Bard's Tale 04 - Holly Wood


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Ehvona's daughter Zenobia lived across the river in the village of Athenia. She was married to Demosthenes, one of the monks at the monastery dedicated to Athena. Because he was a monk and the monastery depended upon donations to make ends meet, Zenobia lived separately in the village, working very hard raising her three children. Zenobia's pride kept her from accepting gifts from her mother, but nonetheless, both Ehvona and Tia sometimes made visits and made sure there was enough money around so the family did not starve.

Like Tia, Ehvona had been widowed in the fight against Saint Petersburg in 2054. Galen and his unit were searching among the fallen, looking for wounded in out of the way places away from the main fighting, as casualties were often found in the oddest of places. Unlike the usual protocol, the wounded of both sides were given whatever medical treatment was available. An escaping zealot, however, struck Galen down from behind.

The warrior woman subsequently met and married her current husband, Moril Mikel Weaver eight years later. Moril Weaver was an important retainer to the chief of House Weaver within the duchy. Ehvona had given Moril three children as well.

Her oldest daughter by Moril, Tali Simlet Weaver, was a priestess and sex instructor at the Temple of Osh Mayan, and to Reison's embarrassment, he recognized her from his time there. Tali, a shapely brunette, had been the human model used in his class on female anatomy. Like the other students present, the young half-elf had closely examined, felt, and explored her body.

Tali, for her part, greeted her new Uncle Reison with a solid hug, welcoming him to the extended family, understanding his discomfort and ignoring it.

Mindal, unable to let the opportunity to tease him pass by, asked Reison, "Let me get this straight. You're telling me you saw your niece naked? Did you feel up her breasts and her pussy, too?"

Reison blushed furiously, but before he could speak, Tia leaped to his defense. "He was not married to us at the time, Mindal. And Tali, did you know who he was and his relationship to us?"

"Of course not," the brunette replied firmly. "I was available and was asked by the instructor to participate, so I did. You are being unfair, Aunt Mindal. Neither one of us knew we were going to become related. However, he's quite handsome, and I assure you, if he were to visit the temple and he asked for me, I would greet him as a diligent priestess of our god. I wouldn't let him leave my care until his balls were completely empty." Then she kissed the stunned young man on the cheek.

Tahna's eyes flashed, but before the monk could respond, Tia quickly interjected. "While your offer is generous, Tali, we've agreed to be exclusive."

The younger priestess nodded. "I'm not surprised. Aunt Tahna, I meant no disrespect. As well you should know, when I'm performing my duties as a priestess of the Son of Heaven, I am not Tali Weaver, but rather I'm acting as an agent of our god, and a surrogate for the Earth Mother."

"Blessed is Her name," Tahna and Tia quietly intoned.

Then Tahna nodded and gave Tali a terse smile. "So noted."

Tia informed Reison that once a month, Tali visited her half-sister, Zenobia, and did what healing she could within the village. Tahna added that Tali, unfortunately, was not in the same league as Tia, being so young yet, hence the reason why those in Athenia looked forward to Tia's twice yearly visits. Reison was surprised to learn the twenty-four-year old priestess was the mother of a four-year-old son and a two-year old daughter, both of whom were currently being looked after by one of her fellow priestesses at the temple.

Then, with a beaming face, Tali revealed she was two months pregnant with her third child. Her parents, aunts, and uncles, including Reison, happily congratulated her. Tia felt that their own news was too new yet for them to celebrate, but Mindal shared their own pregnancies, to the joy and friendly teasing of Reison for being a very good husband indeed.

Of the last two of Ehvona's children, Dansunian and his wife were busy working at their tavern, while Captain-Major Moril Darby Weaver was away on patrol with the duke.

Mikel Jonathan Landers, Reison's new brother-in-law and Ehvona's full-blooded brother, was present at the dinner party, along his wife, Shandana. The man owned a freight-moving company, and worked extensively on the city's docks. Their four children were all involved with lives of their own scattered around the city, however, and were unable to attend the gathering. It was readily apparent to Reison that the two families kept in touch, and Shandana passed along expected future visits from their children to Ehvona and Moril. Mikel Jonathan gave Reison a firm handshake, and the tradesman seemed pleased to find Reison's grip was firm and strong.

