Bard's Tale 05 - Bk 02 - Westward Ho


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To his surprise, Reison discovered there were a lot of men in the baths.

During his time at the Ba'lorian temple, he'd experienced mixed bathing but understood that Lord Goodfellow and many of the people in the manor were Hellenes, and sexually segregated communal baths were a cultural thing. Knowing the men chatted while bathing, he could see its usefulness for men to talk together and talk politics. Being newly married, however, he preferred washing up with one or more of his wives. But he could adjust.

Somewhat at a loss, because it was his first time in the manor house, the young half-elf looked around for clues as to what to do.

Jannon Fisher saw his difficulty and called out to him. "Just set your things on the bench and grab a bar of soap and washcloth from the basket on the table. Clean towels are underneath."

"Uh... thanks!"

Quickly stripping, Reison grabbed a bar and a fresh washcloth and stepped down into the hot water. Another surprise was the water slowly moved from left to right. He wondered if there were some underwater pressure jets like at the temple. The jets were fun when muscles ached, and a lot of bathers seemed to enjoy mixing getting clean, and using the water jets to relieve some stress. Some of the women at the temple had a game of it, trying to rub one out as quietly and with as little movement as possible.

He watched the guard captain dry himself as he got out. "They have a simple system here. Bars of soap are cleaned and wrapped in paper for the next user by one of the local acolytes. Wet towels go into that bin by the exit. A servant comes by pushing a cart with a large magical laundry box. Wet towels go in, and dry, clean, and fresh-smelling folded towels come out. I think they store the cart in the women's bath. See you at dinner."

"You'll be there, too?" Reison asked. He had no idea what the protocols were. Did guard captains usually eat with their lords and ladies?

Pausing, Jannon nodded. "Her ladyship doesn't want to arrive at dinner tonight without a dinner partner. It might send the wrong message to her aunt and uncle. I'm privileged that Lady Anya considers that we're good friends. According to her, I'm a safe date."

Reison paused in his washing. "Wrong message?"

"Some people think someone being single is a tragedy, especially if it's a woman, and even more especially if they're kin. There was some pressure on her ladyship to wed and have more children back in the duchy before she left. If I'm there as her escort, there may be some gossip about what my presence at dinner tonight will mean, but it helps deflect matchmaking efforts with a suitable suitor."

Nodding, the half-elf smiled. "Thank you for explaining that. City of the Suns is the first big city I've ever been in. I've been getting slowly schooled on just how huge a family the Landers and Moramorian families are."

"You appear at ease with a weapon. That's what is really important," Jannon remarked.

"Two and a half years with the Border Scouts. However, I'm no expert by any means."

Jannon walked over to his pile of clothing, slipping his own weapon belt over his shoulder. "You did well enough to impress three women, and those three aren't fresh off the farm. In fact, they have a reputation for being pretty discerning. They shared their thoughts with the duchess and others at court. Do you love them?"

Startled, Reison wasn't sure of the captain's intention, but cautious, he answered truthfully. "Yes, I do."

"You may find people talking badly about you behind your back because they are jealous. Most of it will be petty stuff, but there may be more. When you reach the capital, there will be inquiries and perhaps even feigned outrage about who you are because you are an unknown suddenly married to three powerhouses. That's true, especially with Mother Tia. She has the ear of the duchess, the head of Tildor's church, and that of the queen herself. Mother Tia's twin sister is Chief Magistrate on the Queen's Bench, and I'm told that even as an elderly woman, she is quite hale and retains a very sharp mind. Are you beginning to understand the mess you walked into?"

Reison narrowed his gaze at Jannon standing above him at the water's edge. "I don't see it as a mess at all. I will deal with whatever comes my way. I am their husband. They are my wives. I love them and they love me. Anything else you might say won't change that one whit."

"I'm not trying to--"

"Aren't you?" the young half-elf snapped, narrowing his gaze.

Jannon shook his head. "You misunderstood my intent. I truly meant nothing disrespectful. Rather, I was letting you know that while some will act from jealousy, others will inquire because they care a lot about these three women. You've charmed the duchess and she's damned difficult to fool. Indeed, the opinion of the duchess has already been at work soothing those worried that you are simply an opportunist and have somehow duped all three women. Lady Anya herself is astute, and she takes her mother's opinions very seriously. More, she has seen how you interact with your wives. I daresay she's become your ally. My primary interest is to protect her ladyship and her daughter -- with my life if need be. I have no interest in harming you or your relationship with them."

