Bard's Tale 04 - Holly Wood


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Rising up, he folded her in half, pinning her legs to the mattress and bracing himself on the backs of her thighs. Mindal's mind reeled as his thick, long shaft speared into her core. Bucking hard, his groin battered her clit as his hard bar of flesh parted her center.

Arching her back, Mindal held her breath as she exploded. Drifted in waves of rippling bliss as her pussy convulsed around his shaft as it pounded into her depths. A frantic gasp for air to fill her lungs. Then, just as the waves began to fade, he smashed into her clit again and another explosion destroyed her. Her hands of their own accord, dug into his butt, adding her own strength to his thunderous, ball-slapping excavation of her center.

Then he shoved hard, driving her down into the mattress, grunting as he pressed his cock as deep into her as he could reach. His shaft swelled and spewed hot sticky streams against her already pulsing cervix. As he coated her inner walls, her sex scooped up his seed and pulled it inside her womb. Another wave of bliss crashed through her body, leaving her senseless, heaving for air.

For long seconds they held themselves there, lost in the moment while their bodies consummated their union. Overwhelming sensation faded to pleasurable ripples within her loins, and Reison slowly exhaled, feeling the last drops of his seed being expelled into her welcoming depths.

He removed his hands from her thighs and she gingerly stretched. Slowly, she relaxed, her body humming with euphoria.

"Holy shit," she muttered.

"No, I'm positive I filled you with my sperm, Mindal."

Her eyes shot open, her face incredulous.

He looked where they were still joined. "Yep. That's semen leaking out."

Her eyes widened as she raised her hands into claws, moving for his ribs. "I can't believe you said that. Prepare to die, half-elf!"

"Mindal! Don't you--"

Laughter erupted as he wriggled against her hands. Then his hands found her ribs, and she yelped in return, then squeaked as his weight pressed her down.

Giggling and gasping, she cried out, "Okay, okay! I give!"

He lifted off of her, only to have her hands dart back in for another devastating attack.

"Mindal!" he growled, grabbing her wrists.

Grinning, she looked up at him, relishing the smile on his face as he held her down. "You've got me. What are you going to do with me?"

He chuckled. "I've just had you, and I will have you again, you naughty girl. You are my wife, Mindal, and I don't intend to ever let you go."

"I love you, Reison."

"I love you, too. Still not letting your hands go." The next moment, he was squeezed out.

"Oh, well," she said with a sigh.

He grabbed the comforter, tossing it over them both. Leaning in, he nuzzled her, brushing loose strands of hair from her face.

"The great thing about what you and I have, Mindal, it is we get to keep doing this. Over and over. For the rest of our lives."

"Yeah. That is awesome. We should get married or something. Oh, snap. Already did that. Whatever were you thinking, Reison? Not only do you get to it, it's now required." Snuggling into his arms, she asked, "So, what other instruments did you hear?"

"A kazoo?"


* * * * *

It was nearly dinner time when Tia and Tahna returned. They were tired, but had had a productive day. The driver and a couple of the busboys helped carry their goods upstairs.

Tia put the key in and opened the door.

Mindal stood by the dining table, stuffing the last pastry into her face. Glazed sugar smearing her cheeks. Naked. Her auburn hair a tangled halo about her face.

The priestess halted in the doorway, pulling it closed, blocking the others behind her from following into the room. "Best run for cover, Mindal! Door is opening in three seconds."

Mindal beat feet to the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Just as Tia started to open the door, a quite naked Reison strode out from the bathroom, his flaccid cock bouncing along and leading the way.

"Say, Mindal, would you mind saving one of those for me?" The half-elf stopped, then turned about, walking quickly back to the bathroom.

Tahna pushed her way to the front, nudging the door open. "Why did you stop?"

Tia smiled, moving aside to let the others enter the suite. "Just waiting for the mice to scatter."

"Oh. Showing you their birthday suits, were they?"

"Right the first time. Okay, those carrying food, set them down either on the dining table or on the counters in the kitchenette. The rest of the packages can go onto the coffee table or on the floor in front of the couch."

Tahna hurriedly set down her packages onto the dining table, then strode to the bathroom.

"Where are you going, Tahna?"

"Gotta pee," she explained.

The priestess grinned to herself, knowing their naked husband awaited her discovery.