Reison had previously met his nephew by marriage, Mikel Flannery Landers, at the city's library. The aspiring bard had liked him and his serious girlfriend, Sari Sunhart. Only four years older than Reison, the young half-elf had been impressed by the librarian's broad depth of knowledge on a variety of subjects.

Mikel Flannery accepted Reison's praise, replying, "Each of your wives is known for their expertise as well. As you wish to be become a bard like Mindal, they are resources you shouldn't ignore. Besides her skill as a cook, diplomat, and high priestess, Mother Tia is a member of the Sages Guild with the rank of Domina. She is an expert in comparative religious studies and in mathematics. Aunt Tahna is not only an expert in martial arts, she's a phenomenon with cryptography, and is a fountain of knowledge on the subject of criminal science. And Aunt Mindal is a renowned bard, knowledgeable not only about music, but many things and people of a magical or heroic nature."

Reison pulled Mindal close and kissed her forehead. "I have indeed been truly blessed."

Mindal grinned happily, laying her head into the crook of his arm.

The young half-elf was happy to snag another drink before dinner and continue chatting about how to build and organize a personal library. Mindal stayed silent, listening to them talk, basking in the close company of her husband.

The meal itself went well, and there was much chattering and exchanging of family news, though Jason and his wife departed shortly after dessert was finished. Gifts were given to both Ehvona and her husband as their hosts, and despite Ehvona's protests, were graciously received. There were other gifts selected by Tia and Tahna that were destined for the children of Tali and Zenobia. Toys, some books, art supplies, and discretely, some coins for the struggling Zenobia. An overwhelmed Tali gave each of her aunts and new uncle a grateful hug.

At eleven bells, Mikel Jonathan and Shandana departed, and Reison noted that the hugs the tradesman and his wife gave to all four sisters -- his three wives and Ehvona -- were genuine and warm. Everyone congratulated the newlyweds again. Then Moril retired for the night. Ehvona informed the Whisper Winds they needed to wait because she was going to personally escort them safely back to their residence. Then she left to get dressed for work.

A squad of horsemen arrived while they were waiting. It turned out that Tali as well as Mikel Flannery and Sari were also receiving an escort home.

As they stepped out into the evening air, the most readily apparent change was the fog. In the now chilly night air, a troop of ten horsemen awaited their commander. A rider was dispatched to the inn down the street to notify the coachman that the Whisper Winds were ready to return back to The Pixie Palace. Most of the journey passed quietly, Tali and Sari huddled under an extra blanket. Except for blurry and seemingly distant street lamps lighting the way along their route, night traffic was rare.

They dropped off Mikel Flannery and Sari to their homes without incident, and then the Whisper Winds were escorted to the inn. Once they arrived, the coach was dismissed. Tali shouldered her pack and carried the bag of presents as she rode behind her mother. Tia gave the soldiers a blessing before they trotted off into the fogbound night.

As they climbed the stairs to their suite, Mindal asked him, "You have survived meeting some of our huge family. So what did you think?"

"There's a lot of them," he remarked.

Tahna smiled as she brought up the rear. The half-elf could talk when he wanted, but he could just as easily be rather laconic.

Mindal continued, "It means that here and in the capital, and certainly in New Brittany, that through us, you now have family to draw upon. We've met your parents and your sister briefly. We know you have extended family on your mother's side in Preston, in the Kymru lands across from the Elven Free State of Harlindon. Do you have any other kinfolk related to your father?"

"I do. My paternal grandfather, Elenwë Whisper Wind, was a Silver Knight who served the Elven Free State of Amber Leaf. He died in 2050, when the city was overrun by the drow and their allies. I have an elven grandmother. Her name is Dior Black Oak. She's a Silver Knight as well, and she survived the fall of Amber Leaf. She subsequently moved to the far north, to Starhome, capital of the grey elves. I've never seen her and my father doesn't talk about her. I also have an aunt, much older than my father, but they are estranged. She, too, is a Silver Knight, and I believe she's currently to the west of us at Sanctuary, the place where the refugees from the four destroyed Elven cities have congregated. Aunty didn't approve of my father marrying my mother. My aunt believes that humans mixing with elves degrades the purity of the Elven race."

"That's unfortunate," Tia commented as they trudged up the stairs.

Tahna said nothing, absorbing the news.

"So, your mom and dad and your sister are pretty much all the family you've known till now," Mindal observed.

"Yes, that's true."