Reison slowly exhaled. "I will readily admit that I have a lot to learn yet, but I will do everything in my power to keep my wives safe."

"Lord Whisper Wind--"

"Don't!" He shook his head, then smiled to take the sting out of his objection. "That's my father. My name's Reison."

The captain tilted his head. "Mine's Jannon. Our goals are compatible. I'd prefer it if we got along. If I hear anything untoward about you and your impressive ladies, I'll pass it along to you while discouraging it's spread."

Thinking of his mother's meltdown, Reison appreciated the guard captain's efforts, realizing the man could have remained silent. "I can work with that. And though I can't imagine anyone saying anything mean or disrespectful about your ladyship, I'll do the same. No offense?"

"None taken," the older man replied with a grin. "See you at dinner?"

Beginning his wash, Reison smiled. "I look forward to it."

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Part 4 -- Dinner Party

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An hour later found everyone seated in the Great Hall of the manor, with Lady Anya's party and the Whisper Winds seated with the Goodfellow family at the main table. All of the travelers were honored guests.

At their insistence, Reison sat with Mindal on his left and Tia on his right; Tahna was furthest, sitting on Tia's right.

Last to arrive at the table were the lord and lady of the manor. She was very attentive and gentle with getting him into his chair.

Reison recognized the young woman who earlier had steadied the old man as they descended the wide staircase. He'd been warned ahead of time that she aged as an elf, but it was a bit disconcerting to realize she was his wife. It flashed to him that one day it might be him as the much younger partner helping three aged women get around. More, it gave the young half-elf some insight into his high elf father; Urthel was over three hundred when he married his human wife. How the years must be passing for him!

Once seated, their hosts, Antumus and Natasha Goodfellow, greeted their niece, Lady Anya, and were introduced to Dalyanni, and it was commented on how much she'd grown, for when she'd last visited, the young girl had been in swaddling blankets, a mere few months after her birth in City of the Suns.

Lord Eshan Sabre was warmly greeted, and the health of his father politely inquired after. "He is well. Thank you for asking."

Captain Fisher was greeted and Lieutenant Jaima Starshine inquired after. The junior officer in question stood up and bowed briefly from her place at a nearby table for the men-at-arms and servants that filled the manor. It was explained that right after the meal, the lieutenant had duties to perform.

Likewise, Tia, Tahna, and Mindal, too, were also greeted warmly.

At a gesture from Lady Natasha as soon as they were seated, a dozen servants swarmed about, pouring drinks and serving the first course.

Natasha announced in High Elven, "Being as some of our guests do not speak Greek or Ba'lorian, for this evening meal, we will speak Elven."

The old man, Antumus Goodfellow, a retired paladin of Zeus, looked at Reison. "And who might you be, ensconced amidst such beauties as the Landers sisters?"

As First Wife, Tia started to answer, but Mindal jumped right in with her exclamation, "This is my husband, Reison Whisper Wind! I love him so much!"

"Well, congratulations, young man!" Lord Antumus declared, beaming at them both.

Tia cleared her throat, glancing at her youngest sister. "Reison is the head of our family, and we are all very much still newlyweds. I'm Reison's First Wife."

"Oh? Indeed." The old man raised his eyebrows.

Tahna added crisply, "I am proud to say that I am also Mrs. Whisper Wind."

Mortified, Mindal's eyes grew wide, realizing what she'd done to her sisters.

Reison understood the plural marriage was a bit sticky for their host, but he was being polite and accepting about the matter. What he wasn't sure about was the sudden tension between his wives. He understood that Mindal had claimed him as hers alone, but Tia and Mindal had just as quickly corrected the misstep.

Lord Antumus gave all four a steady gaze. "All three of you share this young man here?"

Lady Natasha turned to her husband. "Duchess Dianne did write to us about our friends, telling us she was overjoyed for their happiness. It was in the same letter that told us to expect our niece to visit."