The carriage driver cleared his throat. "If it's not too much trouble, Mother, I could stands to use the privy myself."

"That's sounds fair enough. Once my sister is out, of course."

As the inn staff exited their suite, Tia passed each of them three silver pennies for their help.

Standing near the bathroom door, the priestess called out, "Just to let you know, there's a line queuing up out here."

There was a short coughing. Then Tahna said, "We're hurrying!"

The driver looked puzzled, but then Reison exited, a towel wrapped around his waist, while Tahna washed her hands at the sink.

"Looking good, Husband," Tia said with a smirk.

He just nodded as he moved on by.

Tahna stood at the doorway. "That's the toilet," she explained to the driver. "Just put the lid back down when you're done."

"Yes, your ladyship." The door closed.

"Okay, Tahna. What did you do?"

"I emptied my bladder."

"And?" she prompted.

"I may have snickered at him a bit. I learned that dropping my pants gets a solid rise from his man bits. I was thinking about sucking his cock because I haven't done that with him yet, but all I got was a single lick before my sister rudely interrupted me."

Tahna's deadpan delivery caused them both to burst out laughing.

"I'm sure Reison will be happy to let you try again later. Probably as often as you want."

"I've no doubt about that," the monk agreed with a smirk.

There was another knock at the door. Both sisters went to answer it. Dinner had arrived. Tahna went into the bedroom to let the other two know, while Tia paid off the driver, then chatted with the incoming staff and checked out the food.

* * * * *

After dinner was finished and the dishes cleared away, both sisters agreed that since Mindal was going to be focused on sex because of the spell, that Tia and Tahna would go out together again.

Based on her own experience with Reison, both with herself and making observations about his time with her sisters, Tia learned there was a benefit from using more potent regenerate spells for the recovery of his sexual stamina. Regenerate light wounds allowed him to get hard right away, but it took more time for him to reach his peak. Regenerate moderate wounds seemed to be the minimum for his recovery if they wanted him to engage in sex almost right away, and then be able to perform again a couple of hours later.

There were, of course, stronger spells. There were regenerate serious wounds, regenerate critical wounds, and the most potent of all, regenerative heal. Tia hadn't used either of the two most advanced spells yet. While all seemed to allow him to become erect almost immediately after ejaculating, it seemed that the stronger the spell used, the faster Reison's recovery rate.

Tia sometimes felt guilty about using her divine gifts to enable Reison to perform like the equivalent of a human satyr. She had prayed on the matter, but had received no answers either for or against her actions.

While all three women were mentally older than they appeared, there was no getting around the fact that their bodies were young, they were in love, and both factors resulted in an eagerness to get laid. The priestess worried that such factors would eventually prove troublesome. Sharing Reison as their husband was so they could keep living together as a family. It would be a bitter reward if their sexual needs -- and access to their male partner -- drove a wedge between them. They did have the blessings of their goddesses, she reminded herself. Indeed, based on their dreamwalk experiences, Tia knew the Lawgiver had sent Reison to be their husband.

With a sigh, she decided that it might be a good idea to hang onto her box of dildos. And maybe help select one or two for Tahna, as she was quite sure Mindal had one already. Tahna herself had suggested that Mindal and Reison have more time alone to give them chances for her to become pregnant. Still, Tia noticed that Tahna longed for her own private time with him. As the older sister, Tia would make sure her sisters were seen to before she even considered her own wants.

Without ado, Tia and Tahna were in a gig headed across town to the theater. Both wore practical shoes, but in keeping with their notion of having time off from their church duties, both wore comfortable dresses and small wallets on their hips. Tahna kept her pair of sais tucked into her belt. She was deadly with her hands, but having something to deflect or counter steel weapons made things much easier than trying to dodge all the time. Sometimes there was no place to dodge to.

As the streets rolled by, Tahna held up a silver penny. "For your thoughts?"

Tia chuckled. "You think they are worth that much?"

"You're my big sister. Big ideas are your forte."

Tia shook her head and Tahna put the coin back into her wallet.

"You have your own sort of brilliance, Tahna. Not the same as mine, of course. But there are things you know and can do that leave me in the dust. I should ask, rather, how you are holding up."

The monk shrugged. "I'm hanging in there. And I can't wait to crawl in next to him tonight when we get home. I love sleeping next to him. Yet I feel so terribly guilty about it."

"Whatever for? You love him. It's completely understandable."