"Do you know your aunt's name?" Mindal persisted. "Just for the record book, as it were. In case we ever run into her, or hear that she's around and we want to avoid her."

"I do. Her name is Baranthaya Black Oak."

Tahna froze, a cold chill of despair running down her back and flooding her belly.

"Hmm," Mindal said. "Baranthaya means one with the golden-brown locks. Sounds innocent enough. Not at all like racist bitch."

Tia stopped, noticing the monk was now several steps behind them. "Tahna? Is there a problem?"

Reison and Mindal stopped and turned, waiting for the monk.

Tahna stared morosely up the stairwell at her older sister, then to Reison and Mindal on the landing. She muttered, "Shit," then resumed doggedly climbing the stairs.

Tia suddenly recalled what Tahna had once told her decades earlier. She gave her husband a worried look while waiting at the landing for Tahna.

The monk avoided Tia's attempt to reach out to her.

Catching the silent interplay between two of his wives, Reison asked, "What wrong, Tahna?"

The monk shook her head. "Not out here. You never know when prying eyes and ears are about. I'll tell you, once we're back in our rooms."

Once inside their suite and the door secured, Mindal sat down. Reison stood near the bard. Tia was near the dining table. Tahna stood the furthest away from him, flexing and clenching her fist.

"Well, Tahna?" Reison prompted.

The monk looked uncomfortable. "It's a connection we already had, and I mean you and me, that I was unaware of."

The young half-elf looked at her. "Mindal was asking me about the Elven side of my family, so I'm guessing your agitation has to do with that. Is it my grandmother? Or my aunt?"

"Your aunt. I've met her."

He took that in. "Well, you are one up on me. My aunt made it quite clear what she thinks about humans. If you have issues with her, I assure you, it won't change my feelings about you. You are my wife, Tahna. We're starting a family. I pick you over her any day."

The woman chuckled. "Fair enough." Then her face went grim. "I've told you about Lysandra Darkmoon."

"Yes," he replied. "The woman you fell in love with."

"Yes. As you may recall, I met her when I was tracking down a drow knight. He'd murdered four children, then fled west to the Caloren States. I followed him. It took months to track him down. He'd taken shelter with a Silver Knight, which surprised me, especially after the drow and their allies had destroyed nearly all of the Elven Free States. With Lysandra's help, I broke into the home of this Silver Knight, this elf woman, and I killed the child murderer, carrying out his lawful sentence. However, I no doubt earned the elf woman's wrath, as nearly all Gold and Silver knights treat house guests by the Rules of Hospitality, and take it as a serious insult if any guest dies while under their roof. As I was escaping, I was seen by this elf woman. However, with Lysandra's magical help, we fled and she lost our trail. I later learned the name of that knight. Her name was Baranthaya Black Oak."

Reison blinked. "Well, that's a fine fiddle-dee-dee, isn't it? My aunt won't talk to her own brother because according to her, he dirties himself with a human woman and gives birth to half-breed trash. Yet somehow, she sees nothing wrong with consorting with a murderous, demon-worshipping drow."

He took a long breath. Tia looked at him with concern, but he held up his hand. "I'm all right. It was hellish listening to Tia's screams when she witnessed the unspeakable crimes done to my sister. I cannot help but sometimes grieve for you, Tahna, for all the horrific things you have seen over so many years in order to render justice to the dead."

His blue eyes blazed as he continued. "You are part of House Whisper Wind now. If my aunt feels you owe her a blood debt and tries to collect? She will meet my fist, and if she still doesn't get the message, she'll meet my steel as well. You've told me your side, Tahna. I know you are fearlessly honest. She may be kin, but she is not my family. You are! I will stand against all comers who threaten my family. If necessary, I will help you put her into the ground and not shed a tear at her passing. Is that understood?"

Tahna nodded. "Yes, sir."

The other two women murmured their assent.

Reison exhaled, then chuckled. "I feel like quite the braggart."

The sisters looked at him, puzzled. Mindal asked, "Why?"

"Because I know that in a one-on-one contest, my aunt could probably kill me without breaking a fingernail. More likely with a magic word and a wave of her hand. I also know each of you are way more powerful than I am. I believe you are more than capable of teaching my aunt some long-needed manners. Each of you, my lovely brides, is also quite capable of doing the same to me. Tia probably only needs to use her pinky finger."