"Now that you mention it, I do seem to recall something about that. Ladies and young sir, if I unintentionally conveyed anything but my best wishes for your marital happiness, I offer my humble and sincere apologies. I have been very happy with my marriage to my darling Natasha here, yet I have the greatest respect for her late father and his two wives. Marriage to a good woman is a man's worthiest aim because he makes at least two people happy. I have been blessed with three wonderful children and they in turn have produced some very fine grandchildren. Mother Tia, will this affect your usual visits to us?"

"Unfortunately, we regret that's probably the case," Tia said. "We have some issues to attend at the capital, and after that, we plan on building a home. But if Tahna and I don't visit, I will make sure there is someone of sufficient skill to provide the necessary healing for everyone here."

"I'm so sorry," Mindal whispered.

Speaking in French, Tia quietly whispered back, "We will discuss this together later tonight." Switching back to High Elven, she added more loudly, "Mistakes happen. What do you say, Mindal? Our wonderful hosts have prepared a real feast for us to enjoy. Let's say we show our appreciation and enjoy our meal and the fine company gathered with us."

The bard nodded gratefully.

Reison's first lesson, of course, was to use the utensils from the outside of the charging plate and work his way inward as each course arrived.

The rest of the meal was equally instructive for the simple fact of experiencing it. He'd never had a twelve-course meal before, much less imagined that he ever would. Some of the selections had special names -- which Tia quietly explained were simply made fancier by being French words to identify the specific course. The big family meal with Colonel Weaver and her family had only been four courses, and he'd thought that fancy. Then he'd twice enjoyed six-course meals as a guest with Tia and the duchess and some of the latter's personal staff.

He did his best to watch what Tia and Mindal were doing.

As the huge meal proceeded, Tia quietly and quickly explained each one to him. The first dish was called an hors d'oeuvre, consisting of a few slices of fried zucchini with a marinara dipping sauce. The next serving, known as amuse-bouche or 'mouth delight', consisting of small slices of sweet potato with melted feta cheese. A small bowl of squash and sage soup was next. The appetizer was a small plate of candied carrots sprinkled with cumin and saffron, followed by a Greek salad of olives, sliced peppers, and more feta cheese.

The first meat dish was a small serving of tender cooked trout with the options of a dill sauce or apple cider vinegar. Next was the first main course of seared beef with breaded mushrooms and baby potatoes. As he finished the last delicious bite, Reison was relieved to discover the next course, the palate cleanser was simply a glass of lemon water that everyone slowly sipped while they briefly paused during the meal.

This was followed by the second main course -- slow-cooked pork shoulder with chopped carrots and celery and flavored with rosemary. The meat was so tender it fell apart with a fork. Reison's problem was that he was full. He doubted he could get down another bite.

From the smiles some of the others wore and their frequent glances in his direction, Reison worried the others were quietly laughing at him.

Perhaps sensing his mood, Lady Natasha quickly corrected that notion. "Goodman Whisper Wind, you are among friends here. This meal is presented as much for our niece Anya and her daughter as it is for you and your wives. Everyone masters a new skill from the beginning. Your fascination and delight with some of the dishes have brought a fresh appreciation to our meal, a recognition if you will, that even here on the edge of the wilderness, we can appreciate the culinary skill of talented chefs. That even in a humble country estate, we can appreciate the finer things of civilization."

"Hear, hear," added Lord Antumus, raising his glass to drink of the white wine while giving his wife a wink.

Goodman was a polite term of address for someone whose status was unclear.

Realizing her husband's predicament, Tia told him, "If you're full, at least take a small bite as a sign of respect to our hosts. No need to take your own plate. You may share from mine."

Grateful, he just nodded, wishing he could digest faster. It was with a sense of relief that he felt a light touch on his back, and the stress of an overfull stomach eased. He appreciated Tia's consideration. He whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?" Tia murmured in return.

"Helping with being overfull?"

"Not me," she told him.

He mentally thought, Thank you, whoever helped me.

Taking her fork, Tia scooped up a bite of the tender, flavor-filled pork and fed it to him.

"That's really good," he admitted, then kissed her cheek.

The priestess had enjoyed the sharing aspect even before his kiss.

After the second main course was the cheese portion. With a nod to Mindal, Tia quietly said, "Your turn."