"Because Mindal and I hog him at night. You haven't said anything, letting him sleep between us."

"Both of you need it more. Once the idea that he's really here to stay with us settles in, I'll get my own time with him. Besides, I don't mind sleeping next to you, Tahna."

"I've been selfish and I know it, but I can't seem to help it. I need him. I want you to know that I appreciate what you've done and still do for us."

Sighing dramatically, Tia put the back of her wrist to her forehead. "I know, I know. It's thankless and never-ending task, but someone must do it!"

"And then you say things like that."

They held their peace for nearly five seconds before erupting in laughter. Tia put her arm around her sister and both enjoyed the closeness.

"What are we going to see?" the monk asked.


"We've seen it before. It's overrated."

"Yes, we have seen it before. But that was more than forty years ago, dear sister. Beside, I got us balcony seats. They're supposed to be plushy and comfortable theater seating."

Despite Tahna's reservations, the seats were decent and both found the play at least distracting if not entertaining. Both were pleased to see that the play was not done in traditional Hellene form, where all the parts were performed by male actors, even those parts depicting women; rather there were obvious actresses playing the female roles.

During the play, vendors would quietly patrol the aisles, offering food and drink for sale. Those in balcony seats, however, often had servants, and there were dedicated vendors behind a counter in the more privileged upper floors, with better quality refreshments for sale.

About the time the women were barricaded in the Acropolis, Tahna began to smell fresh coffee. The old men gathered to burn out the rebellious young women from the temple. Just in time, the old women arrived in support of the younger women, carrying buckets of cold water which put out the fires, doused the old men, and dampened their interest in continuing the war.

Curious, Tahna turned around. She could have sworn people had been seated behind them, but the seats were empty. People passing quietly by were visible through the half-drawn curtains in the walkway beyond, but there was no one else in their section. More strange, however, were two food boxes on a nearby seat within easy reach. And the names Tahna and Tia were written on the boxes in Ba'lorian script. Below that was the phrase, "Doggie Fixin's - Takeaway Box for the Best Grilled Cheese on the Highway!"

Heart pumping madly, Tahna silently gave a prayer of thanks before passing Tia's box to her.

Startled, the priestess whispered, "When did you get this? I didn't see you leave."

Not answering, the monk carefully lifted the lid. Inside was a covered paper cup in a holder. Next to it was a large sandwich, which appeared to be toasted rye bread. Melted cheese, two dill pickle spears, and three large black olives. A few paper napkins. On the inside lid appeared to be a menu checklist. The selection noted rye as selected, and mayonnaise with Parmesan and Provolone cheeses. The coffee apparently was medium-roast, decaffeinated, and mocha flavored.

"What did you get?" Tahna whispered, curious.

"Hmm. It says Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, and stone-ground mustard on toasted pumpernickel bread. Mmm. That's really good. Oh, and it's chamomile tea. That's perfect! Thank you, Tahna."

The monk made a noncommital noise. As she slowly ate the sandwich, which she readily admitted was wonderful, she pondered the dangers of ascribing any significance to the gift. In the darkness of the theater, Tia had probably missed the writing on the box. Had she known, she would have agreed that it was best to accept and eat the meal and leave it at that.

* * * * *

"So was there a special significance for the boxes you left them?" asked the goddess Au Set. Next to the Kemetic mother deity sat the Hellene warrior goddess, Athena.

Rena shook her head. "Nope. Just did it because I thought they'd enjoy it. Besides, it keeps them guessing about me." Rena poured a red wine into four glasses, passing the first glass to Brigit, who sat next to her.

The Irish goddess had no idea where they were, but was content to let her friend lead the way. It felt good not to be afraid all the time.

"Here you go, Athena. Au Set."

The Hellene woman brushed back her dark locks from her face, leaning forward to accept her glass. "To what shall we toast?"

"How about to friendship?" Rena replied. "May we continue to find common cause, may our followers prosper, and our names continue to be remembered with love and devotion down through the annals of time."

"Hear, hear!"

All four goddesses drank the wine, emptying their glasses. Rena refilled them.

"Hmm. This is good. What is it?" Au Set asked.

"It's a merlot made from Marion berries."

Athena nodded as she looked at her drink. "Fruity and slightly sweet without being cloying. I approve."

