the family. Half the time she's in trouble is because she's so absorbed with what's in front of her that she's not paying attention to what's going on around her. Yet even when she's selfish, she's not meanspirited."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Keep your eyes on the big picture, too, Tahna. Next year, there will be babies being born. New life, made from him and each of us, all together in one big, growing family."

"Babies." The monk sighed.

"You'll be fine!" Tia reassured her. "You'll be a great mother. He told you so, and I know so."

"Have you thought about what you want?"

"What I want?"

"Yes. I want to give him a son."

"Oh, that," the priestess replied. Tahna didn't know she already had her wish; she wanted to wait to hear when Reison was there, too. "I want a three-quarter human, one-quarter elf baby. One head, two arms, two legs. Ten toes, two thumbs, eight fingers. Belly button. The works. Type of plumbing is optional as long as it works right. I'll be happy with either."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes, I know what you meant." Tia remembered hearing all those voices calling her Mom. She wanted to meet and love each and every one of them. And her first one was going to be a daughter. "I'm planning on having six or eight children, Tahna. Maybe more. Ha-ha! What am I saying? More than that maybe. I expect I will have plenty of sons and daughters both."

"Six or eight? Have you told him yet?"

"He's the head of the House, but I'm head of the household. Things run better when the head of the household is happy."

Tahna laughed. "Oh, goddess. I've discovered my sister does have a sneaky, slightly evil streak in her after all."

"Best you remember it, Sister-Wife. Or I will make you wash many, many diapers. By hand."

"Oh, the mask comes away now. You truly are evil, you fiend."


"I think you need to work on your evil laugh."

"Everyone's a critic."

* * * * *

After breakfast, Mindal insisted on a round of morning sex with Reison.

Tahna raised her eyebrows.

Tia gave their husband a quick look. "You look tired, Reison. How many times did you make love to Mindal?"

"Four times yesterday. Once . . . no, twice during the night."

"Do you think you are capable to doing it again?" Tia persisted.

"I'll do my best."

Frowning, the priestess looked at her youngest sister. "Mindal, don't break him. He's supposed to last all three of us at least a hundred years. You break him, you answer to us."

"You're a priestess. You can fix him."

"That's not the point, Mindal," Tia replied sternly. "The goal is for everyone to have a share of happiness, to take joy in a physical and emotional sharing. Not make him work like a dog. He has feelings, too."

Tahna popped her knuckles as she added in her own unspoken warning.

"I can't break him! He's either on top or behind me, working at his own pace," the bard protested. Then she stuck her tongue out at the monk.

"That's exactly what I mean, Mindal," Tia countered.

"If I'm underneath him or if he's behind me with my ass in the air and my face on the bed, I can keep his sperm in me longer, giving me the best chance of conceiving."

"Just saying, Mindal. I love you and want you to have a baby, too. The fertility spell's run its course. I will check you an hour after you two finish. If you aren't pregnant at that time, you will have to wait a few days before I will cast the spell again. Regardless of the results, Reison needs to rest. I'm not saying no sex between you two. But I'm not spelling him again until he's had a few days to recover."

Mindal blinked, looking briefly away. "You and Tahna are pregnant, Tia. How is that fair to me?"

Tia got up from her place at the table, going around to stand in front of her sister, putting her hands on her shoulders. "It's not a competition, Mindal. It could even be moot right now. You could already be pregnant, but you aren't willing to let me check because you want him all to yourself. I'm allowing that, Sister. Don't push it. The man loves you. He's shown it over and over. Show some love back. Not with your pussy, but with your heart."

Contrite, she nodded.

"Will you accept the blessing of the goddess, Mindal?"

Before Mindal could answer, Reison took the bard's hand into his own. "Bless us both, Tia. Maybe it will help us ensure she becomes pregnant."

Mindal beamed at him. "Please, Tia."

Clearing her mind, Tia reverently invoked the blessing of the Lawgiver to their desire to become parents.

Mindal lost no time dragging the young half-elf off to the bedroom.

Returning to her breakfast, Tia sipped her tea.

The monk casually poured herself another cup of coffee. "What do you want to do in the meantime? A game of chess?"

Tia blanched. "Are you kidding? We both got next to no sleep, and I fell off the couch when my sister pushed me off when I was finally dozing off. I think I bruised my butt."

"I said I was sorry. Dice? Cards?"