Tahna continued to look puzzled. Tia frowned.

Mindal, however, brightened, turning to her oldest sister. "Are there spells like that, Tia? I bet they have cool names, too. Like holy pinky of doom." The bard narrowed her gaze. "Or do you have to wet the pinky first and stick in their ear? A divine wet Willie of retribution."

Tahna looked at the priestess, who was aghast, and burst out laughing.

"Are there others, too?" the bard continued. "I can imagine more devious spells, like the sanctimonious wedgie of judgement."

"Knock it off, Mindal!" Tia snapped. "I tell you there are no such spells. You've had your fun, but you border on being disrespectful. The divine power of the goddess--"

Suddenly everyone else in the room froze. Tia's words faded out. Barely breathing, she looked around. "Goddess?"

"She does have an imagination, doesn't she?"

Tia whirled, and Earth's Daughter in her traveling clothes and bush hat sat in a chair by the table, and facing them.

The priestess dropped to her knees. "I assure you my sister meant no disrespect--"

"Stop." Rena sighed. "Pranks are silly, but too often are meanspirited. Fake rubber poo or short-sheeting someone's bed is juvenile and inconvenient and even mildly irritating, but no one gets hurt. Physical intimidation, though, is bullying, and faking an injury is cruelty to those being tricked. Please stand, Tia."

She rose, keeping her head bowed respectfully.

"I appreciate your attitude, but I also worry about it. I am not without a sense of humor, my priestess. I wonder how much of your indignation is for me and how much is because your sister thinks that you would actually use those spells? I came for another matter, however."

The priestess waited in respectful silence.

"Tell me, what is the forty-second psalm?"

"Revenge is born of pain, and the more it is fed, the hungrier and more dangerous it becomes," Tia quoted.

Despite her worry at the direction of the conversation, Tia determinedly kept her mind clear of fear and speculation. The fifty-second psalm came unbidden to her thoughts. Everyone knows fear, but the brave act anyway. The words helped her find calmness.

"Tia Janna Landers Whisper Wind, you are my priestess, a spokesperson for my power on this world we call Skyra. You are empowered by your faith and my own will to act in my name. I remind you that revenge is not the same thing as justice. Your twin, Theodonra now of House Tanner, has spoken to you in the past about this matter. Her words can help you find it when you need it. Justice depends on love for its balance, just as strength needs compassion to avoid tyranny."

"I hear your words, Dearly Beloved. I do not understand, but I will do my best to obey Your will."

Standing up, the goddess cupped Tia's face, then pulled her down to kiss her forehead. "It is a frightful admission, but at times even the gods do err. My child, doing your best is all I ever ask. My blessing upon you and your family."

The next instant, Earth's Daughter vanished.

Moving again, her husband and sister listened with amusement to Mindal's outrageous imaginings on what a divine whoopee cushion's powers might entail, such as whether it would deafen the hearers, incapacitate through horrendous smell, or cause them to convulse with laughter.

Reison held out his arms, declaring, "This is what I enjoy as much as your many charms. Your companionship and your laughter. I am truly blessed by the love of three wonderful women. Come to me, my sweet, lovely wives."

Delighted, Tahna and Mindal went into his embrace. Tahna reached over and pulled the still shaken Tia in to share in the embrace. Seeing love in his blue eyes, she felt herself melt inside. All three sisters accepted his kisses and happily replied with their own, each murmuring terms of endearment and promises of love.

Later, as the others prepared themselves for bed, Tia turned off the light globe and sat in the darkness, settling herself onto the rug in the sitting area. Clearing her mind, she gazed out the window to the foggy night. After a heartfelt prayer of devotion and gratitude for her life so far, the priestess reflected on her personal visit.

Tia considered the differences between justice and revenge, and the clear warning in the psalm. She wondered -- was this about Reison's aunt? After all, they'd just been speaking about her before the goddess appeared. Whatever the future held, she and her sisters were reassured that Reison would defend Tahna's actions.

Her mind wandered further afield. Like fortunes and prophecies, it was often foolish to believe one understood the true meaning. All too often it only became clear after the fact. No, the goddess had a reason for her visit. No, not Baranthaya specifically. Rather, keeping the differences in mind was a good guideline. After all, there was a reason it was a psalm. She realized she needed to be personally guarded against the temptation of seeking revenge instead of justice.