"So, this is a limo?" Au Set asked, glancing over the plush leather seats and chrome edging. Outside the windows, neon lights flickered as the vehicle moved.

"Yes, where are we?" Athena asked. "And when? The directions you gave were clear enough, but you were lacking on details."

"Yes, it's a limousine, or limo for short. Today is January 16, 2018. And we're in NOLA. Partly cloudy, with a high of fifty-nine degrees Fahrenheit, or fifteen centigrade, as most of the rest of this world counts things these days. We're going to an indoor music concert, so the weather isn't terribly important, though I daresay wet dresses will only increase the sizzle-factor of every one of us here. Afterwards, we'll go do some dancing."

"Where is this Nola?" Au Set took another sip of her wine.

Brigit eagerly explained, "It's short for New Orleans, Louisiana. In the United States." Then she turned to Rena. "Who's playing at this concert?"

"The Moody Blues," she answered. "Ray Thomas and Mike Pinder are gone at this point in time. But Graeme Edge, John Lodge, and Justin Hayward are still going strong."

"Ooh, I recall them!" Athena exclaimed in delight. "I quite liked Nights in White Satin. Do you think they will play that song?"

"I should think so. Rena, aren't they getting on?" Brigit asked. "I know Justin can still hit the high notes, but wouldn't it be better to catch them when they were all playing together?"

"A bard is a bard," she said. "While Justin might not be able to cast actual spells, he still has a fine voice. Then after the show, I thought we'd go to London. Maybe to the Ministry of Sound or to Electric Brixton, or perhaps to Studio 338."

"Oh, Studio 338 has that terrace where you can sit and eat!" Athena nodded in approval. "This trip has the makings of a terrific party!"

Au Set leaned forward, squinting in the shadowy light. "Rena? Is that a black eye? Whom did that to you?"

Athena peered at the wind goddess, seeking her own verification in the dim light. "Someone actually managed to tag you?"

Rena and Brigit both quieted. Their hostess nodded. "Yes. It's a black eye."

The Irish woman started to withdraw into herself, her earlier exuberance gone, but her friend was having none of it. She put her arm around Brigit and tucked her into the crook of her arm.

"What happened?" the Kemetic woman asked. "And who would dare?"

Rena kissed Brigit's temple, holding her close.

"My husband, Bres, did it," the redhead admitted. Then exhaled. "He was aiming for me."

The demeanor of the other two women darkened considerably.

"If any man touched me like that," Athena avowed, "I'd plant my spear up his fecking arse."

Rena grinned at her. "Athena! You've been watching Father Jack on the telly I gave you, haven't you."

Blushing furiously, she said, "Maybe."

"Don't change the subject!" Au Set demanded. Looking at Brigit, her gaze softened. "Sister, please tell us what goes on."

"Go on, Brigit," Rena urged.

"Mine is a political marriage, only meant to keep the peace between the Tuatha and the Formorians. Bres is callus and cruel. There is no love between us. To others I live appropriate to my station as queen, but never a day passes without him delivering some cutting insult to me.

"Behind closed doors, I am treated worse than a slave. My husband calls me that foreign whore barely fit for breeding. Bres has a terrible temper, but he is careful not to hit my face so as to reveal his baseness to my kinsmen, and as he is king, I am forbidden from mentioning it to anyone. Bres ruts like an animal, entering me dry, and he hits me during the act. He prefers cries of pain to those of my pleasure, and the blows force me to clench upon his vile rod. My breeding was agony, but I endured and gave him a son for his heir.

"And my son . . . " Her breath hitched, then she slowly let the air out, deliberately calming herself. "My husband taught Ruadán, my own son, to bite me while nursing so that he had blood with his milk. Bres has poisoned my child against me and my people. I hate the man and loathe my own child, for he's learned to treat women like his accursed father does. If my kinsmen were to learn these things, it would be a return to war."

Rena ran her hands over Brigit's back to calm her friend down. A difficult part of being abused is being seen as weak or helpless, even by those who would offer aid. Because her marriage kept the peace between near-equally matched Powers, the redhead was trapped.

The black eyes of the Kemetic woman flashed. Marriage was one of her spheres of interest. "Disturbing and despicable acts indeed. Husbands and wives are supposed to worship each other, to act as true companions and helpmeets. Your plight, Brigit, does move me to aid your cause. But that still does not answer as to how Rena took a blow."