"No dice. I've a bit of a headache. Not enough to warrant a spell, but enough to make loud noises irritating."

"I'll get the cards. Rummy?"

Tia knew better than to play rummy with her sister. Tia was the math genius, but Tahna was seriously good at calculating odds and card counting. That sharp eye for detail was what had made her such an amazing homicide detective. Now that her sister's heart was starting to deal with all those years of brutality, getting married and taking a break, and reconsidering professional activities might be called for. To Tia's mind, if Tahna never had another child-homicide case, it would be too soon. Getting trounced at cards was a small price to pay if it helped distract her sister. Sometimes losing was less important than sharing time with those who were in need of companionship.

"All right," the priestess said, getting the cards from her desk. "You shuffle and deal."

* * * * *

To Mindal's delight and Reison's relief, the detect pregnancy spell revealed Mindal was finally pregnant. While Mindal bounced happily about plying Reison with kisses, Tia and Tahna went directly into the bedroom and changed the sheets and pillow cases. Once they were done, Tahna announced that she and Tia were taking a nap until lunch time.

The priestess nodded between yawns.

Mindal got out Rose and, sitting in the chair by the window, began to play. She asked Reison to join her, but the young half-elf's eyes kept closing. Setting down her mandolin carefully, she herded him off to the bedroom and helped him undress, urging him to crawl in between the two sisters. Tia was right. It was past time for her to share him with her sisters.

Tahna and Tia woke up as Reison moved onto the bed, and they readily made space for him, then snuggled up to him, sighing with contentment.

Mindal returned to her music, letting her fingers and heart soar.

Per Tia's decree, the next few days together were more sedate. They took trips outside the inn, taking Reison to the library, the museum, and other places of interest. They even took a cab ride all the way around the duchy's capital city, stopping for lunch and a late afternoon snack.

They even introduced him to the duchess, and after having a private luncheon together, the duchess gave her approval. Tia was surprised by how much her friend's approval meant, and thanked her sincerely. The duchess had laughed at her then, saying how much fun it was seeing them all so happy, and how love struck they were. Mindal played music for the duchess, and afterward, to her horror, Reison asked to learn the song "Tickle My Toes."

"It's not complicated, but it is fun and romantic," he assured the bard. The duchess encouraged him, asking for a future date to hear the song done as a duet. Reison agreed.

In the evenings, Mindal and Reison played a few sets either alone or played accompaniment for whichever act was engaged for the night at The Pixie Palace. Since they planned on leaving for the capital soon, they also filled their backpacks with fresh rations and restocked on any items they needed.

Tia also sent a few gifts ahead to her twin sister, Theodonra Tanner, asking her to look out for any houses that might be for sale in the city near the temple or the bardic college.

Tahna enjoyed several encounters with her husband, alternating with the persistent bard. Most of the time, Tia seemed to be answering a lot of mail. Reison, however, made sure to spend some gentle, intimate times with his First Wife. She appreciated it.

In the afternoon of April 5, they all got dressed for their outing to Ehvona's home. Tia and Tahna brought some gifts for Ehvona, her husband, and for various members of the family. Taking a cab, they rode across town. The weather was partly cloudy and cool, but not too cold to be considered chilly.

The trip across the city to the southeast part of town passed pleasantly and without incident.

Reison learned that his new sister-in-law, Colonel Ehvona Landers Toskaros Weaver, had six children. Three were by her late first husband, Galen Toskaros, a soldier in the army where they'd met. He had been a follower of the Hellene goddess Athena. Ehvona kept in touch with her oldest son by mail as Clement had moved far away, where he worked as a sales manager for Kore Grain Company in Caloren City, capital of the Caloren States. Reison was shown Clement's portrait in the sitting room. The oldest son not only had several children of his own, he also had several grandchildren. Because of the distance, however, Ehvona had never seen any of them. Travel to the Caloren States took two to three months by caravan, one way, and traveling by magic was expensive.

However, her other two children by Galen lived nearby. Ehvona's second son, Jason, was a successful barrister, and he and his wife Euphemia arrived after the Whisper Winds. Jason and his wife were polite enough. To Reison, it seemed that Jason's interest diminished upon learning he and his wives were moving to the capital, and that he himself was not wealthy in his own right. Jason and his wife only had one son, Acteon, a newly admitted barrister who worked in the same office as his father.