Mindal knew she'd really messed up while introducing him, forcing her sisters to clarify that Reison was not solely hers alone but that he was shared. This wasn't her first formal dinner, yet she had acted like a beginner. Given a chance to participate as an equal wife and help their husband make it through without embarrassing himself, the bard focused on her task. It helped her keep from bawling in gratitude to her big sister. Under her husband's watchful eye, she prepared a single cracker, cutting it in half, setting atop one side a thin wedge of brie and the other with Edom cheese.

Dutifully, he munched down each piece. "Thank you."

As he had with Tia, he kissed Mindal's cheek again after swallowing the second half of the cracker. She flushed with delight.

Tahna was overjoyed when she realized she would get to share the main dessert with him. When the servers set out the plates, the diners discovered a slice of chocolate cheesecake, a large sliced strawberry arrayed as a garnish, and both of them topped by a dribbled line of white chocolate.

Tia leaned back as the fork with the dessert was passed. As he took the treat from her fork, the flavors flooded his mouth. He passed back the fork and Tahna smiled at him as she finished her sweet confection. Seeing the lord and lady watching the entire exchange pleased the warrior monk almost as much as her husband's romantic gesture.

The final course was the mignardise, literally 'precious.' The offering was a warm scone with peach filling and a choice of coffee or tea. Tia split hers in half with Reison. While he had black tea, she had her usual chamomile served piping hot.

Lesson learned, Reison resolved in the future to eat much smaller portions. Still, he'd been amazed by the variety of flavors and texture of the many foods as well as the sheer work in preparing so many different dishes. Hand over his bloated stomach, he joined the others at the main table in their praise for the manor's culinary staff and their servers while he quietly sighed with relief.

Lord Antumus gestured, and his personal attendant produced a small box, and each of the servers received a silver piece. The head server was given eleven silvers, to which he assured his lordship that the funds would be distributed to the kitchen staff.

Then the server came around the table, bowing to Tia. "Chef Jeanette wishes to thank you for the spices you gifted her with upon your arrival. Mother Tia, she is also anxious to know your thoughts on the meal."

Gently touching his shoulder, Tia smiled. "Chef Jeanette is most welcome. Please tell her that the meal this evening was perfection itself. Every course was selected and prepared with obvious care and expertise. The ingredients were fresh and tasty, and the proportions were perfectly blended. Chef Jeanette has surpassed my own meager skills in the kitchen, and it has been an honor to dine here this evening at the table of our gracious hosts. Jeanette brings credit to them and herself."

Reison saw the gratitude in the man's eyes. Grinning, he gave Tia a nod. "I will tell her, Mother Tia."

Walking quickly, he departed the Main Hall.

Suddenly noticing the quiet behind him, Reison saw that the other diners had not only finished their meal, but they had also departed for the evening as servants cleaned the other dining tables. The only others remaining were their own servers and the household guards on duty.

Natasha gave Tia an arch look. "She's going to be in tears with joy for days if not weeks. Jeanette loves cooking for us but she lives on the words you bestow upon her."

Tia shrugged, then explained to Reison, "Some years ago, I and a few other priests interviewed some of the very poor residing in the capital, and started a test program. I taught a dozen how to cook from start to finish. With their new skill, their lives were improved. Five students had dedication and talent, so I spent some months and taught them more advanced skills. Jeanette came here. Margaret found a position with Duchess Dianne. Martin is a Sous Chef for the queen. Bernard and Angus work at upper-scale inns in the capital. I thought the project worthwhile, but the following year I was called to attend other tasks, and sadly the project foundered and was discontinued."

"You made a real difference in the lives of all your students," he commented. He gazed at her a moment, then added. "You enjoyed teaching them."

One of the things that she loved about her husband was how he sometimes understood her. The way those blue eyes of his looked at her, seeing so deeply into her heart.

Taking his hand in hers, she gave it a kiss and him a heartfelt smile. "Yes. Yes, I did."

The dinner party discussed retiring to the drawing-room when Tia's former student arrived. Jeanette, a middle-aged woman with a few pounds too many yet still spry on her feet, had light brown hair and darker brown eyes, rounded cheeks, and a ready smile. Taking off her cooking cap, she waited at the edge until Lord Antumus gestured for her to approach. Her face was a riot of emotions as she stood before Tia.
